1939 Scenario for the 1942.2 Map and Pieces

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16


    This is a scenario beginning in 1939, using the map and pieces from Axis & Allies: 1942 Second Edition. At the start of the game, many territories are considered neutral, including France and its colonies, the Netherlands and their colonies, the USA, Poland, and southern Europe. Germany and Japan start the game with a reduced set of core territories, but they are in a position to expand very, very rapidly – the Axis player will get to choose which direction(s) to expand in, and whether to risk trying to expand on 5-6 fronts simultaneously, or whether to choose a more conservative strategy. The USA begins the game with the ability to send ‘volunteers’ to help defend friendly territories, and will fully enter the war in about 2 to 6 turns, depending on how aggressively the Axis conduct their initial invasions. Most of the impassible neutral territories, such as Sweden and Argentina, have been activated in this scenario, the penalties for losing your capitol have been reduced, and there is a new list of victory cities and new starting factory locations. Otherwise, the rules are virtually identical to OOB Axis & Allies 1942: Second Edition.

    Victory Conditions

    At the start of the game, the Axis have 5 VCs (Berlin, Rome, Addis Ababa, Tokyo, Shanghai), and the Allies have 10 VCs (London, Ottawa, Szechuan, Honolulu, Manila, Calcutta, Moscow, Leningrad, Stalingrad, Vladivostok). There are 3 starting neutral VCs (Paris, Warsaw, Rio de Janeiro). The game lasts for a minimum of 2 turns. At the end of turns 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, if either the Allies or the Axis control 12 or more of the 18 available VCs, then that team automatically wins. Otherwise, at the end of turn 10, whoever controls the most Victory Cities wins. If both players control an equal number of victory cities at the end of turn 10, then the game is a draw.

    Modified Turn Order

    The turn order is Germany - Britain - USA - Japan - Russia.

    Invading Neutral Territories

    The Sahara, Afghanistan, the Himalayas, and Mongolia are still considered impassible. All other territories marked as impassible start the game as ‘neutral’ territories, which can be invaded if you have the troops to spare. Each neutral territory has an economic value as marked on the setup chart at the bottom of this post.

    Any player can invade a neutral territory. If successful, the neutral territory becomes conquered by the invader, and is treated just like any other conquered territory. However, if you begin the invasion of a true neutral territory but do not conquer it on the same turn, the neutral falls under the control of the enemy with the closest territory (e.g. 1 space away, 2 spaces away, etc.) Sea zones count as 1 space each. For example, at the start of the game, a failed German invasion of Sweden would result in Sweden being controlled by the Russians, whereas a failed British invasion of Sweden would result in Sweden being controlled by the Germans. In case of a tie, the team that will receive the territory can decide which nation to assign it to. If the team cannot decide, the player whose invasion failed may decide which enemy nation to assign it to. For example, a failed German invasion of Turkey would allow the Allies to assign control of Turkey to either Britain or Russia, since both the Russians and the British have territories that are adjacent to Turkey. If the British and Russian players cannot agree, then Germany would get to decide whether Turkey goes to Britain or to Russia.

    Neutral countries do not �remember� who they were controlled by, and they can be liberated (and thereafter controlled and used) by any enemy of the current occupying power.

    If you invade a French neutral territory, regardless of whether your invasion is successful, there is a 50% chance that each of the uninvaded French neutral territories will defect to your opponents at the end of your turn, using the rules described above. There is also a 16% chance that the unconquered French neutral territories will defect to the Germans. For example, suppose Germany attacks France, Morocco, and Algeria on turn 1. The French and Moroccan invasions are successful, but the Algerian invasion fails. Germany will control France and Morocco, and Britain will control Algeria, but Madagascar, French West Africa, and French Equatorial Africa will each have a 50% chance of defecting to the British. Roll 1d6 for each unconquered territory. On a roll of 1, 2, or 3, it joins the British. On a roll of 4 or 5, it stays neutral. On a roll of 6, it joins the Germans (or, in the case of Madagascar, the Japanese). Note that when the USA joins the war, then after the end of the entire USA turn (including income collection and unit placement), any French territories that are still neutral become owned by the USA.

