• '10

    One of the biggest mistakes made by Germany was the suppression and Oppression of the Eastern European nations after invasion.  In the Baltic states and Ukraine for example, they were greeted as liberators…  they squandered their chance to bring these nations into the Axis orbit as minor partners when they treated the locals as sub-human.

    Not only did they lose the free co-operation of these nations, but in the end they were fighting a war behind their own lines against all kinds of passive and sometimes active resistance.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17


    One of the biggest mistakes made by Germany was the suppression and Oppression of the Eastern European nations after invasion.  In the Baltic states and Ukraine for example, they were greeted as liberators…  they squandered their chance to bring these nations into the Axis orbit as minor partners when they treated the locals as sub-human.

    Not only did they lose the free co-operation of these nations, but in the end they were fighting a war behind their own lines against all kinds of passive and sometimes active resistance.

    Excellent point. I even believe that the entire Nazi racial ideology contributed to the defeat of Germany. The holocaust was not only a horrible crime at a humanitarian level, but it also robbed Germany of many great minds and organizers in science, culture, and economics. Germany’s Jews thought of themselves as Germans, and many fought for Germany in World War I. Instead of keeping all that potential available for the benefit of their country, the Nazis expelled or murdered them. And to do so, they built a gruesome and expensive system of oppression, manned by large numbers of other Germans who could instead have fought at the front.

  • The holocaust- so many resources were diverted into genocide rather than helping the Wehrmacht.

    i just want to add to this

    just think about the oh how many greman jews they killed. imagine if theye were concriped in to the army insted…… i find it hard to belive but if hiler was just a litter smarter we would w=have lost the war!

  • @cminke:

    The holocaust- so many resources were diverted into genocide rather than helping the Wehrmacht.

    i just want to add to this

    just think about the oh how many greman jews they killed. imagine if theye were concriped in to the army insted…… i find it hard to belive but if hiler was just a litter smarter we would w=have lost the war!

    While it certainly would have helped the Axis cause, there is no possible way that would change the outcome of the war. Sure, 6 million people alive (or 11 million total) would be nice in the army, yet remember only a fraction of those people were men (Germans would never ever consider women in the army at this time period, they didn’t send the women to factories during the war and the German tank crews were horrified to find out at their first approach of Stalingrad they had shot women (the women were operating the AA guns)), many were old, disabled, or anti-Nazi in the first place, such as Communists or some Catholics.

    The sheer amount of people available to the Allies once the USA joined the war, along with India and China to some extent, means it would become a war of numbers, and Germany had a numerical advantage over Poland, Denmark, Norway, and France, but not the Soviets or Americans or British,

  • @Herr:

    The holocaust was not only a horrible crime at a humanitarian level, but it also robbed Germany of many great minds and organizers in science, culture, and economics. Germany’s Jews thought of themselves as Germans, and many fought for Germany in World War I. Instead of keeping all that potential available for the benefit of their country, the Nazis expelled or murdered them.

    One example of this kind of counterproductiveness was the fact that certain members of the Nazi establishment were suspicious of nuclear theory because it was viewed as “Jewish physics”.

  • As of 1940, Germany had a number of severe disadvantages. The first and foremost is that the U.S. had already committed itself to the Allied war effort. Even though the U.S. was technically at peace with the Axis, it had committed itself to sending large numbers of military aircraft to Britain for use against Germany. In 1941, the U.S. produced 19,000 military aircraft, compared to 12,000 for Germany and 5,000 for Japan. The U.S. outproduced both major Axis nations combined even though it was still (technically) at peace until December of that year. Plans were being implemented to expand American military aircraft production to 70,000 per year, with half the produced planes being sent to Britain for use against Germany.

    Regardless of whether Hitler did or did not declare war on the U.S., he would still have to face America’s industrial might; and would have to find an answer to the U.S.-built aircraft that would be used to attack Germany’s cities and its people. In addition, the British had imposed a food blockade on Germany, which meant that over the long run there would not be enough food to feed the people within Germany’s borders. Some would have to starve or otherwise be exterminated.

    Russia had fought poorly in WWI. It had also fought poorly in the war in 1905 between itself and Japan. Further, the Soviet Union had fought very badly in its invasion of Finland (in 1940). That track record had led German military planners to anticipate it would fight badly if it was invaded. They also believed the Red Army consisted of 200 divisions. (As compared to 150 divisions for the German Army.) This was a severe underestimate: by the fall of '41, the Red Army consisted of 600 divisions. Likewise, German military planners had grossly underestimated the industrial capacity of the Soviet Union.

