Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2)

  • You should be able to find the Pacific rulebook from this too - go to Wizards of the Coast website

    thank you :)

  • so lets say some chinese troops in burma what happens when lets say yunnan gets taken can the troops still stay in burma or do they go to yunnan or can they stay in burma?

    sorry for all the questions im not a noob i just like to make sure lol :-D :-D :-D

  • Chinese troops can sit wherever they want in China, Burma, or Hong Kong, indefinitely…… no obligations to protect anything…

  • This should hopefully be my last round of questions. Played a few turns in a few different games over the weekend so have a few final questions.

    1. Can attacking aircraft land in a newly conquered territory/the territory they are attacking if it is conquered?

    2. If the last round of combat ends with both defender and attacker dead - IE no units left - I assume the defender retains control of the territory?

    3. In the case of Germany attacking Yugoslavia from Southern Germany, they can ‘retreat’ all units into (say) Romania if one unit from Romania attacks. If you get extremely lucky with your dice roll and wipe out all the defenders, can you still retreat (and leave Yugoslavia as a pro-allies neutral with no army) or do you have to move all attacking armies into the province? IE can you leave the province empty so that Italy can move in and take control (and retreat your armies to Romania) or do you have to occupy it with all forces?

    4. Neutrals - I am still a little confused on neutrals.

    IF Germany moves from Norway into Finland, no combat takes place as Finland is pro-axis, so the Finnish troops turn into German troops, correct?

    CAN Russia, while not at war, move into Pro-Allies Neutrals (like Persia)? Or do they have to wait until they are at war to do so?

    NEUTRAL-neutrals, like Sweden, cause all the other neutral-neutrals to turn pro-allies (if the Axis attack) or pro-axis (if the Allies attack). The Axis (or Allies, depending on the case) can then just move troops into those neutral-neutrals to gain their units, correct?

  • 1. No.
    2. Yes.
    3. Yes, if at least one defender survives. But  If no defenders remain, the Attacker must stay in the newly conquered territory with all the ground units that attacked.
    4. Yes, Germany can claim Finland’s Inf by moving in in Non Combat.
    Russia must be at war.
    True Neutrals: correct.
    But to claim the territory,you must move in a combat (not AA) Ground unit.

  • More of a personal question this time…

    Does it make any sense for UK/ANZAC to DOW Japan on UK 1? I assume they’re allowed to it, but that prevents the US from entering the war (physically) until US 4. And the UK doesn’t have much of an attack on UK 1 so it seems rather silly (yet my friend did this for some reason).

  • @PanzerPenguin:

    Does it make any sense for UK/ANZAC to DOW Japan on UK 1?

    I tried something similar a few years ago, hit the Japan fleet with UK/ANZAC on turn 2. The end result was a catastrophe and I’ll never do it again.

  • @PanzerPenguin:

    More of a personal question this time…

    Does it make any sense for UK/ANZAC to DOW Japan on UK 1? I assume they’re allowed to it, but that prevents the US from entering the war (physically) until US 4. And the UK doesn’t have much of an attack on UK 1 so it seems rather silly (yet my friend did this for some reason).

    Absolutely it does, and it’s not extremely rare.

    First of all, it depends on what happened on G1 and J1.  If the Japan player leaves you targets (could be transports, a battleship, destroyers, aircraft on the ground) then it could make sense.  Or if China got diced on the counterattack on Yunnan and there are 3-4 Japanese units still standing there?

    Don’t forget:

    1. UK will get +5 for the NO, and ANZ will get +5 also.  ANZ will get +10 if claiming the rest of New Guinea.
    2. China.  UK can move into China immediately, and with 3 planes and a couple infantry, this could save the Chinese stack in Sze or Yunnan, and this could be decisive.
    3. Japan could keep the USA out of the war until round 2, 3, or 4 anyway
    4. There is a nasty, gamey move where the UK does not declare war, moves a surface ship into the sea zone where Japans’ fleet is, complete with transports that are looking to load ground units and take money islands.  Then ANZ does unprovoked DOW on Japan, and then it is impossible for Japan to load any of those transports, because even the exception does not apply (UK did not DOW on them).
      This is often most effective on UK2 or UK3

    However, this gamey move should be illegal in my opinion because the UK and ANZ politics are married.  It should be considered that the exception (hostile sea zone that just became hostile because you DOW’d) should apply, and this loophole (understandably) escaped the consideration of the rulemakers.  But now you know.

