Triple A G40 - Comprehensive list of currently unresolved issues

  • As far as ANZ units (especially destroyers and cruisers - the subs look different than USA’s, I believe),
    that really irritated me at first too, so I know exactly what you mean.

    It’s no longer a problem for me.  I think it’s because I developed the habit of mousing over the sea zones in the Pacific (when not sure of the composition) with the “territory” tab on.  When you do this, you can look to the right side and see the insignia with each ship(s).  It hasn’t bothered me for quite awhile now.

    Yes, it would be ideal if Veq would change the ANZ color.  But you learn to adapt, and the issue goes away.
    Kind of like with my list.  I learn how to deal with all these issues and they’re really not so bad.  Now of course I wish Veqryn would just get them all fixed, but I don’t know what a big job that is, and I think he’s been real busy in RL……

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I still want the colors switched back to battlemap colors. :P  It just makes sense to make it as unconfusing as possible.

    The tripleA calculator gave me 93% odds, frood and dskelly gave me 72% odds for a major battle.  TripleA also speculated that 18 inf vs 7 inf would result in 4 or 5 inf remaining for the attacker - frood and dskelly giggled and said 14 remaining infantry (result was 16 for the record.)  That’s two major strikes for me against tripleA’s calculator and that program has NEVER been on my love it list to start with.  But whatever, this season, for me, is all about learning the game and different ways to do things, next year is the year I plan to be #1 in league. lol!

  • Like I said in the other thread, I ran that infantry battle in Triple A and got the correct predicted result.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I’ll just go back to Frood and use DSKelly to deal with naval combat situations that Frood cannot readily handle due to not supporting things like 2 hit carriers, etc.

    It’s a win win for me. :P

  • '16

    You can easily replace the ANZAC unit pictures with others.

    Heck, I just might get on that for myself now that I think of it. Easy change.
    If I do get on with that, I guess I’ll share it. I don’t think I’d do more than just a simple color change.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    In battlemap if you changed colors it only effected yourself.  I assume you could take the sprites from Italy and make them ANZAC and the ANZAC and make them Italian, just not sure if that would screw up anything else in the game.

  • Sounds good - let us know please, tard

  • '16

    Yeah, you can easily copy and paste the pictures from the Italy & ANZAC folders and then switch them up. But since you both say you’ve had problems with distinguishing ANZAC units from USA, then I guess giving Italy ANZAC’s units might not be the best idea. But certainly the easiest to do.

    Think I’ll do a “dark tan” as the rule book calls it for ANZAC.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Italian units are dark tan.  In battlemap Italian units are teal and Australian are dark tan. Took a week to get all those tiles recolored and the map too - fine it took a few hours but it felt like a week okay!

    If all I have to do is copy the Australian units into the Italian folder and vice versa fine.  However, if this is done and published for the community we also need to alter their country territory colors.

    (I don’t see the color issue being too much of an issue in the Atlantic.  Far fewer ANZAC troops, imho.)

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Typical Round 1 Battle Odds for Germany:


    • Frood: 96.4%
    • DSKelly: 99.2%
    • TripleA: 81%
      Complex battle involving AA Guns and Tactical Bombers paired with tanks.


    • Frood: 100%
    • DSKelly: 100%
    • TripleA: 100%
      German forces here massively overwhelm defenders, but it’s a simple ground battle to reflect the difference between complex (above) and simple results.

    SZ 106:

    • Frood: 87.2%
    • DSKelly: 87.4%
    • TripleA: 86%
      This battle is similar, presumably because the attack is very small.  2 submarines vs 1 destroyer does not lead itself to much to speculation.

    SZ 110:

    • Frood: 99%
    • DSKelly: 98.9%
    • TripleA: 100%
      All three results are similar.  This is because the Attacker has massively over powering attack forces.

    SZ 111:

    • Frood: 100%
    • DSKelly: 100%
    • TripleA: 99%
      All three results are similar.  This is because the Attacker has massively over powering attack forces.