    Germany’s supply lines were a problem due to its lack of oil. In the long term that problem could be solved by upgrading its rail network and using coal-powered trains to move supplies. The plan was to surround and capture the bulk of the Red Army in the western regions most accessible to the German Army. With the core of the Soviet military strength broken, the German Army could then push eastwards to take the grain, oil, industrial capacity, and manpower it so desperately needed. These resources would allow it to counter the large numbers of British- and American-made aircraft being used against Germany.

    Over the short-term, however, the invasion would make Germany’s food situation worse. Most western Soviet territories ran at a food deficit. Even the Ukraine’s food surplus was not as large as it once had been due to Stalin’s industrialization and collectivization efforts. Because Germany didn’t have the food it required to feed everyone, the solution was to starve or exterminate those it liked the least. Jews received the lowest priority for food allocations, and people in the occupied Soviet territories the second-lowest. Because the British (and later American) food blockade had forced Germany into a situation where it had to starve people in its occupied territories, Hitler felt that getting local populations to cooperate through fear might be more effective than would a more positive approach. It’s difficult to convince a population that you are their friend when you are starving them to death. Germany had no food with which to avert widespread starvation.

    Clearly, the invasion of the Soviet Union failed to solve Germany’s problems. In fact it greatly added to them. Over the short-term at least, Stalin would likely have been content to sit and watch Germany and the Western democracies fight each other. He regarded both sides as equally enemies, and wanted nothing more than a long, bloody war which would bleed both sides white. Once Europe was sufficiently weakened and war-weary, the Red Army would of course move west to pick up the pieces. Stalin’s approach meant that over the short-term at least, Germany could avoid facing the Red Army if it wished to do so. (Though it would have to face that army eventually.) However, the Red Army had experienced a purge several years ago, in order to eliminate the old, gentlemanly officer corps, and to replace it with one more loyal to communism. (I’ve seen it alleged that the new officer corps was intended to be more thuggish–an accusation which seems borne out by the atrocities committed by the Red Army.) Also, in the spring of 1941 the Red Army was in the midst of a doctrine change. With the Red Army still recovering from the purge, and in the midst of a doctrine change, there was an opportunity to attack it when it was unready–an opportunity which would not have existed in '43 or '44.

    In the U.S., some media outlets were isolationist, while others were interventionist. However, the isolationist media outlets were being bought up by those who favored interventionism. The American public had recognized the U.S. had been duped into entering into WWI, and that sentiment made it reluctant to enter another European war. But with American media outlets and the president being strongly pro-war (and generally pro-communist), Hitler felt it was only a matter of time before the U.S. declared war on Germany. (Much like it had during WWI.) He also mistakenly believed that the U.S. would initially be too occupied with its war against Japan to do much against Germany. Declaring war meant that Germany would have to deal with the American Army + its military production, instead of just its military production. Whether that would or wouldn’t have mattered over the long-term depends on how successful FDR and his allies in the media would have been in getting the U.S. into the war had Germany not declared war.

    It is also worth noting that by 1941 the U.S. had broken Japan’s diplomatic code, which meant that the U.S. government knew more about the goings-on in Tokyo than did the Japanese ambassador. Specifically, they knew that if they presented a reasonable offer for lifting the oil embargo Japan would accept. But if the U.S. asked for dramatic concessions on Japan’s part, Japan would go to war within a matter of weeks. The U.S. asked for very dramatic concessions indeed. The war between the U.S. and Japan helped turn the latter nation’s attention away from the Soviet Union; while also giving FDR the chance he needed to fully mobilize America’s resources for war. Also, a leaked U.S. government document persuaded Hitler that the U.S. was temporarily too weak for a two ocean war; and that he could therefore get away with sinking the massive quantities of Lend-Lease Aid flooding into the Soviet Union and Britain. Shortly after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Stalin shipped 100 divisions west across the Trans-Siberian railway because he knew Japan could no longer seriously attack him. Those 100 divisions arrived in the dead of winter, and proved critical to the Soviets’ success.

    To make a long story short, Germany in 1940 had very few good options. Germany was weaker than either the U.S. or the U.S.S.R., and the leaders of both nations were committed to the destruction of the German military. The case could be made that Germany had significantly less long-term strength than did Britain–a nation which was already at war against Germany in 1940. The conquest of North Africa and the Middle East would have helped Germany’s situation somewhat, especially in terms of oil. Had Hitler chosen that path, Germany’s situation would have improved with respect to Britain. Also, the delay would have allowed Germany to build up its own industry. However, the U.S. and the Soviet Union would also have become significantly stronger during the delay.