    Similarly, if you invade a Dutch neutral territory, there is a 50% chance that uninvaded Dutch neutral territories will defect to your opponents at the end of your turn, and a 16% chance that the territories will defect to you. For example, if Japan launches a failed invasion of Borneo, then Borneo automatically defects to the British, and then on a roll of 1, 2, or 3, the West Indies, the Congo, and Northwestern Europe will each defect to the British, and on a roll of 6 each of those three territories will defect to the Axis (Germany would control Northwest Europe and Congo; Japan would control the West Indies and Borneo).

    If you invade a true neutral territory, nothing special happens other than that you either conquer it or activate it for your opponents.

    Modified capital capture rules

    If your capital is captured, the captor loots half your total treasury, rounded down – e.g., if you have 11 IPCs, the captor steals 5 IPCs, and you keep 6 IPCs. On subsequent turns, you collect income as normal, although obviously you do not collect income from your capital while the capital is occupied. Losing your capital obviously prevents you from building units at your capital, but it does not completely shut down your production abilities. Instead, you may continue to build units at ICs outside your capital as normal. If you can afford it, you may even build a new IC outside your capital.

    Turkish Straits

    The Turkish straits are closed by default to all players at the start of the game. You must control Turkey (either by conquering it or by having it survive an enemy attack) in order to freely move ships between the central Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Planes may freely fly over the Turkish straits as normal.

    If you wish, you may defy Turkish neutrality and cross the straits without permission. Each time you do so, for each boat (including transports) that you move through the straits, roll 1d6. A ship that rolls a “5” or “6” is considered to be sunk by fire from Turkish coastal guns, and is immediately destroyed, along with (for transports) any of its cargo. In addition, if you rolled at least one “6”, then Turks align with your enemies at the end of your turn, as if you had invaded Turkey by land.

    You may not cross the Turkish straits at all if Turkey is controlled by an enemy power.

    US entry counter

    The USA starts the game with a -20 IPCs/turn income penalty, which represents the economic effects of a peacetime economy. On turn 1, the USA controls 39 IPCs’ worth of territory, so it will collect 39 - 20 = 19 IPCs. The USA also starts the game unable to initiate combat against the Axis. The USA may still send troops to defend Allied-occupied territories (�volunteers�) and/or attack neutral territories. Each time the Axis powers invade a true neutral, French, Dutch, or Chinese territory, add 1 chip to the �US Entry� zone. Each time the Axis powers invade a British or Russian territory, add 2 chips to the �US Entry� zone. For example, if on turn one, Germany invades Karelia, Poland, and Egypt, you would add 5 chips to the US entry zone – 2 for Karelia, 1 for Poland, and 2 for Egypt. If later on turn 1, Japan invades Anhwei and Kwangtung, you would add 3 more chips to the US entry zone, for a total of 8 chips – 1 for Anhwei (a Chinese territory) and 2 for Kwangtung (a British-controlled territory). If at the start of turn 2, Germany also invades Northwest Europe and Sudan, you would add 3 more chips to the US entry zone, for a total of 11 chips (1 for neutral NW Europe, and 2 for British-controlled Sudan).

    At the end of each USA turn, roll 4d6. If the result is less than the number of chips in the US Entry zone, the USA enters the war, and may thereafter initiate combat against the Axis. For example, based on the game described above, there would be 5 chips in the US entry zone on the first roll, so it would be very unlikely for the US to enter the war – the US would have to roll quadruple ones on four dice. At the end of turn 2, the US would have about a 15% chance of entering the war – there would be 11 chips in the pot, so the US needs to roll an 10 or less on four dice. The odds that the US will enter the war on any given turn keep going up over time as the Axis make more invasions, and the cumulative odds that the US will have entered the war by a certain turn go up even faster.

    Also, if either Axis player invades or bombs any American-controlled territory (other than China) or attacks any purely American fleet, then the USA enters the war, and may thereafter initiate combat against the Axis. For example, if Japan attacks the Philippines, then the US will automatically enter the war at the beginning of its next turn, without the need to roll any dice. Because the US already paid the ‘peacetime penalty’ of -20 IPC at the end of its last turn, it will have a reduced income during its first turn at war in response to a direct attack.

    Note that attacking a mixed group of ships, or attacking a territory where there happen to be some American troops, does not have any effect on when the USA enters the war – what matters is the owner of the invaded territory, not the owner of the defending troops.

    Damaged Starting Factories

    Many of the Allied powers begin with one or more damaged industrial centers (factories). This represents the Axis powers’ successful surprise attack, and the need for the Allies to ‘gear up’ for war before they can recruit significant troops for the war effort. As the Allied player, you are not required to remove this damage, but normal damage rules apply, and may prevent you from deploying troops, so you may find it necessary to remove some or all of the damage as part of your strategy.

