Yeah. after 1943 the US advance was more slowed down by logistical considerations rather than Japanese resistance.
Axis and Allies: Edible Edition
NEW A&A game available exclusively to hungry players.
28’’ x 14’’ chocolate cake decorated with hand piped royal icing.
Rulebook, units and country boundaries not included.
£200, collection only.
Without the USA, the Axis will win every game!
Clearly this is an unbalanced diet!
Thought you knew my preference for all things Axis. (Is it the villain in me?) Hate the whining: the games are Axis biased. Thought I would end that argument once and for all by leaving out the game’s real problem: US saving the day!
Anyway, this is the introductory Edible Edition. Have plans for an Anniversary Edition, maybe in 25 weeks. Will have a whole new, as yet undiscovered continent: yours.
Will probably ask £400. -
Is there going to be an edible Swastika in Berlin? To go with the Russian Hammer & Sickle, British, and Italian Roundels?
If you make a chart fighters - red jubes, infantry = smarties, etc, you could add all the appropriate pieces.
Battleships are definetly a gummy worm!
I will leave minor details like that( and the added cost) up to the individual soon to be diabetic new owners of the game.
Perhaps HBG would consider producing a line of sculpts made out of marzipan for this edition.
And while we’re on the subject of marzipan, here’s A&A Europe: The Edible Modern Warfare Edition.
We should buy this cake off of Wittman’s restaurant for next year’s FMG.
Thank you for your input Marc. Always welcome.
Are you a sugar fiend too? For a vegetarian, I eat a lot of shit!
None of it cooked by Alice of course. I drive her creative mind mad with my bought, unhealthy meals.
Thanks for playing along guys.(Was Al’s idea: the vainglorious chef!) -
Garg: if A&A ever met in England, I promise Al would gladly make us a celebration cake.
Set up the event then, and figure out a way to get us cheap flights there, (I’ve heard you can help courier stuff.)
If you can arrange the cheap flight, and a place to stay for atleast a week. I’m sure you could get 10 of us from NA, and everyone else on your looney toon island. :P
Are you a sugar fiend too?
I’m not sure what the threshold level for “fiend” is, but sugar and I do have a mutual affinity.
Wow! That easy to organise an event? I thought it was organised by a greater power!
Not sure I have the skills. Suppose I could ask the UK players first. Would have to know the American event timetable too, so as not to clash and lose you.
Lozmoid has organised a small soirée tonight doen South tonight .( I am tied up, as always.)
Will look in to it, except I have promised myself a Virginia/Gettysburg trip as long as I remember and now I talk to you guys would like to throw an A&A day or two in the mix.
@Marc: I forgot to mention I am one of those lucky eat what you like and still look like I need feeding properly people. Running after Maddy and having Al cook me life saving healthy meals(which I feign to hate), has helped.
Actually think I will knock myself up a two scoop nutella icecream. A dopo. -
Nice! I could see Hitler pounding his fist into Europe and letting out a sinister laugh while asking if there was any Neopolitan ice cream left from the last beer hall meeting…tasty!