    The only chance for an Axis victory I can see would have been under the following scenario. In 1941 Germany invades Turkey and North Africa; and secures control over the Middle East. It begins recruiting large numbers of Muslim men for its army, which it sends against the British force in India. Then in the winter of '41, Japan declares war against the U.K., but not the U.S. Germany and Japan would combine to take India, and would divide it between the two of them. Germany would then dedicate 1942 to improving its industrial capacity, developing new, more modern weapons, fending off Allied bombing raids, submarine warfare, and southward conquest along the Nile. It would also attempt to recruit soldiers from India’s Muslim population.

    1943 would likely be similar to '42. The main difference would be that there would be significantly more American-made planes being shipped to Britain every year. Germany would continue to push south in Africa, with the intended goal of taking South Africa. If Africa fell to the Axis, and if Australia and New Zealand negotiated a separate peace treaty with Japan, the British war effort would then be limited to the British Isles and Canada.

    In 1944 Hitler would invade the Soviet Union. The Red Army would have been significantly stronger in '44 than it had been in '41. But several factors could offset that. 1) Germany could invade from the south (Persia), in addition to from the west. 2) Germany would have a much larger initial invasion force because of help from the Muslim men it had recruited. 3) During WWII, Germany massively expanded its military production between '42 and '44. It produced nearly three times as many military aircraft in '44 as in '42; and four times as many tanks. This scenario assumes that a somewhat similar production increase would have taken place. 4) Later in the war, Germany was significantly ahead of its enemies in most major technological areas. Its Me 262 jets achieved a 5:1 kill ratio; and that ratio increased to 10:1 when they were equipped with its best air-to-air missiles. Later in the war it created the assault rifle, it had the best tank designs, it had the best handheld anti-tank weapons, its Type XXI U-boats were the best submarines of the war, etc. Assuming the critical years of the war between Germany and the Soviet Union would have been '44 and '45, many of these technological advances could have appeared in sufficient numbers to make a difference. (Especially if that had been the plan from '40 onward.)

    Under this scenario, the plan would not necessarily have been to conquer the Soviet Union in its entirety. Instead, Germany would conquer whatever it could gain during two years of conquest. After that it would negotiate a peace treaty with Stalin. Conquest of a significant portion of Soviet lands–ideally including Moscow, the Caucasus oil fields, and other strategically important areas–would provide Hitler with the resources he needed to hold his own in the long, grinding air and sea war against Britain. FDR would die in '45. It’s likely that his successor would either have been less pro-communist/committed to Germany’s destruction than FDR had been, or else would lack FDR’s ability to get Congress to do his bidding. Further, Britain would be in dire financial straits by this point, making it difficult to justify further increases in Lend-Lease Aid. (The U.K. was close to bankruptcy even as early as '40.) With its colonies conquered and with Germany victorious over the Soviet Union, and (possibly) with the American commitment to Lend-Lease Aid lessening, there is at least the chance that Churchill might have been replaced with some other leader more willing to negotiate a peace treaty. That peace treaty would have ended the war at last, and would have allowed Germany to escape the horror of postwar Soviet occupation.

    On the other hand, it’s quite possible the British wouldn’t have agreed to peace; and that the Americans would have become increasingly pro-war due to the institutional influences described earlier. If those things were to occur, then in 1946 Germany’s plan would have been to focus on building Type XXI U-boats to sink much of the British Navy, while using its jets to gain control over the skies above Britain and Germany. Naval and air superiority would pave the way for an invasion of the U.K. in late '46 or early '47. At that point, Germany could at last achieve peace, unless of course the U.S. had declared war on it. But by this point, Germany would have the industrial capacity, food supplies, oil, and access to raw materials necessary to hold its own even against the U.S.

    I don’t know whether the above plan would have worked. But, at least with 20/20 hindsight, this seems to have been among the best available plans to ensure an Axis victory.

  • :lol: Enjoyable read.  I like the part where I was trying to imagine German officers persuading Muslim masses to fight for the Nazis, and Germany and Japan splitting up India.

