here is the link for the new updated map, it hasn’t changed much
IL on the turn phases number 7 says place units, draw cards, check victory conditions. Don’t see nothing in rules about cards. do have list of cards and what they say?
ok… what game exactly are you talking about?
barabossa game
Barbarossa Game you came out with 2 years ago 50 x 40 map used with AA pieces
They were an optional deck of cards, but under playtest they didn’t work out too well. It didn’t add to the game.
So just place units and check for VC
I assume this is the version that has 1941,42 and 43 start lines?
start summer 1941 1941 to 1945 on first turn germany plays twice
Are you still selling the Barbarossa game? If so I am interested in buying.
download map and rules. maybe IL can hookyou up
Wait you still needing that?