    The French factory also begins with maximum strategic damage. This primarily represents the need for the Germans to engage in costly pacification and occupation efforts before the Vichy regime can begin to contribute useful resources to the Axis war effort. If the Axis attack on France fails, the strategic damage can also represent the French reluctance to raise a large army, since the French are still reeling from World War I.


    GERMANY (17 IPCs with 0 damage)

    Germany: 6 inf, 2 art, 4 tnk, 2 ftr, 2 bmb, 1 AAA, 1 IC
    Italy: 3 inf, 1 art, 1 tnk, 1 ftr, 1 IC
    Libya: 2 inf
    Rumania: 2 inf, 1 art, 1 ftr, 1 IC
    Finland: 3 inf, 1 art, 1 ftr
    Italian East Africa: 3 inf, 1 art, 1 ftr

    Baltic Sea (SZ 5): 1 cruiser, 1 destroyer, 1 transport, 1 submarine
    Central Med (SZ 15): 1 battleship, 1 destroyer, 1 transport
    West Indian (SZ 33): 1 submarine
    Norwegian Sea (SZ 3): 1 submarine
    East Atlantic (SZ 13): 1 submarine
    West Altantic (SZ 22): 1 cruiser
    South Atlantic (SZ 25): 1 submarine

    BRITAIN (30 IPCs with 20 damage)

    United Kingdom: 3 inf, 1 art, 1 tnk, 1 ftr, 1 AAA, 1 IC with 6 damage
    Eastern Canada: 1 inf, 1 IC with 6 damage
    Western Canada: 1 inf
    Egypt: 3 inf
    Sudan: 1 inf, 1 art
    Rhodesia: 1 inf
    South Africa: 2 inf, 1 IC with 4 damage
    Trans-Jordan: 1 inf, 1 ftr
    India: 3 inf, 1 art, 1 AAA, 1 IC with 4 damage
    Burma: 1 inf
    Malaya: 1 inf
    Kwangtung: 1 inf
    New Guinea: 1 inf
    Eastern Australia: 1 inf, 1 art, 1 AAA, 1 IC with 2 damage
    Western Australia: 1 inf
    (Solomon Islands)
    New Zealand: 1 inf

    English Channel (SZ 8): 1 destroyer, 1 cruiser, 1 transport
    North Sea (SZ 6): 1 cruiser
    Nova Scotia (SZ 10): 1 battleship, 1 carrier, 1 destroyer, 1 transport
    East Mediterranean (SZ 17): 1 battleship, 1 destroyer, 1 transport
    South Atlantic (SZ 21): 1 cruiser, 1 destroyer, 1 submarine
    Indian Ocean (SZ 35): 1 carrier with 1 fighter, 1 destroyer, 1 transport
    Tasmanian Sea (SZ 39): 1 submarine
    Australian Sea (SZ 45): 1 cruiser, 1 transport

    USA (19 IPCs with 24 damage)

    Eastern US: 1 inf, 1 tnk, 1 ftr, 1 AAA, 1 IC with 12 damage
    Central US: 1 inf
    Western US: 1 inf, 1 art, 1 AAA, 1 IC with 10 damage
    Alaska: 1 inf
    Hawaii: 1 inf
    Panama: 1 inf
    Phillipines: 1 inf, 1 art
    Szchewan: 2 inf, 1 ftr, 1 IC with 2 damage
    Anhui: 1 inf
    Yunnan: 1 inf
    Sinkiang: 1 inf

    West Atlantic (SZ 11): 1 cruiser, 2 destroyer, 1 transport
    East Pacific (SZ 56): 1 carrier w/ 1 fighter, 1 battleship, 1 destroyer, 1 transport
    Panama Canal (SZ 19): 1 cruiser, 1 transport

    JAPAN (15 IPCs with 0 damage)

    Japan: 2 inf, 2 art, 1 tnk, 2 ftr, 1 bmb, 1 AAA, 1 IC
    Manchuria: 3 inf, 1 art, 1 tnk, 1 ftr
    Shanghai: 2 inf, 1 art, 1 tnk, 1 ftr
    Thailand: 2 inf, 1 art
    Okinawa: 1 inf
    Caroline Islands: 1 inf
    (Iwo Jima)