    It sounds like the German officers would have benefitted from playing A&A.  After playing a lot of A&A it dawns on me that Japan never succeeded at taking Hawaii, Australia, India, much of China, Russia, Alaska, California……  Speaking of Japan, I’m surprised you didn’t mention Midway.  What if Japan was the one who won a(some) huge decisive naval and air battle(s)??

    The European Axis never did really dominate North Africa (for long at all), keep the Allies out of the Med, take Turkey, the middle East, Stalingrad, Leningrad (right?), dominate the Atlantic, or achieve air superiority over Britain or Europe (only for relatively brief stretches of time)

    So I’m wondering, Kurt, what you think about the Axis and Allies games that we have now - AA50 and 1940?  Since you know a lot about WWII history and you think about what-if scenarios, I’m curious as to your thoughts about A&A.  Like what is absurd, what is pretty realistic, etc.  Maybe even what you wish was different (house rule type of things)  I know this will undoubtedly open a can of worms on this site, so if you want to PM me that would be cool too.

    Yes, I understand A&A is just a game and not a historical simulation.  It ignores SO many real-life factors, it’s just an abstraction, and succeeds tremendously in what it was created for - immense fun coming from wonderful combinations of skill (strategy, tactics, and planning) and luck.

  • @gamerman01:

    :lol: Enjoyable read.  I like the part where I was trying to imagine German officers persuading Muslim masses to fight for the Nazis, and Germany and Japan splitting up India.

    It sounds like the German officers would have benefitted from playing A&A.  After playing a lot of A&A it dawns on me that Japan never succeeded at taking Hawaii, Australia, India, much of China, Russia, Alaska, California……  Speaking of Japan, I’m surprised you didn’t mention Midway.  What if Japan was the one who won a(some) huge decisive naval and air battle(s)??

    The European Axis never did really dominate North Africa (for long at all), keep the Allies out of the Med, take Turkey, the middle East, Stalingrad, Leningrad (right?), dominate the Atlantic, or achieve air superiority over Britain or Europe (only for relatively brief stretches of time)

    So I’m wondering, Kurt, what you think about the Axis and Allies games that we have now - AA50 and 1940?  Since you know a lot about WWII history and you think about what-if scenarios, I’m curious as to your thoughts about A&A.  Like what is absurd, what is pretty realistic, etc.  Maybe even what you wish was different (house rule type of things)  I know this will undoubtedly open a can of worms on this site, so if you want to PM me that would be cool too.

    Yes, I understand A&A is just a game and not a historical simulation.  It ignores SO many real-life factors, it’s just an abstraction, and succeeds tremendously in what it was created for - immense fun coming from wonderful combinations of skill (strategy, tactics, and planning) and luck.

    Thanks for the compliments! :)

    I didn’t mention Midway because in my Axis victory scenario I’d envisioned Japan avoiding war with the U.S. in the first place. It’s worth noting that in 1943, the U.S. produced 86,000 military aircraft to just 17,000 for Japan. Had the Japanese won at Midway, it would have prolonged the Pacific war, and would have forced the U.S. to temporarily divert resources from the Pacific theater. But Japan had no long-term prospects for a military victory in that war, and its only real hope was at the negotiating table.

    I think that the German military planners’ biggest problem was a lack of adequate information, particularly about Soviet military strength. If the Red Army had consisted of just 200 divisions (as they believed) and if it had fought as poorly against Germany as it had against Finland, the decision to invade the Soviet Union would have been the best one available. The rewards for conquest would have included oil, grain, industrial capacity, manpower for German factories, and access to vital raw materials. The rewards for conquering the Middle East would likely have been significantly smaller than that.

    The other mistake German military planners made is that they failed to appreciate the kind of qualitative edge their hardware might provide around 1944 - '45. It’s also possible that in 1941, they may not have fully appreciated just what kind of military production capacity Germany could achieve, or how far away from that maximum potential it was. Between those two things, they got into a sort of “now or never” thinking which led to a bid for outright military victory in '41 (the invasion of the Soviet Union), rather than building themselves up and invading later. With a rapid buildup of Germany’s military production + rapid technological advancement, time could have been on Germany’s side. (Even though the opposite appeared to be the case in '41, and for completely logical reasons.)

  • You asked whether I find Axis and Allies historically realistic, and if not which parts I feel should be changed. That’s worth a post in itself! Below are the areas I feel the game falls short of historical realism.

