• My opening buy is 1 Ic in shantung and 2 Transports with Japan. Most people do this, but it all depends on what your going for  some buy 3 transport as there round 1 buy and don’t buy Ic until later. Personal I’d like to know I can put boots on the ground Early and fast.

  • One of my standard moves when playing Japan is to put an IC in Shanghai. I will still get transports too. That way I can get ground troops into China and use my transports to take the DEI and threaten Sydney and/or Calcutta.
    I don’t think just getting an IC OR transports is the answer. You really need both.

  • Knp: I too always do Shanghai and two Transports on J1.
    I agree a Transport in SZ6, if safe, is always a good placement for the range of possibilities in offers North or South.
    I admit I am one of those players who seems to end up throwing away Transports grabbing one island, then having to buy another and waiting two turns to use it effectively.
    I like to still all over the Chinese and am not happy unless I have a second IC down by J3.
    I do not go IC mad(3 probably my max), but then I am not an expert Japanese player and rarely get near 70 IPCs.

  • “The East Coast Industries”, that’s awesome ItIsILeClerc.

    I guess I should have worded my post to say the strategies I have seen posted did not have Japan building any ICs.  Maybe I’m reading the wrong strategies, hehe.

  • The comment made above about freeing up the fleet is a large part of my reasoning behind starting with an IC 2 tran buy, and typically another IC placed in FIC on j3 or J4, depending on declare round.

    I will spend a tranny or two sweeping up the islands, but most of the time, I like to protect the trannies i am grabbing up the islands with.

    My thought is this, a first turn IC on shangtung that cranks mechs all game, and a 3rd turn IC doing the same, is a 100 percent guarantee that India will fall quickly and efficiently, with no need for my boats to get involved, unless UK abandons its Egypt defense to reinforce India.  Usually it is between UK5 and UK7 that UK pac is backing out of india and handing it over to me.

    At the same time, my boats generally have no problem stacking up an island sea zone (mostly Java, for two-way options) preventing the allied fleets from suiciding trannies at my islands and preventing my bonus, or forcing me the spend my own to get it.

    One of my nastier moves when things are going well in the pac is to stack up a NG SZ and put down a seabase, this creates all kinds of headaches, but it isnt always viable if USA is coming after u strong in the pac.

    Net result is that I keep all the money islands, often also deny the Anzac NG objective, AND force India capitulation all at the same time.  I dont believe this is possible without the commitment to ground and pound units from the 2 early ICs.

    I also find that IC plus transports off the mainland are the best way to handle russia pushing its ground in on me.

  • @knp7765:

    I don’t think just getting an IC OR transports is the answer. You really need both.

    This is what I think as well.

  • One of my nastier moves when things are going well in the pac is to stack up a NG SZ and put down a seabase, this creates all kinds of headaches, but it isnt always viable if USA is coming after u strong in the pac.

    Curious… but why the Naval base?

  • @cyanight:

    One of my nastier moves when things are going well in the pac is to stack up a NG SZ and put down a seabase, this creates all kinds of headaches, but it isnt always viable if USA is coming after u strong in the pac.

    Curious… but why the Naval base?

    I can tell you why -I- would do it (in fact, I sometimes do it at Java). With the NB you have a reaction force that can reach Sydney, New Zealand, either of Hawai/Calcutta -basically everywhere on the Pacific except the sea of Japan itself- in 1 sortie.

    You can observe the allies’ mistakes and take advantage of it in 1 turn. If they do not make any mistakes, at least you have a strong strategic position.

  • Hey all,
    I have heard a few times of a UK strategy of basically giving up India to Japan. Like UK Pacific builds up men and equipment there seemingly for a strong defense then when Japan comes on with a big force ready to attack next round, the UK player moves all the UK units out of India, basically handing over a VC to Japan.
    I understand not wanting to lose all those troops and equipment, especially if Japan has a big enough force that UK is sure to lose the battle, but don’t you want to make Japan fight and lose units in taking Calcutta?
    Am I missing something here?

  • If UK stack is likely to only take out Japan slow moving ground units and a plane or two, then no, I think it’s a bad idea to stay there and get wiped out.  Most of Japan’s slow moving units at that point can’t do much of anything for awhile, although they maybe could chase the UK-India stack wherever it goes.

