Could any WW2 battleship survive a hit from a tall boy bomb?
The effect of an actual hit on a battleship (as opposed to near misses, Tirpitz having been near-missed by several Tallboys) would depend on the atltitude from which the bomb was dropped (the Grand Slam could reach supersonic speeds if dropped from high enough, and I think the smaller Tallboy could too), on the location of the hit, and on the specific ship. A hit on the deck, right next to (but not on) one of the main gun turrets, would have the best chance of destroying a WWII battleship outright because it would have the best chance of detonating the main ammunition magazines. The Yamatos might just perhaps have been able to survive such a hit, but I doubt that any other WWII battleship had deck armour thick enough to do so…and I’m not even sure about the Yamatos.
A hit elsewhere on most modern WWII battleships probably wouldn’t have been instantly lethal in the same way that a magazine detonation would have been, but would still have been damaging. The least damaging hits would probably be the middle of the forecastle (a non-critical area located outside the armoured citadel), or amidships above one of the torpedo bulkheads (which are built to absorb hits and flood without endangering the rest of the ship). A hit all the way forward that demolished the bow would pretty much immobilize the ship, or at least severely restrict its operating speed, but could perhaps be patched up in a few weeks. A hit on the quarterdeck could be nasty: that part of a battleship is typically large (a big target), unarmoured, and contains the propeller shafts (which are, however, sometimes protected by a strake of armour above them). The best location for a non-lethal but nonetheless permanantly crippling Tallboy hit would be the middle and rear portions of the armoured citadel, if the bomb managed to reach the boilers or, especially, the turbines (big machinery that’s difficult to repair) or the reduction gearing (very sensitive to damage; a handful of metal splinters would be enough to chew them up if the ship was hit while it was steaming).