  • In addition, if you are doing an unprovoked attack on UK1, then that means Japan did not declare war on the Allies on J1.  So USA didn’t collect their NO’s anyway.  So you are only going to lose USA bonus income on USA2, because USA3 income is automatic.  The UK and ANZ NO’s pretty much offset that, even with a UK1 DOW

  • I have a question which I cannot find an answer to in the rulebook. So here is what happened. The UK has a carrier with a fighter in SZ 91. They attacked a German fleet in 109 with that carrier and fighter plus some more air units. Germany had a battleship cruiser and sub. Germany chose to not submerge its sub since no British unit could hit it. It missed the carrier but the Brits sunk all other Axis ships. Now the Brits have one carrier and some planes and Germany had a sub. What happens? I am assuming that Britain can ignore the sub and stay there without Germany’s sub getting to fire at it until Germany’s turn? Or does Britain have to retreat or face the sub getting the defenseless carrier? That sounds too bazaar so we played that Britain can ignore the sub but do the rules clarify this? Thanks.

  • @Charles:

    Or does Britain have to retreat or face the sub getting the defenseless carrier?

    Ignoring subs is in the movement phase only, not in the conduct combat phase.  This battle is unwinnable because you have nothing that can hit the submarine.  You could sink the other Axis ships as you said, but then you must retreat the carrier or lose it senselessly

  • Thanks. Germany clobbered the Allies anyway so its ok that we let the UK get that. Btw I see we are on page127 of the Faq. That is the last Sea zone in the game so I guess its the last page Imogen questions allowed just joking. :-D

  • sorry if this was asked… but I didn’t have time to read over all the FAQ…

    if you have two powers units (US, ANZAC) in the same sea zone, and Japan attacks, do the allies support each other or does the US stay out of the battle because they aren’t at war yet?

  • That depends. If The UK/ANZACdeclared war on you, you can ignore the US.  But if you declared war, then this US is at war with you and you must fight them.

  • Sponsor

    A single infantry attacks a territory containing just 2 AA Artillery units, does the infantry automatically kill the 2 guns without rolling?

    A single fighter attacks a territory containing just 2 AA Artillery units, does the fighter automatically kill the 2 guns if it survives a single defence shot @1 from them?


  • @Charles:

    That depends. If The UK/ANZACdeclared war on you, you can ignore the US.  But if you declared war, then this US is at war with you and you must fight them.

    No, Japan can declare war on only UK/ANZ or declare war on only USA and not UK/ANZ.  You only fight the naval units you are at war with.  The neutral ships will do nothing

  • @Young:

    A single infantry attacks a territory containing just 2 AA Artillery units, does the infantry automatically kill the 2 guns without rolling?


    A single fighter attacks a territory containing just 2 AA Artillery units, does the fighter automatically kill the 2 guns if it survives a single defence shot @1 from them?



  • @Gamerman01:


    Or does Britain have to retreat or face the sub getting the defenseless carrier?

    Ignoring subs is in the movement phase only, not in the conduct combat phase.  This battle is unwinnable because you have nothing that can hit the submarine.  You could sink the other Axis ships as you said, but then you must retreat the carrier or lose it senselessly

    If the British had a Cruiser remaining, though, they would be able to attack the sub correct? Unless the sub chose to submerge and avoid combat?

  • Sure.  It’s when there’s only a carrier that you have no chance but to retreat because nothing could hit the sub

  • '15


    SZ 1 touches SZ 2, SZ 2 touches SZ 3, SZ 3 touches land territory

    SZ 1 has one friendly transport, can pick up an infantry.
    SZ 2 has one enemy sub
    SZ 3 is empty
    land territory is empty

    May I send the transport, alone, over SZ2, ignoring the sub, then hit SZ3 and do an amphibious assault into the land territory?

    Or must I bring a warship to escort it over the sub, or would this ignoring subs with escort rule only apply when doing an amphibious assault from SZ?

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