Today’s addition, now included in the first posting:
Attacking naval should be able to ignore transports if they are loaded or not
1. On the calculator, You need to provide an actual attack and defense force for comparison.Â
Just saying that, “oh this one time i had calc results and then my actual battle and some other calculator didn’t match it”, really doesn’t give us anything to go on.
So far, in all instances provided, triplea calc has shown itself to give accurate results.Â
In addition, it is worth mentioning that if another calculator and triplea’s calc disagree, it could be the other calc that is wrong. So you should solve the battle mathematically too.**Not sure what you mean. I just took whatever two nations it spit out to run the comparison, put the attackers in the attacker spot and defenders in the defender spot and hit run. /shrug. Is that wrong?
As I said, tripleA seems to do fine in small battles or battles without complicating factors such as if there are no defending AA Guns or no off shore bombardments. That’s when the numbers seem to go off and go off badly. Maybe it’s just something where TripleA runs the AA guns and cannot figure out how to optimize the damage and a human would (ie select matching sets of fighters/tactical bombers perhaps?) I don’t know. Just my observation.**
2. Are you using the “Battle Map Skin” for Global 1940?
I specifically made a map skin using the battlemap board, the battle map units, and the battlemap colors, for you and the other battlemap diehards to use with triplea.Â
It is included with the “bundled” download, and I’ve posted in multiple places how to download it (if you don’t already have it) and how to use it.
Nope, I’ll look for it tonight, but if you would be nice enough to PM me where I can find it in the software that would rock! My brain is pudding after dealing with Clients all night all of them saying “well I dropped my computer off to be fixed at 3pm, why isn’t it done yet?” and me going “look buddy, we had 38 computers dropped off tonight, added to the 40 that have been sitting there for a day, it’s back to school time, why didn’t you drop your computer off last month!” ARGH!!!3. You can change all art and all colors and all files in the map’s folder or zip, without affecting any saves or games or anything. The only thing you shouldn’t touch is the “xml”.Â
Awesome, good to know! Now I can have the pretty but have it in the colors I want.
Responses in dark purple.
Found the battlemap skin. Almost as good as battlemap, not quite there, but at least it does have ANZAC/Italy colors reversed which makes life a bit easier there.
My Triple A issues list is here
This thread is worth to get stickied IMHO.
My Triple A issues list is here
This thread is worth to get stickied IMHO.
2 issues with Tripple A, which are not errors really but annoying features that frustrate play.
1. When conducting multiple amphibious assaults from multiple transports from one sea zone, the program first prompts you to choose which trns are unloading but then prompts you again in a second prompt that I do not understand at all, and which after trying to chose the right trns invariably causes the program to block the move because it thinks you are trying to split an unloading transport.
Basically, the tripple a format is too confusing here. There should just be one prompt to decide which trns you are unloading, not 2.
2. There should be a “back” button option in the program up to when you roll dice and then after. I don’t know how many times I bought my units, moved to combat moves, but then reconsidered my buys but then had to just restart the game to change the buys.
#1 Does it help to move the transports in for 1 assault, unload those units to land, then move in the next transports for the 2nd assault, and then unload those land units to the 2nd territory?
#2 I deal with this by posting how I’m changing my buy, then posting the combat move to prove that I haven’t rolled dice yet, then use edit mode after placing units. I prefer that to re-loading and re-buying and re-moving everything in combat move
#1 Does it help to move the transports in for 1 assault, unload those units to land, then move in the next transports for the 2nd assault, and then unload those land units to the 2nd territory?
#2 I deal with this by posting how I’m changing my buy, then posting the combat move to prove that I haven’t rolled dice yet, then use edit mode after placing units. I prefer that to re-loading and re-buying and re-moving everything in combat move
yes, moving transports piecemeal can work. It’s that much more time consuming than if the interface to unload multiple transports was more direct and simple.
