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We built this thread to provide you with helpful videos, game materials, and advise needed to navigate this forum and learn everything you need to know about Axis & Allies Global 1940 2nd Edition, so lets get started. In order to play G40, you will need a copy of A&A Europe 1940 2nd Edition, and A&A Pacific 1940 2nd Edition.
2nd Edition
After 1st Edition was released, creator Larry Harris and his team of play testers embarked on a project to modify many of the problems that were arising with playability, this project was called Alpha. If you have never heard of Alpha or even seen a 1st Edition copy, don’t worry… it’s not important at all, in fact the only G40 game that maters now is 2nd Edition. If you only have 1st Edition copies, that’s not a problem either… The out of box pieces in 1st Edition are more than capable of providing the required gaming materials needed for playing 2nd Edition. However, you will need to download and print the latest rule books using the links provided below. All pages in both books should be read including the Global rules section at the back, as many rules in the Europe and Pacific books are specific to their respective side of the map.
Axis & Allies Europe 1940 2nd Edition Rule book (takes about 3 minutes to load)
Axis & Allies Pacific 1940 2nd Edition Rule book (takes about 3 minutes to load)
If you are playing with 1st edition game sets, and are using 2nd edition rule books printed from Wizards of the Coast, you may be missing the setup charts. You will find a document listing the entire 2nd edition setup here…
Rule clarifications
Here at axisandallies.org we are privileged to have a credited G40 game designer to answer your questions, but there is a system in place in order to preserve his time. His user name is “Krieghund” and he can be identified as the only member with an “official answers” badge under his name. If you need a rule clarification, there are rule deputies as well as regular members like myself ready to answer your questions. However, if an answer is wrong, or there are other important elements to the answer that need mentioning… than Krieghund will magically appear to set things straight. The proper thread to ask for rule clarifications is in Global 2nd edition FAQ (AAG40.2), although it’s fine if you want to create a thread for your inquiry especially if you need a quick in game reply. A good tip is to browse through the FAQ pages and see what kind of questions are being asked and what kind of answers are being given. You can find the FAQ thread by clicking the following link…
Global 2nd edition FAQ (AAG40.2)
However, before asking for clarifications there, be sure to review these official Errata documents to see if they can answer your questions.
A&A Europe 1940 Errata and FAQs
A&A Pacific 1940 Errata and FAQs
Very new players
If you have never played a game of Axis & Allies 1940 Global 2nd Edition, or any Axis & Allies game for that mater, than you may find the following article helpful.
A&A Global for first timers
Learning about axisandallies.org
If you are visiting the site for the first time and would like to know more about the forums available, the meaning of the badges, policies for posting messages, or how to navigate the site… you can find out more by clicking the following link…
Website/Forum discussion
Playing 1940 Global online
If you’re interested in learning more about playing online using tripleA, and the play by forum boards, click the following link…
Going beyond gaming
If you’re interested in seeing how members have customized their gaming experience by painting pieces, creating game aids, or building custom tables, click the following link…
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