    A battle for India:

    • Frood: 77.1% <=== note, I assumed 2 hits on bombers to make this work, Frood can only fire at all planes or no planes.
    • DSKelly: 75.5%  <=== jerry rigging Frood appears to be accurate given DSKelly’s similar results.
    • TripleA: 98%  <===  again, TripleA is significantly off the two established battle calculators.  Again this is a complex battle involving multiple unit types and involving the use of an AA Gun, but this time I also involved off shore bombardment just to really muddy the waters.

    Now yes, I admit these are just TWO battles, but in the case of France, TripleA might convince you to over commit to the battle and thus be short handed elsewhere.  In the case of India it makes you think you have darn near 100% odds when in reality you are closer to 75% odds, and if you go in light with ground forces, 75% odds are not that good!  If you tell he calculators you want 1 ground unit to survive in India, FROOD and DSKELLY drop your odds to 50%, TripleA drops your odds to 91% which is a 41% spread! Â

    Now, why did she not give us the units used?  Because I want you to test it out for yourself.  Imagine some complex battles and run them on different battle calculators.  By complex I mean add in amphibious assaults, and/or add in aa guns, pair up some tactical bombers with tanks and fighters, send them in without pairing them. Â

    Then again, maybe these two battles are just outliers and tripleA’s mathematics are sound?  I don’t know.  I just know what I’ve seen, personally. Â

  • I suspect there is something wrong with your Triple A calculator.  I would like to run France myself on Triple A but you have not provided the attack force composition (I know, on purpose).

    A normal attack on France is normally 99% (All available ground units)

    You mentioned tacs, so I threw in the 1 from Poland.

    7 INF, 4 MECH, 3 ART, 6 ARM, and 1 TAC vs. FRANCE = 99%
    with the Germans losing an average of 7.3 units.

    After seeing many G1’s, I can attest that 7-8 infantry lost is the average, in fact.
    My Triple A calculator is (and always has) working perfectly.  Something is wrong with yours, or you’re doing something wrong.  I would suggest re-downloading Triple A, or contact Veqryn and tell him you’re having problems.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Ye gads man, I can only get tripleA to function on ONE computer (out of 7 I own) as it is, I don’t want to risk breaking it on the only good one by redownloading it! lol.  Hell, I don’t even patch this computer for fear that something is going to screw up tripleA. hehe.

    Yes, my calculators show all infantry (mech and non-mech) are lost in France itself.  Maybe it’s my tripleA screwing up AA guns, I don’t know.

    Veq needs to fix them ANZAC/Italy colors first.  I can work without the inbedded calculator.

    7 Computers:

    • 1 Netbook (HP) crappy, but it runs on Verizon, does not run TripleA
    • 1 MacBook (enough said right?  Nothing works on this POS!)
    • 1 iMac Flatscreen (used, still does not load OS 10 reliably, let alone anything java based.)
    • 1 Laptop (Toshiba) running windows 98.  TBH it has TripleA 1.0 something and Hasbro’s games on it, I didn’t even bother trying to load latest tripleA.
    • 1 PC (HP) which I left in the corner, I don’t really use it.  It is 64 bit, but right now it’s protecting my boxed games from touching the floor, in case of flood I’d rather lose the $3,000 computer than all my factory sealed AA games!
    • 1 Laptop (HP) 21" screen which has tripleA running
    • 1 All in One (HP) with 19" screen that seems to be unable to run TripleA without complaining about java runtime environment (and yes I tried running it as administrator!)  This is the one I desperately need to fix because my laptop battery is fried and it’s not comfortable to use when home, not like the all-in-one is!
  • Customizer

    1. On the calculator, You need to provide an actual attack and defense force for comparison. 
    Just saying that, “oh this one time i had calc results and then my actual battle and some other calculator didn’t match it”, really doesn’t give us anything to go on.
    So far, in all instances provided, triplea calc has shown itself to give accurate results. 
    In addition, it is worth mentioning that if another calculator and triplea’s calc disagree, it could be the other calc that is wrong.  So you should solve the battle mathematically too.

