Minor Axis & Allied Powers

  • Okay…here’s the first pass for AA w/ Minor Powers.  Any feedback will be appreciated.

    I will be running the first game with this rules version this weekend and will report back…

    Apprecite the ideas from the earlier posts…I used some of them in this “version 1…”

    Attached are two links for download:

    1. Link to “Axis and Allies Global War Map” which is the Deaths Head variant map I based the Minor Powers set up charts on (for your reference).  Essentially, the Minor Powers rules are a variant of this variant.  This is a great map (even according to Flashman’s rating system!  :-D) which offers a good number of territories that I think make the Minor Powers variant I am suggesting viable.


    1. Link to “AA w/ Minor Powers” folder which contains (2) MS Excel files:


    “AA Reconciliation for Minor Power 12 08 08”  Excel file.


    This file provides a complete IPC and Unit variance reconciliation between Deaths Head original set up and Minor Powers set up.  This is for all of you to review and scrutinize.  While game play will ultimately determine whether things work, you all may come across something that requires an immediate fix.

    Spend a minute and get used to the flow of this Excel file, as they are a little “heavy.” (Germany and UK are the tougher ones to follow initially.)  I listed the Original Deaths Head Set Up and the Revised set up.  I included a reconciliation column and highlighted changes in red font for each nation.  I also totaled the IPC value of all unit changes for reference.  This should be a good tool in determining is something is way off.

    A few things to note:

    a) These set up charts also include Cruiser, Fortification and Mech. Infantry units.  Prior to the Minor Powers set up, I previously posted a version of Deaths Head set up which incorporated these three unit types.  I’ve left these unit types in as an aspect of the Minor Powers version.

    b) Finland / Bulgaria / Hungary / Romania units were adjusted to give these Minor Powers some playability.  To maintain game balance, I beefed up Soviet Union units along the Eastern Front.

    c) Free French / UK / Canada / Australia / India units added to North Africa to give these Minor Allied powers some historic presence in North Africa.  I increased units for Germany and Italy to maintain game balance.

    d) Some slight increase to Japanese naval units in the Pacific based on adding in Free French naval units in the Pacific.

    e) Overall, Free French Naval Units offset by Vichy French Naval units.

    f) Total IPCs remain in balance between Axis and Allied nations.

    g) Allow China to directly collect 9 IPCs (original version had this collections part of US income)

    h) The key strategic/fun element of this version I believe is the IPC allocation of the Minor Powers:

    • Axis Minor powers collect a fixed amount if IPCs and also contribute to Germanys total IPC value.  The German player would be wise not to treat these guys like dogs – Germany needs to carefully manage how they support these Minor powers and ensure they don’t get knocked out of the game too early and risk losing a great IPC source as well as an Eastern front “reinforcement team.”

    • Allied Minor powers must carefully manage their IPCs to ensure they can properly reinforce themselves (especially Australia and India in the Pacific).  The Convoy sharing rule forces the UK player to carefully think about how to spread his income across his empire and makes him guard the Pacific convoy boxes more carfully.

    “AA Set Up for Minor Powers” Excel file —> This is a clean version of the set up charts, IPC allocation and rules for this version.

    Hope you all get a chance to check it out and let me know what you think.

    Thanks in advance…

  • My test game was delayed until next weekend…

    I’ll post an after action report on this wariant at that time.

    Anyone else have a chnage to reivew the materials?

  • '16 '15 '10

    I’d say that in future variants of the game United Kingdom should control India, Austraila, etc but there should be starting factories there to make for greater game realism.

    I think the solution for a larger A and A game is a 7 player set-up, where Italy (now called “Other Axis Nations”) gets control of Romania/Bulgaria/Hungary as well as Finland.  Now the 3rd Axis is a pretty significant role.  At the same time I would add heft to China to make it a larger player, but still the least important role.  Perhaps the small amounts of Free French, Belgian, and Dutch forces located in Africa and Oceania can also be given to the Chinese player.

    Vichy France was a neutral, but it would be nice to have some areas on the board where the Allies have to attack and kill Vichy France troops (I’m thinking of Syria and Algeria).

    I’d rather not see Brazil or Turkey or any other nation who joined the war post 1942 included on the game board, except as a neutral to be conquered.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    I’d like to see a version of Colonial Garrison so that England does not lose if England is taken over, instead Australia, India, Egypt and East Canada continue collecting income and England can build in those spots as if they had industrial complexes, if they lose England. (Won’t work if England has not fallen.)

  • or you can just relocate your capital to an originally contolled VC,

  • Long time since my last post on this thread…

    I have run 5 games using the Minor Axis and Allied Powers rules posted earlier in this thread; all played on the “Deaths Head” map.

    Overall, the rules work and playability is very good.  The addition of these minor powers defiently adds a nice layer of strategy without burying you in rules or adding too many additonal hours to game time.

