2012 - AA50-41 - Find League Opponents Here

  • Do you want our game to be a league game? I can move it to the league if you want.


    Looking for a league '41 game, TripleA (latest version), no tech.

  • '20 '16 '15 '14

    We could do that, or just consider this one the preseason and play another after this for league purposes?  The latter involves getting to play more games…. ;)

  • '20 '16 '15 '14

    Need about 3 more games.  C’mon.  Don’t be shy.  :-D

  • @DizzKneeLand33:

    Need about 3 more games.  C’mon.  Don’t be shy.   :-D

    you are starting to look a lot like I did last year when I first started playing on here  8-)

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I will take ONE opponent using Battlemap, if and only if, they are okay with the possibility that it could take longer than 3 days for me to post (never more than 7 days.)

    No TripleA, there’s problems with the map (sea zones that should border, dont) and I don’t have time to deal with learning how to make it play with the forum anyway.

  • You’re in an AA50 thread, Jenn.  Aren’t you talking global, with the sea zone stuff?

  • actually, I believe there is also one in Africa (connections between Eaf and the sea zones around if I remember well)

  • @Yoshi:

    actually, I believe there is also one in Africa (connections between Eaf and the sea zones around if I remember well)

    You are correct Yoshi. I never saw that before. E.Africa (also known as Italian Africa) should not connect to sz33. I never saw that before.

  • '20 '16 '15 '14


    No TripleA, there’s problems with the map (sea zones that should border, dont) and I don’t have time to deal with learning how to make it play with the forum anyway.Â

    Cmdr, that IEA issue with SZ 33 certainly isn’t a deal-breaker with regard to TripleA.  Rarely would that be an issue I would think, as the only play that could be made would be a trannie in SZ 33 attacking IEA, and most move-counting in african battles originating from SZ33 would center around hitting SZ34 on the way somewhere, independing of IEA….

    With regard to making TripleA play with the forum, it’s a simple as this.  If you know your forum ID, your forum password, your email, and your opponent’s email, you are good to go!  You create a link on the league forum and use the thread ID for the game number.  It does all of the rolling and typing for you… I mean, I would have been here years ago had I known!  I grew weary of all of the typing back in my AAMC days… I mean, if you do it once, you won’t go back to battlemap I bet other than if you have to for other games.

    So, if you are interested in a TripleA game let me know.  The longer than 3 days to post is perfectly fine… that’s why I like multiple games going, so that I wouldn’t get lonely on your off days… ;)

  • Problem with Triple A is the glitches and not following the rules, just like this sea zone snafu.  It does make a difference to me.  Advantage of ABattlemap is you can do just about anything you want, just as if you had the board game there - house rules, bid placements, etc.
    Both have pluses and minuses

  • '20 '16 '15 '14

    Well, there aren’t house rules in league play, right?  :)

    I would love to see a specific scenario where that specific SZ thing would be a make or break for the game.  TripleA has bid placements and so forth as well.  And a complete edit function, too.  Apparently you haven’t seen it then?

    What rules for AA50-41 are not followed in TripleA?  That’s something I would need to know I guess….

  • Well, I’ll keep it short because this is the wrong thread

    Not everyone plays every game in league.

    People claim the bugs have been fixed, and I suppose I’ll try TripleA again, but last time I tried it I was playing AA50-42 and on the very first play of the game (J1) it wouldn’t let me make a legal attack involving fighters and aircraft carrier, and that’s a deal breaker (I think it was fighters moving 4 spaces and meeting carrier in the combat zone, and the freaking program wouldn’t let me do it).  I also have carry-over resentment for Game Table Online Revised edition errors that didn’t follow the rules - so I’m wary of programs enforcing wrong rules.

    Didn’t say the Z33 error would make or break a game.  But I see no reason to put up with differences like that.  You get used to it the wrong way, and then if you ever have to play it the right way you could get messed up.

  • Customizer

    Actually, there is a strat going on right now where that sz connection is very important.

    I have a game now where my opponent didn’t realize that if he parks his CVs in sz31, that I can attack him with the US and then Australia.

    It completely wrecked his strat, and we had to get a ruling from Cmdr Jennifer as to whether he could redo his Japanese move or not.

  • '20 '16 '15 '14

    I know this isn’t the right thread, but I’m completely at a loss here.  If Italian Africa had to do with anything hitting SZ31, it doesnt’ matter if the air travels SZ33-32-31 or SZ34-32-21 (or SZ34-35-31).  It’s still 3 moves.  The sea zone being split doesn’t affect anything to do with SZ31, from what I can see.  Or are you speaking of a different SZ issue?  The one stated was that Italian Africa should not connect to SZ 33 (which would infer that it should only connect to SZ34).

    In any case, if it’s a big deal, all that has to be done is to make it a club rule that SZ34 joins the border between Italian Africa and Rhodesia.

    I started in the late 90’s with the CD clubs online.  If that is the only software/map issue, it is a welcome relief.  :)

    Now about that league game…. ;)

  • '20 '16 '15 '14

    Jim, your post above involves a different game than AA50, which is the game that’s in this thread (and why the SZ31 issue made no sense)…. just an FYI.