    Sea of Japan (SZ 60): 1 battleship, 1 carrier w/ 2 ftrs, 2 destroyers, 1 transport
    Yellow Sea (SZ 61): 1 cruiser, 1 carrier w/ 1 ftr, 1 destroyer, 2 transports

    USSR (29 IPCs with 14 damage)

    Karelia: 2 inf, 1 tnk, 1 ftr, 1 AAA, 1 IC with 2 damage
    Archangel: 1 inf
    West Russia: 2 inf, 1 art
    Belorussia: 2 inf
    Moscow: 1 inf, 1 art, 1 tnk, 1 AAA, 1 IC with 6 damage
    Ukraine: 1 inf, 1 tnk
    Caucuses: 2 inf, 1 art, 1 AAA, 1 IC with 4 damage
    Kazakhstan: 1 inf
    Vologda: 1 inf
    Evenki: 1 inf, 1 art, 1 IC with 2 damage
    Yakutsk: 1 inf, 1 ftr
    Soviet Far East: 1 inf
    Buryatia: 4 inf

    White Sea (SZ 4): 1 destroyer, 1 submarine, 1 transport
    Black Sea (SZ 16): 1 cruiser, 1 transport
    Northwest Pacific (SZ 63): 1 submarine

    NEUTRAL (36)

    !France: 3 inf, 1 tnk, 1 ftr, 1 AAA, 1 IC with 12 damage
    Morocco: 1 inf
    Algeria: 1 inf, 1 art
    French West Africa: 1 inf
    French Equatorial Africa: 1 inf
    French Madagascar: 1 inf

    Northwest Europe: 2 inf, 1 IC with 4 damage
    Belgian Congo: 1 inf
    Borneo: 1 inf
    Dutch East Indies: 1 inf

    True Neutral
    Norway: 3 inf
    Sweden: 3 inf, 1 ftr (2 IPCs)
    !Poland: 2 inf, 1 ftr
    Baltic States: 1 inf
    Southern Europe: 2 inf, 1 art
    Persia: 1 inf
    Saudi Arabia: 2 inf (1 IPC)
    Mexico: 2 inf
    West Indies: 1 inf
    Brazil: 2 inf
    Argentina: 1 inf (2 IPCs)
    Colombia: 1 inf (1 IPC)
    Venezuela: 1 inf (1 IPC)
    Spain: 5 inf, 1 art, 1 ftr (3 IPC)
    Turkey: 6 inf, 1 art, 1 ftr (3 IPC)
    Eire: 3 inf (1 IPC)

    EDIT: Tweaked USA-entry rules based on second solo playtest. Invading Chinese territories now only adds 1 USA-entry chip (not 2), but if France is still neutral when USA enters war, then all French territories become owned by USA. This puts a clock on Germany’s conquest of France…you don’t have to attack France right away, but if you leave them alone for turns and turns, eventually France will manage to get an offensive together.

  • Sponsor

    Extreamly well thought out Argothair, I would love to see a setup someday for a 1943 scenario for the 1940 Global board. Please don’t take that as a request, I’m just saying that I think you have a good grasp and patience for house rule setups and I hope to see more unique ideas. Also, I expressed an apology on my latest youtube channel update for not getting around to reviewing your last setup, I will do my up most best to make that video after the renovations to my house in season 2.


  • Which type of units are you using for France and the Dutch?

  • I did one, YG.
    Will email if you pm me yours. I have it in AAA and I know  you don’t (need to)play.
    Could try and post it here, but am a slow typist!

  • Russia 34.
    SZ 127: Sub.
    Novgo: 3Inf, AA.
    Arch: 3INf, Tk.
    Smolensk: 2 Inf, 1 Art.
    Bryansk: 4, Art, 2 TK.
    Rostov: 4, Art, TK.
    Caucasus: Inf.
    Russia: 5, 3 Art, Mech, Tk, 2Ft, 2Tac.
    Twnbov: Inf.
    Volgo: 1, Mech, 2 Tanks.
    Kazak: 1 inf.
    Novo:  1 Inf.
    Eventi: 2 Inf.
    Yakut:!1 inf.
    Buryatia: 2 Inf.
    Siberia: 2 Inf.

    Will post rest tomorrow, but am out tonight.
    Russia goes  first. Have used the 1942 Tournament order. Is set after Kursk and the Tunisia surrender.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16

    Young Grasshopper, thanks for the kind words, and good luck with your renovations!

