I think Japan still would have invaded the Soviet Union though, if the Second Sino-Japanese War continued (the oil embargo only really happened once they invaded Indochina).
Other than that I agree with you. That would be curious alternate reality.
Just to keep witt company:
The Battle of Saipan was a battle of the Pacific campaign of World War II, fought on the island of Saipan in the Mariana Islands from 15 June–9 July 1944. The Allied invasion fleet embarking the expeditionary forces left Pearl Harbor on 5 June 1944, the day before Operation Overlord in Europe was launched. The U.S. 2nd Marine Division, 4th Marine Division, and the Army’s 27th Infantry Division, commanded by Lieutenant General Holland Smith, defeated the 43rd Division of the Imperial Japanese Army, commanded by Lieutenant General Yoshitsugu Saito….
… The victory would prove to be one of the most important strategic moments during the war in the Pacific Theater, as the Japanese mainland was now within striking distance of United States’ B-29 bombers.
Quote from wikipedia
Happy to have you in my (Tiger) Company, Private.
Battle of Britain 75th anniversary flypast takes place
10 July 2015
Aircraft, including Hurricanes and Spitfires, have flown over Buckingham Palace to mark the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain.
Thanks Marc. I missed that, as I was out in the car.
Is also the day, in the 1943, that seven Divisions of Patton’s 7th Army and Monty’s 8th Army landed on Sicily. There were over a quarter of a million Axis forces on the island, but only two were German Divisions.
Here’s another BBC article from today, this one on the Blitz:
When the UK was bombed nightly for eight months in a row
A&A sculpt enthusiasts will recognize the weapon shown in the “Bofors gun in action” picture as the same one used by ANZAC as an AAA unit in 2nd edition of Pacific 1940.
I don’t know this room is still at the Imperial War Museum, but when I visited the IWM several years ago I had the opportunity to go into a simulated bomb shelter that allowed you to share a “Blitz experience” with other museum visitors. It featured the (recorded) sound of AAA guns being fired “outside” the shelter and the booms of bombs exploding nearby (complete with a violent shaking of the whole room when one detonated overhead), along with recorded crowd noises from the imaginary hundreds of other people in the shelter. The only specific line of recorded dialogue that I recall was a comment made by an unseen woman who reacts to the sound of the AAA guns by exclaiming defiantly, “At least we’re hitting back at 'em!” It was quite well done.
Aircraft including 18 Spitfires and six Hurricanes have flown over south-east England to mark 75 years since the Battle of Britain’s “Hardest Day”. The event recalled 18 August 1940, when Bromley’s Biggin Hill and other South East military bases came under attack from the German Luftwaffe. It became known as the “hardest day” as both sides recorded their greatest loss of aircraft during the battle.
Sept 15 1940
Luftwaffe planes launched a climatic daylight attack on London, designed to crush Fighter command and clear the way for an unobstructed invasion of England. Instead RAF pilots downed nearly 60 German planes while 26 British aircraft were downed. The result was a decisive swing in the attrition rate against the Germans. The date has been celebrated by the British ever since as “Battle of Britain day”. The Luftwaffe’s failure to eliminate the British fighter force prompted Hitler to postpone Operation SEALION, set for Sept 21, first by days then indefinitely. Germany soon switched to the night bombing of London and daylight attacks on provincial targets
Battle of Britain: Historic flypast for 75th anniversary
15 September 2015
A flypast involving about 40 Spitfires and Hurricanes is taking place to commemorate the 75th anniversary of World War Two’s Battle of Britain.
The grouping - the biggest in one place since the war - took off in waves from Goodwood airfield in West Sussex before dispersing around the region.
Had not heard that Marc. Would have been great to see and hear, but I am 180m miles from Sussex, so could not have gone anyway.
Pearl Harbor on this day 1941
And on the 9th the survivor of the Battle of Denmark Strait
HMS Prince of Wales along with HMS Repulse was sunk.
In Jeffrey Cox’s book "Rising Sun, Falling Skies : The Disastrous Java Sea Campaign of World War II "
it mentions that the Japanese bomber squadron dropped two wreaths,
one for their losses and the other for the Royal navy.
77 years ago, the last “peaceful” summer evening in Germany and Poland.
Well, those with the “wrong” religion, ancestry, or political opinion lost peace somewhat earlier.
Nice. Never thought of August 31st, as the last day of real peace for much of Europe.
The US Navy began bombarding the Atoll of Eniwetok today in 1944. It was part of the Marshall Islands. The 22nd Marine Regt landed the next day and the island was secured by the 21st.
US losses were over 300 dead, although 800 more were wounded; the Japanese lost 3000 killed.
What a lovely day.
It smells like peace! :-)
It all starts again on the 10th.
What a lovely day.
It smells like peace! :-)
Depends what country you live in.
UK, France, and most Western European countrys celebrate May 07 as Victory day.
Norway have May 08.
USA and Russia celebrate May 09, because of the time delay, we live on a globe, not a flat map.
But other than that, yes it smells like peace and game over for this time. But, there will always be a next game, just wait
USA and Russia celebrate May 09, because of the time delay, we live on a globe, not a flat map.
Oh no, you just didn’t…
Where’s our forum flat-earth round-world deniers??? Kurt???
The Bismarck was sunk today, the 27th May, in 1941. Only 114 of her 2200 crew survived.
As a child, I must have made at least two Airfix models of her (and one Of the Hood). She was my favourite ship.