@panther Awesome! Thank you!
Now the question becomes: does Triple A allow Russia to declare war on Germany at the beginning of Rd 3. I’ll have to go back and see. It should allow them to declare war on Germany once Italy attacked the Rd before.
I was one of those jerks that got an early copy….
Anyway, I thought I would share a few pics for your enjoyment. Quality is a bit iffy, but hey, better than nothing…
OK, I’ll bite. Where are the pics?
damn! how do I get some pics up here?
damn! how do I get some pics up here?
Download them to mediafire and either post a link to it or follow the instructions given by LHoffman on his thread “Trip to Korea” in General Discussion
Any pics of a game in progress? All of the ones you posted seem to be the setup.
that blue looks so weird……
good thing u dont have to worry about the french after first round…
i also promised a picture of the size difference between anniversary and global
good thing u dont have to worry about the french after first round…
Takes up mantle
Unless Italy does something about those three African infantry on it’s flank in North Africa, and unless the British doesn’t try to protect the French Med fleet with the aircraft carrier and destroyer near Gibraltar, I’d say at least the Italians have to worry about them.
And yes, they’re poor quality, but hell, with all those little plastic miniatures on the board it still looks pretty damn epic!
Like the table. See the old empire game on the bottom shelf !
That game is the one I teach my kids first after RISK.
wow,i love the table, did you buy it or make it?
wow,i love the table, did you buy it or make it?
I second the table where did you get that…piece. That needs to go into my war room.
Awesome, thanks for posting the pics up.
thanks for the kind words. I just submitted a bunch of pics to BGG. Three are up and 12 more waiting for approval. I sort of wish I could post stuff here first….
The table is from Geek Chic. It was pricey, but lets just say I drive an economy car and have no other hobbies…well that is how I convinced the wife, anyway! It is nice for games with separate boards like this—it is all smoothed out.
I went to Gen Con one year with my wife and convinced her a payment plan over six months would be OK :evil:
Nice, lol.