AA50 is in the latest TripleA unstable, but it is not 100% free from bugs yet.
GTO works fine for those who prefer it, but TripleA has many more options.
Whatever country you give him, I think you should give hime a bid, he is only a kid… :wink:
I played recently with a first timer. We gave him italy and he seemed to quite enjoy it. I would recomend that your son play italy and you play germany. Italy would be simple for him and he would be able to closely watch and releate to you playing germany. Plus you could assist him in conquering africa which would be the funnest attack that a newbe playing italy could acomplish. Give him italy and let papa germany assist him in taking over Africa. Even if the allies eventually take it back, he’ll be able to talk about how he once controlled all of africa! Also it is not reasonable to think that you son will have alot of fun if he is constantly racking his brain because he has to make a million decisions.
Another suggestion also is maybe to have him play the MB edition.
toblerone has a good point. play the original first if you have it
that was the first one i played, all those years ago. i was given us, and enjoyed building many bombers haha
I agree, the first nation I was given was America.
Note, my benefits and drawbacks are definitely true for Revised and Classic. We’re all way too new at AA50 to make generalized statements like those above for any nation yet. But we are all smart, we’ll find every hole, exploit and strategy to AA50 soon enough and then we’ll be able to be more definitive.
Also, i’d think Italy would be a decent nation as well. I just worry it might be too weak? Perhaps if you gave China an IC and spread some IPC around to them to use it could be a viable nation for a player as well. Not sure. As I said, we’re all really new to AA50.
I agree with what most of you are saying. USA or Italy would both be okay, but I feel that Italy might be a little better/easier for him, especially if you, the father, are playing Germany.
Also, Risk would be great for him to start with. I fondly remember the many times as a young child (not that long ago) playing Risk.
well, an italy with NO’s is always ± 20 arround, what’s a nice sum
i remember my first game, i was africa corps :-)
didn’t had to think much, throw allot of dice(wich i did good:-D )
so italy is a good choice, but then it comes to a new question: 1941 or 1942?
most would say 1942, cause italy has somem ore troops, but i suggest 1941, cause in 1942 US and UK immediatly land in africa, takin away bonusses
and perhaps, no SBR against him
or actually, you can make him allies with the rules of timerover51, so he’ll never loose, even if he buys purely IC’s and flaks and such
Wow - again much input.
We did not play yet - no time :(
@frimmel - yes he likes doing games with dad (and mommy) - weekends we tend to play a few games of Ticket to Tide (Europe). We try to turn our little ones into gamer - had quite a sucess so far.
Wow - again much input.
We did not play yet - no time :(
@frimmel - yes he likes doing games with dad (and mommy) - weekends we tend to play a few games of Ticket to Tide (Europe). We try to turn our little ones into gamer - had quite a sucess so far.
Well good for you my little one shows an interest at first then desides to be Godzilla. Then again he is only 16 months old. :lol:
@frimmel - yes he likes doing games with dad (and mommy) - weekends we tend to play a few games of Ticket to Tide (Europe). We try to turn our little ones into gamer - had quite a sucess so far.
I hear you there, my little one is only 20 months old, but everytime I play I let him play with the pieces and the roll the dice a little so that he gets used to the game and builds happy childhood memories.
I think my little one learned to play from his mother. The Godzilla method closely resembles her approach to the game. :evil:
Well that isn’t 100% correct she also enjoys the GI Joe method where you make shooting sounds and then flick the infantry units off of the table wile making them die in a loud, grotesque military manner.
Every time she does that I die a little inside. :cry:
she defiles your axis and allies?
… time for a divorce! :lol:
Never divorce from a wife that accepts yor gaming habits….
Well it isn’t that bad she lets me go off for the weekend and play as long as it’s not every weekend.
She bought me AA50 as an early Christmas present. She also decided that since shipping was like $10 - $15 but would be free if she spent over $100 she also got me AAP.
That and she loves video games so were on the same page there. :-)
Well it isn’t that bad she lets me go off for the weekend and play as long as it’s not every weekend.
She bought me AA50 as an early Christmas present. She also decided that since shipping was like $10 - $15 but would be free if she spent over $100 she also got me AAP.
That and she loves video games so were on the same page there. :-)
Wow! Your wife likes video games?!?! My wife hates video games, and also hates Axis & Allies; but she does like big screen tv’s!
I met my wife in March of 2002. So must have been around June of '02 we bought (by that I mean I bought) an X-Box from Sam’s club that came with Halo (the first one).
I took 28 days of leave during the middle of July through the middle of August and that was just about all we did.
She is the only woman I know that can hookup a consul game system and kick my a$$ on it.
As far as A&A goes she would much rather have a root canal.
The 2 best are either Italy or Russia
Italy because they are the smallest and don’t have to deal with a lot of logistics
The Russkies because you can follow 1 simple strategy ( go all out on the fascists) and still do fairly well