Let’s try to remember that there is a distinct difference between the depth of the writings in The Hobbit compared to The Lord of the Rings. Hoffman is right that the story has changed in the Hobbit and much was added to it in the movie. This was a necessary evil. The book was simple…so simple that Tolken even had to revise it afterwards, although that was to attempt to align it with the real masterpiec of his (LOTR).
Yes, people with a good knowledge of Tolkien know that The Hobbit was written first and had nothing to do with LOTR because the latter was not even conceived yet. However, that has little to do with whether or not the movie is effective or not.
At first I was skeptical, yet hopeful, that making The Hobbit into 3 movies was a wise move; one that was predicated on giving us more Tolkien as opposed to making more money. While I do still believe that Peter Jackson wanted to give us more Tolkien, he has not done it particularly well. I read somewhere that in 3 movies, we will have 2 minutes of screen-time for every page in The Hobbit. That itself is an incredible statistic. A below average reader could finish the book in less time than it takes to watch the movies! To me, that is not necessarily a good thing. Yeah, it means we get to see more of Middle-Earth, but as you pointed out Mallery, The Hobbit is simple and not very deep in plot. This takes an already short and thin story and stretches it further than can really be justified. Butter scraped over too much bread, if you will.
I would have to say both Hobbit movies were far more exciting than the Fellowship. While it does the job, that movie was WAY far more drawn out than it needed to be.
Definitely, and respectfully, disagree. While the Fellowship (both book and film) is the most tedious of the three, the film has a more intriguing beginning, a more balanced middle and a more natural climax/ending, than either of the first two Hobbit films. In terms of excitement (which I am assuming you mean general action), Fellowship is also better with between 5 and 6 distinct action sequences (some particularly memorable), depending on how you count. ‘Unexpected Journey’ had, what, 3 or 4? and was ridiculously long and tedious to boot. It has been a year since I saw it. ‘Desolation’ had as at least much action as Fellowship, certainly more sustained action. Rotten Tomatoes, which I tend to agree with in terms of overall ratings, give The Fellowship a 92% fresh, while the first and second Hobbit films are at 65% and 74%, respectively. Jackson’s films are not for everyone, but for those who enjoy them, I would say that these statistics are very representative of reality.
Fellowship has a runtime of 178 min, theatrical. ‘Unexpected Journey’ has 169 min. That is only a 9 minute difference. The Fellowship of the Ring at least had an entire book to cover (some 480 pages worth), whereas Unexpected Journey has almost the same runtime for approximately 380 fewer pages of literature. Pacing of Fellowship is far better too. I have already mentioned the action scenes, but a god deal of Fellowship’s ‘exposition’ scenes, such as the Council of Elrond, opening Shire sequences and Lothlorien are all actually in the book. Unlike many of the expositions in ‘Unexpected Journey’. It takes 45 minutes just to get out of Bag End in ‘Unexpected Journey’… while The Council of Elrond (which is an entire chapter in Fellowship) takes up only about 10 minutes of screen time, and conveys a lot of critical information.
All in all… The Hobbit films have been a let down for me. It’s great, I suppose, if other people like and enjoy them, but they seem very different from The Lord of the Rings films, in terms of visual and script quality. I cannot seem to enjoy them very much. Certainly, there are good moments (Riddle game, meeting Smaug) but they are surrounded by mostly boring plot exposition, over-the-top orc fights/chases and disappointing source deviations. Some of these could be borne if the movies did not seem to drag so much.