@all - We are looking to release shortly due to the naval retreat bug that was found and fixed. I’ve uploaded the pre-release equivalent of that and would appreciate some assistance testing various maps, game types, etc to make sure there aren’t any issues. Pre-release install instructions here: http://tripleadev.1671093.n2.nabble.com/AI-Development-Discussion-tp7585227.html
Here is the change log:
Bug fix, retreat from naval combat was not possible, now fixed Increase scroll speed when using arrow keys. Holding down control speeds up arrow key scroll Map edge scroll zone now larger, placing map next to the very edge of the map increases scroll speed even more AI: Fixed calculating defenses on maps with air/naval bases to properly calculate enemy range AI: Fixed bug around not defending against enemy units that were transported the previous turn (they were being marked as already transported when potential enemy attacks were calculated)