@Elrood That’s somewhat true, but G is mostly a one-trick pony, take Paris. While the Centrals have won many, but not most of our games without G taking Paris, as the other players and their strategies and abilities took center stage.
World at War
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World At War, version: 1.1.9
Game History
Round: 11
Combat Move - Hisaichi
1 Mech.Inf moved from W.Mongolia to Nancheng
11 Mech.Infs moved from Kyzal to Nancheng
1 Mech.Inf moved from S.W.M to N.Mongolia
Hisaichi take N.Mongolia from Russians
1 Mech.Inf moved from N.Mongolia to S.W.M
3 ArmoredCars, 5 Artillerys, 1 Infantry, 6 Marines, 5 Mech.Infs and 17 Tanks moved from S.W.M to Nancheng
2 Infantry moved from Sian to Szechwan
3 Tanks moved from Hanan to Szechwan
2 ArmoredCars and 2 Tanks moved from Shansi to Gansu
5 Tanks moved from Peking to Gansu
2 Artillerys and 6 Marines moved from Shansi to Szechwan
1 Infantry and 10 Marines moved from Lhanzou to Gansu
2 Bombers moved from Wengshui to Nancheng
2 EarlyFighters moved from Wengshui to Nancheng
3 Artillerys moved from Lhanzou to GansuPurchase Units - Hisaichi
Hisaichi buy 4 ArmoredCars, 2 Bunkers, 8 Elites, 2 Fighters and 6 Tanks; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat - Hisaichi
Battle in Gansu
Hisaichi attack with 2 ArmoredCars, 3 Artillerys, 1 Infantry, 10 Marines and 7 Tanks
Chinese defend with 1 Infantry
Hisaichi roll dice for 2 ArmoredCars, 3 Artillerys, 1 Infantry, 10 Marines and 7 Tanks in Gansu, round 2 : 14/23 hits
Chinese roll dice for 1 Infantry in Gansu, round 2 : 1/1 hits
1 Infantry owned by the Hisaichi and 1 Infantry owned by the Chinese lost in Gansu
Hisaichi win, taking Gansu from Chinese with 2 ArmoredCars, 3 Artillerys, 10 Marines and 7 Tanks remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
Casualties for Hisaichi: 1 Infantry
Casualties for Chinese: 1 Infantry
Battle in Szechwan
Hisaichi attack with 2 Artillerys, 2 Infantry, 6 Marines and 3 Tanks
Chinese defend with 1 Infantry
Hisaichi roll dice for 2 Artillerys, 2 Infantry, 6 Marines and 3 Tanks in Szechwan, round 2 : 9/13 hits
Chinese roll dice for 1 Infantry in Szechwan, round 2 : 0/1 hits
1 Infantry owned by the Chinese lost in Szechwan
Hisaichi win, taking Szechwan from Chinese with 2 Artillerys, 2 Infantry, 6 Marines and 3 Tanks remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for Chinese: 1 Infantry
Battle in Nancheng
Hisaichi attack with 3 ArmoredCars, 5 Artillerys, 2 Bombers, 2 EarlyFighters, 1 Infantry, 6 Marines, 17 Mech.Infs and 17 Tanks
Chinese defend with 2 ArmoredCars, 10 Artillerys, 3 Elites, 4 Infantry, 10 Mech.Infs and 11 Tanks
Hisaichi roll dice for 3 ArmoredCars, 5 Artillerys, 2 Bombers, 2 EarlyFighters, 1 Infantry, 6 Marines, 17 Mech.Infs and 17 Tanks in Nancheng, round 2 : 22/53 hits
Chinese roll dice for 2 ArmoredCars, 10 Artillerys, 3 Elites, 4 Infantry, 10 Mech.Infs and 11 Tanks in Nancheng, round 2 : 10/40 hits
1 Infantry owned by the Hisaichi, 10 Artillerys owned by the Chinese, 3 Elites owned by the Chinese, 2 ArmoredCars owned by the Chinese, 3 Mech.Infs owned by the Chinese, 4 Infantry owned by the Chinese, 3 ArmoredCars owned by the Hisaichi, 1 Mech.Inf owned by the Hisaichi and 5 Artillerys owned by the Hisaichi lost in Nancheng
Hisaichi roll dice for 2 Bombers, 2 EarlyFighters, 6 Marines, 16 Mech.Infs and 17 Tanks in Nancheng, round 3 : 18/43 hits
Chinese roll dice for 7 Mech.Infs and 11 Tanks in Nancheng, round 3 : 7/18 hits
11 Tanks owned by the Chinese, 7 Mech.Infs owned by the Chinese and 7 Mech.Infs owned by the Hisaichi lost in Nancheng
Hisaichi win, taking Nancheng from Chinese with 2 Bombers, 2 EarlyFighters, 6 Marines, 9 Mech.Infs and 17 Tanks remaining. Battle score for attacker is 98
Casualties for Hisaichi: 3 ArmoredCars, 5 Artillerys, 1 Infantry and 8 Mech.Infs
Casualties for Chinese: 2 ArmoredCars, 10 Artillerys, 3 Elites, 4 Infantry, 10 Mech.Infs and 11 TanksNon Combat Move - Hisaichi
1 AAGun moved from S.W.M to Nancheng
2 EarlyFighters moved from Nancheng to S.W.M
2 ArmoredCars moved from Lhanzou to S.W.M
2 ArmoredCars moved from Lhanzou to Nancheng
9 Tanks moved from Lhanzou to S.W.M
1 Mech.Inf moved from Sian to S.W.M
1 ArmoredCar moved from Sian to Gansu
3 Mech.Infs moved from Jinan to S.W.M
2 Bombers moved from Nancheng to S.W.M
5 Mech.Infs moved from Aleksandrowskoe to W.Mongolia
1 Tank moved from Zhambyl to W.Mongolia
1 Mech.Inf and 2 Tanks moved from Tashkent to Stalinabad
2 EarlyFighters moved from Seoul to Tientsin
1 Infantry moved from Manchuria to Tientsin
1 Infantry moved from Seoul to ManchuriaPlace Units - Hisaichi
1 Bunker and 4 Elites placed in Tientsin
2 Fighters placed in Seoul
2 ArmoredCars and 2 Tanks placed in Seoul
2 ArmoredCars and 2 Tanks placed in Hong Kong
2 Tanks placed in Tashkent
2 Elites placed in Aleksandrowskoe
2 Elites placed in Kaask
1 Bunker placed in StalinabadTurn Complete - Hisaichi
Hisaichi collect 106 PUs; end with 106 PUs totalProduction/PUs Summary :
Germans : 139 / 139
Russians : 17 / 19
Italians : 74 / 76
French : 15 / 25
Yamamoto : 76 / 76
Chinese : 13 / 18
Hisaichi : 106 / 106
British : 78 / 86
Finns : 27 / 27
Anzac : 39 / 40
Romanians : 25 / 25
Dutch : 9 / 11
Thai : 26 / 26
Americans : 123 / 123 -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World At War, version: 1.1.9
Game History
Round: 11
Combat Move - British
2 Mech.Infs moved from Calcutta to E.India
2 Infantry moved from Bhopal to E.India
1 Lancaster moved from London to C.Spain
2 Infantry moved from Sevilla to C.Spain
2 Artillerys and 2 Elites moved from Wales to sz18
2 Artillerys, 1 Battleship, 1 Carrier, 2 Cruisers, 3 Destroyers, 1 EarlyFighter, 2 Elites, 1 Fighter and 3 Transports moved from sz18 to sz15
1 Artillery moved from Manchester to sz15
1 Elite moved from Manchester to sz15
1 Elite moved from Manchester to sz15
3 Artillerys, 1 Battleship, 1 Carrier, 2 Cruisers, 3 Destroyers, 1 EarlyFighter, 4 Elites, 1 Fighter and 3 Transports moved from sz15 to sz14
3 Artillerys, 1 EarlyFighter, 4 Elites and 1 Fighter moved from sz14 to NorwayPurchase Units - British
British buy 4 Artillerys, 8 Elites, 1 Infantry, 6 Mech.Infs and 2 Mot.Infs; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat - British
Battle in Norway
British attack with 3 Artillerys, 1 EarlyFighter, 4 Elites and 1 Fighter
Germans defend with 1 Artillery and 2 Infantry
British roll dice for 1 Battleship and 2 Cruisers in Norway, round 2 : 1/3 hits
British roll dice for 3 Artillerys, 1 EarlyFighter, 4 Elites and 1 Fighter in Norway, round 2 : 5/9 hits
Germans roll dice for 1 Artillery and 2 Infantry in Norway, round 2 : 1/3 hits
2 Infantry owned by the Germans, 1 Artillery owned by the Germans and 1 Elite owned by the British lost in Norway
British win, taking Norway from Germans with 3 Artillerys, 1 EarlyFighter, 3 Elites and 1 Fighter remaining. Battle score for attacker is 5
Casualties for Germans: 1 Artillery and 2 Infantry
Casualties for British: 1 Elite
Battle in C.Spain
British attack with 2 Infantry and 1 Lancaster
Neutral defend with 2 Infantry
British roll dice for 2 Infantry and 1 Lancaster in C.Spain, round 2 : 1/3 hits
Neutral roll dice for 2 Infantry in C.Spain, round 2 : 1/2 hits
1 Infantry owned by the Neutral and 1 Infantry owned by the British lost in C.Spain
British roll dice for 1 Infantry and 1 Lancaster in C.Spain, round 3 : 2/2 hits
Neutral roll dice for 1 Infantry in C.Spain, round 3 : 0/1 hits
1 Infantry owned by the Neutral lost in C.Spain
British loses 0 PUs for violating C.Spains neutrality.
