@thinrich83 Yes.
The 1940 Global Setup Economics
The statistics below are not yet accurate… this chart is still under construction.
Infantry X36=$108
Artillery X8=$32
Mech Infantry X4=$16
Tank X9=$54
Fighter X5=$50
Tac Bomber X5=$55
Strat Bomber X2=$24
Transport X1=$7
Submarine X5=$30
Destroyer X0=$0
Cruiser X1=$12
AC Carrier X0=$0
Battleship X1=$20
AA Gun X6=$30
Air Base X1=$15
Naval Base X1=$15
Minor IC X0=$0
Major IC X2=$60Total=$513
National Objectives X10=$41
Infantry X45=$135
Artillery X3=$12
Mech Infantry X2=$8
Tank X2=$12
Fighter X2=$20
Tac Bomber X1=$11
Strat Bomber X0=$0
Transport X0=$0
Submarine X2=$12
Destroyer X0=$0
Cruiser X1=$12
AC Carrier X0=$0
Battleship X0=$0
AA Gun X4=$16
Air Base X2=$30
Naval Base X1=$15
Minor IC X3=$36
Major IC X1=$30Total=$349
National Objectives X3=$15+? (Spread of Communism)
Infantry X36=$108
Artillery X8=$32
Mech Infantry X1=$4
Tank X1=$6
Fighter X11=$110
Tac Bomber X8=$88
Strat Bomber X2=$24
Transport X3=$21
Submarine X2=$12
Destroyer X4=$32
Cruiser X2=$24
AC Carrier X3=$48
Battleship X2=$40
AA Gun X5=$25
Air Base X2=$30
Naval Base X2=$30
Minor IC X0=$0
Major IC X1=$30Total=$634
National Objectives X7=$40
Infantry X8=$24
Artillery X2=$8
Mech Infantry X4=$16
Tank X1=$6
Fighter X6=$60
Tac Bomber X1=$11
Strat Bomber X1=$12
Transport X3=$21
Submarine X2=$12
Destroyer X3=$24
Cruiser X3=$36
AC Carrier X1=$16
Battleship X1=$20
AA Gun X4=$20
Air Base X7=$105
Naval Base X4=$60
Minor IC X3=$36
Major IC X0=$0Total=$487
National Objectives X5=$30
Infantry X17=$51
Artillery X0=$0
Mech Infantry X0=$0
Tank X0=$0
Fighter X1=$10
Tac Bomber X0=$0
Strat Bomber X0=$0
Transport X0=$0
Submarine X0=$0
Destroyer X0=$0
Cruiser X0=$0
AC Carrier X0=$0
Battleship X0=$0
AA Gun X0=$0
Air Base X0=$0
Naval Base X0=$0
Minor IC X0=$0
Major IC X0=$0Total=$61
National Objectives X1=$6
Infantry X27=$81
Artillery X5=$20
Mech Infantry X2=$8
Tank X3=$18
Fighter X6=$60
Tac Bomber X2=$22
Strat Bomber X1=$12
Transport X4=$28
Submarine X0=$0
Destroyer X6=$48
Cruiser X5=$60
AC Carrier X1=$16
Battleship X3=$60
AA Gun X9=$45
Air Base X4=$60
Naval Base X8=$120
Minor IC X2=$24
Major IC X2=$60Total=$742
National Objectives X2=$10
Infantry X17=$51
Artillery X5=$20
Mech Infantry X1=$4
Tank X3=$18
Fighter X2=$20
Tac Bomber X0=$0
Strat Bomber X1=$12
Transport X3=$21
Submarine X1=$6
Destroyer X2=$16
Cruiser X2=$24
AC Carrier X0=$0
Battleship X1=$0
AA Gun X4=$20
Air Base X1=$15
Naval Base X1=$15
Minor IC X1=$12
Major IC X1=$30Total=$284
National Objectives X6=$21
Infantry X7=$21
Artillery X1=$4
Mech Infantry X0=$0
Tank X0=$0
Fighter X3=$30
Tac Bomber X0=$0
Strat Bomber X0=$0
Transport X1=$7
Submarine X0=$0
Destroyer X1=$8
Cruiser X1=$12
AC Carrier X0=$0
Battleship X0=$0
AA Gun X2=$10
Air Base X2=$30
Naval Base X3=$45
Minor IC X1=$12
Major IC X0=$0Total=$179
National Objectives X2=$10
Infantry X15=$45
Artillery X3=$12
Mech Infantry X0=$0
Tank X1=$6
Fighter X2=$20
Tac Bomber X0=$0
Strat Bomber X0=$0
Transport X0=$0
Submarine X0=$0