    After running these 5 games, I have made several refinements.  The set up charts worked fine - balance was good - so no changes to my previous post on unit set up.  I did revise Mech Infanty/Cruiser stats and revise unit costs to AA50 levels.  Listed below are the latest version of the rules.

    I highly recomend giving them a try.


    • Use AA50 rules and unit costs

    • Use China rules per AA50

    • Use SBR - Factory Damage rules per AA50

    • Use CAP rules per AAP

    • Use Naval Base, Air Base and Convoy Rules per AAP/AAE

    • Use 1D6 Damage Repair rules for Battleships: Adjacent to Industrial Complex or Naval Base

    • Use “Dog Fight” rules for aircraft in land battles

    • Use Escort Fighters @ 1 / Defending Fighters @ 2 for SBR per AAE


    • Minor Axis Powers: Vichy France, Finland, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria

    • Minor Allied Powers: Canada, India, Australia, Free French


    • German player controls Minor Axis powers
    • Separate player controls Minor Allied Powers or UK player controls Minor Allied powers

    UNITS TO REPRESENT Minor Axis/Allies Powers:

    • Minor Axis - I used sculpts from The War Game.  This was perfect because they are all german units types and they have multiple colors (White - Finland; Tan - Bulgaria; Gray - Vichy France; Yellow - Bulgaria; Brown - Romania) to cover the Minor Axis powers.  You could also use Xeno (they mass produced the Gemran infantry in a ton of colors); MB version of AA; or a few cans of spray paint.

    • Minor Allies - Light Blue spray paint on UK scuplts for Free French.  I used green UK scuplts from AAR for India and the yellow/tan AAE UK units for Australia.  I used the standard AA50 units for the UK.  Canada used UK units with a UK roundel underneth to identify them (I will eventually spay paint each Minor Allie a distinct color).  Again, this kpt all Minor Allied units in the UK sculpt family which worked nicely.


    • Mechanized Infantry Cost: 4 / Att: 2 (3 if supported by Art) / Def: 2 / Move: 2
    • Fortification: Cost:6; Intial 2D6 at 3 or less.  Makes Infantry defend at 3 (1:1 respectively).  Cannot be destroyed - but can be taken over by enemy.


    Germany and Minor Axis operate during the same turn.  UK and Minor Allies operate during the same turn.

    1. Germany/Minor Axis
    2. Soviet Union
    3. Japan
    4. UK/Minor Allies
    5. Italy
    6. USA/China


    • Germany receives posted IPC value for each Minor Axis territory (as in standard game play); provided it has not been conquered by an Allied army.

    • Germany is not required to have any units in these territories to collect the IPC value (as in standard game play)

    • If the Minor Axis territory is conquered by an Allied army, Germany no longer collects this income value (as in standard game play).

    • If Finland, Hungary, Romania or Bulgaria are conquered by an Allied power, these Minor Axis powers no longer have the ability to collect their IPCs or field military units, regardless of whether these territories are retaken by the Axis.  If these “home countries” are taken any units they have in other territories are removed from play.

    • Minor Axis powers collect a fixed IPC amount at the end of their turn, regardless of whether they conquered any Allied territories:  Vichy France - 3IPC; Finland - 3 IPC, Romania - 6 IPC, Hungary - 4 IPC, Bulgaria 4 IPC

    • Increase in IPC value for territories conquered by Minor Axis powers are applied to Germany only.  This is true whether the Minor Axis power conquered the territory by itself or in conjunction
      with German units.

    • Minor Axis IPCs cannot be shared with other Minor Axis powers or with Germany.  If a Minor Axis power is conquered by an Allied power, the Allied power receives wahtever IPCs that Minor Axis power has.

    • Minor Axis powers must always leave at least 1 unit in their capital nation at the end of their turn.  In the case of Vichy France, this includes the territories labeled Vichy France and Tunisia.

    • Finland, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria must always have a direct supply line back to their home nation at the end of their turn.  This rule does not apply to Vichy France.

    • Some units are not eligible for purchase by Minor Axis powers as noted in the set up charts (blacked out).  Minor Axis powers cannot build Industrial Complexes.

    • New units for Finland, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria are always placed in the Minor Axis Power’s home country.  New units for Vichy France can be placed in Vichy France or Tunisia.

    • Vichy French units may only defend, they may never attack.  Vichy French units can move to other Vichy occupied territories (Vichy France; Tunisia, Morocco, Northern Algeria, Algeria; West Africa and French West Africa).  German and Italian forces can pass through/end movement Vichy territories in North Africa.  German forces can pass through/end movement in Vichy France in mainland Europe.

    • Allied Force may not pass through Vichy territries withoout attacking.  The exception is for naval unit movement as outlined in AA50 rules (sub/transports).

    • If North Africa is cleared of Axis forces (German/Italian), any remianing Vichy French units (including naval units) in Africa become Free French Units and are now contolled by the UK player.


    • Minor Allied powers operate as stand alone nations.  They can build all unit types, including ICs.