British win, taking C.Spain from Neutral with 1 Infantry and 1 Lancaster remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for Neutral: 2 Infantry
Casualties for British: 1 Infantry
Battle in E.India
British attack with 2 Infantry and 2 Mech.Infs
Yamamoto defend with 2 Elites and 1 Infantry
British roll dice for 2 Infantry and 2 Mech.Infs in E.India, round 2 : 3/4 hits
Yamamoto roll dice for 2 Elites and 1 Infantry in E.India, round 2 : 1/3 hits
1 Infantry owned by the British, 1 Infantry owned by the Yamamoto and 2 Elites owned by the Yamamoto lost in E.India
British win, taking E.India from Yamamoto with 1 Infantry and 2 Mech.Infs remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6
Casualties for British: 1 Infantry
Casualties for Yamamoto: 2 Elites and 1 InfantryNon Combat Move - British
1 Artillery and 1 Elite moved from W.India to N.W. India
3 Infantry moved from Bhopal to E.India
1 Fighter moved from Norway to sz14
1 EarlyFighter moved from Norway to sz14
1 Lancaster moved from C.Spain to SevillaPlace Units - British
2 Artillerys and 2 Elites placed in Manchester
2 Artillerys and 2 Elites placed in Wales
2 Mech.Infs placed in Cape Town
1 Mech.Inf and 1 Mot.Inf placed in Bombay
3 Mech.Infs and 1 Mot.Inf placed in Dheli
4 Elites and 1 Infantry placed in CalcuttaTurn Complete - British
British collect 82 PUs; end with 82 PUs totalTerritory Summary for British :
Quebec : 1 AAGun, 1 Factory and 1 Infantry
British Guinea : 1 Infantry
Palana : 2 Infantry
Rhodes : 1 Bunker
Victoria : 1 AAGun and 1 Factory
N.W. India : 1 Artillery and 1 Elite
Bombay : 1 AAGun, 1 Factory, 1 Mech.Inf and 1 Mot.Inf
Yukon : 2 Infantry
Dover : 1 AAGun
Wales : 1 AAGun, 2 Artillerys, 2 Elites and 1 Factory
E.India : 4 Infantry and 2 Mech.Infs
E.Canada : 1 Infantry
Nukufetau : 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry
Iraq : 1 AAGun, 1 Elite, 1 Infantry and 1 Mech.Inf
Manchester : 3 Artillerys, 2 Elites and 1 Factory
Kenya : 3 Mech.Infs
Calcutta : 1 AAGun, 6 Artillerys, 9 Elites, 1 Factory, 2 Infantry and 1 Tank
London : 1 AAGun and 1 Factory
Dheli : 1 AAGun, 1 Factory, 5 Mech.Infs and 3 Mot.Infs
Bhopal : 1 Infantry
Nauru : 1 Infantry
Makin : 1 Infantry
Cairo : 1 AAGun, 4 Artillerys, 1 Bunker, 7 Elites, 1 Factory, 11 Infantry and 3 Tanks
Gibraltar : 1 Bunker
Cape Town : 1 AAGun, 1 Factory and 2 Mech.Infs
sz14 : 1 Battleship, 1 Carrier, 2 Cruisers, 3 Destroyers, 1 EarlyFighter, 1 Fighter and 3 Transports
sz119 : 1 Destroyer and 1 Transport
sz63 : 1 Carrier
Norway : 1 flag, 3 Artillerys and 3 Elites
sz79 : 1 Submarine
Iceland : 1 flag
Iran : 1 flag, 1 Bunker, 3 Elites and 1 Factory
Sevilla : 1 Lancaster
Oman : 1 flag
Greenland : 1 flag
C.Spain : 1 flag, 1 InfantryProduction/PUs Summary :
Germans : 137 / 139
Russians : 17 / 19
Italians : 74 / 76
French : 15 / 25
Yamamoto : 75 / 76
Chinese : 13 / 18
Hisaichi : 106 / 106
British : 82 / 82
Finns : 27 / 27
Anzac : 39 / 40
Romanians : 25 / 25
Dutch : 9 / 11
Thai : 26 / 26
Americans : 123 / 123 -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World At War, version: 1.1.9
Game History
Round: 11
Combat Move - Anzac
1 Artillery moved from E.Australia to sz74
3 Infantry moved from E.Australia to sz74
1 Artillery, 3 Infantry and 2 Transports moved from sz74 to sz72
1 Artillery and 3 Infantry moved from sz72 to Java
1 EarlyFighter moved from Darwin to Java
1 Marine moved from New Guinea to sz89
1 Marine moved from sz89 to Sarong
1 L.Fighter moved from sz89 to Sarong
1 Fighter moved from sz89 to Sarong
1 Artillery moved from New Guinea to sz89
1 Infantry moved from New Guinea to sz89
1 Infantry moved from sz89 to Palau
1 Artillery moved from sz89 to Palau
1 EarlyFighter moved from New Guinea to Sarong
1 Tank moved from Moresby to Sarong
2 Cruisers and 1 Destroyer moved from sz74 to sz89
1 Infantry moved from Moresby to New Guinea
1 Artillery moved from New Guinea to sz89
1 Artillery and 1 Transport moved from sz89 to sz105
1 Artillery moved from sz105 to Formosa
Anzac take Formosa from HisaichiPurchase Units - Anzac
Anzac buy 2 Artillerys, 1 Cruiser, 1 Elite and 3 Transports; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat - Anzac
Battle in Palau
Anzac attack with 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry
Yamamoto defend with 1 Artillery
Anzac win, taking Palau from Yamamoto with 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4
Casualties for Yamamoto: 1 Artillery
Battle in Sarong
Anzac attack with 1 EarlyFighter, 1 Fighter, 1 L.Fighter, 1 Marine and 1 Tank
Yamamoto defend with 1 Infantry
Anzac win, taking Sarong from Yamamoto with 1 EarlyFighter, 1 Fighter, 1 L.Fighter, 1 Marine and 1 Tank remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for Yamamoto: 1 Infantry
Battle in Java
Anzac attack with 1 Artillery, 1 EarlyFighter and 3 Infantry
Thai defend with 2 Infantry
Anzac win, taking Java from Thai with 1 Artillery, 1 EarlyFighter and 3 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4
Casualties for Thai: 2 InfantryNon Combat Move - Anzac
1 EarlyFighter moved from Java to Darwin
1 Artillery moved from Townsville to E.Australia
1 Elite moved from Townsville to E.Australia
1 EarlyFighter, 1 Fighter and 1 L.Fighter moved from Sarong to sz89
1 EarlyFighter moved from sz89 to New GuineaPlace Units - Anzac
1 Cruiser and 1 Transport placed in sz74
1 Elite placed in Moresby
2 Artillerys placed in Melbourne
2 Transports placed in sz76Turn Complete - Anzac
Anzac collect 43 PUs; end with 43 PUs totalTerritory Summary for Anzac :
Ifalk : 1 flag
Fais : 1 flag
Palau : 1 flag, 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry
Formosa : 1 flag, 1 Artillery
Derby : 1 Infantry
Tasmania : 1 Infantry
New Guinea : 1 AAGun, 1 Artillery, 1 Bunker, 1 EarlyFighter, 1 Infantry and 2 Tanks
Moresby : 1 Bunker, 1 Elite and 1 Factory
Wellington : 1 AAGun and 1 Factory
Darwin : 1 AAGun, 1 Artillery, 1 Bunker, 1 EarlyFighter, 1 Factory and 9 Infantry
E.Australia : 1 Artillery, 1 Elite and 1 Infantry
Melbourne : 1 AAGun, 2 Artillerys, 1 Bunker, 1 Factory and 2 Infantry
Townsville : 1 AAGun, 1 Bunker, 1 Factory and 7 Infantry
Australia : 1 Tank
Flores : 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry
Sarong : 1 Marine and 1 Tank
Java : 1 Artillery and 3 Infantry
sz105 : 1 Transport
sz74 : 1 Cruiser and 1 Transport
sz76 : 2 Transports
sz72 : 2 Transports
sz89 : 2 Carriers, 4 Cruisers, 6 Destroyers, 3 EarlyFighters, 3 Fighters, 1 L.Fighter, 2 S.Subs, 3 Submarines and 1 TransportProduction/PUs Summary :
Germans : 137 / 139
Russians : 17 / 19
Italians : 74 / 76
French : 15 / 25
Yamamoto : 72 / 76
Chinese : 13 / 18
Hisaichi : 103 / 106
British : 82 / 82
Finns : 27 / 27
Anzac : 43 / 43
Romanians : 25 / 25
Dutch : 13 / 11
Thai : 24 / 26
Americans : 123 / 123 -
TripleA Manual Gamesave Post for game: World At War, version: 1.1.9
Game History
Round: 11
Combat Move - Finns
I realised I only bought 2 units and I can buy 3. When I next have a go, I will edit a cheap Inf for the two I saved. I wasn’t going to redo my go and waste a game save over it. I am sure that is fine with you all.
Was no Dutch combat. -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World At War, version: 1.1.9
Game History
Round: 11
Combat Move - Finns
1 Mot.Inf moved from Yaroslavl to Kazakh
Finns take Kazakh from Russians
1 Mot.Inf moved from Kazakh to Nikolsk
Finns take Nikolsk from Russians
1 Mot.Inf moved from Nikolsk to Nenets
Finns take Nenets from Russians
1 Mot.Inf moved from N.Finnland to C.Sweden
1 Mech.Inf moved from N.Finnland to C.Sweden
1 Tank moved from N.Finnland to C.Sweden
2 Infantry moved from Helsinki to sz17
2 Infantry moved from sz17 to C.Sweden
2 Infantry moved from N.Finnland to N.Sweden
1 Elite moved from Murmansk to N.Finnland
1 Mech.Inf moved from Vyborg to N.Sweden
1 Artillery moved from Olonets to Belomorsk
1 Elite moved from Vyborg to Finnland
1 Infantry moved from Vyborg to Finnland
2 Infantry moved from Vyborg to Finnland
2 Infantry moved from Tampere to Finnland
2 Infantry moved from Helsinki to Tampere
1 Elite moved from Helsinki to Tampere
1 Destroyer moved from sz16 to sz17Purchase Units - Finns
Finns buy 2 Destroyers, 2 Infantry and 1 Transport; Remaining resources: 1 PUs;Combat - Finns
Non Combat Move - Finns
1 Bomber moved from Helsinki to LyonPlace Units - Finns
2 Destroyers and 1 Transport placed in sz17
2 Infantry placed in HelsinkiTurn Complete - Finns
Finns collect 29 PUs; end with 30 PUs total -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World At War, version: 1.1.9
Game History
Round: 11
Combat Move - Romanians
1 Elite moved from Astraknan to Kizbar
3 Infantry moved from Rostov to W.Turkey
1 Mot.Inf moved from Kizbar to Azerbaijan
1 Mot.Inf moved from Astraknan to Azerbaijan
1 Mot.Inf moved from Stalingrad to Azerbaijan
2 Infantry moved from Pavlovsk to Astraknan
2 Infantry moved from Pavlovsk to Astraknan
2 Mot.Infs moved from Odessa to Kizbar
3 Infantry moved from Odessa to Pavlovsk
2 Mot.Infs moved from Romania to Odessa
2 Infantry moved from Romania to E.Romania
2 Infantry moved from Moldavskaya to OdessaPurchase Units - Romanians
Romanians buy 6 Infantry and 2 Mech.Infs; Remaining resources: 1 PUs;Combat - Romanians
Battle in Azerbaijan
Romanians attack with 3 Mot.Infs
Russians defend with 1 Infantry
Romanians roll dice for 3 Mot.Infs in Azerbaijan, round 2 : 0/3 hits
Russians roll dice for 1 Infantry in Azerbaijan, round 2 : 0/1 hits
Romanians roll dice for 3 Mot.Infs in Azerbaijan, round 3 : 1/3 hits
Russians roll dice for 1 Infantry in Azerbaijan, round 3 : 0/1 hits
1 Infantry owned by the Russians lost in Azerbaijan
Romanians win, taking Azerbaijan from Russians with 3 Mot.Infs remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for Russians: 1 InfantryNon Combat Move - Romanians
Place Units - Romanians
1 Infantry and 2 Mech.Infs placed in Rostov
2 Infantry placed in Stalingrad
3 Infantry placed in RomaniaTurn Complete - Romanians
Romanians collect 27 PUs; end with 28 PUs totalTerritory Summary for Romanians :
Odessa : 2 Infantry and 2 Mot.Infs
Kizbar : 1 flag, 1 Elite and 2 Mot.Infs
Stalingrad : 1 flag, 1 AAGun, 1 Factory and 2 Infantry
Astraknan : 1 flag, 4 Infantry
Krym : 1 flag
Rostov : 1 flag, 1 AAGun, 1 Factory, 1 Infantry and 2 Mech.Infs
Pavlovsk : 3 Infantry
Romania : 1 AAGun, 1 Factory and 3 Infantry
E.Romania : 2 Infantry
Azerbaijan : 1 flag, 3 Mot.Infs
W.Turkey : 1 flag, 3 InfantryProduction/PUs Summary :
Germans : 137 / 139
Russians : 13 / 19
Italians : 74 / 76
French : 15 / 25
Yamamoto : 72 / 76
Chinese : 13 / 18
Hisaichi : 103 / 106
British : 82 / 82
Finns : 29 / 30
Anzac : 43 / 43
Romanians : 27 / 28
Dutch : 13 / 15
Thai : 24 / 26
Americans : 123 / 123Dice Statistics:
1 was rolled 1 times
2 was rolled 1 times
3 was rolled 2 times
5 was rolled 1 times
6 was rolled 3 times
Average roll : 4.000
Median : 4.000
Variance : 0.857
Standard Deviation : 0.926
Total rolls : 8Russians Combat
5 was rolled 1 times
6 was rolled 1 times
Average roll : 5.500
Median : 5.500
Variance : 2.000
Standard Deviation : 1.414
Total rolls : 2Romanians Combat
1 was rolled 1 times
2 was rolled 1 times
3 was rolled 2 times
6 was rolled 2 times
Average roll : 3.500
Median : 3.000
Variance : 0.800
Standard Deviation : 0.894
Total rolls : 6 -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World At War, version: 1.1.9
Game History
Round: 11
Combat Move - Thai
2 Infantry moved from Fugong to Kansu
1 EarlyFighter moved from Chunking to Kansu
1 Mech.Inf moved from Fugong to Kansu
1 Destroyer moved from sz108 to sz109
1 Destroyer moved from sz109 to sz72Purchase Units - Thai