    When you have time, I’m curious to hear what kinds of game-play and strategies you are looking to get out of your 1943 scenario. Where do you see the game going, and what interests you about it? I’ve seen 1944 “fall of the Reich” scenarios where the Axis players ‘win’ if they stave off defeat longer than their historical counterparts, but I’ve never seen a 1943 scenario. If the game setup starts in spring 1943, after the surrender of Tunisia, after the German defeat at Kursk, and after the defeat of the Japanese navy at Midway, then how can the Axis hope to win? If the Axis are not supposed to win, will people really enjoy roleplaying that many turns of the Axis being pushed back to Berlin and Tokyo? What is it that you want the 1943 scenario to offer to players? (Evidently wittmann thinks he’s figured that out – you’ve got at least one loyal fan of your idea!)

    Frederick, you do not need any special pieces for the French / Dutch / true neutrals, because they have no effect on play until someone invades, and then you can immediately put down, e.g., British units, or German units, as appropriate. However, if you have another color handy, like Blue or Brown or Purple, then you can use that color for the neutrals, and it is a nice bit of chrome that helps avoid the need to reference a setup card during the game.

  • Okay, but won’t you mess which unit is who’s?
    I like the idea on 1939 in 1942.2 because usually people use other Axis and Allies.

  • Hi Argothair.
    The Axis can’t win in 43. I set it up, because I quite like playing a losing battle. As Germany, you have to shift forces East to West, and vice versa, to stem the breakthroughs, as the Allies come at you, mercilessly, from both sides.
    I accept I am not normal.

    Will try my best to put up the other nations,'later today.

  • Japan 45.
    Japan: 4 Inf, Art, AA, FT and Bomber.
    Korea: 1 Inf.
    Manchuria: 2 Inf, FT.
    Jehol: 2 Inf.
    Shantung: 1 Inf.
    Kiangsi: 3 Inf, Art, FT, Tac.
    Kwantung: 1 Inf.
    Indo: 2 Inf, 1 Art, FT.
    Siam, Shan and Malaya: all 1 Inf.
    Burma: 2 Inf.
    Sumatra, Java, New Britain: 2 Inf.
    Borneo, DNG and Celebes: 1 Inf.
    Philippines, Carolines: 2 Inf.
    Paulau, Gilberts, Marshalls, Wake, Guam, Okinawa and Iwo: 1 Inf.
    sz6: DD, TT, BT, AC, FT and Tac.
    19: DD, TT.
    35: BT, AC, TT, FT and Tac.
    45: DD.
    47: CR, DD and Sub.

  • US 74.
    East: 2 Inf, Art, Mech, AA, FT and BB.
    Central: 1 Inf.
    West: 4’Inf, Art, AA,  2 FT and BB.
    Brazil, Morocco and Algeria: controlled.
    Tunisia (UK): Inf, Mech and Tank.
    Alaska: 1 Inf.
    Midway: 1 Inf.
    Hawaii: 2 Inf and FT.
    Solomons. 3 Inf,  1 Art, FT.
    UN: FT and BB.
    SZ 10: BT, CV, CR, 2 DD, Sub , FT and Tac.
    SZ26: CV, DD, 2 Subs, 2 FT.
    SZ 40: BT, CV, CR, DD, 2 TT, FT and Tac.
    SZ101: BT, CR, DD and TT.
    SZ 94: CR, DD 2 TT.

  • China 14.
    Chahar, Kweichow, Kwangsi, Kiangsi: all 1 Inf.
    Yunnan, Anhwe:  both 2 Inf.
    Szechwan: 2 Inf and a FT.

    Germany: 54 income.
    Normandy: 1 Inf, 1 Tank.
    Belgium: 1 Inf, 1 Tank.
    S France: 1 Inf.
    France: Inf, Art, Tank, AA.
    Denmark and Southern G: 1 Inf.
    Germany: 2 Inf, Art, 2AA, 2 Fts and BB.
    Poland: 2 Mech.
    Hungary, Bulgaria, Greece, Yugo and Bessarabia: 1 Inf.
    N italy: Mech and Tank.
    S Italy: Tank.
    Romania: 2 Inf, Tank and FT.
    E Poland: 2 Inf, FT and Tac.
    Baltic: 1 Inf and 1 Tank.
    Belarus: 3 Inf, Art, Tank and AA.
    W Ukraine: 3 Inf, Art, Tank , AA and FT.
    Ukraine: 4 Inf, Art, Tank , AA and FT.
    Karelia, Vyborg: 1 Inf.
    Finland: 2 Inf.
    Norway: 2 Inf and FT.
    SZ103 105, 107: Sub.
    SZ113: CR, TT and Sub.
    Crete: comtrolled.

