OMG! :) Thx all for the replies. I didnt know there were that many differences. Gonna send the new 2nd edition gameboard for enlargement too then! ASAP!
:runner: :upside_down_face:
The Situation:
Turn 4
Japan has a fleet in SZ 19:
2 dd, 2 cruiser, 7 subs, 3 Carrier with 3 Fighter and 3 Tac Bomber, and 2 Trannys not loaded
4 Infs + 3 Aris in Manchuria
USA: Move in NCM; 1 Sub to SZ 19:
In Turn 5 in the Combat phase, can Japan load the 2 Trannys in SZ 19 with the 2 infs + 2 aris from Manchurai and move to SZ 36 ?
Is not the seazone hostile because of the US Sub there? And in an hostile seazone i cant load trannys?
Was a transporter involved in a fight, he can be neither load nor offload?
Yes, Japan can load the transports that are in Z19 and move to Z36 - subs do not prevent loading transports.
It takes an enemy SURFACE WARship to make the seazone hostile.
Regarding your last question, once a transport is involved in a fight, it is done for the turn and cannot load or offload UNLESS this fight was in the seazone that the transport is unloading units from in an amphibious assault (although the ground units are unloaded from the transport to the territory in the combat movement phase, before the conduct combat phase).
So in your example, say you loaded one transport and moved it to Z36 in the combat movement phase but did not move the other transport away from Z19 and you attacked the sub. Then the transport would be necessarily involved in the Z19 combat with the sub, and as such could not load or move in the noncombat phase. If you don’t want the transport to be stuck in Z19, you may move it in the combat movement phase. However, you can NOT load units in the combat movement phase and move the transport away from Z19 if you are not also unloading those units in an amphibious assault. So the USA sub does cause some issues, but it does not prevent you from loading units in the combat movement phase and moving to another zone to conduct an amphibious assault.
However, you can NOT load units in the combat movement phase and move the transport away from Z19 if you are not also unloading those units in an amphibious assault. So the USA sub does cause some issues, but it does not prevent you from loading units in the combat movement phase and moving to another zone to conduct an amphibious assault.
Thanks Gamerman for your detailed Explanation! :-)
The Situation that i describe is from a replay.
I understand you correctly, or please correct me again, Japan can load the transports in the Combat phase only if it then performs an amphibious attack with the infs and aris on them?
Japan cannot load in the Combat Phase and move the Transport to SZ 36 and offload them in the NCM Phase to Kwangsi which is Japanese territory? Because excatly that happens in the replay and i was wondering that TripleA allows this!
I understand you correctly, or please correct me again, Japan can load the transports in the Combat phase only if it then performs an amphibious attack with the infs and aris on them?
That’s right, IF Japan is attacking the USA submarine. Any transport(s) in Z19 at the time of combat with the submarine will be INVOLVED in this combat, and therefore cannot load or move in the non-combat phase.
I should have been clearer with this part.
If Japan does NOT attack the submarine, the transports CAN load and move and unload in the noncombat phase.
What Japan can’t do is attack the submarine and then load transports in the noncombat movement phase.
Also, if you load units in the combat movement phase, you cannot unload them in the noncombat movement phase.
Japan cannot load in the Combat Phase and move the Transport to SZ 36 and offload them in the NCM Phase to Kwangsi which is Japanese territory?
Because excatly that happens in the replay and i was wondering that TripleA allows this!
Triple A allows MANY illegal moves, unfortunately. All users of Triple A should familiarize themselves with this list I have compiled from my own personal experiences and also questions and problems reported from many other players, and describes all of the Triple A errors that I know of.
Some items are lined out because they have been corrected. Several of the problems only come into play if you are playing with tech. Let me know any time if you have any questions
I understand you correctly, or please correct me again, Japan can load the transports in the Combat phase only if it then performs an amphibious attack with the infs and aris on them?
Correct. Units may only be loaded onto transports during combat movement for the purpose of performing an amphibious assault in the same turn. If the transport retreats from the sea battle while attempting to offload, the units must remain on board until a future turn.
Thanks Gamerman to explain it in details that helps a lot! :-)
and Thank You Krieghund to draw attention to this point if the Transport retreats :lol:
Question: Retreat Carriers, can Fighter land on them?
