Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2)

  • 2024 2023 '22 '15 '11 '10 Official Q&A Moderator

    You can’t do it.
    Your ally can’t load a ground unit onto your transport at the same time one on the transport gets off (to a different territory)

    I had a French unit on the USA transport in the English Channel, and wondered if I could unload him on Europe while the 2nd French infantry got onto the same USA transport. All during the French non-combat phase, of course.

    You can’t do that.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '15 '11 '10 Official Q&A Moderator

    Eh, except Krieghund pointed out the unit on the transport could get off on the same territory that the other ground unit is boarding the transport. This is because it’s the same coast and the transport doesn’t have to move. But one getting on from one coast and one getting off on another coast is not allowed because even within the same sea zone, the transport would have to “move” which can only be done on the transport owner’s turn.

    Krieghund also pointed out that this legal move would only be useful if you wanted to replace the ground unit that’s on the transport with a different type of ground unit that was on the same territory

    So if you want the simple answer, see the first reply that I just made :hushed:

  • As I recall… if you have any enemy warship in your territory you can’t load transports in that sea zone - the old “Sneaky Pete”. TripleA is not abiding by this - is this something TripleA is not handling correctly or am I mis-remembering the rule?

    Example. Japan has a transport in SZ 34 and two infantry on Paulau. There is an Anzac cruiser in SZ 34 as well. Japan has now declared war on the British & Anzac but TripleA is still allowing me to load those Japanese infantry. Is this a TripleA problem or is this a legit move for the Japanese?

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    @lennardf I don’t think it matters on the first turn you declare war. Try it when already at war.

    Yea just tested. It allows it on the turn you declare war but not after

  • @lennardf said in Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2):

    As I recall… if you have any enemy warship in your territory you can’t load transports in that sea zone - the old “Sneaky Pete”. TripleA is not abiding by this - is this something TripleA is not handling correctly or am I mis-remembering the rule?

    Example. Japan has a transport in SZ 34 and two infantry on Paulau. There is an Anzac cruiser in SZ 34 as well. Japan has now declared war on the British & Anzac but TripleA is still allowing me to load those Japanese infantry. Is this a TripleA problem or is this a legit move for the Japanese?

    This is allowed because of an exception stated in the Rulebooks:
    “During your Combat Move phase in which you entered into a
    state of war, your transports that are already in sea
    zones that have just become hostile may be loaded
    in those sea zones (but not in other hostile sea
    zones). In effect, transports may be loaded in their
    initial sea zones for amphibious assaults before war
    is declared, while the sea zone is still friendly.”

    (see Rulebook Pacific 1940.2, page 11, “Declaring War” blue box)

  • @panther OK there it is in my manual too… thanks for clarifying.

    Unless I’m missing something the Sneaky Carl was never a valid move.

  • @barnee Thanks Barnee, TripleA isn’t always right which is why I was checking the hive mind.

  • @lennardf said in Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2):

    @panther OK there it is in my manual too… thanks for clarifying.

    Unless I’m missing something the Sneaky Carl was never a valid move.

    I think you are mixing up three different things.

    The Sneaky Karl is valid due to the fact that you place an UK DD in sz 36 where usually a IJN stack with TTs is sitting there ( most of the time unloaded).
    UK pac remains frienfly , while Anzak declares war on Japan.
    The sz is now hostile at the beginning on Js turn.

    The Sub Hack.
    works like this:
    An enemy sub is placed in a sz containig unloaded TTs.
    The opponent has now to choose to:
    A) fight the Sub, but this denies to load and unload in NCM, or
    B) don’t fight the Sub and perform an amphib assault elsewhere.

    Or the scenario you described and this was successfully explained and answered allready.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '15 '11 '10 Official Q&A Moderator

    Isn’t there a C) leave the zone (that has the enemy sub) in the combat movement phase? In this case the transport cannot pick up ground units before leaving unless it goes and unloads them on a hostile territory else where. This is possible because with only a sub, that sea zone is not hostile. The transport can’t load units and come back to orginal seazone and conduct amphibious assault without an accompanying warship though, because subs prevent lone transports from unloading amphibious assault in its zone (without an accompanying warship)
    Looking at this today, I think I was confused, so strike it.

  • @aequitas-et-veritas said in [Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2)

    The Sub Hack.
    works like this:
    An enemy sub is placed in a sz containig unloaded TTs.
    The opponent has now to choose to:
    A) fight the Sub, but this denies to load and unload in NCM, or
    B) don’t fight the Sub and perform an amphib assault elsewhere.

    Or the scenario you described and this was successfully explained and answered allready.