A “Back” button would make all that much easier. Obviously any back button option would disappear once you move to conduct combat. A back button would also resolve any mistakes with ncm you made and then notice when you get to place units.
the UI for all transportation related stuff may change in the future, so that is covered
i do not plan on making a back button, because that would simply be impossible with the way the engine is coded and how it deals with turn phases
in the mean time, move the transports you want for 1 attack in, separate from the other attack. i don’t see that taking any more time than a single ui would, since you have to select the transports at some point anyway.
for redoing purchases, you can reload from the top of the turn (which would be in the autosave or the forum save, or make your own save), or do what gamerman said
So the program wont allow you to just erase/kill a phase and, say, go back to the start of the prior phase?
I am not a programer, BTW, so my comments are solely that of a user.
Thanks for the work!
Yea, I agree, it’s annoying to load transports, move and unload into combat, then load more transports move and unload into combat. Sometimes it’s so bad you have to move transports out, then move the other ones, and undo the move of transports out so you can move them separately. Not sure when that happens, but it’s happened a few times now.
I just wanted to say, however, that absolutely NONE of the issues in this thread occurs in Battlemap. :evil:
Just a boatload of typing, and you have to monitor your opponent’s moves a lot more carefully for errors.
I’ve seen cheating in TripleA as well.
And battlemap lets you pull 5 or 10 units off a stack with a simple keyboard shortcut, a feature that would make tripleA more enticing for me (it won’t replace Battlemap though, since TripleA uses a LOT of resources and battlemap uses almost none.)
You do realize you can click somewhere in the territory that is not a unit and enter the number of units you want to move?
Also, control click for a stack, shift click for everything in the territory
I didn’t say there wasn’t cheating in Triple A, I’m saying it takes a lot more time and effort in ABattlemap to check for errors and cheating. I want to catch the honest mistakes too, like when someone buys more than they can afford, and Triple A will always catch that.
I’ve really come around to Tripple A. It’s super easy to use and cuts way down on mistakes. My comments above were merely about improving it.
As for tripple A vs battlemap… sigh.
Tripple A’s 2 big draw backs are (1) the limited view (I don’t care what anyone says, 50% view is about as zoomed out as you can get and still tell what is happening) and (2) that the dice results are incomprehensible. (Not sure if this is just a product of the Marti server). But it is annoying when as the attacker your dice run off the screen and you can’t tell what hit. This is particularly vexing as a defender. Looking at the Marti results tells you almost nothing without painstakingly reconstructing the battle.
BattleMap is better on both fronts but then is clunky and highly error prone. (not to mention crashes a lot).
I suppose if I were to play some major/super high-stakes game for money or something against a good player I would prefer BattleMap. Just because you really get to see it all. In deed BattleMap is about as face to face as you can get on line that I know of.
But for league play Tripple A is great! :mrgreen:
I can always see all dice, no problem… Isn’t there a scroll bar? Are you overlooking it?
I can always see all dice, no problem… Isn’t there a scroll bar? Are you overlooking it?
holy cow? there is a scroll bar? :-P :-P
but even then when you defend you can’t figure out what the dice are, or at least I can’t
And battlemap lets you pull 5 or 10 units off a stack with a simple keyboard shortcut, a feature that would make tripleA more enticing for me.
You can press/hold ALT and then left click to select 10 units at a time. You can ALT right click to deselect 10 units at a time.
(this has been around for like 2 years i think)
Also, after you start a game you can go to the menu called “HELP” and click “movement/selection help”, and it will show you a list of all the keyboard shortcuts.
You can also make the battle window larger by expanding it, to see more stuff.
As far as the view field goes, you can choose to zoom out or get a better monitor. TripleA on a 4k monitor would be freaking amazing.
I will use that!
I did not realize that was finally added, Gamer/Veq. Good to know.
Shift+Click for 5, Control+Click for 10 and Shift+Control+Click for all is still kind of ingrained in me, but I’ll try to switch to ALT+Click
I knew about the select ALL units in a territory/sea zone. But I don’t use ALL units that often…probably because I’m the worst Global 1940 player EVAR! (best AAR and AARe though!)
U just played too many years with Battlemap, Jenn - old habits die hard :-)