  • Is it a bit like G40? Where on neutrals they have a number of what units they defend with and you can pick which power to represent who’s.

  • Was that question for me, Frederick?
    If so, yes. All is as 1940, but the turn order follows the 1942 Tournament set up that  Larry endorsed.
    I realise I have omitted ICs and Bases. I was happy with the standard set up ones. Please fill I the gaps.
    This copying up is taking forever. I do apologise.

  • Oh I’m sorry wittmann, that question was for Argothair, my question was talking about the french and dutch pieces for the setup. Because I was wondering what units represent french and dutch so then I figured if it was like G40 where in the 1939 case if Germany attacks France then the french setup would activate then british units would then represent the french or if it was not like G40 and the starting setup is already there. Wouldn’t you get pieces mixed up because I only own 1941 and 1942.2 so I don’t have different types of units to represent the french and dutch. I know it sounds confusing.

    Maybe if you own an Italian set you could have Italy, and give Germany some extra ipcs to start with.

    Also wittmann, is that G40 setup your posting and is that 1943?

  • I did wonder, Frederick.
    It is a 1943 set up, after the failed Kursk offensive and the loss of North Africa.
    I think I just posted UK in another thread: what an idiot!

  • 1943 is not very popular as I think it is maybe Larry should make a version of it.

    I did see your mistake. :wink:

  • : 34.
    2 Inf, Art, TK, AA, 2Ft amd BB.
    Scotland: Inf, FT and Tac.
    Tunisia: Inf, Art, Mech, Tk and FT.
    Egypt: 1 Inf (with an Anzac Inf).
    Pacific: 5 IPCs.
    West India: 1 Inf.
    India: 4 Inf, Art, 2AA, FT and Tac.
    SZ43: Sub.
    sZ41: Sub.
    SZ39: Cruiser, CV and FT.
    SZ94: BT, CR, DD and TT.
    SZ91: DD
    SZ98: DD.
    SZ119: BT, CR and DD.

  • Italy: 8.
    South: 2 Inf, AA and Ft
    North: inf, Art, Tank, AA, FT.
    Sicily: 1 Inf.
    Yugo (German controlled)1 Inf.
    Albania: 1 Inf.
    SZ95: Cruiser.
    SZ96: BT and Sub.

    Ansac: 10.
    NSW: 2 Inf and AA.
    Queensland: 2 Inf, Art and FT.
    Western: 1 Inf.
    NZ: 1 Inf and FT.  
    New Guinea: 1 Inf, with an American one.
    Egypt: 1 Inf.
    SZ37: Sub.
    SZ62: CR, DD and TT.

    France 0 (5).
    Algeria (US) and Morocco(US) 1 Inf each.
    Syria (French) 1 Inf.
    FWAfrica: (French) 1 Inf.
    UK: 2 Inf and FT.
    SZ72: DD.
    SZ83: CR.

  • Sponsor


    Young Grasshopper, thanks for the kind words, and good luck with your renovations!

    When you have time, I’m curious to hear what kinds of game-play and strategies you are looking to get out of your 1943 scenario. Where do you see the game going, and what interests you about it? I’ve seen 1944 “fall of the Reich” scenarios where the Axis players ‘win’ if they stave off defeat longer than their historical counterparts, but I’ve never seen a 1943 scenario. If the game setup starts in spring 1943, after the surrender of Tunisia, after the German defeat at Kursk, and after the defeat of the Japanese navy at Midway, then how can the Axis hope to win? If the Axis are not supposed to win, will people really enjoy roleplaying that many turns of the Axis being pushed back to Berlin and Tokyo? What is it that you want the 1943 scenario to offer to players? (Evidently wittmann thinks he’s figured that out – you’ve got at least one loyal fan of your idea!)

    Hey Argo,

    You said spring 1943, is it possible to have a 1943 date and it be before Tunisia, Midway, and Kursk? My idea is simply for originality in the title as 1939, 1940, 1941, and 1942 have all been used in the titles of various varients.

  • Hey wittmann, good job so far and it looks like Libya and Tobruk are empty are they up for grabs?

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