Just wondering what your trying to do?
If you want to see a specific setup just load it into TripleA.
Will the chips be the same as 1942 2nd edition?
We have heard that they will be based on testimony from someone at GenCon that won a copy.
any idea of when you’re going to do the previews? and I would like the following questions answered when you do the previews. Do the color of the boards match (ocean color mainly), do the chips work with older games, like '42.2 or are they like the old G40 chips,
They are like the old chips.
I thought I would have time to work on this today but it didn’t happen. I’m probably going to start with the map.
Besides Krieghund, who is a rules expert and not bound by non-disclosure agreements?
I’m not going to be able to pick out the nuances of the rules changes so I’d rather somebody else work on it. I can send photos of the rulebook as long as our rules expert agrees not to send it out to anybody else. As soon as the game is released, I’ll try to get good and real soft copies of the rule book.
I’m good enough on rules to spot the differences between the first and second editions, and unbound by non-disclosure agreements.
I’ve also got some time on my hands over the next couple of days, so I’ll volunteer to write it up.
Sound good?
I just want to know if there are any rule changes, I have spent my share in A&A products, and I will be very upset if they purposely changed something that would make my old board obsolete.
Is that a pound sign BulwFi? You are not in England are you?
I am only buying Europe and should be able to pass my old one on to a friend for half what I paid for it. Am not as bothered about the Pacific, being half English and half Italian.
My copies of Pacific and Europe cost me £70 pound each so i assumed the 2nd edition would be the same and prices rarely fall these days, but almost always go up.
Not England btw, Ireland.
I see. There are 5 of us in England using the forum at the moment. I cannot play with them as I work evenings.
I will buy 2nd Edition Europe as I want Italy(am half Italian).
Yea some new Italian models i think, although can you not order just the Italian units some how??
I wonder how many changes have taken place…
Sooner the better please.
Still no news?
All bad Noll: The Rebels are marching on London, their numbers growing all the time, the French have landed in Kent and our allies have deserted us. As for the Welsh, who knows!
Think DJensen has been busy.
@Bulwfi: I refuse to pay an unknown Import Tax bill ordering from the US.
I got stung with an extra £20 on top of my delivery charges last month. Very annoyed.
Would love some of FMG or HBG’s sculpts.
No bomber for russia = don’t care. Russia needs to be less boring for this game to be playable.
Maybe better NOs for russia would solve the problem.
No bomber for russia = don’t care. Russia needs to be less boring for this game to be playable.
Maybe better NOs for russia would solve the problem.
Cow spamming boards begging for a Russian bomber counter: #61
Cow’s IRL picture:
That is not fair Noll. You know our American cousins are only just waking up.
I couldn’t face that face before breakfast!
so where are we with the preview?
I don’t know Karl, but you live in his hood.
GO over to his house and make it happen!
Edit: djensen, please PM me the new rulebooks so I can get on with the preview, or I’ll keep torturing this Cow! (apologies to National Lampoon)