At “PISA GIOCA 2010” I knew Rhodry that she is helping me with some drawings of the game … After the ANGEL (for more information on this click here:, I asked her to help me with coins … I thought using the florin ( as the currency exchange in the game because in the second half of the thirteenth century. it was widely used.
Here the original florin:

Here are some initial drafts and some steps of work:

And here a first draft of the final idea of coins:

The first two coins are respectively the white “cross” and “head” … I put the value on the cross… being forced to manage exorbitant amount of money I can’t use the money system of that historical period:
1 gold florin = 20 “popolino” (big silver florin) = 40 “soldi”; also there was a little florin = 1/12 “soldo”.
Instead of the original texts on the “cross” I have replaced the “FLORENTIA” with the value (1-5-10-50-100-500-1000) and on “head” I have replaced “S. IOHANNES B.” " with the name of the game (MEDIO EVO UNIVERSALIS). The coins will also be different colors to differentiate the materials:
value 1 = copper
value 5-10 = iron
value 50-100 = silver
value 500-1000 = gold
I think they will be the same size if I will make the metal coins because I must pay for every different dimension of mold… 4 different dimensions + 7 different “cross” = 11 different molds.
If they have the same size I must pay only 1 “head” + 7 “cross”.
Some examples:

If I will make the plastic or cardboard coins I will surely make 4 different dimensions.
Current coins:

Here below tests about new money for this prototype:
1° test

2° test

… and even coins are finished … Despite some hitches, now I have coins PERFECTLY EQUAL to Rhodry’s draw:

Here is one of the molds:

More info: