• TripleA

    So what i am trying to say is, all previous editions of global sucked because NWO was better.

  • TripleA

    Japan can not war USA till the end of USA’s turn. Germany can push real hard toward russia. round 1 buy carrier 2 tran, bluff sealion turn around and drop woopass on russia. buy lots of mech/tank starting g3. drop inf/art blitz mech/tanks.

    you can make big gains on russian income before having to defend germany. Plus italians in the mix can get down to iraq and persia the long way.

    Every game is different, seen lots of crazy stuff. That is what makes it fun. Starting to feel axis has a slight edge to win as of late. allies are way out of position. Started to notice bid for allies games. people are going under 5 for now, very similar trend to aa50, started out even then got played more to a small bid for allies.

  • @Cow:

    A+2 is stupid like all the other previous editions of global, Every time you start playing you start to feel like you may as well play NWO or WaW or small’s big world. Come on now.

    You got to admit in all previous editions one side was gay.

    Er…what does this mean?

  • TripleA

    It means one side was always a 1 trick pony. like sea lion every game. calcutta 3 every game etc.

    Should I go on?

    A3 is a little more dynamic in europe as well as other parts of the board.

  • @Alsch91:


    A+2 is stupid like all the other previous editions of global, Every time you start playing you start to feel like you may as well play NWO or WaW or small’s big world. Come on now.

    You got to admit in all previous editions one side was gay.

    Er…what does this mean?

    I have this thought with every one of Cow’s posts. He has a decent idea, stays semi-on-topic, then insults one minority group or swears.  :roll: :roll: :roll:

  • @Cow:

    It means one side was always a 1 trick pony. like sea lion every game. calcutta 3 every game etc.

    Ahh okay.  I understand what you were saying.

    I would disagree, though.  I would argue that in A2 there were several very plausible options and choices for both sides.
    Sealion/Barbarossa and Pac-Strat/balanced Allies are two prominent ones that come to mind.

  • TripleA

    well usa should have balanced purchases, something needs to go down in pacific for god sake.

  • Thankyou cow. You say all the things i think but cant transform into coherent words and sentences

    and now bigbadbruce is cowers in the corner ;)

  • I’m not disagreeing with that at all, Cow.
    What I was saying that A2 also had strategic choices and varied options to take.

    One strategy that US can take is to go %100 Pacific for several of the first turns, crush Japan, and then stop the Euro Axis before they win.
    An interesting allied strategy.

    Uncrustable, there’s no reason to insult Bruce.
    If you won’t construct a reasonable point in this discussion, at least don’t simply poke fun at what he thinks.

  • @Uncrustable:

    and now bigbadbruce is cowers in the corner ;)

    Say what?
    Was there any challenge somewhere?
    Should I point out that I never refused a match… and yet, never lost!

    I just see no point aguying “believes” and paper strategy. Anyone sawing A2 is cracked and sure lost for Axis, I say they are wrong. So far, nobody proved me wrong… and suggesting an opening is not a proof of any kind.

  • Once I bought a carrier, destroyer and sub on G1 and added them to my Baltic fleet only to see them destroyed by the British airforce and one or two ships that survived the German attack on G1. The british lost their units too, but I lost my entire G1 purchase…

  • @Koningstiger:

    Once I bought a carrier, destroyer and sub on G1 and added them to my Baltic fleet only to see them destroyed by the British airforce and one or two ships that survived the German attack on G1. The british lost their units too, but I lost my entire G1 purchase…

    That must have been some really horrible dice, thats a cruiser a sub a destroyer a carrier a battleship and 5 fighters (maybe a couple are tacs)

    really really bad dice for uk to kill all that uk lol

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    well usa should have balanced purchases, something needs to go down in pacific for god sake.

    I always wanted a UK rule for USA - in so much as half their economy was in Washington DC  and half was in San Francisco like England is half in India and half in England.  DC is close enough that America could still abandon one side of the game (unlike England) but at least there would be a one round delay on some stuff getting from one side to the other (Fighters built in E. USA could still get to carriers built in W. USA but probably could not make it to naval engagements that round.)

  • TripleA


    you guys totally do not understand anything I say.

    If you win games as allies, you do balanced purchases with usa or you lose to japan. I do mostly pacific buys, there is no reason to get more than 4 transports for the atlantic (Except in the sea lion situation) the rest of the atlantic fleet is dedicated to sinking a little baltic fleet or protecting UK navy.