    Industrial capacity
    Military aircraft production is a fairly good proxy for overall military production. During 1942, the Soviet Union produced 25,000 military aircraft. Germany produced 15,000 military aircraft that year, and Japan produced 9,000. But in Revised, Germany has an income of 40, Japan of 30, and the U.S.S.R. of 24. It’s also worth noting here that in '42 the Soviet Union produced between 3 - 4 times as many units in every major land category as did Germany. Axis and Allies dramatically understates the Allied industrial advantage–which is probably necessary for game balance.

    Changes in industrial capacity
    Germany produced 15,000 military aircraft in '42, and 41,000 in '44. The U.S. produced 48,000 military aircraft in '42 and 98,000 in '44. Ideally, Axis and Allies should take into account this kind of dramatic expansion of military production capacity.

    Changes in technology
    The Japanese Zero was considered top-of-the-line in early '42, but had become obsolescent by '44. More generally, technology played a very important role in deciding the outcome of the war. This is not to suggest the Allies had a decisive technological edge over the Axis–they did not–but rather that there were a number of technologies which were really, really worth having. I realize most variants of Axis and Allies have some sort of technological system. But that system is far too luck-based, and doesn’t really capture the feel of the ongoing effort by all major participants to both avoid falling behind technologically, and, ideally, to pull ahead.

    Air superiority
    In the real war there was a contest to see which side could gain control over the sky. Fighters were of pivotal importance to that struggle; with their main combat purpose being to shoot down enemy aircraft. Victory in this competition was critical on a number of levels: it meant control over the battlefield skies, control over the surface of the ocean, and gave your side the ability to strategically bomb enemy factories and cities while thwarting bombing raids against your own. Axis and Allies doesn’t capture any of this. Fighters are slightly better on “defense” than “offense.” But beyond that, the only air battles fought typically involve AA guns shooting at enemy aircraft–which is not primarily what the air battles of WWII were about.

    Limitations on manpower
    In August of 1939, Germany’s population was 69 million people, as compared to 160 million for the Soviet Union. More generally, the Allied nations had much larger core populations than did the Axis nations; which meant that the Allies could field much larger numbers of infantry. But in a game like Revised, if Japan decides to go for a heavy infantry strategy, it could easily end up with a much larger stack than the Soviet Union. That situation is completely ahistorical.

    Absence of qualitative unit differences
    According to a study, Soviet infantry were only 33% as combat-effective as their German counterparts. Germany also enjoyed a qualitative advantage over British and American infantry, albeit to a lesser degree. Incorporating qualitative differences could help offset the Allied advantages in military production capacity and manpower.

    The attack/defense combat system
    I can understand giving infantry a higher combat value on defense than on attack. Defending infantry dig a trench, and use the trench as cover while attacking infantry cross some open field. I get that. But why does a defending aircraft carrier have a combat value three times higher than an attacking carrier? Does the defending carrier dig a trench in the ocean water, and somehow hide behind it to defend itself against the attacking carrier?

    The Axis and Allies combat system does a good job of capturing the advantage infantry have on defense; but is not good for capturing a number of other important elements. For example, a fighter is great at shooting down enemy aircraft, but fairly useless if you want to sink a battleship. A dive bomber or torpedo bomber might let you sink the battleship, and is decent at shooting down enemy planes. I would prefer a combat system which allows unit specialization like this, rather than lumping everything into “attack” or “defense.”

    Some units were harder to kill than others. Tanks and battleships had thick armor. Fighters were fast and maneuverable. Submarines were stealthy. As a nation provides its tanks with thicker armor, its fighters with better engines and more aerodynamic airframes, and its submarines with increased levels of stealth, those units should become progressively harder to kill. But in Axis and Allies, every unit has only one hitpoint (except for battleships which have two).

    There are other ahistorical elements in the Axis and Allies rules set as well. That being said, I understand that Larry Harris’s goal was to build a comparatively simple, straightforward game. The simpler the game, the fewer of the above-described factors can be successfully addressed. I play and enjoy Axis and Allies, but I don’t consider it a realistic depiction of WWII.

    I’ve endeavored to create a more historically realistic rules set. In doing so, I’ve found that each increase in realism increases the game’s complexity. I’ve tried to add as much of the former, and as little of the latter, as possible. Even so, I must admit that if Axis and Allies is a complexity level of 100, Flames and Steel is about a 150. The advanced version of Flames and Steel, which I am working on now, will probably have a complexity of 200. This means my rules set is not for everyone, but only for those who are willing to put up with some added complexity to gain depth and richness. Flames and Steel provides that depth and richness by (among other things) addressing each of the above-described factors.