Is a carrier involved in an attack, and i retreat the carriers from the attack, can fighter land on them or must the fighters find another landing space otherwise they will Crash?
The carriers are not damaged.
You can not land any plane on the retracted carrier, correct or not?
Yes, if the Air units have sufficient movement left, and as you pointed out, they are not damaged.
If the Fts were involved in the battle, they remain in the SZ in which the battle was fought until the Non combat phase. That is when they need to find a suitable landing space.
I am not sure by what you meant by retracted, sorry! If you meant retreated, answer is the same: as long as they have sufficient movement left. This is done in Non Combat though. Otherwise the Fts in the SZ battle would crash, yes.
Thxs Wittmann!
Yes i mean retreated, sorry i´m not an english native Speaker.
What about a carrier which i submit as a landing space for 2 fighters, and than this carrier has to retreat, can the fighters land on him when they have enough movement Points left?
Don’t apologise; your English is fine. I thought it might have been a typing error.
The Fighters have to land if there is a landing space, even if the landing space(Carrier) has moved, as long as they can reach it they can return.
Alternatively, they could land elsewhere, movement permitting.
You do know the Carrier need not move into the SZ with the Air units?
It can wait until the Non Combat move phase.
You do know the Carrier need not move into the SZ with the Air units?
It can wait until the Non Combat move phase.
Yes, thxs for this hint Wittmann, good that you mention this!
I know when the fighters are destroyed, than it is not absolutely necessary to move the carrier to the seazone which should be the landing space.
That is right.
Generally players do not move a Carrier into a Combat scenario, unless they want to soak up hits. A Carrier has no attack value, of course.
Hope you ar a little clearer and happier.
Great answers as usual, Wittman
I would just like to try and help everyone out with a few basic summary statements about carriers and fighters.
It is only during the combat movement phase that you must have a POSSIBLE landing place for all fighters, assuming they all survive, in the noncombat phase.
During the combat phase, you no longer have to worry about this requirement - that is, you can take hits to carriers even though that means certain death for some fighters.
During the non-combat phase, you MUST safely land every surviving fighter/tac that you possibly can.
The 1 MP extra to land is for stranded defensive planes only - this does not apply to attackers.
The case of retreating carriers is a good example to talk about. To illustrate:
You attack a sea zone with a fleet, including 1 carrier and 2 fighters that have 0 MP left.
During combat, if you were to retreat the fleet (air stays in the zone), there is no way that the 2 fighters could land anywhere because they have 0 MP left. Even if you controlled the island in the zone, they could not land there. Their only possible landing place was the carrier, but IT WAS legal to retreat and strand the air. The “no kamikaze” rule ONLY applies to the combat MOVEMENT phase, not the conduct combat phase.
Hope this helps
Yes Wittman you help me a lot and thxs also to Gamerman for this detailed description.
This kind of short summary was very useful to complet my knowledge of carriers and fighters!
The example was new for me, every time to learn something news about this great game. 8-)
The support here in the forum is always first class.
If Germany lands a few planes in Italy for the purpose of being able to scramble to defend the Italian navy against UK 1 turn attack, my understanding is only the Italian planes can scramble. The German player cannot scramble unless he has at least one ship with the Italians?
Also, what is the typical bid for Europe 40?
If Germany lands a few planes in Italy for the purpose of being able to scramble to defend the Italian navy against UK 1 turn attack, my understanding is only the Italian planes can scramble. The German player cannot scramble unless he has at least one ship with the Italians?
No. The German planes can scramble just like Italians. Defender decides exactly which planes are scrambled.
There are no special requirements for ally’s planes scrambling.
There are no special requirements for ally’s planes scrambling.
… except that the ally must agree to the scramble (if a different player) and must be at war with the attacking power.
I had a feeling there would be something when I wrote that!
Thanks, Krieghund
A territory was a friendly neutral at the start of a power’s turn. The power activates it during NCM. Can a facility (for simplicity, an airbase) be built there this turn?
Thank you
No. The German planes can scramble just like Italians. Defender decides exactly which planes are scrambled.
There are no special requirements for ally’s planes scrambling.
Thanks Deputy!