Today I decided to try a VERY aggressive J1 attack (and aggressively play the Axis in general, for instance, Germany used its bombers on London instead of SZ 110/111 and everything succeeded anyway) so, along with most of the moves you’re used to, I attacked the Hawaiian fleet, too, and went for ANZAC’s destroyer/transport (50/50 shot!). It went OK, maybe well, only more time will tell (we’re starting J2 on Monday)
Result was all the usual Japan attacks succeeding, making 40 ipc at the end of its turn (no national objectives), UK-Pacific is making 10 ipc after losing Hong Kong and Borneo, and, after its counter attack, the U.S. has zero planes and its only ships are the ones it bought on US1 and its transport in the Atlantic.
I’m not so sure about taking the 50/50 shot at ANZAC’s destroyer/transport instead of sending it to Hawaii. I missed and was sank, but more importantly think the extra hit to take on the U.S.’ counter attack on Hawaii would be more worthwhile. The U.S. lost everything on its counter (including his bomber and fighter from Central and East) but that was bad luck and should have been more successful. Japan has a wounded battleship left. Interestingly, I couldn’t take hits on my carrier’s lightly because if I did, my opponent would have retreated and I would lose my planes anyway.
Purchase: 2 transports, 1 minor industrial complex for Kiangsu
J2 plan is to take Malaya, hit China, send new transports south, buy tanks and a bomber(s), and J3 gets me the money islands and a factory on Malaya, buy more tanks and some fleet(?), J4 is Calcutta and buy fleet cause the U.S. is showing up.
Sea attacks:
SZ 37 (UK battleship) cruiser and two bombers
SZ 35 (Phillipines) carrier from Caroline Islands, and SZ19’s battleship, sub, and destroyer
SZ 62 (ANZAC) 1 destroyer from Caroline Islands
SZ 26 (Hawaii) all of SZ 6’s non-transport fleet
Borneo (1 inf)
Phillipines (2 inf, 2 art, 1 fighter)
Hong Kong (2 inf, 1 art, planes)
French Indo-China (2 inf)
Yunnan (2 inf, 1 art, planes)
Hunan (2 inf, planes)