  • Thanks, Kurt.  A couple of thoughts, from what I’ve read on this site and from my playing experiences:

    Carrier defense has been reduced to 2 for AA50, and carrier attack has been reduced to 0 in the 1940 games.  Also, carriers take 2 hits to sink in 1940.

    Sounds like you need to get your hands on AA50 and/or the 1940 games.

    You noted the big difference in quality of infantry and quantities of manpower.  I’ve seen it explained that the number of units in Axis and Allies roughly approximates some of these factors.  In other words, quantity of units in A&A actually represents quality.  So a stack of 20 German infantry next to a stack of 20 Russian infantry - you might actually imagine 1/3 as many troops in the German army as the Russian army, but 3 times the effectiveness.

    Also, fighter units (and bomber units) can be said to represent not purely fighters or bombers, but a mixture.  So a fighter unit represents your torpedo planes that can sink big ships.  Also, ship units can be thought to represent a mixture of ships.

    Yes, A&A is an abstraction and sometimes (many times) you will see absurd situations (Like a Jap infantry heavy strategy as you said).

    Here’s one of my favorites.  One of the first games I played of AA50 (was actually against myself - to get familiar with the game), UK liberated France by a Normandy invasion.  That same turn, Italy then launched an amphibious assault from the Mediterranean, complete with coastal bombardment.  The Allied troops were all in the North, or in Paris or something.  I guess those Battleship guns could shoot hundreds of miles?  :lol:

    Oh well - A&A is a blast!!  Thanks again, man.

  • @gamerman01:

    Thanks, Kurt.  A couple of thoughts, from what I’ve read on this site and from my playing experiences:

    Carrier defense has been reduced to 2 for AA50, and carrier attack has been reduced to 0 in the 1940 games.  Also, carriers take 2 hits to sink in 1940.

    Sounds like you need to get your hands on AA50 and/or the 1940 games.

    You noted the big difference in quality of infantry and quantities of manpower.  I’ve seen it explained that the number of units in Axis and Allies roughly approximates some of these factors.  In other words, quantity of units in A&A actually represents quality.  So a stack of 20 German infantry next to a stack of 20 Russian infantry - you might actually imagine 1/3 as many troops in the German army as the Russian army, but 3 times the effectiveness.

    Also, fighter units (and bomber units) can be said to represent not purely fighters or bombers, but a mixture.  So a fighter unit represents your torpedo planes that can sink big ships.  Also, ship units can be thought to represent a mixture of ships.

    Yes, A&A is an abstraction and sometimes (many times) you will see absurd situations (Like a Jap infantry heavy strategy as you said).

    Here’s one of my favorites.  One of the first games I played of AA50 (was actually against myself - to get familiar with the game), UK liberated France by a Normandy invasion.  That same turn, Italy then launched an amphibious assault from the Mediterranean, complete with coastal bombardment.  The Allied troops were all in the North, or in Paris or something.  I guess those Battleship guns could shoot hundreds of miles?  :lol:

    Oh well - A&A is a blast!!  Thanks again, man.

    I agree I need to get my hands on Axis and Allies 1940. My problem is that I live in a small town, and don’t have access to an A&A playing group. That problem isn’t as bad as you think it might be; largely because I can use TripleA to play online. My favorite map on TripleA is New World Order. New World Order is to Anniversary Edition what Anniversary Edition is to Classic. (Except that this may be understating things.)

    I hear what you’re saying about how Axis and Allies abstracts various things. Like you said yourself, it’s a fun game, and I enjoy it a lot.

    Even so, the perfectionist in me is always eager to discover/create the ideal rules set.

  • I for one would be thrilled if you’d try out ABattlemap and play on the A&A.org forums.  You can play 1940 that way.  On top of that, the map is beautiful.  Go to Global 1940, TMTM’s module thread and go to the first post for download links…  You can watch games, play games…

    Let me know when you’re up and running!
    Can you play teams in TripleA?  Can you watch everyone else’s games on TripleA?  Do they have leagues and tournaments on TripleA?  I’m only asking because I don’t know, and I suspect they don’t but could be very wrong.

  • @gamerman01:

    I for one would be thrilled if you’d try out ABattlemap and play on the A&A.org forums.  You can play 1940 that way.  On top of that, the map is beautiful.  Go to Global 1940, TMTM’s module thread and go to the first post for download links…  You can watch games, play games…

    Let me propose the following deal. I’ll go to ABattlemap and play Global 1940. In exchange, you’ll go to TripleA and play New World Order. (We can advise each other if we run into technical difficulties.) This way we’ll each get a taste of something new.