    2. Are you using the “Battle Map Skin” for Global 1940?
    I specifically made a map skin using the battlemap board, the battle map units, and the battlemap colors, for you and the other battlemap diehards to use with triplea. 
    It is included with the “bundled” download, and I’ve posted in multiple places how to download it (if you don’t already have it) and how to use it.

    3. You can change all art and all colors and all files in the map’s folder or zip, without affecting any saves or games or anything.  The only thing you shouldn’t touch is the “xml”.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    On “rare occasion” when having multinational forces on defense, I have seen the battle calculator get a bit strange.  Particularily in reference to transports.

    In general, I just remove the transports, because it seems to have some effect.

    This has been so inconsequential and inconsistent however, that I never bothered reporting it.

  • I also always remove transports from calcs.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    1. On the calculator, You need to provide an actual attack and defense force for comparison. 
    Just saying that, “oh this one time i had calc results and then my actual battle and some other calculator didn’t match it”, really doesn’t give us anything to go on.
    So far, in all instances provided, triplea calc has shown itself to give accurate results. 
    In addition, it is worth mentioning that if another calculator and triplea’s calc disagree, it could be the other calc that is wrong.  So you should solve the battle mathematically too.

    **Not sure what you mean.  I just took whatever two nations it spit out to run the comparison, put the attackers in the attacker spot and defenders in the defender spot and hit run.  /shrug.  Is that wrong?

    As I said, tripleA seems to do fine in small battles or battles without complicating factors such as if there are no defending AA Guns or no off shore bombardments.  That’s when the numbers seem to go off and go off badly.  Maybe it’s just something where TripleA runs the AA guns and cannot figure out how to optimize the damage and a human would (ie select matching sets of fighters/tactical bombers perhaps?) I don’t know.  Just my observation.**

    2. Are you using the “Battle Map Skin” for Global 1940?
    I specifically made a map skin using the battlemap board, the battle map units, and the battlemap colors, for you and the other battlemap diehards to use with triplea. 
    It is included with the “bundled” download, and I’ve posted in multiple places how to download it (if you don’t already have it) and how to use it.
    Nope, I’ll look for it tonight, but if you would be nice enough to PM me where I can find it in the software that would rock!  My brain is pudding after dealing with Clients all night all of them saying “well I dropped my computer off to be fixed at 3pm, why isn’t it done yet?”  and me going “look buddy, we had 38 computers dropped off tonight, added to the 40 that have been sitting there for a day, it’s back to school time, why didn’t you drop your computer off last month!”  ARGH!!!

    3. You can change all art and all colors and all files in the map’s folder or zip, without affecting any saves or games or anything.  The only thing you shouldn’t touch is the “xml”. 
    Awesome, good to know!  Now I can have the pretty but have it in the colors I want.

    Responses in dark purple.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Found the battlemap skin.  Almost as good as battlemap, not quite there, but at least it does have ANZAC/Italy colors reversed which makes life a bit easier there.

  • @Gamerman01:

    My Triple A issues list is here

    This thread is worth to get stickied IMHO.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    My Triple A issues list is here

    This thread is worth to get stickied IMHO.


  • '22 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    2 issues with Tripple A, which are not errors really but annoying features that frustrate play.

    1. When conducting multiple amphibious assaults from multiple transports from one sea zone, the program first prompts you to choose which trns are unloading but then prompts you again in a second prompt that I do not understand at all, and which after trying to chose the right trns invariably causes the program to block the move because it thinks you are trying to split an unloading transport.

    Basically, the tripple a format is too confusing here.  There should just be one prompt to decide which trns you are unloading, not 2.

    2. There should be a “back” button option in the program up to when you roll dice and then after.  I don’t know how many times I bought my units, moved to combat moves, but then reconsidered my buys but then had to just restart the game to change the buys.

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