Thai buy 2 Destroyers, 2 Infantry and 1 Transport; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat - Thai
Battle in Kansu
Thai attack with 1 EarlyFighter, 2 Infantry and 1 Mech.Inf
Chinese defend with 1 Infantry
Thai win, taking Kansu from Chinese with 1 EarlyFighter, 2 Infantry and 1 Mech.Inf remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for Chinese: 1 Infantry
Battle in sz72
Thai attack with 1 Destroyer
Anzac defend with 2 Transports
Anzac win with 1 Transport remaining. Battle score for attacker is -2
Casualties for Anzac: 1 Transport
Casualties for Thai: 1 DestroyerNon Combat Move - Thai
1 EarlyFighter moved from Kansu to Chunking
2 Infantry moved from Chunking to Bangladesh
3 Tanks moved from Fugong to Bangladesh
2 ArmoredCars and 1 Tank moved from Burma to Bangladesh
2 Artillerys, 4 Elites and 1 Mech.Inf moved from Burma to Bangladesh
1 Mech.Inf moved from Phuket to Burma
1 Mech.Inf moved from Burma to Bangladesh
2 ArmoredCars moved from Phuket to BurmaPlace Units - Thai
2 Destroyers and 1 Transport placed in sz107
2 Infantry placed in PhuketTurn Complete - Thai
Thai collect 25 PUs; end with 25 PUs totalTerritory Summary for Thai :
N.French.I : 1 flag
French Indochina : 1 flag
Wengshui : 1 flag
Kansu : 1 flag, 2 Infantry and 1 Mech.Inf
Fugong : 1 flag
Chunking : 1 flag, 1 EarlyFighter
Bangladesh : 2 ArmoredCars, 2 Artillerys, 4 Elites, 4 Infantry, 2 Mech.Infs and 4 Tanks
Burma : 1 flag, 2 ArmoredCars
E.Borneo : 1 flag
Sumatra : 1 flag, 1 Bunker and 2 Infantry
Thailand : 1 Elite and 1 Infantry
Malaya : 1 Infantry
Phuket : 1 AAGun, 1 Elite, 1 Factory, 2 Infantry and 2 Tanks
sz107 : 2 Destroyers and 1 TransportProduction/PUs Summary :
Germans : 137 / 139
Russians : 13 / 19
Italians : 74 / 76
French : 15 / 25
Yamamoto : 72 / 76
Chinese : 12 / 18
Hisaichi : 103 / 106
British : 82 / 82
Finns : 29 / 30
Anzac : 43 / 43
Romanians : 27 / 28
Dutch : 13 / 15
Thai : 25 / 25
Americans : 123 / 123 -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World At War, version: 1.1.9
Game History
Round: 11
Combat Move - Americans
1 Elite and 1 Infantry moved from Palana to Magadan
Russians take Magadan from Hisaichi
2 Infantry and 1 Transport moved from sz122 to sz119
1 Mech.Inf and 1 Tank moved from Argentinia to Bolivia
1 Fighter moved from Brasil to Bolivia
1 ArmoredCar, 1 Fighter and 1 Tank moved from French Africa to Ehtiopia
1 Elite and 1 Tank moved from Sevilla to S.Nevada
2 Infantry moved from Sevilla to S.Nevada
1 B29 moved from Sevilla to S.Nevada
1 EarlyFighter moved from sz25 to S.Nevada
3 Fighters moved from sz25 to S.Nevada
1 L.Fighter moved from Rio de Oro to S.Nevada
1 Bomber moved from Mauretania to S.Nevada
1 B29 moved from Mauretania to S.Nevada
1 Transport moved from sz83 to sz92
1 Artillery and 1 Infantry moved from Minami to sz92
1 Artillery and 1 Infantry moved from sz92 to Iwo Jima
2 Bombers moved from New Guinea to Iwo JimaPurchase Units - Americans
Americans buy 2 ArmoredCars, 1 B.Transport, 2 B29s, 2 Destroyers, 5 Infantry, 3 S.Subs, 1 T.Boat and 2 Tanks; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat - Americans
Battle in Ehtiopia
Americans attack with 1 ArmoredCar, 1 Fighter and 1 Tank
Germans defend with 1 Tank
Americans roll dice for 1 ArmoredCar, 1 Fighter and 1 Tank in Ehtiopia, round 2 : 1/3 hits
Italians roll dice for 1 Tank in Ehtiopia, round 2 : 0/1 hits
1 Tank owned by the Germans lost in Ehtiopia
Americans win, taking Ehtiopia from Italians with 1 ArmoredCar, 1 Fighter and 1 Tank remaining. Battle score for attacker is 5
Casualties for Germans: 1 Tank
Battle in Iwo Jima
Americans attack with 1 Artillery, 2 Bombers and 1 Infantry
Yamamoto defend with 1 AAGun, 1 Bunker and 1 Infantry
AA fire in Iwo Jima : 0/2 hits
Americans roll dice for 1 Artillery, 2 Bombers and 1 Infantry in Iwo Jima, round 2 : 1/4 hits
Units damaged: 1 Bunker owned by the Yamamoto
Yamamoto roll dice for 1 Bunker and 1 Infantry in Iwo Jima, round 2 : 1/2 hits
1 Infantry owned by the Americans lost in Iwo Jima
Americans roll dice for 1 Artillery and 2 Bombers in Iwo Jima, round 3 : 1/3 hits
Yamamoto roll dice for 1 Bunker and 1 Infantry in Iwo Jima, round 3 : 1/2 hits
1 Infantry owned by the Yamamoto and 1 Artillery owned by the Americans lost in Iwo Jima
Yamamoto win with 1 Bunker remaining. Battle score for attacker is -4
Casualties for Yamamoto: 1 Infantry
Casualties for Americans: 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry
2 Bombers owned by the Americans retreated
Battle in S.Nevada
Americans attack with 2 B29s, 1 Bomber, 1 EarlyFighter, 1 Elite, 3 Fighters, 2 Infantry, 1 L.Fighter and 1 Tank
Neutral defend with 1 Artillery, 1 Bunker and 1 Infantry
Americans roll dice for 2 B29s, 1 Bomber, 1 EarlyFighter, 1 Elite, 3 Fighters, 2 Infantry, 1 L.Fighter and 1 Tank in S.Nevada, round 2 : 8/12 hits
Neutral roll dice for 1 Artillery, 1 Bunker and 1 Infantry in S.Nevada, round 2 : 3/3 hits
1 Infantry owned by the Neutral, 2 Infantry owned by the Americans, 1 Bunker owned by the Neutral, 1 Elite owned by the Americans and 1 Artillery owned by the Neutral lost in S.Nevada
Americans loses 0 PUs for violating S.Nevadas neutrality.
Americans win, taking S.Nevada from Neutral with 2 B29s, 1 Bomber, 1 EarlyFighter, 3 Fighters, 1 L.Fighter and 1 Tank remaining. Battle score for attacker is 5
Casualties for Neutral: 1 Artillery, 1 Bunker and 1 Infantry
Casualties for Americans: 1 Elite and 2 Infantry
Battle in Bolivia
Americans attack with 1 Fighter, 1 Mech.Inf and 1 Tank
Neutral defend with 1 Infantry
Americans roll dice for 1 Fighter, 1 Mech.Inf and 1 Tank in Bolivia, round 2 : 1/3 hits
Neutral roll dice for 1 Infantry in Bolivia, round 2 : 0/1 hits
1 Infantry owned by the Neutral lost in Bolivia
Americans loses 0 PUs for violating Bolivias neutrality.
Americans win, taking Bolivia from Neutral with 1 Fighter, 1 Mech.Inf and 1 Tank remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for Neutral: 1 InfantryNon Combat Move - Americans
1 Fighter moved from Bolivia to Argentinia
3 Fighters moved from S.Nevada to sz25
1 EarlyFighter and 1 L.Fighter moved from S.Nevada to sz25
2 B29s and 1 Bomber moved from S.Nevada to Rio de Oro
3 Infantry and 1 Marine moved from Rio de Oro to sz25
3 Infantry and 1 Marine moved from sz25 to Sevilla
1 ArmoredCar, 1 Elite, 6 Infantry and 1 Tank moved from Mauretania to Rio de Oro
1 Marine moved from Rio de Oro to sz25
1 Marine moved from sz25 to Sevilla
1 Artillery and 1 Elite moved from N.Brasil to Brasil
1 Elite, 1 Infantry and 1 Marine moved from N.Brasil to sz33
1 B.Transport, 1 Elite, 1 Infantry and 1 Marine moved from sz33 to sz139
1 Elite, 1 Infantry and 1 Marine moved from sz139 to Rio de Oro
1 Transport moved from sz33 to sz128
1 Artillery and 1 Infantry moved from Southeast U.S to sz128
1 Elite and 3 Infantry moved from San Fransisco to sz122
1 B.Transport, 1 Elite and 3 Infantry moved from sz122 to sz119
1 Elite and 5 Infantry moved from sz119 to Alaska
1 Tank moved from San Fransisco to sz122
1 Tank and 1 Transport moved from sz122 to sz112
1 Infantry moved from Johnston to sz112
2 B29s moved from San Fransisco to Pearl Harbor
1 Battleship moved from sz83 to sz89
1 S.Sub moved from sz83 to sz89
1 Artillery moved from Phonpei to sz83
1 Artillery and 1 Transport moved from sz83 to sz74
1 Infantry moved from Noumea to sz74
1 Artillery, 1 Infantry and 1 Transport moved from sz74 to sz75
1 ArmoredCar moved from E.Spain to S.Nevada
1 Fighter moved from Ehtiopia to Kenya
1 Transport moved from sz97 to sz119
2 Bombers moved from Iwo Jima to New GuineaPlace Units - Americans
3 S.Subs placed in sz112
1 ArmoredCar, 1 B29 and 1 Tank placed in Alaska
1 B.Transport, 1 Destroyer and 1 T.Boat placed in sz25
1 ArmoredCar and 1 Tank placed in Sevilla
1 Destroyer placed in sz122
1 B29 placed in San Fransisco
2 Infantry placed in Salvador
3 Infantry placed in Southeast U.STurn Complete - Americans
Americans collect 129 PUs; end with 129 PUs totalProduction/PUs Summary :
Germans : 137 / 139
Russians : 14 / 19
Italians : 71 / 76
French : 15 / 25
Yamamoto : 72 / 76
Chinese : 12 / 18
Hisaichi : 102 / 106
British : 82 / 82
Finns : 29 / 30
Anzac : 43 / 43
Romanians : 27 / 28
Dutch : 13 / 15
Thai : 25 / 25
Americans : 129 / 129 -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World At War, version: 1.1.9
Game History
Round: 12
Combat Move - Germans
3 Artillerys and 7 Infantry moved from Toulouse to W.Spain
2 HeavyTanks and 1 Tank moved from Toulouse to W.Spain
1 ArmoredCar, 5 HeavyTanks and 7 Mech.Infs moved from Lyon to W.Spain
1 Me262 moved from Marseille to sz37
1 ArmoredCar moved from Lyon to W.Spain
2 Artillerys and 3 Infantry moved from Marseille to sz40
2 Artillerys, 1 Cruiser, 1 Destroyer, 3 Infantry and 2 Transports moved from sz40 to sz39
1 Artillery and 3 Infantry moved from sz39 to Barcelona
1 Artillery moved from sz39 to Barcelona
3 Stukas moved from Versailles to Barcelona
2 Artillerys and 3 Infantry moved from Hamburg to sz16
2 Artillerys and 3 Infantry moved from sz16 to Norway
2 Stukas moved from Hamburg to Norway
1 Bomber moved from Koeln to Norway
1 Infantry moved from N.Sudan to French Africa
Germans take French Africa from FrenchPurchase Units - Germans
Germans buy 2 Artillerys, 1 Carrier, 1 Destroyer, 1 Fighter, 2 HeavyTanks, 9 Infantry, 8 Mech.Infs, 1 Stuka, 1 Submarine and 1 Tank; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat - Germans
Battle in sz37
Germans attack with 1 Me262
Americans defend with 1 Submarine
Germans roll dice for 1 Me262 in sz37, round 2 : 1/1 hits
1 Submarine owned by the Americans lost in sz37
Germans win with 1 Me262 remaining. Battle score for attacker is 7
Casualties for Americans: 1 Submarine
Battle in Norway
Germans attack with 2 Artillerys, 1 Bomber, 3 Infantry and 2 Stukas
British defend with 3 Artillerys and 3 Elites
Germans roll dice for 1 Battleship and 1 Cruiser in Norway, round 2 : 1/2 hits
Germans roll dice for 2 Artillerys, 1 Bomber, 3 Infantry and 2 Stukas in Norway, round 2 : 3/8 hits
British roll dice for 3 Artillerys and 3 Elites in Norway, round 2 : 2/6 hits
2 Infantry owned by the Germans, 3 Elites owned by the British and 1 Artillery owned by the British lost in Norway
Germans roll dice for 2 Artillerys, 1 Bomber, 1 Infantry and 2 Stukas in Norway, round 3 : 2/6 hits
British roll dice for 2 Artillerys in Norway, round 3 : 1/2 hits
1 Infantry owned by the Germans and 2 Artillerys owned by the British lost in Norway
Germans win, taking Norway from British with 2 Artillerys, 1 Bomber and 2 Stukas remaining. Battle score for attacker is 15
Casualties for Germans: 3 Infantry
Casualties for British: 3 Artillerys and 3 Elites
Battle in Barcelona
Germans attack with 2 Artillerys, 3 Infantry and 3 Stukas
Neutral defend with 1 Bunker, 1 EarlyFighter and 1 Infantry
Germans roll dice for 1 Cruiser in Barcelona, round 2 : 0/1 hits
Germans roll dice for 2 Artillerys, 3 Infantry and 3 Stukas in Barcelona, round 2 : 0/8 hits
Neutral roll dice for 1 Bunker, 1 EarlyFighter and 1 Infantry in Barcelona, round 2 : 1/3 hits
1 Infantry owned by the Germans lost in Barcelona
Germans roll dice for 2 Artillerys, 2 Infantry and 3 Stukas in Barcelona, round 3 : 6/7 hits
Neutral roll dice for 1 Bunker, 1 EarlyFighter and 1 Infantry in Barcelona, round 3 : 2/3 hits
1 Infantry owned by the Neutral, 1 Infantry owned by the Germans, 1 EarlyFighter owned by the Neutral, 1 Bunker owned by the Neutral and 1 Artillery owned by the Germans lost in Barcelona
Germans loses 0 PUs for violating Barcelonas neutrality.