    You find your transports are in a zone with enemy subs at the beginning of your turn, right?
    You can ignore the sub for movement purposes. So you also have options
    C) Leave the transports there. You will need to have warships there at the end of your turn or the enemy subs can sink all your transports when their turn comes around.
    D) You can ignore the subs during the combat movement phase, there will be no combat (you will not lose your transports) and you can non-combat move the transports and pick up and drop off ground units as desired, including from the coastal territories adjacent to where the transports started.

    The sub does not make the zone hostile, so the rules on pages 13-14 do not apply.
    The sub can be ignored for movement purposes, and does not create combat during the combat movement phase.

    Page 32 under submarines, “doesn’t block enemy movement”

    If I’m understanding the question and situation correctly.

  • Correct @gamerman01 , the Sub Hack forces you to make a decission on wheter to attack or not attack the Sub in order to go with the following consequences.
    This applies especially if you have this situation in a convoy zone where you have to choose to attack the sub and therefore can’t NCM load/offload your TTs or let it sit there, load and offload as you wish and deal with convoy dmg.

    I do frequently use the Sub Hack in my League games as Allies and as Axis Player.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '15 '11 '10 Official Q&A Moderator

    Gotcha, thanks, sounds like we’re on the same wavelength then. If you want to attack the sub, the transports have to leave in combat movement phase if you want to move ground units with them, and then you have to go for amphibious assault somewhere, yes, as you said

  • G gamerman01 referenced this topic on
  • 2024 '22

    @krieghund Hello so am told you are the final answer when it comes to rule interpretations! By the way thank you so much for your work on this incredible game. It has brought me countless hours of entertainment. I have a question for you. Let’s say there is a destroyer built in sea zone around Japan by an American IC in Korea and there is a large Japanese fleet there (in same sea zone) including transports. I know the Japanese transports cannot load from Japan in combat movement due to the presence of the destroyer. Assuming the Japan fleet stays put including the transports and wins the sea battle, can Japanese land units then load onto the transports ( but not offload) from Japan during noncombat?

  • @jkeller said in Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2):

    @krieghund Hello so am told you are the final answer when it comes to rule interpretations! By the way thank you so much for your work on this incredible game. It has brought me countless hours of entertainment.

    That’s good to know!

    @jkeller said in Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2):

    I have a question for you. Let’s say there is a destroyer built in sea zone around Japan by an American IC in Korea and there is a large Japanese fleet there (in same sea zone) including transports. I know the Japanese transports cannot load from Japan in combat movement due to the presence of the destroyer. Assuming the Japan fleet stays put including the transports and wins the sea battle, can Japanese land units then load onto the transports ( but not offload) from Japan during noncombat?

    No, they cannot. They were involved in combat, so they are not eligible to act during noncombat movement. From page 22 of the Pacific Rulebook (Phase 4: Noncombat Move):

    Transports can move to friendly coastal territories and load or offload cargo, unless they loaded, moved, offloaded, or were involved in combat during the Combat Move or Conduct Combat phase.

  • 2024 '22

    @krieghund Thank you so much for the quick response!

  • 2024 '22

    i still dont have a good grasp of these sea rules in this version. Can transport load in combat move with a sub in the sea zone? can it offload in a seazone with a lone sub?

  • 2024 2023 '22 '15 '11 '10 Official Q&A Moderator

    Yes, subs can be ignored during combat movement and noncombat movement nor do they block loading or unloading of transports. (page 13, bottom paragraph)

    The exception is amphibious assaults - by transport(s) only - over sub(s) that are in the destination sea zone (unescorted transports can go over subs in other seazones on the way) are not allowed. You just need one escorting warship (which could just be a sub) to overcome this, and you can still ignore the defending subs. (page 16 under transports)

  • Are land units with 2 move allowed to Non-Combat move onto friendly neutral through a friendly neutral that was captured this turn.

    Ex, let’s imagine that west india had a mech infantry in addition to the regular infantry, would you be able to move the indian infantry to east persia then move the mech to persia? What if it was only a single mech? Could you take east persia+Persia on a single NCM?

  • @ussgordoncaptain

    By the rulebook (Europe 1940 2ed, page 10):
    “Friendly neutrals … … They can be moved into (but
    not through)
    as a noncombat move by land units of a
    power that is at war (see “Noncombat Move,” page 22).
    This moves the territory out of its neutral status at the
    end of the Noncombat Move phase”.

    So the answer is “No”.

    You’d need to move the mech infantry and the regular infantry at the same time.
    The mech infantry can’t “move through”.

  • Can German troops Enter Italian controlled eastern poland while germany is not at war with russia (and therefore collect the 5 IPC national objective)

    thanks Panther

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