Destroyer X2=$16
Cruiser X2=$24
AC Carrier X0=$0
Battleship X0=$0
AA Gun X1=$5
Air Base X1=$15
Naval Base X2=$30
Minor IC X2=$24
Major IC X1=$30Total=$227
National Objectives X1=$12
I remember seeing somewhere that the Axis had around 1386 IPCs total or somthing
And the allies had 1988 IPCs
Recalling from memory here:
Allies start with 263 units
Axis start with 196 unitsTotal Production of allies was:
176 IPCs
and the Axis had 66 -
Can’t access it now, but TripleA tabulates total units and value.
Can’t access it now, but TripleA tabulates total units and value.
Well when you do, mind posting the economics for every A&A?
I remember seeing somewhere that the Axis had around 1386 IPCs total or somthing
And the allies had 1988 IPCs
Recalling from memory here:
Allies start with 263 units
Axis start with 196 unitsTotal Production of allies was:
176 IPCs
and the Axis had 66We will see if my math is equal when I finish it tonight, do you remember if facilities were included?
I remember seeing somewhere that the Axis had around 1386 IPCs total or somthing
And the allies had 1988 IPCs
Recalling from memory here:
Allies start with 263 units
Axis start with 196 unitsTotal Production of allies was:
176 IPCs
and the Axis had 66We will see if my math is equal when I finish it tonight, do you remember if facilities were included?
I would imagine so.
Still, kinda strange how people say its always the Allies catching up. Even when its the allies with more units.
-IPCs (almost 3-fold)
-Nations etc -
Germany: 87 @ 528
USSR: 71 @ 363 (lotsa infantry)
Japan: 94 @ 677
USA: 54 @487 (heavily inflated by facilities, especially in the Pacific)
China: 18 @ 61
UK (total, for some reason AAA does not divide the units properly amongst Europe & Pacific): 91 @ 755
Italy: 46 @ 304
ANZAC: 23 @ 182
France: 32 @ 227 (too bad it’s possible they could be left with seven or eight by the time it’s their turn)Axis: 227 @ 1499
Allies: 289 @ 2072This includes facilities.
Um, i may sound stupid but.
Mind telling me what the X @ X is. (which ones IPCs or whatever)
And a question. Which version is that chart from? (alpha +3, +2 etc)
Germany: 87 @ 528
USSR: 71 @ 363 (lotsa infantry)
Japan: 94 @ 677
USA: 54 @487 (heavily inflated by facilities, especially in the Pacific)
China: 18 @ 61
UK (total, for some reason AAA does not divide the units properly amongst Europe & Pacific): 91 @ 755
Italy: 46 @ 304
ANZAC: 23 @ 182
France: 32 @ 227 (too bad it’s possible they could be left with seven or eight by the time it’s their turn)Axis: 227 @ 1499
Allies: 289 @ 2072This includes facilities.
I’ve got the US, ANZAC, China and France right, but I’ll have to double check my math again for the rest.
Young Grasshopper,
I don’t think you can count the “peace” NOs for Germany and Japan since they are in opposition to their wartime NOs and thus they could never collect both at the same time.
Peacetime : $5 when not at war with the Soviet Union - represents trade of wheat and oil from the USSR.