Germans win, taking Barcelona from Neutral with 1 Artillery, 1 Infantry and 3 Stukas remaining. Battle score for attacker is 8
Casualties for Germans: 1 Artillery and 2 Infantry
Casualties for Neutral: 1 Bunker, 1 EarlyFighter and 1 Infantry
Battle in W.Spain
Germans attack with 2 ArmoredCars, 3 Artillerys, 7 HeavyTanks, 7 Infantry, 7 Mech.Infs and 1 Tank
Neutral defend with 2 Bunkers and 3 Infantry
Germans roll dice for 2 ArmoredCars, 3 Artillerys, 7 HeavyTanks, 7 Infantry, 7 Mech.Infs and 1 Tank in W.Spain, round 2 : 14/27 hits
Neutral roll dice for 2 Bunkers and 3 Infantry in W.Spain, round 2 : 2/5 hits
3 Infantry owned by the Neutral, 2 Infantry owned by the Germans and 2 Bunkers owned by the Neutral lost in W.Spain
Germans loses 0 PUs for violating W.Spains neutrality.
Germans win, taking W.Spain from Neutral with 2 ArmoredCars, 3 Artillerys, 7 HeavyTanks, 5 Infantry, 7 Mech.Infs and 1 Tank remaining. Battle score for attacker is 14
Casualties for Germans: 2 Infantry
Casualties for Neutral: 2 Bunkers and 3 InfantryNon Combat Move - Germans
3 Stukas could not land in Barcelona and were removed
2 Artillerys and 6 Infantry moved from Versailles to Toulouse
6 Infantry moved from Paris to Versailles
2 Artillerys moved from Paris to Versailles
1 Fighter moved from Le Havre to sz16
2 ArmoredCars, 1 HeavyTank and 1 Tank moved from Checheslovakya to Bulgaria
3 Mech.Infs moved from Nuernberg to Bulgaria
3 Infantry moved from Checheslovakya to W.Romania
1 Tank moved from Nuernberg to W.Romania
2 Artillerys and 3 Infantry moved from Olonets to Vologda
2 ArmoredCars and 4 Tanks moved from Archangelsk to Vologda
6 Infantry moved from Kursk to Kaluga
1 Artillery moved from Kursk to Vologda
1 HeavyTank and 2 Tanks moved from Kursk to Vologda
1 HeavyTank moved from Kursk to Vologda
2 ArmoredCars moved from Kursk to Vologda
1 Artillery and 3 Infantry moved from Smolensk to Kursk
1 ArmoredCar and 3 Mech.Infs moved from Smolensk to Kaluga
1 HeavyTank moved from Lodz to Kursk
1 Artillery and 3 Infantry moved from Warzawa to Lodz
2 Mot.Infs moved from Le Havre to W.Spain
1 Artillery and 1 Infantry moved from C.Egypt to N.Sudan
2 Stukas moved from Norway to Hamburg
1 Bomber moved from Norway to KoelnPlace Units - Germans
1 Carrier, 1 Destroyer and 1 Submarine placed in sz16
1 Fighter placed in sz16
1 Artillery placed in Marseille
4 Mech.Infs placed in Leningrad
4 Mech.Infs placed in Archangelsk
1 Artillery, 1 HeavyTank, 5 Infantry and 1 Stuka placed in Paris
1 HeavyTank, 1 Infantry and 1 Tank placed in Marseille
2 Infantry placed in Hamburg
1 Infantry placed in Koeln
Turning on Edit Mode
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from sz37: 1 Me262
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Morocco: 1 Me262
EDIT: Turning off Edit ModeTurn Complete - Germans
Germans collect 145 PUs; end with 145 PUs totalTerritory Summary for Germans :
Gdansk : 1 Infantry
Berlin : 1 AAGun and 1 Factory
Koeln : 1 AAGun, 1 Artillery, 1 Bomber, 1 Factory and 7 Infantry
Nuernberg : 1 Factory
Muenchen : 1 AAGun and 1 Factory
Hamburg : 1 AAGun, 1 Artillery, 1 Factory, 13 Infantry, 2 Stukas and 1 Tank
Litovskaya : 1 flag
Archangelsk : 1 flag, 1 AAGun, 1 Artillery, 1 Factory, 1 Infantry and 4 Mech.Infs
Minsk : 1 flag
Ukrainskaya : 1 flag
Kursk : 1 AAGun, 1 Artillery, 1 HeavyTank, 3 Infantry and 1 Stuka
Leningrad : 1 flag, 1 AAGun, 1 Factory and 4 Mech.Infs
Estonia : 1 flag
Karchia : 1 flag
Kaluga : 1 flag, 1 AAGun, 4 ArmoredCars, 2 Artillerys, 10 Infantry, 5 Mech.Infs and 6 Tanks
Pavlovsk : 1 flag
Vologda : 1 flag, 4 ArmoredCars, 4 Artillerys, 2 HeavyTanks, 5 Infantry, 4 Mech.Infs and 12 Tanks
Olonets : 1 flag
Novgorod : 1 flag
Smolensk : 1 flag
Corsica : 1 flag
Paris : 1 flag, 2 AAGuns, 1 Artillery, 1 Bunker, 1 Factory, 1 HeavyTank, 5 Infantry and 1 Stuka
Lyon : 1 flag
Bordeaux : 1 flag
Metz : 1 flag
Versailles : 1 flag, 2 Artillerys and 6 Infantry
Toulouse : 1 flag, 2 Artillerys and 6 Infantry
Normandy : 1 flag, 1 Infantry
Le Havre : 1 flag, 1 Factory and 8 Infantry
Lille : 1 flag
Marseille : 1 flag, 1 AAGun, 1 Artillery, 1 Factory, 1 HeavyTank, 4 Infantry and 1 Tank
French Africa : 1 flag, 1 Infantry
Morocco : 1 Me262
C.Tunesia : 1 flag
N.Sudan : 1 flag, 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry
Bulgaria : 2 ArmoredCars, 1 Artillery, 2 HeavyTanks, 3 Infantry, 3 Mech.Infs and 2 Tanks
W.Romania : 3 Infantry and 1 Tank
Krakow : 1 flag
Warzawa : 1 flag, 1 Factory
Sweden : 1 flag
sz16 : 1 Battleship, 1 Carrier, 1 Cruiser, 2 Destroyers, 2 Fighters, 1 Submarine and 2 Transports
Lodz : 1 flag, 1 Artillery and 3 Infantry
sz39 : 1 Cruiser, 1 Destroyer and 2 Transports
sz47 : 1 Destroyer
Barcelona : 1 flag, 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry
Norway : 1 flag, 2 Artillerys
Danzig : 1 flag, 1 Infantry
Checheslovakya : 1 flag, 1 Factory
Denmark : 1 flag
Belgium : 1 flag
W.Spain : 1 flag, 2 ArmoredCars, 3 Artillerys, 7 HeavyTanks, 5 Infantry, 7 Mech.Infs, 2 Mot.Infs and 1 Tank
Netherlands : 1 flagProduction/PUs Summary :
Germans : 145 / 145
Russians : 14 / 19
Italians : 71 / 76
French : 12 / 25
Yamamoto : 72 / 76
Chinese : 12 / 18
Hisaichi : 102 / 106
British : 80 / 82
Finns : 29 / 30
Anzac : 43 / 43
Romanians : 27 / 28
Dutch : 13 / 15
Thai : 25 / 25
Americans : 129 / 129 -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World At War, version: 1.1.9
Game History
Round: 12
Combat Move - Russians
1 Tank moved from Moscow to Nikolsk
Russians take Yaroslavl from Finns
Russians take Nikolsk from Finns
2 Infantry moved from Moscow to Gorky
1 Bomber moved from Moscow to GorkyPurchase Units - Russians
Russians buy 2 HeavyTanks and 1 Tank; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat - Russians
Battle in Gorky
Russians attack with 1 Bomber and 2 Infantry
Italians defend with 1 Infantry
Russians win, taking Gorky from Italians with 1 Bomber and 2 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for Italians: 1 InfantryNon Combat Move - Russians
1 Bomber moved from Gorky to MoscowPlace Units - Russians
2 HeavyTanks and 1 Tank placed in MoscowTurn Complete - Russians
Russians collect 17 PUs; end with 17 PUs total -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World At War, version: 1.1.9
Game History
Round: 12
Combat Move - Italians
1 Artillery and 1 Infantry moved from Rostov to W.Turkey
2 Infantry moved from Pavlovsk to Rostov
5 Infantry moved from Odessa to Pavlovsk
1 Mot.Inf moved from E.Sudan to S.Sudan
Italians take S.Sudan from British
2 Tanks moved from E.Egypt to Ehtiopia
1 Mot.Inf moved from S.Sudan to Ehtiopia
2 Mech.Infs moved from E.Egypt to Ehtiopia
3 Mot.Infs moved from E.Egypt to Ehtiopia
3 Transports moved from sz49 to sz62
6 Infantry moved from E.Egypt to sz62
2 Infantry and 1 Transport moved from sz62 to sz61
2 Infantry and 1 Transport moved from sz62 to sz61
2 Infantry moved from sz61 to Oman
Italians take Oman from British
2 Infantry and 1 Transport moved from sz62 to sz61
2 Infantry moved from sz61 to Aden
Italians take Aden from British
1 Cruiser moved from sz49 to sz62
1 Infantry moved from E.Egypt to sz62
1 Cruiser and 1 Infantry moved from sz62 to sz61
1 Infantry moved from sz61 to B.Somalia
Italians take B.Somalia from British
1 Battleship moved from sz49 to sz62
1 Battleship moved from sz62 to sz61
1 Infantry moved from E.Egypt to S.Egypt
4 Infantry moved from N.Egypt to sz47
2 Infantry and 1 Transport moved from sz47 to sz62
2 Infantry and 1 Transport moved from sz47 to sz62
2 Infantry moved from sz61 to Trucial Coast
Italians take Trucial Coast from British
1 Infantry moved from sz62 to F.Somalia
Italians take F.Somalia from French
1 Infantry moved from sz62 to F.Somalia
2 Infantry moved from sz62 to Ehtiopia
