Oh yeah, I don’t blame you for sticking to the rules then. Some people just can’t see not following the rules to the letter. It’s still a fun game even if a few of the rules don’t make practical sense.
I remember when the new rules first came out, there was a lot of discussion about Russian strategy. Some even came up with ideas where the Russians could send a couple of infantry down, or I guess that mech or tank would work as well, and have them board a UK transport in Syria or Trans-Jordan and get taken over to walk onto Sicily and Sardinia for an extra 6 IPCs of NO money per turn.
Do you realize that theoretically, with that special Soviet NO, if the Soviets managed to capture ALL German and Italian territories and all three Pro-Axis Neutrals, along with the Archangel NO and their own 37 IPCs in territories, the Soviets could collect 150 IPCs per turn. Isn’t that just crazy?!?
Soviet territory = 37 IPCs
German territory = 30 IPCs
Italian territory = 10 IPCs
Pro Axis Neutrals = 5 IPCs
Archangel NO = 5 IPCs
Axis Territory NO = 63 IPCs
By the way, I can’t remember if they decided that Japanese territories count in this NO, or was it just for Europe and Africa. Does anyone remember? If they get that for Japanese territories too, then the total gets even more ridiculous:
Japanese territory = 15 IPCs
Axis territory NO = 18 IPCs
Above total = 150 IPCs
Could you imagine the Hammer and Sickle covering Europe and spread throughout the Pacific? Doesn’t bode well for the Cold War.