@Elrood That’s somewhat true, but G is mostly a one-trick pony, take Paris. While the Centrals have won many, but not most of our games without G taking Paris, as the other players and their strategies and abilities took center stage.
NML 1914 game 13
@Entek Aww… I had such big plans for Japan! I must say it felt good being an enabled US (bei my allies keeping centrals at bay), and having time to see after my Economy before I actively enterred the war.
GG everyone. I had fun playing T & C for a full game.
It’s very clear to the CP that giving France the industry tech as a bid was overkill. Paris starts out with a large IC right in the main target city for the whole game. G’s closest IC is 4 spaces from Paris. The only sizable location for a new IC is Wurt, which is still 3 spaces from Paris. So, the first FG builds wouldn’t reach Paris until G5, which is when G needs to attack Paris, before it gets too strong defensively.
G can’t afford to research innovation early in the game, as it only has a 1/3 chance of getting industry. And it needs land offense first.
Giving industry to F, means that it can build 5 inf and 5 HGs for the same cost as 8 HGs, yet get 2 more hit points. F can build 8 more units in Paris alone, by F4. And once Paris is safe, double its colonials production in N. Africa, to reinforce Greece and Cairo.
Likewise, giving T industry tech bid, knocks out Arabs too soon. The Arab/Turk war can be interesting, especially to the Italian/Arab player. Perhaps delaying giving T the industry tech until T3?
As I played F it did not feel that Paris was necessarily safe. For a few turns I worried that G might gain odds in rwo or three turns and was desperate for more GB support. So I would not be so sure that Industry safeguards Paris.
Thanks for the game guys.
Like Adam, I don’t believe Industry helped France at the beginning and I was against giving it to them.
I said France needed Working Women.
Industry to Turkey just means they capture Cairo, wgicj can Onky produce two units a turn. Itis time to stop that gift to Turkey too. -
@Private-Panic Eliminating or delaying T getting industry bid, might help UK provide more support to Paris in the critical first 4 rounds. If T goes naval to start, in order to entice UK to divert purchase power to the Med, UK might fall for the trap. But maybe less likely, if the Arabs were still around in a more meaningful way, to harass T.
I’m in for the next one please.
Me too please
None of the first 6 players wanted to take Germany this time due to the new tech bid given to France. The last person had to take it by default. I can’t see continuing this situation.
In the first 12 games, G took Paris about 1/4th of the time, and in my personal experience, the odds are even lower. The French bid reduces Germany’s odds even lower, shifting the focus to other theaters of operation. Please share what your personal odds have been for Germany taking Paris.
I propose going back to either no tech bid for any power, or some smaller form of bid for Turkey.
I’m in for the next one too
I’m in.
@Elrood and @captainwalker please confirm.Witt says no industry tech for T or F. Does @witt still want working women for F?
What about switching to new Triplea version that was mentioned a while back?
@Entek I’m out for this one…
@captainwalker I am in as well
Also … can we upgrade to latest alpha version? The savegame of our current games are compatibles that new version, but not the other way around….
@Elrood Where is the discussion and description of this new version? I don’t see a post on this site. Where do we download it?
I reached out to Colt and Redrum, but they were burned out on NML 1914. Ask around for another player or can we reorganize Entente for 3 players?
@FMErwinRommel I’ll ask some players.
@dawgoneit yes it is used by players here. I am traveling so cannot help until Monday.
I didn’t even notice this sub-section till just now lol
13 team games!? That’s pretty rad
I don’t suppose anyone wants to tool around with the map? I upscaled the old baseline I had using same method as the other jumbo maps, but I’m kinda spent. There’s a fair bit of tedium in re-assigning the centers for the enlarged map. Once the centers are assigned it’s much faster to re-run the polygrabber in the map tools to enlarge everything.
@Black_Elk thanks. I will look into it
@Elrood I was turned down by everyone.