  • Customizer


    Jim, your post above involves a different game than AA50, which is the game that’s in this thread (and why the SZ31 issue made no sense)…. just an FYI.

    :roll:  Maybe I should read the thread title …

  • Post 10 of this game, you’ll find one thing that tripleA allows and that is not legal, and that required me to point out so that an edit is made. And if you follow the link, you will see that I pointed out this problem a long time ago, and that at this time Kev told me that they would not deal with it…


    A little later you can see the problem on sub that is not allowed to move in ncm because antoher sub is in the same sea zone.

    TripleA is great, it enables you to try things very fast. But for a serious game, I definitely prefer ABattlemap ; for instance, it is definitely easier to move pieces to try to plan some turns in advance (and this is critical when dealing against a strong opponent).

    I’m playing the current tripleA tournament, but I do not take it as seriously than the ABattlemap one ; yes I do not have to type all my moves… but if I wanted to think properly on my strat, that would require me more time than with ABattlemap (of course, I could keep a map with this last program for that… but then you losse everything tripleA is worth for).

  • Since I haven’t ever played a full round of TripleA and have been contemplating downloading it,
    that post was extremely helpful to me, Yoshi, thank you very much.

    I have played a lot of chess on two different web sites.  One allows you to make a lot of planning and tentative moves without actually making them and you can take hours to make a move.  The other is timed, and there is no way to tentatively move pieces - you have to visualize them.  One is not superior to the other in every way - they each have their features.

  • I disagree. In fact, I don’t see any proper hypothesis here as to why TripleA means you’re not playing a serious game. Except for a bug with subs that only comes up once in a while. The ability to play fast does not mean the players are not being serious. If you want to spend the time to type out each game, that is fine. But in the time you spend to do that I can finish an entire round of play.

    It allows me to stop wasting time typing and spending more time playing. TripleA enables people to play more games and become better players. What is not serious about that.

    Furthermore, you limit yourself when you use BattleMap. It’s only available on Windows and do we even know if it will work on Windows 8? 11% of the people on this site don’t use Windows, this includes some very good players. There are still more that just don’t want to bother with BattleMap, further limiting your

    Yes, I’m bashing BattleMap because it is archaic. If your only complaint for TripleA is a bug, let’s pow-wow with Veqryn to get it resolved.

    Keep in mind, however, I still think there is fun to be had setting up the physical map at home and playing move-by-move that way (the way NSCSwitch insisted on playing). It’s a long game but it can be fun.


    Post 10 of this game, you’ll find one thing that tripleA allows and that is not legal, and that required me to point out so that an edit is made. And if you follow the link, you will see that I pointed out this problem a long time ago, and that at this time Kev told me that they would not deal with it…


    A little later you can see the problem on sub that is not allowed to move in ncm because antoher sub is in the same sea zone.

    TripleA is great, it enables you to try things very fast. But for a serious game, I definitely prefer ABattlemap ; for instance, it is definitely easier to move pieces to try to plan some turns in advance (and this is critical when dealing against a strong opponent).

    I’m playing the current tripleA tournament, but I do not take it as seriously than the ABattlemap one ; yes I do not have to type all my moves… but if I wanted to think properly on my strat, that would require me more time than with ABattlemap (of course, I could keep a map with this last program for that… but then you losse everything tripleA is worth for).

  • Don’t get me wrong : I totally appreciate tripleA and strongly support it. This is a great project.

    And as for the Windows part, I never used Windows in all my life, except on computer that were not mine ;) I’m using linux on all my computers, and strongly support free software. Wine is very good to run simple windows program ;)

    I did not say (or at least did not mean to say) that tripleA was not serious, but that I had difficulties to play as seriously with it than with ABattlemap. The main point is the possibility to work on future moves that is really easy with ABattlemap (just move the pieces, as on a board). It is obviously very basic, thus archaic !

    But there are several rule points that are not stricly respected with tripleA, and that does not help to make it “serious”, specially when I had developpers telling me that they did not care about that. They are minor points of course, but when a game is very tough, minor points can make a difference ; and if you cannot use them because of the software, or if some move are made while illegal because of a software (which implies the opponent that will tell you “but tripleA says it’s ok, so it is”), that can change things. Obviously, I’m speaking of details here, thus I guess I should repeat that I’m not against tripleA, far away from that. I actually use it a lot to try things quickly, to discover new games etc.

    Just for the record, some points I noticed : incorrect AA50 map (one sea zone connexion) ; sub problems ; fighters + AC problems ; US / China order that is fixed (rule says you can choose) ; transport rules. Obviously, as someone who teaches programming and that creates algorithm in his research, I know that some point could generate other issues if changed, and that the work done there is just amazing. But still, for a very close game, that can change things.

    On an other hand, I noted several great points that has been improved lately, the edit function on first hand (and that was a big relief to see this change).

    I agree with you on all the other points !


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