Play Test……Our game went very well with just a few minor hitches.
Germany & Minor Axis went through the Maginot Line after taking Poland and suffered heavy casualties. Germany lost enough that it could not sustain the offensive and French and UK forces held on to territories in Europe until turn 7. By turn 4 Germany opened up a second front with Italy and the Minors against Russia. The Axis took the capitol of Moscow by turn 6 and were poised to take all Russian IPC’s.
Italy held off the UK in North Afrrica and traded territories all the way to turn 10. Neither country could muster enough troops to dislodge the other. UK failed to destroy the Italian fleet, so Italy had free reign in the Med.
Japan delayed taking the Dutch East Indies and used all its resouces to try and take China. This proved to be a costly mistake ending in a stalemate in China and Japan not having enough resources to take all the DEI without considerable losses.
Russia waited for the German attack but misplaced most of its army in northern Russia to counter the threat of an attack from Finland. The main attack came from Romania, Russia did not have suffecient time to move his troops to counter the offensive and lost Moscow. Russia did move its capitol to Novoribirsk and continued the fight.
UK/Commonwealth in Europe the UK and Canadian troops held off the German attack for more than 6 rounds until finally losing ground on turn 7, but the Germans never attacked Holland and the UK were poised to counter from this new ally. In the Pacific the Far East Command and the ANZAC armies were waiting for the Japanese to strike and built a formittable force while Japan delayed its attacks.
US& China China held off the Japanese offensive in Asia while the U.S. stockpiled its resources and equipment for an innevitable attack from Japan. While the UK had Germany under control in tEurope, the U.S. was able to pool all its resources in the Pacific. This along with Japans failure to take the Dutch East Indies spelled victory for the allies in the Pacific.
This game was played up until the end of turn 10 in just under 9 hours. We allowed Japan to move at the same time with Germany and the minor axis to speed up game play. This was done as long as Japan and Russia were not at war.
Some of the rule changes and clarifications will be posted later next week. All in all the game ran smooth and was very fun. Thanks to all the guys that played and were patient when it came to rule questions.