1939 Map - Jeremy's Variant with Set-up Charts

  • Hello,
          I got myself a copy of this beautiful map from Historicalboardgaming.com

    If you are not aware of this map I have posted some pictures below.  I recommend it to anyone…  YOU SHOULD BUY ONE.

    It is one of the Nicest maps I have in my collection and I decided that the set-up needed an update.  The charts provided with the game are for a very advanced version of the game that used 10 or 12 sided dice.  I know most players want to use something familiar but different with a variant so I took the time to make these charts and this Variant for use with the map.  This is Version 1.0 of these charts and corrections/changes may take place as we play this game more.

    In addition I also used updates from the new Alpha +2 set-up to re-calibrate this game.

    Some of the Highlights and changes made are as follows:

    CANADA and ANZAC have been combined into one playable “Nation” called the Commonwealth.  This will make playing ANZAC more fun and involved on such a large map.  The Commonwealth also shares a turn with the UK, although having its own income.  This allows the British Empire to move, plan and act in concert as they did…  but also shows the fragmented nature of the “Empire”

    I have added my popular FREE FRENCH 1.0 Rules in place of the complex Vichy/Non-Vichy system that existed.  This will feel more like AAG40, but with a small twist.

    This game also uses Pro-Allied / Pro-Axis Neutrals.  The Strict Neutrals are also included and can be invaded at any time without the dreaded consequences given in AAG40.  I have “beefed” up those that were not Historically involved in the Conflict to make it a rare and often expensive occasion for those who try.  You will find the Neutral territories are not worth many IPCs, so unless you have an interesting strategy or strategic reason for doing so, I don’t expect you will be invading Turkey any time soon…  But the exciting thig is the option is always there!

    The original set-up uses a new unit called a “Fortification”.  I decided to keep this in the game as their Historic locations made sense.  I recommend you use block houses from D-Day or something creative.  I use the Fortress guns from Field Command Singapore.

    The Set-up Charts are made so they can be printed out and be two sided.  Each Gives the set-up, a unit chart, National Objectives…  and some other important info for each Nation. Special thanks to TWISTEDARIES for his help with these charts!

    You can download these charts directly from the link below:


    The Map can be downloaded directly from Historicalboardgaming.com OR you can purchase a very nice printed map on vinyl for a resonable price considering the Quality and Size:


    Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this Variant as much as I did!


  • This game and this variant will be set-up and tested at FMGC 2011 Next weekend.

  • A couple of Q’s & Comments:

    1. I assume that Canadian & ANZAC units must be built in their respective areas… Do the UK Home & Far East Command units have to likewise be built in one area or the other depending on where their IC’s came from?

    2. Do the Red Chinese move on the Soviet turn or the Nationalist Chinese turn?

    A couple of preliminary thoughts:

    a. You should combine the US & Nationalist China turns in much the same way as the UK-Commonwealth turns are combined, and allow the US to send air units to reinforce/ replace the Chinese “Flying Tigers” unit if they can logistically get there.  Also, Adding Chinese dispositions to the blank section of the US chart can save you some space, too; the blank page on several of the cards looks awkward, I think.

    b. Along the same lines, I’d do like you did for Japan, and fill in the blank page for the rest of powers that still have one by moving either naval or colonial Far Eastern possessions to the blank fourth “page” of the card.

    c. The Dutch ought to get at least a destroyer or two, a sub and maybe a cruiser.  Their ships (at least 2 cruisers if I recall, + several destroyers & subs) were key components (numerically, anyway) of the early-war ABDA Command, until Japan managed to hunt them down.

    d. As an alternative to moving all naval dispositions to one side (as suggested by b), you could also move the “pro-allied neutrals” to the blank side of the France card and combine them as a semi-separate “allied minors” category that moves with France and do the same combining with the pro-axis minors and Italy.  This could simplify the cards and save a whole page.  You could go further and simplify the whole game somewhat and give France and Italy a little bit more oomph to work with if you also combined their IPC’s with those of the respective minors, which is a separate issue from merely occupying the same set-up cards.