    But an evacuating UK-India can go trample out the Axis in the Middle east and/or go reinforce/help in Russia or the back side of China.

    Again, if UK-India stack (including some aircraft) is just going to sit there and kill a dozen or so slow-moving Japan units and a plane or two to AA fire, that’s a terrible trade for the Allies.  And the remaining Japanese units can flood west anyway.

    I would think India should only take a stand if they have a good chance of taking out several good (mech/tanks/airplanes) Japanese units, in which case they may have a chance of doing a lot of damage or even outright holding.

    You don’t want the Axis player to know you plan to evacuate India no matter what, because then they don’t have to send as much at India and can focus on getting 1 more VC and the win.  Once India falls, of course, the Allies have the problem of being 1 VC from a loss and having to defend both Hawaii and NSW every turn until a VC can be taken back
    So as far as having a “strategy” to evacuate India, like you intend to move the India stack to the Middle East or Russia at the first good chance, well you’d better have the USA focusing on Japan from the beginning of the game (which a lot of players actually do, these days)

  • I agree with Gamerman!
    UK makes a stand when it can take down a lot of Japanese air with it. Makes defending the other two VC so much easier.

    If you cannot hit a lot of Japanese air, retreat and you may even be able to take India back immediately if Japan walks in with all his might. Depends on how much RAF the UK has in the middle east and how much Japan has invested in taking India. Remember Japanese air cannot land there if he takes it.

    It is not too hard for the UK to return to India with those Indians + European reinforcements having 120+ attack factors from 50-70 units. Japan will have to invest so heavily in holding India and/or keeping its airforce around for defense, that hunting for the other VCs (Hawai, Sydney) cannot receive much investments/the much needed air units.
    Because if they do, they may well end up with Hawai taken (or not) while the UK kicks them out of Calcutta again!

  • Good point about possibly attacking/retaking India with the UK stack.  Forgot about that option when I did my reply

  • Interesting point guys. I had never thought of it that way. Most of the time when Japan comes for Calcutta, they come very “air heavy” and those planes can’t help them defend. Simply move the British stack out, let Japan move in with what land units they have there, then pounce on them and take Calcutta back. After that, in all likelihood, Japan will have little to no ground troops around and you will have made their big air force almost useless (at least for retaking Calcutta, that is).
    I can also see where a large British stack could be useful in claiming/reinforcing the Middle East and helping out the Russians or defending Cairo. Although, it seems like they might be followed by the army of angry Japanese that took Calcutta, plus anything that Japan builds with it’s new factory in Calcutta.

    You mentioned extra troops from UK Europe. Perhaps we are not playing UK right, but usually UK Europe has it’s hands full keeping Italy in check and trying to sting Germany somewhere. In fact, there is rarely any collaboration between UK Europe and UK Pacific in our games. Sometimes, if it doesn’t look like Japan is threatening Calcutta, UK Pacific will make some planes and fly them over to help in the Med, but otherwise the two sides are pretty much separate. They each seem to have too much going on in their own theater to try helping the other side. I mean, if UK Europe sends stuff over to help out India, won’t that make them weak against Italy? If Italy is played right, all they need is that one shot where UK is a little weaker than normal and they end up spreading like a plague throughout Africa.

  • @knp7765:

    Interesting point guys. I had never thought of it that way. Most of the time when Japan comes for Calcutta, they come very “air heavy” and those planes can’t help them defend. Simply move the British stack out, let Japan move in with what land units they have there, then pounce on them and take Calcutta back. After that, in all likelihood, Japan will have little to no ground troops around and you will have made their big air force almost useless (at least for retaking Calcutta, that is).
    I can also see where a large British stack could be useful in claiming/reinforcing the Middle East and helping out the Russians or defending Cairo. Although, it seems like they might be followed by the army of angry Japanese that took Calcutta, plus anything that Japan builds with it’s new factory in Calcutta.

