yea is real surprising King didn’t convoy from the get go. USA did the same thing in WWI, not learning from their allies. A bunch of guys got slaughtered because of it.
Favorite D-day Division
Which division is your favorite D-Day division?
Hi Worsham.I see you have only put divisions present on the 6th.
Would have said 12SS. Plonked for Feuchtinger’s under strength 21st. -
Hi Worsham.I see you have only put divisions present on the 6th.
Would have said 12SS. Plonked for Feuchtinger’s under strength 21st.Yes, the 12th SS is a crowd favorite.
Sorry to be boring(and shout for the other side).
Always loved German Army, aircraft and tanks.
And the 12th were nuts! -
the 12th were Hitler youth lead by LSSAH officers and NCO’s. I don’t see how they could even count since they were not on the Sea wall on the 6th.
I realise Worsham’s question was on D Day itself. Am sorry to introduce them.
Where’s the 6th FallschirmJager? The Green Devils?!?!
Von der Heydte’s 6th were only a regiment, albeit a good one.
I think they were only engaged from the 7th june too. -
Where’s the 6th FallschirmJager? The Green Devils?!?!
They were organized into the 91st German Div.
I have to go with the good old Big Red One on this poll.
Where’s the 6th FallschirmJager? The Green Devils?!?!
They were organized into the 91st German Div.
Thanks. Had forgotten that and that the 91st’s commander, Falley, was the first
German general killed in Normandy.
The fight between the paras is a good one in Band of Brothers. -
the 12th were Hitler youth lead by LSSAH officers and NCO’s. Â I don’t see how they could even count since they were not on the Sea wall on the 6th.
this will almost count as well on the 352nd Inf. Div. since they lacked on translators for the Ostbatallion Reg. and Folks Germans. Being refreshed with 17/18 year olds. Mainly led by Vetran Officers or NCO´s and called fully equipped and ready since 1st of March ´44 but basicly not properly trained due lack of ammo and food shortage.
Any how I´ll Go with the 21st Panzer Lehr Div. 8-)
U.S. 101 would be a close 2nd to me
21st and Panzer Lehr were 2 different divisions.
Pz Lehr was near Le mans on the 6th and was the strongest Panzer division in France, with 180 MkIVs and Panthers.
The 21st only had one good battalion of MkIVs, the other battalion was mostly made of old French tanks. It was also the only one to see action on D Day. -
21st and Panzer Lehr were 2 different divisions.
Pz Lehr was near Le mans on the 6th and was  the strongest Panzer division in France, with 180 MkIVs and Panthers.
The  21st only had one good battalion of MkIVs, the other battalion was mostly made of old French tanks. It was also the only one to see action on D bad mixed it up…I personaly prefer the Lehr Division led by Bayerlein but according to the topic I picked 21. PD by Generalleutnant Edgar Feuchtinger and mixed it up, you´re right. Thanks for letting me know.
No offense to any Americas, but I’m rooting for the 91st. :P
Americans do not get offended. They won didn’t they?
Garg you really like those German paras? You must really love Heidrich’s 1st who fought in Italy then. I have been to Cassino, but was 17, so need to go again. -
I have been to Cassino, but was 17, so need to go again.
And to put another perspective on your earlier visit, keep in mind that quite a few U.S. infantrymen in WWII were just a couple of years older than you were when you went to Cassino.
The Average age of the defenders was 17.96, almost 18 :P
08/15 at war…
sorry had to vote for my old group the 101st.
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