1 Infantry moved from Israel to Syria
1 Carrier moved from sz49 to sz61
2 EarlyFighters moved from sz49 to sz61
3 Destroyers moved from sz49 to sz61
1 EarlyFighter moved from N.Egypt to Syria
4 Infantry moved from Tunis to C.Tunesia
1 Elite moved from Roma to Taranto
7 Bombers moved from Morocco to sz139
3 Infantry moved from Morocco to Marrakech
3 Infantry moved from Morocco to Marrakech
2 Bombers moved from Morocco to MarrakechPurchase Units - Italians
Italians buy 1 Bomber, 4 EarlyFighters, 2 Infantry, 4 Mot.Infs and 1 Transport; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat - Italians
Battle in Ehtiopia
Italians attack with 2 Infantry, 2 Mech.Infs, 4 Mot.Infs and 2 Tanks
Americans defend with 1 ArmoredCar and 1 Tank
Italians roll dice for 2 Infantry, 2 Mech.Infs, 4 Mot.Infs and 2 Tanks in Ehtiopia, round 2 : 1/10 hits
Americans roll dice for 1 ArmoredCar and 1 Tank in Ehtiopia, round 2 : 1/2 hits
1 ArmoredCar owned by the Americans and 1 Infantry owned by the Italians lost in Ehtiopia
Italians roll dice for 1 Infantry, 2 Mech.Infs, 4 Mot.Infs and 2 Tanks in Ehtiopia, round 3 : 3/9 hits
Americans roll dice for 1 Tank in Ehtiopia, round 3 : 0/1 hits
1 Tank owned by the Americans lost in Ehtiopia
Italians win, taking Ehtiopia from Americans with 1 Infantry, 2 Mech.Infs, 4 Mot.Infs and 2 Tanks remaining. Battle score for attacker is 7
Casualties for Italians: 1 Infantry
Casualties for Americans: 1 ArmoredCar and 1 Tank
Battle in Marrakech
Italians attack with 2 Bombers and 6 Infantry
French defend with 2 Artillerys and 1 Infantry
Italians roll dice for 2 Bombers and 6 Infantry in Marrakech, round 2 : 1/8 hits
French roll dice for 2 Artillerys and 1 Infantry in Marrakech, round 2 : 2/3 hits
1 Infantry owned by the French and 2 Infantry owned by the Italians lost in Marrakech
Italians roll dice for 2 Bombers and 4 Infantry in Marrakech, round 3 : 1/6 hits
French roll dice for 2 Artillerys in Marrakech, round 3 : 1/2 hits
1 Infantry owned by the Italians and 1 Artillery owned by the French lost in Marrakech
Italians roll dice for 2 Bombers and 3 Infantry in Marrakech, round 4 : 3/5 hits
French roll dice for 1 Artillery in Marrakech, round 4 : 1/1 hits
1 Infantry owned by the Italians and 1 Artillery owned by the French lost in Marrakech
Italians win, taking Marrakech from French with 2 Bombers and 2 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for French: 2 Artillerys and 1 Infantry
Casualties for Italians: 4 Infantry
Battle in sz139
Italians attack with 7 Bombers
Americans defend with 1 B.Transport; Dutch defend with 3 Transports
Italians roll dice for 7 Bombers in sz139, round 2 : 5/7 hits
Dutch roll dice for 1 B.Transport and 3 Transports in sz139, round 2 : 0/4 hits
3 Transports owned by the Dutch and 1 B.Transport owned by the Americans lost in sz139
Italians win with 7 Bombers remaining. Battle score for attacker is 26
Casualties for Americans: 1 B.Transport
Casualties for Dutch: 3 TransportsNon Combat Move - Italians
2 Bombers moved from Marrakech to Morocco
7 Bombers moved from sz139 to Morocco
1 Submarine moved from sz38 to sz37Place Units - Italians
4 EarlyFighters placed in Morocco
4 Mot.Infs placed in Tunis
2 Infantry placed in Syria
1 Bomber placed in Roma
1 Transport placed in sz42Turn Complete - Italians
Italians collect 81 PUs; end with 81 PUs totalTerritory Summary for Italians :
Odessa : 1 flag
Kursk : 1 flag
Moldavskaya : 1 flag
Rostov : 2 Infantry
Pavlovsk : 5 Infantry
Roma : 1 AAGun, 1 Bomber, 1 Factory and 8 Infantry
Ehtiopia : 1 Infantry, 2 Mech.Infs, 4 Mot.Infs and 2 Tanks
Genova : 1 Factory and 4 Infantry
Taranto : 1 Elite and 4 Infantry
Marseille : 2 Infantry
Alger : 1 flag
F.Somalia : 1 flag, 2 Infantry
Syria : 1 flag, 1 AAGun, 4 Artillerys, 1 EarlyFighter, 1 Factory and 5 Infantry
Morocco : 1 flag, 1 AAGun, 3 Artillerys, 9 Bombers, 4 EarlyFighters, 1 Factory and 29 Infantry
Marrakech : 1 flag, 2 Infantry
Tanger : 1 flag
C.Alger : 1 flag
C.Tunesia : 4 Infantry
Tunesia : 1 flag
Tunis : 1 flag, 1 AAGun, 1 Factory, 4 Infantry and 4 Mot.Infs
C.Egypt : 1 flag
S.Sudan : 1 flag
E.Sudan : 1 flag
B.Somalia : 1 flag, 1 Infantry
N.Egypt : 1 flag
Trucial Coast : 1 flag, 2 Infantry
S.Egypt : 1 flag, 1 Infantry
Aden : 1 flag, 2 Infantry
Malta : 1 flag
Israel : 1 flag
E.Egypt : 1 flag, 1 Infantry
E.Romania : 1 AAGun
sz38 : 10 Submarines
sz37 : 1 Submarine
sz42 : 1 Transport
sz61 : 1 Battleship, 1 Carrier, 1 Cruiser, 3 Destroyers, 2 EarlyFighters and 3 Transports
sz62 : 2 Transports
Jugoslavia : 1 flag
Serbia : 1 flag
W.Turkey : 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry
Oman : 1 flag, 2 InfantryProduction/PUs Summary :
Germans : 145 / 145
Russians : 17 / 17
Italians : 81 / 81
French : 9 / 25
Yamamoto : 72 / 76
Chinese : 12 / 18
Hisaichi : 102 / 106
British : 75 / 82
Finns : 27 / 30
Anzac : 43 / 43
Romanians : 27 / 28
Dutch : 13 / 15
Thai : 25 / 25
Americans : 126 / 129Dice Statistics:
1 was rolled 8 times
2 was rolled 11 times
3 was rolled 15 times
4 was rolled 10 times
5 was rolled 8 times
6 was rolled 6 times
Average roll : 3.293
Median : 3.000
Variance : 0.912
Standard Deviation : 0.955
Total rolls : 58French Combat
1 was rolled 3 times
2 was rolled 1 times
3 was rolled 1 times
5 was rolled 1 times
Average roll : 2.167
Median : 1.500
Variance : 1.200
Standard Deviation : 1.095
Total rolls : 6Italians Combat
1 was rolled 4 times
2 was rolled 9 times
3 was rolled 12 times
4 was rolled 7 times
5 was rolled 7 times
6 was rolled 6 times
Average roll : 3.489
Median : 3.000
Variance : 0.886
Standard Deviation : 0.941
Total rolls : 45Americans Combat
1 was rolled 1 times
4 was rolled 2 times
Average roll : 3.000
Median : 4.000
Variance : 2.500
Standard Deviation : 1.581
Total rolls : 3Dutch Combat
2 was rolled 1 times
3 was rolled 2 times
4 was rolled 1 times
Average roll : 3.000
Median : 3.000
Variance : 2.000
Standard Deviation : 1.414
Total rolls : 4 -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World At War, version: 1.1.9
Game History
Round: 12
Combat Move - French
2 Transports moved from sz25 to sz26
1 Destroyer moved from sz25 to sz37Purchase Units - French
French buy 2 Fighters; Remaining resources: 5 PUs;Combat - French
Battle in sz37
French attack with 1 Destroyer
Italians defend with 1 Submarine
Italians roll dice for 1 Submarine in sz37, round 2 : 0/1 hits
French roll dice for 1 Destroyer in sz37, round 2 : 0/1 hits
Italians roll dice for 1 Submarine in sz37, round 3 : 0/1 hits
French roll dice for 1 Destroyer in sz37, round 3 : 1/1 hits
1 Submarine owned by the Italians lost in sz37
French win with 1 Destroyer remaining. Battle score for attacker is 7
Casualties for Italians: 1 SubmarineNon Combat Move - French
2 Artillerys and 2 Elites moved from Coral Harbour to sz1
2 Artillerys, 1 Carrier, 2 Elites and 2 Transports moved from sz1 to sz4Place Units - French
2 Fighters placed in Coral HarbourTurn Complete - French
French collect 9 PUs; end with 14 PUs totalTerritory Summary for French :
Coral Harbour : 1 AAGun, 1 Factory and 2 Fighters
French Guinea : 1 Infantry
Madagaskar : 1 Infantry
Iraq : 1 Artillery and 1 Elite
Canarians : 1 flag
sz26 : 2 Transports
sz37 : 1 Destroyer
sz4 : 2 Artillerys, 1 Carrier, 2 Elites and 2 Transports
Azores : 1 flagProduction/PUs Summary :
Germans : 145 / 145
Russians : 17 / 17
Italians : 81 / 81
French : 9 / 14
Yamamoto : 72 / 76
Chinese : 12 / 18
Hisaichi : 102 / 106
British : 75 / 82
Finns : 27 / 30
Anzac : 43 / 43
Romanians : 27 / 28
Dutch : 13 / 15
Thai : 25 / 25
Americans : 126 / 129 -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World At War, version: 1.1.9
Game History
Round: 12
Combat Move - Yamamoto
1 unit repaired.