    You mentioned extra troops from UK Europe. Perhaps we are not playing UK right, but usually UK Europe has it’s hands full keeping Italy in check and trying to sting Germany somewhere. In fact, there is rarely any collaboration between UK Europe and UK Pacific in our games. Sometimes, if it doesn’t look like Japan is threatening Calcutta, UK Pacific will make some planes and fly them over to help in the Med, but otherwise the two sides are pretty much separate. They each seem to have too much going on in their own theater to try helping the other side. I mean, if UK Europe sends stuff over to help out India, won’t that make them weak against Italy? If Italy is played right, all they need is that one shot where UK is a little weaker than normal and they end up spreading like a plague throughout Africa.

    I agree with you 100% on making Italy weeks early off and fast. To help Calcuta if needed

    My typical move as England (if there is no Sealion) destroy the Italain Destroyer and there Transport. Non combat move over my entire navy to the French destroyer and Cruser and bring that extra cruser off Gibralter to my Combined fleet also while I’m doing that I remove my Tactical bomber and place the two fighters from Gibralter and Malta for added dice roll at 4.
    I place the tactical in Egypt move all my units from Alxandria to Egypt because the bulk of the Italian army won’t be able to make it to Egypt even with the (2 transports that Italy has 2 crusers and 1 battleship and 1 Stratigic bomber it won’t be able to make a dent in Egypt. The 1 transport I have I move my 1 guy below Egypt (can’t think of the teratory) but below Egypt to Iraq for 2more Ipc and 3 men. I place a Ic in Egypt. Build a fighter in South Africa and a tank there aswell and Force Italy to deal with that looming Britsh navy in the meditranian with a combined power of 1 carrier with 2 fighter planes 3 crusers and 2 destroyers.
    This gives England enough firepower that when Italy moves into Alxandria. Englad can desamate the entire land army in Africa.

    I’m pretty sure everyone’s Calcutas Round 1 is basicaly standerd so no need to write up

    But yes this is how I deal with Italy esentualy what eve they choose to do Ill either destroy there Entire navy or put them in a position for me to take them out Enland round 2

  • @Whitshadw:


    Interesting point guys. I had never thought of it that way. Most of the time when Japan comes for Calcutta, they come very “air heavy” and those planes can’t help them defend. Simply move the British stack out, let Japan move in with what land units they have there, then pounce on them and take Calcutta back. After that, in all likelihood, Japan will have little to no ground troops around and you will have made their big air force almost useless (at least for retaking Calcutta, that is).
    I can also see where a large British stack could be useful in claiming/reinforcing the Middle East and helping out the Russians or defending Cairo. Although, it seems like they might be followed by the army of angry Japanese that took Calcutta, plus anything that Japan builds with it’s new factory in Calcutta.

    You mentioned extra troops from UK Europe. Perhaps we are not playing UK right, but usually UK Europe has it’s hands full keeping Italy in check and trying to sting Germany somewhere. In fact, there is rarely any collaboration between UK Europe and UK Pacific in our games. Sometimes, if it doesn’t look like Japan is threatening Calcutta, UK Pacific will make some planes and fly them over to help in the Med, but otherwise the two sides are pretty much separate. They each seem to have too much going on in their own theater to try helping the other side. I mean, if UK Europe sends stuff over to help out India, won’t that make them weak against Italy? If Italy is played right, all they need is that one shot where UK is a little weaker than normal and they end up spreading like a plague throughout Africa.

    I agree with you 100% on making Italy weeks early off and fast. To help Calcuta if needed

    My typical move as England (if there is no Sealion) destroy the Italain Destroyer and there Transport. Non combat move over my entire navy to the French destroyer and Cruser and bring that extra cruser off Gibralter to my Combined fleet also while I’m doing that I remove my Tactical bomber and place the two fighters from Gibralter and Malta for added dice roll at 4.
    I place the tactical in Egypt move all my units from Alxandria to Egypt because the bulk of the Italian army won’t be able to make it to Egypt even with the (2 transports that Italy has 2 crusers and 1 battleship and 1 Stratigic bomber it won’t be able to make a dent in Egypt. The 1 transport I have I move my 1 guy below Egypt (can’t think of the teratory) but below Egypt to Iraq for 2more Ipc and 3 men. I place a Ic in Egypt. Build a fighter in South Africa and a tank there aswell and Force Italy to deal with that looming Britsh navy in the meditranian with a combined power of 1 carrier with 2 fighter planes 3 crusers and 2 destroyers.
    This gives England enough firepower that when Italy moves into Alxandria. Englad can desamate the entire land army in Africa.