    For your first game of New World Order, I’d suggest that you control Italy and Romania, and find an experienced partner to control Germany and Finland. Italy is a major player in New World Order; and can often attain an income of 80 IPCs or higher. Romania is considerably smaller, and seldom gets much higher than 20 IPCs. Germany’s income can get to 100 - 110 IPCs, while Finland’s income is usually in the high teens.

    Your partner’s advice will be especially important during the first couple rounds because of the power of a well thought-out prescripted opening. You want to capture two factories on I1 (in Tunis and Marsailles) and another two factories on I2 (in Algeria and Greece). You should try to capture yet another factory on I3 (in the southwest of Spain) as the first step toward your conquest of neutral Spain and the consequent expansion of your income.

    Also, Britain will likely conquer western Turkey, including its critical industrial complexes. If you can sink the British East Mediterranean fleet and take control of Western Turkey, you’ll then be well-positioned to either move south and east against Britain’s other colonial holdings, or north and east into the Black Sea. An Italian fleet in the Black Sea can create a whole new set of problems for the Soviet Union. There are about six or eight Soviet territories that border the Black Sea, including one with a factory.

    Can you play teams in TripleA?

    Yes. The way it works is this: someone logs into the TripleA website and chooses to host a game. The host decides on the map, and will normally write something along the lines of “1 v 1” or “2 v 2” or something else. If you have a friend you want to partner with, you can sometimes talk a 1 v 1 host into agreeing to a 2 v 1 game.

    If you log into TripleA at a time when none of your friends are logged in, you can often get into a multiplayer game. In cases like that, both your allies and enemies will often be complete strangers. That randomness can make the game more interesting, as long as you don’t get too frustrated by being put in an unwinnable situation (as will sometimes be the case). A lot of other times the teams will be more or less balanced, which can lead to some interesting games!

    Can you watch everyone else’s games on TripleA?

    Yes. You can enter and watch a game even if you don’t control any of the teams. It’s not a bad way to spend 10 minutes here or there. On rare occasions, the host of the game will require people to enter a password to join. That’s not a big deal, because there are plenty of non-password protected games for you to join instead.

    Do they have leagues and tournaments on TripleA?

    Yes. I entered a New World Order tournament, and made it to the second round. At that point the tournament ended prematurely. :( But then another New World Order tournament appeared–one which seemed less likely to end prematurely. However, I didn’t have time to enter this new tournament.

    At least as of a few years ago, there was a league for Revised games on TripleA called the Ladder. I don’t know to what extent that league has transitioned over to Anniversary.

    That being said, TripleA doesn’t seem to place a strong overall emphasis on league play. If you’re there a lot, and if you’re good, you’ll develop a reputation. For example, people know not to mess with Straha, allweneedislove, Hobbes, or other players of that caliber, unless they themselves are feeling very, very competent. Some of the players on TripleA are significantly better than anyone at GenCon (including me). Even if you lose to a top-tier player, you’ll gain respect if you put up a good fight. In any case, there are plenty of mid- and lower level players on TripleA to keep things from getting too top-heavy.

  • Too many Axis mistakes to name at the moment. The biggest was trying to make the jet a dive bomber. Hitler wanted it to be one. I believe the Germans had the jet in 41. I might be wrong on that date. If they would have produced as a fighter out of the gate they would have had air supremacy all over Europe. Not to mention the atomic bomb. They were developing it and gave up on it because the war was going so well they didn’t think they needed it. Imagine if they would have developed the jet and nuclear weapons. Good nite New York city.

  • Well actually a main reason they didn’t finsh their project was because the lost Einstein. Also it was considered “Jewish Science” and hitler wasn’t very happy with that.

  • @Pvt.Ryan:

    Well actually a main reason they didn’t finsh their project was because the lost Einstein. Also it was considered “Jewish Science” and hitler wasn’t very happy with that.

    Poetic justice, no?

  • Haha alright thats on my list of things NOT to do when I become a evil dictator. DO NOT GET RID OF JEWISH SCIENTISTS THAT CAN BUILD ATOMIC WEAPONS!!!

  • @Pvt.Ryan:

    Well actually a main reason they didn’t finsh their project was because the lost Einstein. Also it was considered “Jewish Science” and hitler wasn’t very happy with that.

