• I have 3 German Subs in sz 112. Currently, there are no other ships in this zone. Here’s the probably scenario and question. If on Russia’s turn, they move one sub into sz 112 while no battle being fought and then on U.S. turn, they bring in 2 AC, 1 Cruiser and 9 TT to make a drop on Denmark. 1. Can my submarines fight the American ships in hope of preventing an amphibious assault since he has zero destroyers? How does that battle work? If I take out his cruiser, will all of his ships including 2 AC and 9 TT’s die because he has only 1 ship with attacking points? 2. Is the single Russian sub involved in any capacity even though it is U.S.'s turn?

  • 2nd probable scenario…If U.S. can land in Denmark even with my subs in sz 112, when it becomes UK’s turn. Can their single TT go through the strait and into Germany with my subs still there? Can they single-out the UK. TT?

  • '15

    Someone please correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure the answers are:

    1. Your subs can come up and defend.  They defend at 1 and get their secret sub hits (you get to roll first as the defender basically)

    2. Trannies can ignore subs, so the UK could pass through that SZ

  • '14 Customizer

    Russian sub not involved on USA’s turn.

    The US Cruiser and Carrier are considered warships. If transports are unloading in a zone with only enemy subs then those subs can be ignored if they are escorted by a warship(CV, CA, DD, BB). Even though the Carrier has no attack value it is still considered a warship and will allow the transports to ignore the subs. Destroyers can be used to prevent the subs from submerging and neutralizes their first strike behavior.

    Step 1. Sea Combat
    If there are defending surface warships and/or scrambled
    air units, sea combat occurs. If there are only defending
    submarines and/or transports, the attacker can choose to ignore
    those units or conduct sea combat. pg-17 Pacific Rulebook

  • What about the U.S. transports wanting to land in Denmark from sz 112?

  • SO, my subs can’t fire at the ships unless the U.S. wants to attack them, which is up to them? Therfore, unless the U.S. wants to engage in battle, the TT’s can land in Denmark w/o my subs being able to do anything?

  • Here’s the important question…

    Would a UK TT (no escorts) be able to pass through sz 112 where my subs are at? There would be a Russ. sub, and the U.S. AC and cruiser but the UK tt is coming from england, going into sz 112 and then into 113 to Germany? Can the subs stop the single UK TT?

  • '14 Customizer

    Yes, Subs do not block any movement.

  • '14 Customizer

    This is not related to subs but it is related to transports unloading. Lets suppose you have a UK transport with 1 French infantry unloading and W. Germany scrambles.

    In this case the German fighters prevent the French inf from unloading. Triple-A does not do this correctly. The UK transport is not in the battle because it is not French. International units defend together but they do not attack together. In this case the French are attacking on their turn and only French units are involved.

    Now I know that in this case the UK transport could have moved to seazone 114 and avoid the scramble all together but its just an example. ;)

  • '20 '16 '15 '14

    Wait, so are you saying that the French infantry should be allowed to attack with no scramble, or should not be able to attack because the scramble will stop the unload?

    Great illustration, btw.  :)

  • '17 '16 '15

    I think he’s saying the french infantry can’t unload because the fighters would kill the two transports. Apparently triplea doesn’t enforce this due to the multi national makeup of the attacking force.

  • Official Q&A

    Subs almost never block movement of any kind.  The only exception is that a transport may not offload for an amphibious assault in a sea zone containing enemy subs unless there is also a warship of any type belonging to that power in the sea zone.

    However, if enemy subs (and/or transports) in a sea are ignored by the attacker, but then defending air units are scrambled into the sea zone, the defender forces a battle in which the defending subs (and/or transports) will participate.

    In cyanight’s scrambling example, the French infantry is prevented from offloading by the German scramble.  As it is not the UK’s turn, the UK transport is not participating in the attack.  Since there are no attacking sea or air units, no battle will be fought; however, since France cannot clear the sea zone of defending units (the scrambled fighter), the amphibious assault cannot proceed.  The net result is that nothing happens, and no units are lost by either side.

  • Hi…

    OOB Rules…

    So on a sub topic…

    I plan to move my 2 subs into a SZ to attack a cruiser and battleship. No enemy subs or destroyer present in this SZ. Using the surprise first strike:

    the 2 sub fires a two or less on the sea units and misses.

    Does the Cruiser and Battleship respond to attack?

    I thought the sub just did the surprise attack and then then out of that round of battle. If I am correct, then really the Cruiser and Battleship are sitting ducks because the subs each round of battle will just continue to fire the surprise sneak attack.
    Just reading the rules peops and needing further detailed results~!~



  • Yes, they can retaliate.
    The Cruiser and Battleship now get to shoot back at 3 and 4.
    If your Subs survive this round, you either sneak again on R2 or Submerge.

  • '14 Customizer

    Thanks Krieghund, you explain it much better :)

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