• '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16

    While playing a game over the weekend, the question of whether or not convoy disruption is mandatory came up. Japan was about to roll into India and had two subs in the adjacement sea zone. The Axis player wanted to not roll convoy disruption (taking five IPCs from UK Pacific is better for Japan than taking two IPCs), but the Allied player said convoy disruption was mandatory.

    In the interest of settling the matter quickly the Axis player relented, although a reading of the rules doesn’t seem to be definitive. Here are the pertinent section of the rules:

    “Convoy attacks on Convoy sea zones are conducted in the following manner.”

    Calling convoy disruption an attack means to me that it is a conscious choice, and that implies to me that not conducting convoy disruption is a choice. The next section of the rules reads:

    “…The owners of enemy battleships, cruisers, and/or destroyers rolls one die for each such unit, and the owners of enemy submarines and/or air units roll two dice for each such unit. Any rolls of 4 or higher are ignored. The results of these rolls that are 3 or less are totaled, and the resulting number is the total convoy damage suffered in the disruption.”

    The language here implies, but not strongly, that convoy disruption happens automatically if enemy units are present in the sea zone.

    The FAQ is silent on the issue.

    To me, convoy disruptions should be optional. However, other folks may disagree with that.

    What are your opinions – is convoy disruption automatic or is it a choice made by the owner of the hostile ships and aircraft?


  • '17


  • Yes, convoy disruption is mandatory. If the player does not want to do the convoy disruption he/she has a very easy way to do that: don’t leave ships in the convoy zone.

  • Customizer

    I believe the only instance where convoy raiding is not mandatory involves powers not at war yet.

    For example, if Japan moved a submarine into SZ 37 but had not declared war on the UK yet, then convoy raiding there is not mandatory. Actually, I think it is disallowed because you are supposed to declare war at the beginning of your combat move phase.

    I have been told here on the forum that convoy raiding is mandatory for ALL players, even the one getting raided. Like with the above example. Say Japan and the UK are at war now and Japan has left a submarine in SZ 37. It’s the UK’s collect income phase and he/she notices that sub, but the Japan player doesn’t for whatever reason. According to folks here on the forum, it is the UK player’s responsibility to point out that sub and allow the Japan player to roll for convoy damage.
    Personally, I think this is wrong. If you are wanting to raid someone’s convoys and you move a ship in to do so, it is up to you to pay attention to the game enough so when it is time to reap the benefits of placing your warship in that area then you can do so. It shouldn’t be up to the person who’s going to receive the penalty.
    I’d even be okay with your ally pointing it out (e.g., the Japan player misses the sub but the German player points it out).

  • Has there been an official ruling on this?Seems to me,conducting a naval blockade is a choice much like scrambling or intercepting.

  • '17 '16 Customizer

    Yes….when we remember anyway.  :-D Still getting used to it. Last game, there was a lot of “Oh sh_t…I forgot!” followed by fellow players saying “Crap…me too.”  :wink:

  • @ampdrive:

    Has there been an official ruling on this?Seems to me,conducting a naval blockade is a choice much like scrambling or intercepting.

    No choice but mandatory:


    There are three conditions that must exist for this kind of
    attack to occur:
    1. The sea zone must have a ‘Convoy’ image,
    2. The sea zone must be adjacent to one or more of your
    controlled territories, and
    3. At least one warship belonging to a power with which
    you are at war must be in the sea zone. (Any ships in the
    sea zone that belong to you or a friendly power will have
    no effect on convoy disruption.)

    HTH :-)

  • @ampdrive:

    Has there been an official ruling on this?Seems to me,conducting a naval blockade is a choice much like scrambling or intercepting.

    What this dude said  :-)

    To me it looks strange that you can force a man to fire his guns against his will……

  • @Narvik:

    To me it looks strange that you can force a man to fire his guns against his will……

    … but this does not change the rules ;-)

    And as ChocolatePancake said:


    … If the player does not want to do the convoy disruption he/she has a very easy way to do that: don’t leave ships in the convoy zone.

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