Are there any players on these boards from back around 2004-05?

  • Help an old man out.

    I’m still only two test plays into this thing and it’s been a long time since I played.

    I remember the original version, and then I think a 1942 European and Pacific Version came out, but was really new. And then D-Day came out. I do recall hating the Pacific version because of some indecipherable rule where your ships had the ability to slide along an arc or something crazy.

    There was some website where we played online; it was a small site, but I did pretty good until this boss came to town and did some amazing thing with flying US bombers to Russia and converting them to Russian planes. It was unbeatable. But I can’t for the life of me remember which version of A&A it was or the website.
    I think my screen name was Fluffyman or ctstough or something else… it was like a million years ago. Around 2004-06?

    The we got ahold of some map for a new game that was coming out or being tested or some sh%$.

    I recall a maddening array of blue lines that had to be drawn on the online version and that we didn’t actually have access to the board game. … maybe that was a test map for the European version of this game?

    Is there anyone out there who knows what the heck I’m talking about?

    Anyone who has some clues for me would be nice.

  • The Revised game had the NA for Russia lend lease and any US piece that lands in a Russian territory turned into a Russian piece and Russia could use those pieces on there next turn.
    Somebody will get u rest of info.
    Maybe IL knows ?

  • Ah, the revised version of the original game?

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

  • Our man Gamemaster Anderson contributed NA’s for AARHE for all nations plus Italy. 12 NA’s for each player and severely playtested

  • I was around then

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    @Stough said in Are there any players on these boards from back around 2004-05?:

    There was some website where we played online; it was a small site, but I did pretty good until this boss came to town and did some amazing thing with flying US bombers to Russia and converting them to Russian planes. It was unbeatable. But I can’t for the life of me remember which version of A&A it was or the website.

    I was around then, but I don’t recall it being the height of my activity.

    I seem to recall the Europe game also had the “convert units to russian” feature, and it was problematic because the units basically got to double attack.

    Definetely remember it being a Classic National Advantage.

    Can’t speak to what version you may have been testing, I seem to recall there was a bunch of independent versions then, and some were really good, so I’m guessing it was someones personal project.

    Not sure what you mean about sliding along an arc in the pacific. Unless you mean moving from Naval bases 3 if it was naval base to naval base :)

    Welcome home.

  • Welcome back! I know something of those times.

    @Stough said in Are there any players on these boards from back around 2004-05?:

    I remember the original version, and then I think a 1942 European and Pacific Version came out, but was really new. And then D-Day came out. I do recall hating the Pacific version because of some indecipherable rule where your ships had the ability to slide along an arc or something crazy.

    As Gargantua said, there was a rule that sea units could move three spaces if the move started and ended at a naval base. I’m not sure what else you may be thinking about,

    There was some website where we played online; it was a small site, but I did pretty good until this boss came to town and did some amazing thing with flying US bombers to Russia and converting them to Russian planes. It was unbeatable. But I can’t for the life of me remember which version of A&A it was or the website.
    I think my screen name was Fluffyman or ctstough or something else… it was like a million years ago. Around 2004-06?

    There were many websites back then, playing many different versions, some of them play-by-email (PBEM). Both the 1999 Europe version and the 2004 Revised version allowed such unit conversions.

    The we got ahold of some map for a new game that was coming out or being tested or some sh%$.

    You weren’t in one of the playtest groups for the 50th Anniversary edition, were you?

    I recall a maddening array of blue lines that had to be drawn on the online version and that we didn’t actually have access to the board game. … maybe that was a test map for the European version of this game?

    That sounds like a PBEM club. Many of them used software called MapView that required players to track movements using arrows.

  • @Gargantua said in Are there any players on these boards from back around 2004-05?:

    I seem to recall the Europe game also had the “convert units to russian” feature, and it was problematic because the units basically got to double attack.

    No, they were prohibited from acting under USSR control in the same turn that they were converted.

    Definetely remember it being a Classic National Advantage.

    It was in Revised. There were no National Advantages in Classic.

  • @Krieghund yes revised - that’s what I meant thanks for clarifying :)

  • Thanks a lot guys; 16 years is a long time ago. All of your comments clarified things better for me.
    I think the online game I was playing was the revised addition.
    God knows what the website was, I’d have to track it down; if that’s possible.

    I remember being daunted by this website because it seemed at that time complicated to get a game set up and running; the other one seemed more user friendly at the time.

    The test of pirate map we were using in later games seems like it was the Europe 1942 edition. I didn’t get too much time playing with it before I moved and lost interest. I did liked it better than the original and the revised editions.

    Back to the present day- This 1940 Global game is pretty bad ass. I’m doing my second play test with it. I love how massive the map is. But I am so slow with getting thee armies into position, like molasses slow. Build and push - I think I’m still tied to the old days of enormous infantry stacks.

    I’ve been playing the Allies pretty conservatively, to see what the Axis can do. I’m not investing a lot in planes or bombers, just the ole traditional ant trails.

    Spacially/strategically speaking, My initial observations are these.
    The game designers did a fantastic job. The geography has many built in quandaries that make tactics as important as strategy.

    The US is still a three point move to get to Europe. (US-Morocco/Gib- Europe).That geography hasn’t changed.

    I’m still scratching my head in how they deal with the Pacific. I’ve been trying a support ANZAC and use Aus as a possible counter thrust to money islands strategy, but it doesn’t look too good. We’ll see.

    I really like that the focus of the Pacific is the ‘money islands’. In real life, the Japanese really fouled up by not having good logistics or protecting that resource and it cost them big. Anyhow, it gives the game a southern thrust that I really like.

    I also like that the Japanese can’t really go through Siberia to atrit Russia. They can a little, but it’s not a game changer.
    Also, those 20 Japanese planes are devastating.

    Germany, the UK , Italy and UKA are all still major mysteries to me.

    How does one get Italy into the game?
    Is it insane ot have 5 German planes in southern Italy to stop Taranto?

    The UK takes so long to convert from survival to offense. This game I built a IC in Cairo round one (even with a threat from Sea Lion) and built a IC in Persia (that’s legal right?) in round 3, but I’m flailing with these guys. Things aren’t looking too hot in India, although the Italians have almost been chased out of North Africa.

    With Italy, I’m complete lost so far. They lasted in Africa a little longer this game, but I’m starting to think that Alexandria may be a key to winning this game for Axis Europe.

    With Germany, I promised myself my first three play tests that I would try the Sea Lion- 1AC, 2 Transport buy. It’s an obvious bluff, but a bluff that has to be taken seriously enough to retard UK’s ability to focus on Africa/India. It’s also nice in helping with Norway and Russias bonus money and shuttling troops. I’m anxious to see what German life is like without it, but I’ll do one more game with it before I move on.

    Having the Soviets cool their jets for 4 turns could be a nice advantage for the Germans. But as with the rest of the Countries in this game, so far, I’m still pretty lost as to how to develop a sound series of strategies.

    The Soviets… the darn Russians, no clue on how to play these guys, although I’m starting to see better how they can use their geography to stall.

    I really want to blast Japan with those 16 guys in the Far East, but that just seems an invitation to disaster against the Germans. I really like the Mongolian rules. By the time the Japanese chew through China, those 16 guys are waiting for them on the other side if needed. So for now… I’m letting them do the slow slog back to the motherland.

    Anyhow, I really like that there is this forum. I’m also enjoying testing this game out by myself before I start the hard and steep learning curve with you guys in matched play.

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