2 Cruisers and 2 Transports moved from sz67 to sz66
2 Artillerys, 2 Elites and 2 Infantry moved from Malaya to sz66
2 Artillerys, 2 Cruisers, 2 Elites, 2 Infantry and 2 Transports moved from sz66 to sz67
2 Artillerys, 2 Elites and 2 Infantry moved from sz67 to E.India
1 Artillery, 4 Elites, 1 Infantry, 2 Marines and 5 Tanks moved from Bangladesh to Bhopal
3 EarlyFighters moved from Bangladesh to E.India
1 Artillery and 1 Elite moved from Davao to sz111
1 Artillery, 1 Elite and 1 Transport moved from sz111 to sz105
1 Artillery and 1 Elite moved from sz105 to Formosa
2 EarlyFighters moved from Tokio to sz105
4 Fighters moved from sz111 to Formosa
2 Elites moved from Davao to sz111
2 Elites and 1 Transport moved from sz111 to sz108
2 Elites moved from sz108 to Java
1 Transport moved from sz111 to sz108
2 Infantry moved from Borneo to sz108
2 Infantry moved from sz108 to Java
2 EarlyFighters moved from sz111 to Java
2 EarlyFighters and 2 Fighters moved from sz111 to sz72
1 EarlyFighter moved from sz111 to Java
2 Infantry moved from Davao to sz111
2 Infantry moved from sz111 to Sarong
1 EarlyFighter moved from Davao to Sarong
2 Fighters moved from sz111 to Sarong
1 EarlyFighter moved from sz111 to Sarong
1 EarlyFighter moved from sz111 to sz105Purchase Units - Yamamoto
Yamamoto buy 2 Bombers, 2 Fighters, 4 Infantry and 2 S.Subs; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat - Yamamoto
Battle in Java
Yamamoto attack with 3 EarlyFighters, 2 Elites and 2 Infantry
Anzac defend with 1 Artillery and 3 Infantry
Yamamoto roll dice for 3 EarlyFighters, 2 Elites and 2 Infantry in Java, round 2 : 3/7 hits
Dutch roll dice for 1 Artillery and 3 Infantry in Java, round 2 : 1/4 hits
1 Infantry owned by the Yamamoto and 3 Infantry owned by the Anzac lost in Java
Yamamoto roll dice for 3 EarlyFighters, 2 Elites and 1 Infantry in Java, round 3 : 4/6 hits
Dutch roll dice for 1 Artillery in Java, round 3 : 1/1 hits
1 Artillery owned by the Anzac and 1 Infantry owned by the Yamamoto lost in Java
Yamamoto win, taking Java from Dutch with 3 EarlyFighters and 2 Elites remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6
Casualties for Yamamoto: 2 Infantry
Casualties for Anzac: 1 Artillery and 3 Infantry
Battle in sz105
Yamamoto attack with 3 EarlyFighters and 1 Transport
Anzac defend with 1 Transport
Yamamoto roll dice for 3 EarlyFighters and 1 Transport in sz105, round 2 : 1/3 hits
Anzac roll dice for 1 Transport in sz105, round 2 : 0/1 hits
1 Transport owned by the Anzac lost in sz105
Yamamoto win with 3 EarlyFighters and 1 Transport remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6
Casualties for Anzac: 1 Transport
Battle in sz72
Yamamoto attack with 2 EarlyFighters and 2 Fighters
Anzac defend with 1 Transport
Yamamoto roll dice for 2 EarlyFighters and 2 Fighters in sz72, round 2 : 3/4 hits
Anzac roll dice for 1 Transport in sz72, round 2 : 0/1 hits
1 Transport owned by the Anzac lost in sz72
Yamamoto win with 2 EarlyFighters and 2 Fighters remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6
Casualties for Anzac: 1 Transport
Battle in Sarong
Yamamoto attack with 2 EarlyFighters, 2 Fighters and 2 Infantry
Anzac defend with 1 Marine and 1 Tank
Yamamoto roll dice for 5 Battleships in Sarong, round 2 : 4/5 hits
Dutch roll dice for 1 Marine and 1 Tank in Sarong, round 2 : 0/2 hits
1 Tank owned by the Anzac and 1 Marine owned by the Anzac lost in Sarong
Yamamoto win, taking Sarong from Dutch with 2 EarlyFighters, 2 Fighters and 2 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 9
Casualties for Anzac: 1 Marine and 1 Tank
Battle in E.India
Yamamoto attack with 2 Artillerys, 3 EarlyFighters, 2 Elites and 2 Infantry
British defend with 4 Infantry and 2 Mech.Infs
Yamamoto roll dice for 2 Cruisers in E.India, round 2 : 1/2 hits
Yamamoto roll dice for 2 Artillerys, 3 EarlyFighters, 2 Elites and 2 Infantry in E.India, round 2 : 4/9 hits
British roll dice for 4 Infantry and 2 Mech.Infs in E.India, round 2 : 4/6 hits
4 Infantry owned by the British, 2 Infantry owned by the Yamamoto, 1 Artillery owned by the Yamamoto, 1 Elite owned by the Yamamoto and 1 Mech.Inf owned by the British lost in E.India
Yamamoto roll dice for 1 Artillery, 3 EarlyFighters and 1 Elite in E.India, round 3 : 0/5 hits
British roll dice for 1 Mech.Inf in E.India, round 3 : 0/1 hits
Yamamoto roll dice for 1 Artillery, 3 EarlyFighters and 1 Elite in E.India, round 4 : 1/5 hits
British roll dice for 1 Mech.Inf in E.India, round 4 : 1/1 hits
1 Artillery owned by the Yamamoto and 1 Mech.Inf owned by the British lost in E.India
Yamamoto win, taking E.India from British with 3 EarlyFighters and 1 Elite remaining. Battle score for attacker is 5
Casualties for British: 4 Infantry and 2 Mech.Infs
Casualties for Yamamoto: 2 Artillerys, 1 Elite and 2 Infantry
Battle in Formosa
Yamamoto attack with 1 Artillery, 1 Elite and 4 Fighters
Anzac defend with 1 Artillery
Yamamoto roll dice for 1 Artillery, 1 Elite and 4 Fighters in Formosa, round 2 : 3/6 hits
Anzac roll dice for 1 Artillery in Formosa, round 2 : 1/1 hits
1 Artillery owned by the Anzac and 1 Elite owned by the Yamamoto lost in Formosa
Yamamoto win, taking Formosa from Anzac with 1 Artillery and 4 Fighters remaining. Battle score for attacker is 1
Casualties for Yamamoto: 1 Elite
Casualties for Anzac: 1 Artillery
Battle in Bhopal
Yamamoto attack with 1 Artillery, 4 Elites, 1 Infantry, 2 Marines and 5 Tanks
British defend with 1 Infantry
Yamamoto roll dice for 1 Artillery, 4 Elites, 1 Infantry, 2 Marines and 5 Tanks in Bhopal, round 2 : 6/13 hits
British roll dice for 1 Infantry in Bhopal, round 2 : 1/1 hits
1 Infantry owned by the British and 1 Infantry owned by the Yamamoto lost in Bhopal
Yamamoto win, taking Bhopal from British with 1 Artillery, 4 Elites, 2 Marines and 5 Tanks remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
Casualties for British: 1 Infantry
Casualties for Yamamoto: 1 InfantryNon Combat Move - Yamamoto
3 EarlyFighters moved from E.India to Bangladesh
3 EarlyFighters moved from sz105 to sz111
4 Fighters moved from Formosa to sz111
2 EarlyFighters and 2 Fighters moved from Sarong to sz111
3 EarlyFighters moved from Java to Sumatra
2 EarlyFighters and 2 Fighters moved from sz72 to sz111
1 Elite and 1 Infantry moved from Fugong to ChunkingPlace Units - Yamamoto
2 Fighters and 2 S.Subs placed in sz111
2 Bombers placed in Malaya
2 Infantry placed in Borneo
2 Infantry placed in MalayaTurn Complete - Yamamoto
Yamamoto collect 78 PUs; end with 78 PUs totalProduction/PUs Summary :
Germans : 145 / 145
Russians : 17 / 17
Italians : 81 / 81
French : 9 / 14
Yamamoto : 78 / 78
Chinese : 12 / 18
Hisaichi : 105 / 106
British : 73 / 82
Finns : 27 / 30
Anzac : 40 / 43
Romanians : 27 / 28
Dutch : 9 / 15
Thai : 25 / 25
Americans : 126 / 129 -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World At War, version: 1.1.9
Game History
Round: 12
Combat Move - Chinese
1 Infantry moved from Ming Jong to Xining
1 Infantry moved from Quyan to Ming Jong
3 Artillerys, 1 Elite, 9 Infantry, 1 Marine and 1 Tank moved from Urumal to Quyan
1 Infantry moved from Haixi to QuyanPurchase Units - Chinese
Chinese buy 9 Infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Non Combat Move - Chinese
Place Units - Chinese
6 Infantry placed in Xining
3 Infantry placed in UrumalTurn Complete - Chinese
Chinese collect 12 PUs; end with 12 PUs total -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World At War, version: 1.1.9
Game History
Round: 12
Combat Move - Hisaichi
6 Marines moved from Nancheng to Xining
3 ArmoredCars and 7 Tanks moved from Gansu to Xining
1 Mech.Inf and 2 Tanks moved from Stalinabad to Urumal
Hisaichi take Haixi from Chinese
2 ArmoredCars moved from S.W.M to Quyan
1 Tank moved from W.Mongolia to Quyan
4 Tanks moved from S.W.M to Quyan
6 Mech.Infs moved from Nancheng to Xining
2 ArmoredCars moved from Nancheng to Quyan
2 Bombers and 2 EarlyFighters moved from S.W.M to Quyan
2 Mech.Infs moved from W.Mongolia to Urumal
1 Mech.Inf moved from W.Mongolia to Urumal
3 Tanks moved from Nancheng to Xining
4 Mech.Infs and 5 Tanks moved from S.W.M to Quyan
2 Mech.Infs moved from W.Mongolia to Quyan
1 Mech.Inf and 2 Tanks moved from Nancheng to Ming Jong
5 Tanks moved from Nancheng to Quyan
1 Mech.Inf moved from Nancheng to Ming Jong
3 Tanks moved from Nancheng to Quyan
4 Tanks moved from Nancheng to Xining
1 Mech.Inf moved from Nancheng to XiningPurchase Units - Hisaichi
Hisaichi buy 7 Fighters, 2 Marines and 5 Tanks; Remaining resources: 3 PUs;Combat - Hisaichi
Battle in Xining
Hisaichi attack with 3 ArmoredCars, 6 Marines, 7 Mech.Infs and 14 Tanks
Chinese defend with 1 AAGun, 2 Artillerys, 1 Elite, 1 Factory, 9 Infantry and 1 Tank
Hisaichi roll dice for 3 ArmoredCars, 6 Marines, 7 Mech.Infs and 14 Tanks in Xining, round 2 : 14/30 hits
Chinese roll dice for 2 Artillerys, 1 Elite, 9 Infantry and 1 Tank in Xining, round 2 : 6/13 hits
6 Marines owned by the Hisaichi, 1 Tank owned by the Chinese, 2 Artillerys owned by the Chinese, 1 Elite owned by the Chinese and 9 Infantry owned by the Chinese lost in Xining
Hisaichi captures 12PUs while taking Chinese capital
Hisaichi win, taking Xining from Chinese with 3 ArmoredCars, 7 Mech.Infs and 14 Tanks remaining. Battle score for attacker is 10
Casualties for Hisaichi: 6 Marines
Casualties for Chinese: 2 Artillerys, 1 Elite, 9 Infantry and 1 Tank