    Generally, though, I like your set-up charts.  I might use them as a foundation for my own variant.  You should print them up and sell them once you have them perfected.

  • @DrLarsen:

    A couple of Q’s & Comments:

    1. I assume that Canadian & ANZAC units must be built in their respective areas… Do the UK Home & Far East Command units have to likewise be built in one area or the other depending on where their IC’s came from?

    That is correct.  Just like the split income of AAG40 for the UK.  Both Sydney and Ottawa have their own income, but controlled by same player.

    2. Do the Red Chinese move on the Soviet turn or the Nationalist Chinese turn?

    Communist China moves on the USSR turn

    A couple of preliminary thoughts:

    a. You should combine the US & Nationalist China turns in much the same way as the UK-Commonwealth turns are combined, and allow the US to send air units to reinforce/ replace the Chinese “Flying Tigers” unit if they can logistically get there.  Also, Adding Chinese dispositions to the blank section of the US chart can save you some space, too; the blank page on several of the cards looks awkward, I think.

    b. Along the same lines, I’d do like you did for Japan, and fill in the blank page for the rest of powers that still have one by moving either naval or colonial Far Eastern possessions to the blank fourth “page” of the card.

    c. The Dutch ought to get at least a destroyer or two, a sub and maybe a cruiser.  Their ships (at least 2 cruisers if I recall, + several destroyers & subs) were key components (numerically, anyway) of the early-war ABDA Command, until Japan managed to hunt them down.

    I wanted to give then Naval units also, but thought it would make it complicated.  I went with the KISS principal…  That all Neutrals have land units only.

    d. As an alternative to moving all naval dispositions to one side (as suggested by b), you could also move the “pro-allied neutrals” to the blank side of the France card and combine them as a semi-separate “allied minors” category that moves with France and do the same combining with the pro-axis minors and Italy.  This could simplify the cards and save a whole page.  You could go further and simplify the whole game somewhat and give France and Italy a little bit more oomph to work with if you also combined their IPC’s with those of the respective minors, which is a separate issue from merely occupying the same set-up cards.

    Generally, though, I like your set-up charts.  I might use them as a foundation for my own variant.  You should print them up and sell them once you have them perfected.

    Glad you enjoy them.  My response BOLD above

  • @FieldMarshalGames:

           I got myself a copy of this beautiful map from Historicalboardgaming.com

    If you are not aware of this map I have posted some pictures below.  I recommend it to anyone…  YOU SHOULD BUY ONE.

    It is one of the Nicest maps I have in my collection and I decided that the set-up needed an update.  The charts provided with the game are for a very advanced version of the game that used 10 or 12 sided dice.  I know most players want to use something familiar but different with a variant so I took the time to make these charts and this Variant for use with the map.  This is Version 1.0 of these charts and corrections/changes may take place as we play this game more.

    In addition I also used updates from the new Alpha +2 set-up to re-calibrate this game.

    Some of the Highlights and changes made are as follows:

    CANADA and ANZAC have been combined into one playable “Nation” called the Commonwealth.  This will make playing ANZAC more fun and involved on such a large map.  The Commonwealth also shares a turn with the UK, although having its own income.  This allows the British Empire to move, plan and act in concert as they did…  but also shows the fragmented nature of the “Empire”

    I have added my popular FREE FRENCH 1.0 Rules in place of the complex Vichy/Non-Vichy system that existed.  This will feel more like AAG40, but with a small twist.

    This game also uses Pro-Allied / Pro-Axis Neutrals.  The Strict Neutrals are also included and can be invaded at any time without the dreaded consequences given in AAG40.  I have “beefed” up those that were not Historically involved in the Conflict to make it a rare and often expensive occasion for those who try.   You will find the Neutral territories are not worth many IPCs, so unless you have an interesting strategy or strategic reason for doing so, I don’t expect you will be invading Turkey any time soon…  But the exciting thig is the option is always there!

    The original set-up uses a new unit called a “Fortification”.  I decided to keep this in the game as their Historic locations made sense.  I recommend you use block houses from D-Day or something creative.  I use the Fortress guns from Field Command Singapore.