    Curiously though, Einstein never worked on the Manhattan project.  His only contribution was co-signing the letter (drafted by Szilard) sent to President Roosevelt.

    I guess Einstein was too busy on the Philadelphia Experiment  :lol:

  • @Zhukov44:

    Very interesting post…however I’m inclined to think the Africa campaign would have had a good chance of succeeding if a large part of the air and armor slotted for Barbarossa had been sent to Africa instead.  If Axis succeeded in shutting down the Suez Canal then perhaps amphib operations against Malta, Gibraltar, and Cyprus could have been considered.  Every little colonial defeat was a further blow to British morale and prestige.  Hitler didn’t necessarily need to Sea Lion–just keep conquering one colonial possession after another, and keep offering peace to UK at terms the common people of UK could accept (eg the autonomy of UK and its colonies).

    Hitler himself had decried 2-front wars.  I see Barbarossa as the Nazi party falling victim to his own hubris.  It wasn’t even clearly winning the war with UK, and somehow the solution is start another war with an even more powerful state.  They should have at least obtained the cooperation and assistance of Japan before embarking on such an absurd all-in bet.

    The med was under italy’s sphere of influcence, germany had no agenda that involved any serious dedication to the reason.  The only reason why Rommel was sent to africa was to shore up the italian defenses, he was never ment to push to take out egypt.  Also, Hitler never intended to take out britain or its empire, all he wanted was for britain to sue for peace and to recognize germany’s continental superiority.  Remember you got to imagine how things look back then, and don’t think as retrospect or highen sight.

  • @GoSanchez6:

    Too many Axis mistakes to name at the moment. The biggest was trying to make the jet a dive bomber. Hitler wanted it to be one. I believe the Germans had the jet in 41. I might be wrong on that date. If they would have produced as a fighter out of the gate they would have had air supremacy all over Europe. Not to mention the atomic bomb. They were developing it and gave up on it because the war was going so well they didn’t think they needed it. Imagine if they would have developed the jet and nuclear weapons. Good nite New York city.

    In 1940, Britain produced more military aircraft than did Germany, with the British receiving many more aircraft and aircraft engines from the United States. Hitler invaded the Soviet Union in 1941, in large part in hopes of enlarging Germany so that it could cope with the combined Anglo-American industrial threat. (And ultimately persuade the British to agree to peace.)

    But over the short-term at least, that meant that Germany’s enemies collectively had a large advantage in available manpower and industrial capacity. That meant that in 1942, Germany had to conquer very large sections of Soviet territory in order to avoid strategic defeat. Because 1942 was such a crucial year, Hitler deemphasized projects which involved several years of delay.

    Preliminary work on an American nuclear device began in 1939, and the Manhattan Project was initiated in 1942. This project required an enormous amount of technical and scientific resources, as well as a massive commitment of industrial capacity to enrich uranium and plutonium. I’ve heard it said that during WWII, the U.S. used more industrial capacity on enriching uranium and plutonium than it did on building tanks. Despite all this, nuclear weapons did not become available to the United States until the second half of 1945–by which time Germany had already been eliminated from the war. If Germany had had more time and more available resources, a Manhattan Project-style nuclear bomb project might have made sense.

    But while Hitler’s decision to eschew a Manhattan Project for Germany made sense, the delay in jet development was far more difficult to justify. From what I’ve been able to gather, the chief culprit there was Herman Goering, who, in 1940, drastically reduced the number of engineers allocated to jet engine development. A few other high ranking German officials were also part of the problem.

    Hitler does not appear to have become significantly involved until several years later, in 1943. At that time, the basic Me 262 design could be used for one of two general purposes: as a fighter to shoot down enemy aircraft, or as a ground attack plane to destroy enemy tanks and artillery. Hitler favored the Sturmvogel variant of the Me 262 (the ground attack variant). He correctly expected the Allies to invade France relatively soon, and saw a jet-based tactical bomber as a method of attacking Allied tanks and artillery even despite the Western Allies’ overwhelming air superiority. If Germany had possessed large numbers of Me 262 Sturmvogel fighter-bombers/tactical bombers, it would have had a significantly better chance of repelling the initial D-Day invasion. Such planes could have been used to attack not just Allied tanks and artillery, but also the transport ships carrying enemy units.

    However, Germany failed to produce enough Sturmvogel Me 262s to significantly affect the Normandy invasion, or enough Schwalbe (fighter) variants of the Me 262 to significantly affect the Allies’ attacks against Germany’s cities.

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