Battle in Urumal
Hisaichi attack with 4 Mech.Infs and 2 Tanks
Chinese defend with 1 AAGun, 1 Factory and 3 Infantry
Hisaichi roll dice for 4 Mech.Infs and 2 Tanks in Urumal, round 2 : 4/6 hits
Chinese roll dice for 3 Infantry in Urumal, round 2 : 2/3 hits
3 Infantry owned by the Chinese and 2 Mech.Infs owned by the Hisaichi lost in Urumal
Hisaichi win, taking Urumal from Chinese with 2 Mech.Infs and 2 Tanks remaining. Battle score for attacker is -6
Casualties for Hisaichi: 2 Mech.Infs
Casualties for Chinese: 3 Infantry
Battle in Quyan
Hisaichi attack with 4 ArmoredCars, 2 Bombers, 2 EarlyFighters, 6 Mech.Infs and 18 Tanks
Chinese defend with 3 Artillerys, 1 Elite, 10 Infantry, 1 Marine and 1 Tank
Hisaichi roll dice for 4 ArmoredCars, 2 Bombers, 2 EarlyFighters, 6 Mech.Infs and 18 Tanks in Quyan, round 2 : 14/32 hits
Chinese roll dice for 3 Artillerys, 1 Elite, 10 Infantry, 1 Marine and 1 Tank in Quyan, round 2 : 5/16 hits
3 Artillerys owned by the Chinese, 1 Elite owned by the Chinese, 10 Infantry owned by the Chinese, 4 ArmoredCars owned by the Hisaichi and 1 Mech.Inf owned by the Hisaichi lost in Quyan
Hisaichi roll dice for 2 Bombers, 2 EarlyFighters, 5 Mech.Infs and 18 Tanks in Quyan, round 3 : 16/27 hits
Chinese roll dice for 1 Marine and 1 Tank in Quyan, round 3 : 2/2 hits
1 Tank owned by the Chinese, 1 Marine owned by the Chinese and 2 Mech.Infs owned by the Hisaichi lost in Quyan
Hisaichi win, taking Quyan from Chinese with 2 Bombers, 2 EarlyFighters, 3 Mech.Infs and 18 Tanks remaining. Battle score for attacker is 10
Casualties for Hisaichi: 4 ArmoredCars and 3 Mech.Infs
Casualties for Chinese: 3 Artillerys, 1 Elite, 10 Infantry, 1 Marine and 1 Tank
Battle in Ming Jong
Hisaichi attack with 2 Mech.Infs and 2 Tanks
Chinese defend with 1 Infantry
Hisaichi roll dice for 2 Mech.Infs and 2 Tanks in Ming Jong, round 2 : 1/4 hits
Chinese roll dice for 1 Infantry in Ming Jong, round 2 : 1/1 hits
1 Infantry owned by the Chinese and 1 Mech.Inf owned by the Hisaichi lost in Ming Jong
Hisaichi win, taking Ming Jong from Chinese with 1 Mech.Inf and 2 Tanks remaining. Battle score for attacker is -4
Casualties for Hisaichi: 1 Mech.Inf
Casualties for Chinese: 1 InfantryNon Combat Move - Hisaichi
2 Artillerys, 2 Infantry, 6 Marines and 3 Tanks moved from Szechwan to Fugong
3 Tanks moved from Fugong to Chunking
3 Artillerys and 10 Marines moved from Gansu to Szechwan
1 AAGun moved from Nancheng to Kansu
2 EarlyFighters moved from Quyan to Szechwan
2 Bombers moved from Quyan to Chunking
2 Elites moved from Kaask to Ustkut
2 ArmoredCars moved from Hong Kong to Hanan
2 Tanks moved from Hong Kong to Hanan
2 EarlyFighters moved from Tientsin to Hong Kong
1 Infantry moved from Manchuria to Hsingnan
2 ArmoredCars and 2 Tanks moved from Seoul to Hsingnan
2 Fighters moved from Seoul to Hong Kong
1 Infantry moved from Tientsin to Hsingnan
2 Elites moved from Tientsin to Hsingnan
1 AAGun moved from Jinan to HsingnanPlace Units - Hisaichi
5 Tanks placed in Aleksandrowskoe
2 Marines placed in Tashkent
4 Fighters placed in Seoul
1 Fighter placed in Tientsin
2 Fighters placed in Hong KongTurn Complete - Hisaichi
Hisaichi collect 117 PUs; end with 132 PUs totalProduction/PUs Summary :
Germans : 145 / 145
Russians : 17 / 17
Italians : 81 / 81
French : 9 / 14
Yamamoto : 78 / 78
Chinese : 0 / 0
Hisaichi : 117 / 132
British : 73 / 82
Finns : 27 / 30
Anzac : 40 / 43
Romanians : 27 / 28
Dutch : 9 / 15
Thai : 25 / 25
Americans : 126 / 129 -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World At War, version: 1.1.9
Game History
Round: 12
Combat Move - British
1 Artillery and 1 Elite moved from N.W. India to Stalinabad
1 Mech.Inf and 1 Mot.Inf moved from Bombay to E.India
3 Transports moved from sz14 to sz15
3 Artillerys and 2 Elites moved from Manchester to sz15
3 Artillerys, 2 Elites and 3 Transports moved from sz15 to sz14
3 Artillerys and 2 Elites moved from sz14 to NorwayPurchase Units - British
British buy 6 Artillerys, 2 Bunkers, 6 Elites, 2 Infantry, 2 Mech.Infs, 2 Mot.Infs and 1 Tank; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat - British
Battle in Stalinabad
British attack with 1 Artillery and 1 Elite
Hisaichi defend with 1 Bunker
British roll dice for 1 Artillery and 1 Elite in Stalinabad, round 2 : 1/2 hits
Units damaged: 1 Bunker owned by the Hisaichi
Hisaichi roll dice for 1 Bunker in Stalinabad, round 2 : 1/1 hits
1 Elite owned by the British lost in Stalinabad
British roll dice for 1 Artillery in Stalinabad, round 3 : 0/1 hits
Hisaichi roll dice for 1 Bunker in Stalinabad, round 3 : 0/1 hits
British roll dice for 1 Artillery in Stalinabad, round 4 : 0/1 hits
Hisaichi roll dice for 1 Bunker in Stalinabad, round 4 : 1/1 hits
1 Artillery owned by the British lost in Stalinabad
Hisaichi win with 1 Bunker remaining. Battle score for attacker is -7
Casualties for British: 1 Artillery and 1 Elite
Battle in Norway
British attack with 3 Artillerys and 2 Elites
Germans defend with 2 Artillerys
British roll dice for 1 Battleship and 2 Cruisers in Norway, round 2 : 3/3 hits
Germans roll dice for 2 Artillerys in Norway, round 2 : 0/2 hits
2 Artillerys owned by the Germans lost in Norway
British win, taking Norway from Germans with 3 Artillerys and 2 Elites remaining. Battle score for attacker is 8
Casualties for Germans: 2 Artillerys
Battle in E.India
British attack with 1 Mech.Inf and 1 Mot.Inf
Yamamoto defend with 1 Elite
British roll dice for 1 Mech.Inf and 1 Mot.Inf in E.India, round 2 : 1/2 hits
Yamamoto roll dice for 1 Elite in E.India, round 2 : 0/1 hits
1 Elite owned by the Yamamoto lost in E.India
British win, taking E.India from Yamamoto with 1 Mech.Inf and 1 Mot.Inf remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
Casualties for Yamamoto: 1 EliteNon Combat Move - British
1 Infantry moved from Calcutta to India
1 Mot.Inf moved from Dheli to N.India
2 Mech.Infs moved from Cape Town to KenyaPlace Units - British
Turning on Edit Mode
EDIT: Adding units owned by British to Dover: 2 Artillerys and 2 Elites
EDIT: Removing units owned by British from Wales: 2 Artillerys and 2 Elites
EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
2 Artillerys and 2 Elites placed in Cairo
2 Artillerys, 1 Bunker and 1 Elite placed in Iran
1 Bunker, 2 Mech.Infs, 2 Mot.Infs and 1 Tank placed in Dheli
2 Artillerys, 1 Elite and 2 Infantry placed in Calcutta
2 Elites placed in CairoTurn Complete - British
British collect 76 PUs; end with 76 PUs totalTerritory Summary for British :
Quebec : 1 AAGun, 1 Factory and 1 Infantry
British Guinea : 1 Infantry
Palana : 2 Infantry
Rhodes : 1 Bunker
Victoria : 1 AAGun and 1 Factory
Bombay : 1 AAGun and 1 Factory
Yukon : 2 Infantry
Dover : 1 AAGun, 2 Artillerys and 2 Elites
India : 1 Infantry
Wales : 1 AAGun and 1 Factory
E.India : 1 Mech.Inf and 1 Mot.Inf
N.India : 1 Mot.Inf
E.Canada : 1 Infantry
Nukufetau : 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry
Iraq : 1 AAGun, 1 Elite, 1 Infantry and 1 Mech.Inf
Manchester : 1 Factory
Kenya : 5 Mech.Infs
Calcutta : 1 AAGun, 8 Artillerys, 10 Elites, 1 Factory, 3 Infantry and 1 Tank
London : 1 AAGun and 1 Factory
Dheli : 1 AAGun, 1 Bunker, 1 Factory, 7 Mech.Infs, 4 Mot.Infs and 1 Tank
Nauru : 1 Infantry
Makin : 1 Infantry
Cairo : 1 AAGun, 6 Artillerys, 1 Bunker, 11 Elites, 1 Factory, 11 Infantry and 3 Tanks
Gibraltar : 1 Bunker
Cape Town : 1 AAGun and 1 Factory
sz14 : 1 Battleship, 1 Carrier, 2 Cruisers, 3 Destroyers, 1 EarlyFighter, 1 Fighter and 3 Transports
sz119 : 1 Destroyer and 1 Transport
sz63 : 1 Carrier
Norway : 1 flag, 3 Artillerys and 2 Elites
sz79 : 1 Submarine
Iceland : 1 flag
Iran : 1 flag, 2 Artillerys, 2 Bunkers, 4 Elites and 1 Factory
Sevilla : 1 Lancaster
Greenland : 1 flag
C.Spain : 1 flag, 1 InfantryProduction/PUs Summary :
Germans : 143 / 145
Russians : 17 / 17
Italians : 81 / 81
French : 9 / 14
Yamamoto : 77 / 78
Chinese : 0 / 0
Hisaichi : 117 / 132
British : 76 / 76
Finns : 27 / 30
Anzac : 40 / 43
Romanians : 27 / 28
Dutch : 9 / 15
Thai : 25 / 25
Americans : 126 / 129 -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World At War, version: 1.1.9
Game History
Round: 12
Combat Move - Dutch
1 Infantry and 1 Marine moved from Mauretania to Marrakech
1 Artillery moved from Mauretania to Marrakech
1 Fighter moved from sz25 to sz38
1 EarlyFighter moved from Mauretania to MarrakechPurchase Units - Dutch
Dutch buy 1 EarlyFighter and 1 Transport; Remaining resources: 1 PUs;Combat - Dutch
Battle in Marrakech
Dutch attack with 1 Artillery, 1 EarlyFighter, 1 Infantry and 1 Marine
Italians defend with 2 Infantry
Dutch win, taking Marrakech from Italians with 1 EarlyFighter and 1 Marine remaining. Battle score for attacker is -2
Casualties for Italians: 2 Infantry
Casualties for Dutch: 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry
Battle in sz38
Dutch attack with 1 Fighter
Italians defend with 10 Submarines
10 Submarines owned by the Italians SubmergedNon Combat Move - Dutch
1 Fighter moved from sz38 to sz25
1 EarlyFighter moved from Marrakech to sz25Place Units - Dutch
1 Transport placed in sz33
1 EarlyFighter placed in Dutch GuineaTurn Complete - Dutch
Dutch collect 14 PUs; end with 15 PUs totalTerritory Summary for Dutch :
Mauretania : 1 Artillery, 1 Infantry, 2 Marines and 2 Tanks
Marrakech : 1 Marine
Dutch Guinea : 1 EarlyFighter, 1 Factory, 1 Marine and 1 Tank
