Hello from Dallas,
I am a new member from Dallas as of yesterday.
@TANK78 said in 👋 Introduce or Re-Introduce Yourself (Current):
@AndrewAAGamer Владимиро (Vladimiro) is the name of one of the characters from a book I am writing that plays Axis and Allies (Or Duce A as it is called in the book)
Very cool!
@AndrewAAGamer said in 👋 Introduce or Re-Introduce Yourself (Current):
@TANK78 said in 👋 Introduce or Re-Introduce Yourself (Current):
@AndrewAAGamer Владимиро (Vladimiro) is the name of one of the characters from a book I am writing that plays Axis and Allies (Or Duce A as it is called in the book)
Very cool!
@TANK78 is “vladamir o” the antangonist or the protaganist ?
@TANK78 Nice to meet you! I’m 18 too and definitely understand the whole getting people to play part lol. I’ve found that although it’s not a well known game for our age it definitely isn’t a not well liked once people learn.
@TinCanoftheSea Wow didn’t expect to see so many people my age here. Just turned 19 and it’s definitely cool to see young people playing this game.
@donutgold Oh yeah for sure, gotta keep this game going for years and years
@barnee My story is told from the perspective of many characters, with the intention to leave it up to the reader on rather they believe characters are “good” or “evil”. One chapter he is the protagonist in another the antagonist, just depends on who is the speaker in each chapter. On an alignment chart, I would say he is something between a Chaotic good and a Chaotic neutral, but take that with a grain of salt because characters are subjective.
@MAG okay. My email is camps0857@gmail.com if that would make easier to contact me.
@TANK78 Thanks for the reply
@TANK78 I have eight chapters of a book with Axis and
Allies as a theme.
Hi, I am Tom. I just found Axis and Allies. I will be combinging the 1940 Europe and Pacific games on a table to have the entire world. I am thinking of creating an overlay showing the 2023 war situation and maybe have a WW3 version of this game using the map.
I am looking forward to getting tools , printable A&A IPC’s, and editor for editing maps.
I will be playing via email/skype with family members and friends.
I look forward to discussions with you.
@tomcoll67 welcome!
Hi @tomcoll67
Welcome to the forum - you’ll find everything you need on this forum concerning Axis & Allies.
You’ll find a huge source of inspiration at the House Rules section - look for Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion.
We have also released:
Based on the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion we are working on the following expansions:
Those future expansions are not yet completed, and multiple play test games must be completed before any release.
You are most welcome to contact us anytime - especially if you want to try the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion - which by the way is also playable at TripleA (contact barnee on this forum).
My name is Heath and I live in the United States. I own Axis & Allies 1942 2nd edition, Europe 1940 2nd edition, and Pacific 1940 2nd edition. I enjoy to making alternate versions of G40. I am currently working on a cold war variant of G40 and I am considering buying A&A 1914, and/or Global War 1936.
While I am not part of it there is a large expansion community here regarding additional rules/play. You might want to check that out.
Thanks, I’ll have to check that out.
Welcome to the site ! There are a lot of House Rules for the Global 40 game. The Captain and Companys is my personal favorite.
BM mod is quite popular in the league.
HF gaming :)
Thanks! I’ll have to take a look at that.
Yo I’d play online with ya! I’m as new as you , I’m next door to you (Louisiana). I got axis and Allies 1942 online and global war 1936 in person set up
@HHFrenchRepublic12 get global war 1936 lol