    The Set-up Charts are made so they can be printed out and be two sided.  Each Gives the set-up, a unit chart, National Objectives…  and some other important info for each Nation. Special thanks to TWISTEDARIES for his help with these charts!

    You can download these charts directly from the link below:


    The Map can be downloaded directly from Historicalboardgaming.com OR you can purchase a very nice printed map on vinyl for a resonable price considering the Quality and Size:


    Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this Variant as much as I did!


    Jeremy, our group has been trying this map recently. It is a great looking map but the territories in Europe are TOO small on the 3x6 map. I am considering enlarging my game bench to fit the 4x8 version. But I do not want to invest in the larger map until I am sure of all the details. I will print it out myself and see what possibilities there are.

  • Hey Jeremy,
    I love your setup cards.  I printed out the whole set.  The rules you have on the Round 1 incomes is very interesting.  I kind of understand the system you have for USSR, USA and Italy.  Basically, their economies have to ramp up to a wartime level.  I don’t understand the incomes of France, UK and Calcutta being cut to just 10 IPCs for Round 1, or Germany getting 54 for Round 1.  Could you explain this please?

    Love the map too.  I would like to get one myself but my gaming table is not nearly large enough.  It barely holds the Global 1940 boards and they hang off one end a couple of inches.  I know there is a smaller version of the 1939 map that would fit my table, but I would really like the bigger one.  Do you plan on getting those painted armies from coachofmany for all the new countries in the 1939 variant (Poland, Communist China, etc.)?

  • @knp7765:

    Hey Jeremy,
    I love your setup cards.  I printed out the whole set.  The rules you have on the Round 1 incomes is very interesting.  I kind of understand the system you have for USSR, USA and Italy.  Basically, their economies have to ramp up to a wartime level.  I don’t understand the incomes of France, UK and Calcutta being cut to just 10 IPCs for Round 1, or Germany getting 54 for Round 1.  Could you explain this please?

    Love the map too.  I would like to get one myself but my gaming table is not nearly large enough.  It barely holds the Global 1940 boards and they hang off one end a couple of inches.  I know there is a smaller version of the 1939 map that would fit my table, but I would really like the bigger one.  Do you plan on getting those painted armies from coachofmany for all the new countries in the 1939 variant (Poland, Communist China, etc.)?

    Thanks for your comments.  Yes, that is how those three economies Ramp up for war.  It will be different every time you play!  Instead of giving them a SET TURN to come into the war, it may be a short… or long wait.  This adds some suspense to the game in the first turns as the conflict is slowly becoming Global.  All three of these Nations were not ready, but were gearing up for War at this time.

    The starting incomes for France/Britain and Germany are to create Balance in the game, but also have a Historical flavor.  Germany has just plundered Czechoslovakia and acquired the Skoda works, in addition to the Austria joining the Reich.  Also they have been building up for War for many years.  So they have unspent IPCs to use during their “Blitzkrieg” Phase.  Although Germany has been at peace…  they have been in a war economy for many years.

    On the other hand, France and Britain are completely unprepared for the coming war.  Their defenses and Military industrial complex have been neglected and in decline for decades.  They hoped to avoid war at all costs and have had a series of Pacifist and Appeasing Governments.  The first turn income gives Germany that SHOCK value in Europe, while creating an awkward situation for the Western Allies where they are almost powerless to aid Poland etc…

  • Ah, I totally get it now.  You make many good points on the historical flavor.  I can see how Germany would be relatively “rich” due to all their accquisitions leading up to 1939.  Also, with the extremely pacifist nature of the French and British governments it makes sense their economies would be relatively low because of more interests in peacetime things.  Also, France was heavily invested in the Maginot Line.

    So, have you decided what you are going to do for pieces for all the small countries?

  • @knp7765:

    Ah, I totally get it now.  You make many good points on the historical flavor.  I can see how Germany would be relatively “rich” due to all their accquisitions leading up to 1939.  Also, with the extremely pacifist nature of the French and British governments it makes sense their economies would be relatively low because of more interests in peacetime things.  Also, France was heavily invested in the Maginot Line.

