• Hi all, due to college and sports I have been away from the game longer than I’d like, however a broken jaw has allowed plenty of time to jump back in this semester. Brushing up on the forums online to try and knock the rust off of my game.

    Regarding the allies, I’m interested to hear cases on the best locations to build new factories. I like Egypt or Norway, once captured, in a long term game due to the proximity to Germany and ability for both locations to easily transport troops to the Middle East or Russia.

    Along the Axis front, Japan of course has the case to build on mainland Asia to storm China and Russia without going the India route. I have looked at island builds throughout the map, but am wondering if the cost the maintain the transports and protection fleet is worth the payout.

    Any suggestions or prior experience would be appreciated!

  • Try East India or Borneo.  I think they are good alternative.

    The Philippine might also be an option if you are playing standard victory game where victory city counts though I hardly get a chance to try this out.  Argothair had written a cool article about Japan strategy.  Has a look and you might be delighted by that :lol:


  • Sounds like a good way to contest the Allies fleets, I’ll have to see if I can try that!

    Now I had a question arise, lets say G2 Egypt falls, on R3 Russian tanks liberated the territory, would the UK be able to build a factory on UK3 or would they wait until UK4?

    This is an unlikely situation it is just the principle of allies retaking a territory then the original owner being able to build a new IC or not.

  • They can build a factory UK3 gm21, because they controlled the territory at the start of their turn.

    A factory in Egypt generally feels essential to holding India and the ME. But a J fleet off Malaya can get there, so it’s difficult to defend.

  • As my strategy guides suggest, I’m a pretty big fan of the Egypt factory. I’ll usually build it on turn 1 if I build it at all – it takes time for infantry/artillery built in Egypt to make it somewhere interesting, like India or the Caucasus, and if you’re not building infantry in your factory, it’s usually more efficient to just fly in planes and to not build the factory at all.

    I’ll put a British factory in Norway around turn 4 or turn 5 if I really need the extra production capacity – as in, I’ve got four well-protected transports in the North Sea, I’m filling them every turn, and I still have extra cash left over. I don’t like to put an American factory in Norway on this map – it looks attractive because the Atlantic ocean is so big, but what are you going to do with 2 units a turn? You still need transports so you can ship the units into France or Karelia or whatever; it’s too slow to build units in Norway and then walk them into Russia.

    Finally, if the Americans are attacking Japan, I’ll usually have them build at least one factory in the first “money island” they pick up – preferably Borneo, but failing that the Philippines or East Indies can work too. If Japan built a factory in Kwangtung, Kiangsu, or French Indochina, I’ll try to capture it as the Americans. Otherwise, I’ll build my own, even if there’s already a factory in Manchuria!

    As Japan, I like to put a factory in Kwangtung on turn 2. If Britain failed to sink my starting transport, I’ll put the factory in the West Indies on turn 1 instead, to set up a turn 3 attack on India.

    As Germany, I don’t build factories – I just capture them from the Russians! Verrry occasionally it’s worth putting a German factory in Egypt, if you are guaranteed to hold it (e.g. all the north African troops are dead) but the British sank your Mediterranean fleet and killed off your units so you don’t have enough units to seize all the African territories (e.g. 1 tank or no land units vs. the 1 british inf in s. africa).

  • Thank you all for the input! Plenty of food for thought in planning out new gameplans.

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