@max334 no scram thanks
12L cts17 Allies + 7 v JWW
1 fig (10)
7 inf (21)
save (0)CM:
10 inf 2 art Bel to Euk
4 arm Cau to Euk via UkrCombat:
att 10 inf 2 art 4 arm
Rolls: 8@1 4@2 4@3; Total Hits: 58@1: (1, 3, 3, 1, 2, 6, 5, 4)4@2: (2, 1, 6, 1)4@3: (6, 4, 5, 6)
def 1 art
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (1) -
1 AA Bel to Euk
1 arm Cau to Bel
2 inf Chi to Sik
1 inf Nov to Chi
8 inf Stc to Bry
1 SS SZ2 to SZ7Mob Units
4 inf Cau
3 inf 1 fig RusCollect Income
26+5=31 IPC -
ONE PROBLEM WITH YOUR MAP 17……I have bel with no inf as you attacked euk with all 10 inf from BEL…
your map should only have 1 arm in BEL…attached correct map
J2 purchase 2IC, trn & ss spend 43 (save 0)
#1 AUS (2inf aa) v BB (z50>z39) ca (z37 >z39) 2inf & arm (phi) 2 inf (bor)
#2 yun (mt) v inf (hup) cwol
#3 nin (mt) v inf (sui) cwol
#4 ind (mt) v inf (bur) cwol
#5 fuk (mt) v inf (kwa) cwol -
AUS attackRolls: 1@4 2@3 4@1; Total Hits: 31@4: (3)2@3: (3, 2)4@1: (6, 6, 2, 6)v 2infRolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 02@2: (5, 6)
aus cwol
z38 trn > z 31
sum 2 inf > z31
z37 cv & 2 fgt > z31
z37 trn . z 61
z50 dd > z 62
kwa inf > fic
KIA 2 FGT > Z62placement trn & ss z62, IC BUR & SUM
J collects 40 + 15 = 55
ONE PROBLEM WITH YOUR MAP 17……I have bel with no inf as you attacked euk with all 10 inf from BEL…
your map should only have 1 arm in BEL…attached correct map
No, I left 1 infantry behind, otherwise there’s a good chance your Italian tank can kill my tank, allowing you to blitz into Russia. I’m not that stupid :)
Perhaps I am mistaken? You did reinforce with an arm. But the combat moves and attack rolls had 10 inf attacking from BEL to euk.
Can you review?
where ya at CTS 17?
Did I not post? I’m sorry :(
So you are right: I did post 10 infantry to be moved to Euk from Bel, and that is what I rolled. That was not my intention, though. I guess I’m at your mercy to allow me to act as I originally intended. 1 extra infantry sent to Euk was NOT going to make a difference. I just assumed that I had made the changes to my CM when I removed the inf on Abattlemap. That’s why the map was ‘different’ from what I had typed. It’s what I originally intended.
So you are right: I did post 10 infantry to be moved to Euk from Bel, and that is what I rolled. That was not my intention, though. I guess I’m at your mercy to allow me to act as I originally intended. 1 extra infantry sent to Euk was NOT going to make a difference. I just assumed that I had made the changes to my CM when I removed the inf on Abattlemap. That’s why the map was ‘different’ from what I had typed. It’s what I originally intended.
typically I would not allow this. But I will let this slide, THIS TIME. This doesn’t mean I would allow it the next time.
so let’s continue……who’s turn is it?
Thank you so much for your kindness! I suppose otherwise I would have had to sacrifice 2 arm, but ah well :) It’s my turn.
ok, good luck with the brits
2 TP (14)
3 inf (9)
1 art (4)
1 fig (10)
save (0)CM:
1 inf 1 arm Eca to Nwe
5 inf 2 art 1 arm 1 fig 1 bom Egy to LibCombat;
att 5 inf 2 art 1 arm 1 fig 1 bom
Rolls: 3@1 4@2 2@3 1@4; Total Hits: 53@1: (1, 1, 4)4@2: (5, 1, 5, 4)2@3: (5, 1)1@4: (2)
def 1 inf
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (6) -
1 bom Lib to Gbr
3 inf 1 art 1 AA Per to Trj
2 inf Rho to Cng
1 fig Lib to SZ7
1 fig 2 CV 1 DD 1 TP SZ8 to SZ7
1 fig SZ8 to Gbr
1 DD SZ2 to SZ7
1 DD 1 TP SZ43 to SZ22Mob Units
3 inf 1 art 1 fig Gbr
2 TP SZ7Collect Income
30 IPC -
sorry, somehow missed that you moved……
ITA 2 purch cv & inf spend 17 (save 0)
#1 egy (mt) v inf (ita) cwol’
#2 ukr (mt) v inf (bul) cwolncm:
bul inf & arm > epl
z14 2 ca > z15
ita fgt > z 14
ita art > blk
fra arm > itaITA collects 13
3 TP (21)
3 inf (9)
3 arm (15)
save (3)CM:
3 inf Wca to Eca
2 inf 1 art 2 arm Eus to Eca
4 TP SZ10 to SZ1
1 TP 1 DD SZ8 to SZ7Mob Units
1 inf Chi
3 inf 3 arm Eus
3 TP SZ10Collect Income
38+10+3=51 IPC -
Your map shows your USA bmb’s in GBR but you didn’t list that as a ncm. I will assume the map is correct in all circumstances when the listed ncm’s are not listed.