• Customizer

    And the MAJOR Industrial Centers.  The MINOR I.C.'s should be finished really soon.

    “Tall Paul”


  • very nice tall paul like the factories

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Any chance a Mod could move this thread to “Customizations”, where it really belongs. Lots of really nice work here.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    Any chance a Mod could move this thread to “Customizations”, where it really belongs. Lots of really nice work here.

    Oh… maybe it already was. Found it in a link under “G40”.

  • '18 '17 '16

    I’m really impressed, such a lot of very fine paintings!!! Good work, Commanders!!

  • I’ve been trying to post some pics of my painted units, but can’t seem to figure out how to attach them. I’ve been told the additional options has the attach option, but that isn’t there for me.  Not sure if I need to have “X” number of posts before I’m able to…  Any suggestions?

  • You need alot more posts before you can post pics.  Send them to me and i will put them in this thread.

  • Why would you need posts in order to post pics?  What’s the idea behind that?  Just curious.

  • Why would you need posts in order to post pics?  What’s the idea behind that?  Just curious.


  • https://www.dropbox.com/sh/4pqo0om6hxm7ugj/AQ5RzhTCSu

    This is the link from Maofactor. Needless to say the paint jobs are fantastic!

    Enjoy the pics.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

  • Nice mix of units and great paint jobs Maofactor!  kudos!
    I like the mix of Fallschirmjager and SS troops for Germany most I think.

  • Agreed. All very good. Who would not want something that pretty?

  • Thanks for all the nice comments, and thanks Imperious Leader for posting the link!  I really should be more involved on the forums so I can post pics myself. I’ve recently started to take the unit painting more seriously. I began with specialty units such as SS, Marines, Commandos, etc. a few years ago. Then I stared adding a few specialy pieces like painting Subs for Japanese I-400’s, then moved on to painting units for Air Transports. Now, I’m starting to work on making a complete global set. This could take a while. :-)

  • Well, best of luck to you on that, and I look forward to seeing any progress you have time to make and post.

  • Lol. Thanks DWoodchuck. I’ll get more posted as they are completed. I’m currently working on units from HBG’s Axis Minor set, and Russian set. I do have some other pics posted on HBG’s Facebook page, under Chris Noble. There is also some of my work on Task Force Boxes available as a free download on HBG’s web page.

  • I recently started painting my entire 1940 Europe/Pacific set because I’ve seen how awesome the pieces can look. I’m hoping to share my picture of what I have done so far, can anyone help me out with that? Thanks.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    I recently started painting my entire 1940 Europe/Pacific set because I’ve seen how awesome the pieces can look. I’m hoping to share my picture of what I have done so far, can anyone help me out with that? Thanks.

    You can do that two ways.

    1. hyperlink directly to them, if they are on an internet image server or website by using the picture icon next to the earth icon above the yellow smiley faces. or

    2. At the lower left of the typing window there is a drop-down for “additional options” where you can attach photos from your hard drive directly to the post. Normally I take this route. However, I and others have been unable to attach and upload items in posts because it comes up with an error that the upload folder is full. This is an issue outside of our control and I am not sure how or when it will be resolved.

    Hope that helps. Look forward to seeing yours sometime.

  • Awesome thank you! Well here’s what I have done so far:

    h t t p ://s1336.beta.photobucket.com/user/makingaccountsaregay/library/Axis%20and%20Allies%20paintings
    (You have to delete the spaces between http - It’s the only way I could post the link)

    I went for more of a distinct look instead of historical just for playing purposes. I’ve never really been into painting/art but seeing how well everyone’s pieces came out I got inspired and decided to give it a go. I’m pretty happy with how they’ve turned out so far.

    As you can probably tell I used a lot of other peoples ideas as far as how some pieces look and way to distinguish them. I’ve been using Army Painter Quickshade on most of my pieces and I like the results, it gives the pieces more of “warish” look. The only problem with it is it leaves the pieces with a glossy look so I’ve been using an anti-shine matte varnish to counter act that. I’m probably going to buy some decals to put on the planes/ships for greater distinctiveness because my hands aren’t steady enough to free hand them (I’ve tried and it came out poor).

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    Awesome thank you! Well here’s what I have done so far:

    h t t p ://s1336.beta.photobucket.com/user/makingaccountsaregay/library/Axis%20and%20Allies%20paintings
    (You have to delete the spaces between http - It’s the only way I could post the link)

    I went for more of a distinct look instead of historical just for playing purposes. I’ve never really been into painting/art but seeing how well everyone’s pieces came out I got inspired and decided to give it a go. I’m pretty happy with how they’ve turned out so far.

    As you can probably tell I used a lot of other peoples ideas as far as how some pieces look and way to distinguish them. I’ve been using Army Painter Quickshade on most of my pieces and I like the results, it gives the pieces more of “warish” look. The only problem with it is it leaves the pieces with a glossy look so I’ve been using an anti-shine matte varnish to counter act that. I’m probably going to buy some decals to put on the planes/ships for greater distinctiveness because my hands aren’t steady enough to free hand them (I’ve tried and it came out poor).


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Axis & Allies Boardgaming Custom Painted Miniatures