sz25 : 1 Carrier, 1 EarlyFighter and 1 Fighter
sz33 : 1 Transport
Sierra Leone : 1 flag
Cape Verde : 1 flagProduction/PUs Summary :
Germans : 143 / 145
Russians : 17 / 17
Italians : 79 / 81
French : 11 / 14
Yamamoto : 72 / 78
Chinese : 0 / 0
Hisaichi : 117 / 132
British : 76 / 76
Finns : 27 / 30
Anzac : 40 / 41
Romanians : 27 / 28
Dutch : 14 / 15
Thai : 25 / 25
Americans : 126 / 129 -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World At War, version: 1.1.9
Game History
Round: 12
Combat Move - Finns
1 Mot.Inf moved from Nenets to Pervouralsk
1 Mot.Inf moved from Pervouralsk to Kazakh
1 Mot.Inf moved from Kazakh to Yaroslavl
Finns take Yaroslavl from Russians
1 EarlyFighter moved from Helsinki to Norway
1 Artillery, 3 Infantry, 1 Mech.Inf, 1 Mot.Inf and 1 Tank moved from C.Sweden to Norway
4 Infantry moved from Finnland to sz17
4 Destroyers, 4 Infantry and 2 Transports moved from sz17 to sz16
4 Infantry moved from sz16 to Norway
1 Mech.Inf moved from N.Sweden to Norway
2 Infantry moved from N.Sweden to C.Sweden
1 Elite moved from N.Finnland to N.Sweden
1 Elite and 1 Infantry moved from Finnland to N.Finnland
1 Artillery moved from Belomorsk to N.Finnland
2 Infantry moved from Tampere to Helsinki
1 Elite moved from Tampere to Helsinki
1 Bomber moved from Lyon to sz37Purchase Units - Finns
Finns buy 1 Bomber, 1 EarlyFighter and 4 Infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat - Finns
Battle in sz37
Finns attack with 1 Bomber
French defend with 1 Destroyer
Finns roll dice for 1 Bomber in sz37, round 2 : 0/1 hits
French roll dice for 1 Destroyer in sz37, round 2 : 0/1 hits
Finns roll dice for 1 Bomber in sz37, round 3 : 0/1 hits
French roll dice for 1 Destroyer in sz37, round 3 : 0/1 hits
Finns roll dice for 1 Bomber in sz37, round 4 : 1/1 hits
French roll dice for 1 Destroyer in sz37, round 4 : 1/1 hits
1 Bomber owned by the Finns and 1 Destroyer owned by the French lost in sz37
French win with no units remaining. Battle score for attacker is -6
Casualties for French: 1 Destroyer
Casualties for Finns: 1 Bomber
Battle in Norway
Finns attack with 1 Artillery, 1 EarlyFighter, 7 Infantry, 2 Mech.Infs, 1 Mot.Inf and 1 Tank
British defend with 3 Artillerys and 2 Elites
Finns roll dice for 1 Artillery, 1 EarlyFighter, 7 Infantry, 2 Mech.Infs, 1 Mot.Inf and 1 Tank in Norway, round 2 : 6/13 hits
British roll dice for 3 Artillerys and 2 Elites in Norway, round 2 : 1/5 hits
2 Elites owned by the British, 1 Infantry owned by the Finns and 3 Artillerys owned by the British lost in Norway
Finns win, taking Norway from British with 1 Artillery, 1 EarlyFighter, 6 Infantry, 2 Mech.Infs, 1 Mot.Inf and 1 Tank remaining. Battle score for attacker is 16
Casualties for British: 3 Artillerys and 2 Elites
Casualties for Finns: 1 InfantryNon Combat Move - Finns
1 EarlyFighter moved from Norway to C.SwedenPlace Units - Finns
1 Bomber, 1 EarlyFighter and 4 Infantry placed in HelsinkiTurn Complete - Finns
Finns collect 30 PUs; end with 30 PUs totalTerritory Summary for Finns :
Kargopol : 1 flag
Yaroslavl : 1 flag, 1 Mot.Inf
Nenets : 1 flag
Kazakh : 1 flag
Estorskaya : 1 flag
Murmansk : 1 flag
Belomorsk : 1 flag
Helsinki : 1 AAGun, 1 Bomber, 1 EarlyFighter, 1 Elite, 1 Factory and 8 Infantry
N.Finnland : 1 Artillery, 1 Elite and 1 Infantry
C.Norway : 1 flag
sz16 : 4 Destroyers and 2 Transports
N.Sweden : 1 flag, 1 Elite
Norway : 1 flag, 1 Artillery, 6 Infantry, 2 Mech.Infs, 1 Mot.Inf and 1 Tank
C.Sweden : 1 flag, 1 EarlyFighter and 2 Infantry
N.Norway : 1 flagProduction/PUs Summary :
Germans : 143 / 145
Russians : 16 / 17
Italians : 79 / 81
French : 11 / 14
Yamamoto : 72 / 78
Chinese : 0 / 0
Hisaichi : 117 / 132
British : 74 / 76
Finns : 30 / 30
Anzac : 40 / 41
Romanians : 27 / 28
Dutch : 14 / 15
Thai : 25 / 25
Americans : 126 / 129Dice Statistics:
1 was rolled 4 times
2 was rolled 6 times
3 was rolled 2 times
4 was rolled 2 times
5 was rolled 6 times
6 was rolled 4 times
Average roll : 3.500
Median : 3.500
Variance : 0.696
Standard Deviation : 0.834
Total rolls : 24French Combat
1 was rolled 1 times
5 was rolled 2 times
Average roll : 3.667
Median : 5.000
Variance : 2.500
Standard Deviation : 1.581
Total rolls : 3British Combat
2 was rolled 1 times
5 was rolled 3 times
6 was rolled 1 times
Average roll : 4.600
Median : 5.000
Variance : 2.750
Standard Deviation : 1.658
Total rolls : 5Finns Combat
1 was rolled 3 times
2 was rolled 5 times
3 was rolled 2 times
4 was rolled 2 times
5 was rolled 1 times
6 was rolled 3 times
Average roll : 3.125
Median : 2.500
Variance : 0.800
Standard Deviation : 0.894
Total rolls : 16 -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World At War, version: 1.1.9
Game History
Round: 12
Combat Move - Romanians
2 Infantry moved from Romania to E.Romania
2 Infantry moved from E.Romania to Moldavskaya
2 Infantry moved from Odessa to Pavlovsk
3 Infantry moved from Pavlovsk to Gorky
2 Infantry moved from Astraknan to Gorky
3 Infantry moved from W.Turkey to Iran
1 Elite moved from Kizbar to Azerbaijan
3 Mot.Infs moved from Azerbaijan to Iran
2 Mot.Infs moved from Kizbar to Iran
2 Mech.Infs moved from Rostov to Iran
1 Infantry moved from Rostov to Kizbar
2 Mot.Infs moved from Odessa to Gorky
1 Infantry moved from Astraknan to Kazakh
1 Infantry moved from Astraknan to KizbarPurchase Units - Romanians
Romanians buy 3 Infantry, 2 Mech.Infs and 2 Mot.Infs; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat - Romanians
Battle in Gorky
Romanians attack with 5 Infantry and 2 Mot.Infs
Russians defend with 2 Infantry
Romanians roll dice for 5 Infantry and 2 Mot.Infs in Gorky, round 2 : 2/7 hits
Russians roll dice for 2 Infantry in Gorky, round 2 : 1/2 hits
2 Infantry owned by the Russians and 1 Infantry owned by the Romanians lost in Gorky
Romanians win, taking Gorky from Russians with 4 Infantry and 2 Mot.Infs remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for Russians: 2 Infantry
Casualties for Romanians: 1 Infantry
Battle in Iran
Romanians attack with 3 Infantry, 2 Mech.Infs and 5 Mot.Infs
British defend with 2 Artillerys, 2 Bunkers, 4 Elites and 1 Factory
Romanians roll dice for 3 Infantry, 2 Mech.Infs and 5 Mot.Infs in Iran, round 2 : 0/10 hits
British roll dice for 2 Artillerys, 2 Bunkers and 4 Elites in Iran, round 2 : 1/8 hits
1 Infantry owned by the Romanians lost in Iran
Romanians roll dice for 2 Infantry, 2 Mech.Infs and 5 Mot.Infs in Iran, round 3 : 2/9 hits
Units damaged: 2 Bunkers owned by the British
British roll dice for 2 Artillerys, 2 Bunkers and 4 Elites in Iran, round 3 : 2/8 hits
2 Infantry owned by the Romanians lost in Iran
Romanians roll dice for 2 Mech.Infs and 5 Mot.Infs in Iran, round 4 : 1/7 hits
British roll dice for 2 Artillerys, 2 Bunkers and 4 Elites in Iran, round 4 : 4/8 hits
1 Elite owned by the British and 4 Mot.Infs owned by the Romanians lost in Iran
2 Mech.Infs and 1 Mot.Inf retreated to Azerbaijan
British win with 2 Artillerys, 2 Bunkers and 3 Elites remaining. Battle score for attacker is -23
Casualties for British: 1 Elite
Casualties for Romanians: 3 Infantry and 4 Mot.InfsNon Combat Move - Romanians
Place Units - Romanians
2 Mech.Infs and 1 Mot.Inf placed in Rostov
3 Infantry and 1 Mot.Inf placed in Stalingrad
Romanians undo move 2.
1 Infantry and 1 Mot.Inf placed in Stalingrad
2 Infantry placed in RomaniaTurn Complete - Romanians
Romanians collect 28 PUs; end with 28 PUs totalTerritory Summary for Romanians :
Gorky : 1 flag, 4 Infantry and 2 Mot.Infs
Kizbar : 1 flag, 2 Infantry
Stalingrad : 1 flag, 1 AAGun, 1 Factory, 3 Infantry and 1 Mot.Inf
Kazakh : 1 Infantry
Astraknan : 1 flag
Krym : 1 flag
Moldavskaya : 2 Infantry
Rostov : 1 flag, 1 AAGun, 1 Factory, 2 Mech.Infs and 1 Mot.Inf
Pavlovsk : 2 Infantry
Romania : 1 AAGun, 1 Factory and 3 Infantry
E.Romania : 2 Infantry
Azerbaijan : 1 flag, 1 Elite, 2 Mech.Infs and 1 Mot.Inf
W.Turkey : 1 flagProduction/PUs Summary :
Germans : 143 / 145
Russians : 15 / 17
Italians : 79 / 81
French : 11 / 14
Yamamoto : 72 / 78
Chinese : 0 / 0
Hisaichi : 117 / 132
British : 74 / 76
Finns : 30 / 30
Anzac : 40 / 41
Romanians : 28 / 28
Dutch : 14 / 15
Thai : 25 / 25
Americans : 126 / 129Dice Statistics:
1 was rolled 14 times
2 was rolled 13 times
3 was rolled 12 times
4 was rolled 13 times
5 was rolled 19 times
6 was rolled 12 times
Average roll : 3.554
Median : 4.000
Variance : 0.476
Standard Deviation : 0.690
Total rolls : 83French Combat
1 was rolled 1 times
5 was rolled 2 times
Average roll : 3.667
Median : 5.000
Variance : 2.500
Standard Deviation : 1.581
Total rolls : 3Russians Combat
1 was rolled 1 times
4 was rolled 1 times
Average roll : 2.500
Median : 2.500
Variance : 2.000
Standard Deviation : 1.414
Total rolls : 2British Combat
1 was rolled 5 times
2 was rolled 2 times
3 was rolled 5 times
4 was rolled 4 times
5 was rolled 8 times
6 was rolled 5 times
Average roll : 3.793
Median : 4.000
Variance : 0.821
Standard Deviation : 0.906
Total rolls : 29Finns Combat
1 was rolled 3 times
2 was rolled 5 times
3 was rolled 2 times
4 was rolled 2 times
5 was rolled 1 times
6 was rolled 3 times
Average roll : 3.125
Median : 2.500
Variance : 0.800
Standard Deviation : 0.894
Total rolls : 16Romanians Combat
1 was rolled 4 times
2 was rolled 6 times
3 was rolled 5 times
4 was rolled 6 times
5 was rolled 8 times
6 was rolled 4 times
Average roll : 3.606
Median : 4.000
Variance : 0.406
Standard Deviation : 0.637
Total rolls : 33