    I’m pretty sure everyone’s Calcutas Round 1 is basicaly standerd so no need to write up

    But yes this is how I deal with Italy esentualy what eve they choose to do Ill either destroy there Entire navy or put them in a position for me to take them out Enland round 2

    A very interesting idea Whit.  It is very hard for italy to kill the combined fleet alone.  It seems like the axis will need to use italy to soften it up and finish it off with ger.

  • Yea Whit, that is something I haven’t seen before (very interesting). If the Italians hit it the combo fleet, they loose most of their fleet, maybe some air (even if they hit & run). They won’t get their Med NO, and it forces Germany to risk air power to finish the job. In the mean time you start bringing over the UK India fleet, and use both your African ICs for men/ships as needed.

    I also agree that it could be better to trade India, then loose all your UK units (they can make the Mid East/Russia very interesting). I will normally build mech/tanks early w/India for more mobility. Chances are Japan won’t have the power to amphib you on W India, or all their planes can’t reach. It can be deflating to the Japanese player to see you withdraw, and for him to decide how many units to take into India (I would probably leave 3-4 inf there so he can’t take it with only a couple guys). At that point he doesn’t know if you want to counter him, or keep moving west/north.

  • I like the consolidating move in the med,
    but I must admit I have some doubts about an IC in Egypt that early on. I’ll try this one out next game I play. Usually I build 2FTR+2INF in London and when the possibility of even a surprise Sea Lion is gone I’ll fly the FTR over to Africa->Egypt.

    The 2FTR+2INF can make Germany’s victory in London a Pyrrhus one, even if UK executes ‘Taranto’ UK1. Building an IC in Egypt UK1 leaves London with building max 5INF UK1 for defense. 2 less combat factors, but 1 more unit… Might work ;-).

  • Thanks guys on the Med strat with the ships! I’ll explan with the Ic in Egypt round 1.
    If I see Germany’s round 1 buys and troop
    Movements aren’t anything to do with a Sealion then this is my main setup as England round 1

    It forces Italy to deal with the navy and if it dosnt then one if 2 things can happin I can pick off transports and Italy dosnt collect te bounes or Germany will have to ring down the full force of its Airforce and since it has no ships for fodder then any plane I pick off is one less for defense/offense in Russia.

    Also Italy will have only 2 transports it’s round 1 to do anything with. It’s Airforce can’t attack Egypt and have anywhere to land beside his bomber. He will have 1 shore bombardment with 1 battleship and 2 crusers and he can only carry over 2infantry and 2 tanks at most and from Tobrok he can only shoot over 1tank and 1 mech

    While my total round 1 defense of Egypt is 2 Anzac and 4 British Infantry 1 AA (transported from Malta if you really think it’s needed) 2 Artilary 1 mech and 1 Tank with 1 tactical

    If you ask me that’s a tuff egg to crack for round 1 Italy Runre simulator and you tell me what there odds are.

    That Ic in Egypt makes the game for England over Italy and clinches the middleast also.

    So this is my round 1 setup for England with no Sealion 1 Ic in Egypt 1 fighter in South Africa and 1 tank in South Africa. Round 2 I simply fly them up to Egypt and continue to add to what ever else I need there.

    If your worried about a round 2 push add 1 destroyer into the water off Egypt that negates his off shore BB and you still have double to numbers and can even repel any attack.

    Hope this helps guys

  • Whitshadw, I believe you may be mistaken about transporting to Iraq for 3 more men. As England you have to fight them as they are pro-axis.

  • @Larrie:

    Whitshadw, I believe you may be mistaken about transporting to Iraq for 3 more men. As England you have to fight them as they are pro-axis.

    I wrote this at 8a.m. In a Dunken Donuts ment Iran for the 2 extra men but again it’s at your own descression. If you feel that Egypt needs to be further reinforced then take the 1infantry from Malta and the AA if you think you can hold out and don’t need those troops then ill send them to Iran. :)

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