    You can also fly fighters into Russia’s capital to save him. march inf through norway -> finland -> wherever.

    allies strategy is about working together. heavy pacific purchases can allow for india to send his 3 air units to moscow as well (typically I have somewhere around 10 allies fighters to hold that sucker and a couple bombers).

    The battle for russia is often very close in dice games. Germany gets around 30%-50% sometimes 70% odds typically. USA dropping men on europe does not really “save russia” since italy past a certain point is pretty much on europe guard and germany’s air + inf/art can no problem strafe whatever you send.
    also if things are going great in pacific calcutta can prevent an axis win on the europe half of the map. So USA should be doing pacific heavy buys for a multitude of reasons. (IE MARCH TO EGYPT, which is a must do after russia is gone!)

    the biggest reason is the transport chain to doing drops on europe is freaking long.

  • TripleA

    The game is pretty even, in fact usa 1 i always buy 3 units pacific sub/dd mix. usa 2-3 depends if germany does sea lion or not. no sea lion = i purchase to shut italy down and out of the game with the rest going to pacific (at the least 3x sub/dd for pacific). usa 3-5 is mostly pacific. I just buy a skeleton fleet to just guard UK transports from germany with trickles of carrier 2x fighters or dds coming in.

    key elements to this is keeping at least 1 or 2 uk transports alive in the india/africa seazones to ensure italy is shut down (usually 2, after sumatra i bring that transport back in).

    all usa has to do is provide navy to guard uk’s 5 transports on Uk so he can shuffle 10 guys a turn no prob. usa is too inefficient with transports. typically usa got 2-5 depending, but as long as you protect uk’s naval so uk can just buy ground units to drop, you will be fine. if you can’t get a foothold in normandy or whatever. you can always march norway->finland -> karelia->nov-> wherever.

    another element to this strategy is shutting japan down from the cash islands before the fall of russia so you can turn around and focus on guarding egypt and the united kingdom. keeping calcutta alive is important.

    If usa spend all atlantic, I see no problems in japan winning the game on the pacific side of things. if usa spends no atlantic i don’t see how russia can even stand a chance or how egypt will be out of germany/italy grasp when russia falls.

    alternatively you can do a europe emphasis and just always buy subs/dds for pacific (cheap stuff) and go heavier in atlantic.

  • TripleA

    Axis is just more fun to play for global. They have all the options while allies are pretty much limited to directly responding to axis. With the exception of USA who can do what he wants.

  • TripleA

    the biggest problem i have: allies is boring for group games. whoever gets russia or usa does nothing for 3 rounds.

    so we came up with a solution to this endeavor and we concluded we should put russia/germany at war off the bat. japan at war with everyone but russia. we bid for axis. goes for around 10-15. japan actually does pretty good at war first round, but it is germany that gets shafted out of 5 for not being at war so it works out.

    hell yeah it is good times. :D.

    the game is pretty balanced for what it is and is enjoyable for 1v1s. for multies I recommend russia + uk and usa +china+anzac. if you have 3 allies players russia alone, uk +china, usa + anzac… for this I recommend just starting at war and taking a bid for axis or someone will be bored for the first hour and a half.

    aside from that. game is balanced. for low luck games 3 allies is fine. so the players that do ehtiopia round 1 don’t get diced and players that don’t get an inf for uk. whatever.

  • So USA is getting its massive NO bonus on turn one ?

    Would have to be a ludicrous high Axis bid to balance that lol

  • TripleA

    not really. take into account paerl harbor. it is more or less 8-17 bidding down.

    game favors axis slightly in a normal 1v1 playing without any house rules or whatever. for multis in a group game, you are not going to control your allies or get them to do what you need them to do… and you don’t want a couple guys being bored for awhile so house rules make sense and think of it this way adding 1 sub and 1 art to g1 could save the guy a few units from dieing in france and smooth out the naval attacks for g1.

    USA won’t do anything atlantic turn 1. if you go through with sea lion it can’t really sink your naval cos you got normandy for germany so you can put stuff in the ocean if you have to.

    japan might be delayed 1 turn from taking cash islands but it a smooth ride back from hawaii and you can pretty much be a turn ahead of usa as long as you are moving west.

    allies may hold an island or two for a 2-3 turns, which is the equivilent of japan waiting to go to war round 3.

    not the end of the world really.

  • There is a really good 1941 settup out there, you should try it sometime. Would fit perfect into your group games :)

    Game starts on turn 3 i think, so noone has to wait

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