    So, have you decided what you are going to do for pieces for all the small countries?

    I took some old units and painted them WHITE.  As all Neutrals are active, they will all be represented by white units.  I used Fortress Artillery from Field Command: Singapore 1942 as the Fortress unit.

    This game will be played at this weekends FMGC 2011.  I will report and post some pictures of the event and this game.

  • Thank you so much for translating this to a D6 system! I prefer it much more than the D12. I know your busy with your pieces project, of which Im excited for, but have you kept your rules updated as Tigerman updates his? Im thinking about getting the map and just wanna know if I should download your rules due to the D6 system or his updated ones and just transfer to D6 on my own.

  • @De:

    Thank you so much for translating this to a D6 system! I prefer it much more than the D12. I know your busy with your pieces project, of which Im excited for, but have you kept your rules updated as Tigerman updates his? Im thinking about getting the map and just wanna know if I should download your rules due to the D6 system or his updated ones and just transfer to D6 on my own.

    All the special rules are printed on the cards.  They do not need to be updated.  All other rules are in line with the 1940 games.

  • Alright thanks! Its just in the 1939 map thread Tigerman always speaks of adding new things to his rules so I was concerned about yours maybe not being up to date with his.

  • yo fmg does that include nation restrictions?

  • Also why arent the Dutch and Communist Chinese in the turn order? Or are they not supposed to be?

  • @De:

    Also why arent the Dutch and Communist Chinese in the turn order? Or are they not supposed to be?

    The Dutch are treated as Pro-Allied Neutrals in this game.  The Communist Chinese are controlled by the USSR to give the Game an interesting Twist.

  • Yes, l played the former map with Communist Chinese and letting the Russian player run the Communist Chinese gives them the option of having their own objectives and not necessarily lined up with the Nationslist.
    We play with two Commonwealth players and I love the Aussies and Far east Command crying for extra units that the UK has the option to place in their countries.
    Our next game , we will do the same for the US, the Pacific command crying for units since the US player in Europe will control the money. This should make add some dynamics to the game.

  • I got that map and it’s the greatest i’ve seen. Take out the set-up charts and start buying pieces and placing them each countries territorties they own. Each country needs to buy a factory before placin pieces on the board. Small factory produces 3 units and large factoried produce 10 units,. Using the white factories and the 10 factory tokens as the large.Using the 3 factory as the small. large factory produces 10 units, small produces 3 units. Right now I have 18 different countries participating in the 1939 global war. Each country has a starting IPC. Also iput in special weapons labs that need to be bought at 7IPCs. This cutdowns on how manycountries can develop secial weapons. I use the grey factories for this. Set-up conditions of the war are importment as the war itself. I did put together a starting ipc start for each country. The IPCs will change as the game goes on. This game starts in January of 1939 and war can’t b e declared until September 1939, Neutral countries can’t declare war, unless invaded. it does have to, bbut that’s the earliest by the axis


    Forget that, take a roundel from each participating countryand put them in hat or bag. My favorite bag is the purple Crown Royal bag. Pull one roundel out and that will be thats countries turn(this is one turn). When all roundels are removed from the bag that will be a round. Brings back Surpris attacks and remember the Marine motto"overcome, and it’s hard to plan 2 or 3 moves ahead.
    adapt" I put in a rule about how long subs can stay submergrd(6 turns). Also how long air patrols can stay in the air 4 turns.

  • Defcon1 thats the coolest house rule I have ever heard of. THE PURPLE CROWN ROYAL BAG RULE. If you don’t have one get a fifth for Axis and Allies. You win with both.

  • Good job for the map.
    I read the UK chart.
    Too much infantry on UK island.
    In september 1939…only 4 active division we’re operational in UK. (5 in reserved).

  • @crusaderiv:

    Good job for the map.
    I read the UK chart.
    Too much infantry on UK island.
    In september 1939…only 4 active division we’re operational in UK. (5 in reserved).

    Unit placement is for Balance, sometimes Historical accuracy has to be a passenger because this is a game.

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