Japan would be my least favorite power to play (not including China) as it is sort of a “gimme power”, in that there just is no major threat or opponent in most cases; yes it can be delayed and harrased semi-effectivly, but not at the peril of putting signifiant game breaking damage to the Japanase empire. Essentially the worst that can happen to her is preventing a super power from become a super duper power.
Thanks for your post. I agree with your Japan assessment especially for 1941, but in a current game I’m playing by forum (against Omega and friends) Japan got completely dismantled in the first 3 turns, mostly by dice, but also from the full attention of US bombers and fleet. I often give close to full attention to Japan with the US in the first few turns, and it causes major problems. (Talking about 1942 start)
Like you said, (especially for 1941) it’s a question of whether Japan is a super power or super duper power. I won a game (by forum) recently where it was Japan vs. the world, and the world lost (1941 start).
Haha, I have lost as World to Japan Vs World a few times. I have also seen a few games where you would think Japan has been crippled to the point where it should be irrelevant, only to be Godzilla in a couple of turns. And it is semi common for me to seemingly bring the game to an apparent dead even halt/ seemingly endless grind of a game as the allies; everytime this happens though, guess which power ends up breaking it and the Allies chances of winning with it? Though I have also seen Japan make stupid mistakes or get AWFUL dice which effectivly takes it out of the game. The best was when the US Battleship, Phil Des/Tranny survived at the cost of 1 loaded jap tranny, BB, 5 Fig as well as a couple Japanese failed mainland attacks.
There is a pretty interesting thread going on now about stalling Japan in which I threw some of my methods and philosophy in dealing with her. The thread as a whole is a good read for anyone interested in picking up a few ideas about Japan.
If there is a CONSISTENT way of appling a KJF strat I am completley unaware of it, I would be interested in any links to games or threads where such a strat is employed.
But for me, I think it is much more fun being a power to deal with Japan than Japan itself. Japan is just too big and powerful (once the game basics are learned anyway)to be fun. Also, I am not much of a '42 player to make that informed a decision on anything.