War time: $5 each for German control of Leningrad, Moscow and Stalingrad. $5 for Axis control of the Caucasus. These are ALL in the Soviet Union. Germany must be at war with the Soviet Union to obtain them. Thus they could not collect the “peace with Russia” NO so it shouldn’t be included.
Germany should be 9 NOs for $36.
Peacetime: $10 for not occupying French Indo China, not being at war with the United States and not declaring an unprovoked DOW against the UK and/or ANZAC.
War time: $5 for Axis control of Midway, Wake, Guam, Gilbert and Solomon Islands. $5 each for Axis control of Honolulu and San Francisco. These NOs mean Japan HAS to be at war with the United States. Thus they can not collect on the French Indo China NO.
Japan should be 6 NOs for $30.ALSO a few corrections:
ANZAC has 8 infantry, not 7.
Italy has 1 Battleship for $20, making their total $304
UK has 7 fighters, not 6
Japan has 37 infantry, not 36
USSR has 6 AA guns, not 4 -
I would imagine so.
Still, kinda strange how people say its always the Allies catching up. Even when its the allies with more units.
-IPCs (almost 3-fold)
-Nations etcIt might make more sense if you look at it this way. For totals I have included fighting units, facilities and all for each country.
Total Units: Axis = 227, Allies = 289
Total IPC value: Axis = 1499, Allies = 2072
So it would appear that the Allies would outmatch the Axis. However, look at the territories controlled by each side.
Total Territories: Axis = 35, Allies = 175
This comes down to an average of units per territory: Axis = 6.49, Allies = 1.65
Or an average of IPC value of units per territory: Axis = 42.83, Allies = 11.84
You could even cut it down to territories with an IPC value, but it just gets worse for the Allies.
Total Territories with an IPC value: Axis = 26, Allies = 96
Average Units per territory: Axis = 8.73, Allies = 3.01
Average IPC value of units: Axis = 57.65, Allies = 21.58So you see, while the Allies do actually start out with more units and more IPC value of units, they have much more territory to protect and are way spread out. The Axis on the other hand has all of their units concentrated in smaller areas for much more of a punch on attacks. So I guess the idea of the Allies having to “catch up” to the Axis would be their ability to concentrate their forces and get more of a punch against the Axis before they manage to capture too much.
I would imagine so.
Still, kinda strange how people say its always the Allies catching up. Even when its the allies with more units.
-IPCs (almost 3-fold)
-Nations etcIt might make more sense if you look at it this way. For totals I have included fighting units, facilities and all for each country.
Total Units: Axis = 227, Allies = 289
Total IPC value: Axis = 1499, Allies = 2072
So it would appear that the Allies would outmatch the Axis. However, look at the territories controlled by each side.
Total Territories: Axis = 35, Allies = 175
This comes down to an average of units per territory: Axis = 6.49, Allies = 1.65
Or an average of IPC value of units per territory: Axis = 42.83, Allies = 11.84
You could even cut it down to territories with an IPC value, but it just gets worse for the Allies.
Total Territories with an IPC value: Axis = 26, Allies = 96
Average Units per territory: Axis = 8.73, Allies = 3.01
Average IPC value of units: Axis = 57.65, Allies = 21.58So you see, while the Allies do actually start out with more units and more IPC value of units, they have much more territory to protect and are way spread out. The Axis on the other hand has all of their units concentrated in smaller areas for much more of a punch on attacks. So I guess the idea of the Allies having to “catch up” to the Axis would be their ability to concentrate their forces and get more of a punch against the Axis before they manage to capture too much.
Do you know the average number of units on occupied territory’s during start up?
A.K.A, territory’s that don’t have any units on them from the start should’t be counted in the average number of units per territory.
Ah, I get what you are saying. No, I don’t have those numbers because I didn’t think of that. I would have to check out the whole setup again. In that case, it might go a little better for the Allies because they have a LOT of empty territories. The Axis have very few, I think just 2 or 3 of the Japanese islands.