• This my favorite quote ever mentioned by an AA50 player.
    “How do you you expect me to remain calm when the very fabric of reality is falling apart around me.” my friend said that after losing a battle in china. It was one Chinese inf against a jap inf, jap fighter, jap tank, and jap bomber. The japs lost that battle.

  • When i play with my buddies and we are Germany and we are winning all the battles usually we break out in song with Panzerleid and stomp our shoes just like this scene…


    and yes i can sing very good and strong.

  • from revised and original-

    “Russian Soldiers have no bullets!”

    I have a buddy who always breaks out in “Hail Brittania her navy rules the sea!” unless he just sunk said navy with Germany. Then he sings “Hail Brittania her navy is nonexistant”

    The best was silence at my buddy’s face trying to catch flies when his invasion of UK was thwarted by a new player rolling 7 out of 10 hits on AA.

  • I have a buddy that invariably quotes metallica (not in a whisper i might add!) whenever he is Germany and wins even the smallest of battles.  He querries rhetorically, “CAN YOU SURVIVE THE BLITZKRIEG??!!”.  Annoying doesn’t begin to describe it!!  He’s often jokingly asked to pipe down but insists he has a right to initiate negative propaganda!!  To each their own.

  • i really like the quotes from the manual
    'at no time a allied player may attack another allied player
    ‘sea units cannot move over land zones’
    (and in new pacific)
    ‘check if japan has conquered 6 or more victory cities. Also check if any of the allied players has occupied Japan’

  • Also check if any of the allied players has occupied Japan’

    Heh Heh funny. I have pulled a sneak occupation of Japan in the past. It usually involved my buddy’s strategery getting interrupted by either his wife or one of the cats……Nothing like a blasted cat to ruin your thought process. They are even worse than a three year old kidlet.  He never even knew I was  headed there. I also pulled the trick with Germany sneaking up from Persia into Moscow…

    Those games sometimes involve either staying up all night and/or over indulgence in chocolate or oatmeal stouts.

  • “Why defend an important territory, when you can defend two useless ones!”

    This was a quote of mine refering to when china is defeated and russia has to put troops into novisibisrsk and Kazack SSR. The soviet player on my team was refusing to defend them, he wanted to lump all his men in moscow for a final stand. when he COULD have just put an infantry in each to hold the 4 IPCS combined

    another one of mine……“persia is the most important territory in the game (in revised)”

    because…japan is going to get india in revised, it just happens. so persia is where you have to hold so the japs cant get to africa by land, or caucauss, or Kazack SSR

  • My friend was Axis and myself the Allies.  I had just taken Germany with Uk and USA while he was trying to invade russia.  oh  I should mention he was playing the game and watching TV at the same time.  he started building up japan with transports armed with tanks  infantry and artillery,  6 loaded transports sitting in on the coast line of japan.  so i put a battleship in 55.  on his next turn he moved all 6 loaded transports to zone 57 with out any navel escorts.  of course on my turn i moved the battleship into zone 57 with his transports  baaaam  all gone  he looked up at me and said  ( where the heck did that come from ?  how the heck can Axis win when the allies have cloaking and stealth abbilites ?  LOL  ) 
    I think he will NOT be watching TV while playing next time,    what do you think  ?  ?  ?  LOL

  • @supremacy:

    My friend was Axis and myself the Allies.  I had just taken Germany with Uk and USA while he was trying to invade russia.  oh  I should mention he was playing the game and watching TV at the same time.  he started building up japan with transports armed with tanks  infantry and artillery,  6 loaded transports sitting in
    on the coast line of japan.  so i put a battleship in 55.  on his next turn he moved all 6 loaded transports to zone 57 with out any navel escorts.  of course on my turn i moved the battleship into zone 57 with his transports  baaaam  all gone  he looked up at me and said  ( where the heck did that come from ?  how the heck can Axis win when the allies have cloaking and stealth abbilites ?  LOL  ) 
    I think he will NOT be watching TV while playing next time,    what do you think  ?  ?  ?  LOL


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