    • The IPCs for UK, Canada, Australia and India must be managed individually.  UK - 46 IPCs; India - 17 IPCs; Australia - 10 IPCs; Canada - 4 IPCs; Free French - 0 IPCs (Free French collect no income).

    • Industrial Complex in Calcutta (India) and New South Wales (Australia) are permitted a maximum placement of 4 new units (as opposed to labeled IPC value limit).  Industrial Complex in Quebec (Canada) is permitted a maximum of 2 new units (as opposed to labeled IPC value limit).

    • Except for the Convoy IPC sharing listed below, the IPCs must be used by their respective nation.  IPCs cannot be shared between UK and Minor Allied powers or amongst Minor Allied powers.

    • The 9 IPCs linked to the (4) British convoys located in the Indian and Pacific oceans can be allocated to either India or Australia as deemed by the UK player. The 3 IPCs
      linked to the British Convoy located near New Foundland can be allocated to Canada as deemed by the UK player.  The UK player can make this decision at the end of each round, during
      the Collect Income phase.

    • During the Mobilize New Unit phase, the UK player may place up to 2 units each in Calcutta (India) and New South Wales (Australia) and 1 unit in Quebec (Canada).  This is in addition to the amount permitted by India, Australia and Canada noted above.

    • If a single Minor Alllied power attacks and conquers an Axis territory, then the IPCs are applied directly to that Minor Allied power.  When an attack against an Axis territory is conducted by multiple Minor Allied forces, the UK player must announce during the combat move phase which Minor Allied power is the “lead” attacker.  This “lead” attacker receives the IPCs if the attack is successful and the territory is conquered.

    • Free French collect no income.  Any conquests by Free French troops are added to the UK players IPC value.

    • Each time Western France, France or Vichy France are liberated by an Allied nation and held for 1 complete round, place 2 Infantry as Free French Units in that territory during the UK player’s non-combat movement phase.

    • Mid-East Oil: Trans-Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Tehran and Iran represent allied controlled oil reserves.  If the Germany or Minor Axis forces take these territoires, the IPCs are paid to Germany from the Allies directly.  If Italian forces take these territories, the IPCs are paid to Italy from the Allies directly.  The allies can choose who pays the IPCs (either UK, Minor Allies or U.S., not Soveit Union).

    • Russian Oil: Caucasus represent Russian controlled oil reserves.  If the Axis forces take this territory, the IPCs are paid to Germany (or Italy) for Russia directly.

    Image of Deaths Head Map (Assuming I posted it properly…):

    Link to MS Excel version Set Up Charts, IPC Chart and Rules:


  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Triple size of board
    Double IPC value of all land.

    Divide Australia in 4 (one can be worth more if you want.  So like NW Australia = 0; SE = 2, SW = 1, NE =1)
    Divide France into 2 (France and Vichy France; France worth 8; Vichy worth 4)
    Divide Germany into 2 (West worth 15 with the complex, East worth 5 without a complex)

    You could do a lot with that.

  • I like these rules, they’ll add a lot to the game.

    One thing I have noticed, however, was the lack of Canadian output as based in Axis and Allies. The Canadians kept Britain alive up until 1941, when the US joined, and it was our fleet that escorted the mass majority of the convoys. At the end of the war, we had the 3rd largest fleet and the 4th largest army in the world. Our vast grain fields in Saskatchewan supplied the troops in Europe, uranium from the Northwest Territories made the A-bomb. The First Canadian Army had nearly 500 000 troops at its peak. Canadian troops traveled furthest inland on D-Day, and held the central German counterattack off long enough for the Americans to get set up. I can go on and on.

    Now Canada has a total IPC value of…. 4.

    You guys want to more than quadruple the value of India than Canada. What is wrong with you guys?

  • You guys want to more than quadruple the value of India than Canada. What is wrong with you guys?

    Their from India?

  • I guess that would make sense  :mrgreen:

  • Actually, I’m from the Bronx… 8-)

    Kidding aside, you make a good historical point regarding Canada cts17.

    I actually made a few adjustments to the rules regarding unit placement for India, Australia and Canada based on feedback from Deaths Head (the man behind the map).  I posted these revisions on his “Global Axis and Allies” Thread under the “Variants” tab.  The Minor Allied Unit placement rule listed above really made axis survival in mid east and mainland asia impossible.

    Basically, India (Calcutta) New South wales (Australia) and Canada (Quebec) IPC placement is revised to the value posted on the map rather than (4), (4) and (2) respectively.  Also, the UK player can only place 1 unit in only 1 of the three Minor Allied powers.  This would help balance the Axis chances in Asia and Mid-East.

    But please feel free to offer a revision regarding canada IPC.  Main challenge with varinats, as always, is to help keep game play balanced. So if Canada has more IPCs, does the UK get less?  OR just reduce India to balance better against Canada - but tthen Japan romps the mainland…tough call.


    Have you tried this variant?  Interested in your feedback as well.

  • well where is last map file?

  • IL,


    The map should be up on this MediaFire link now, along with rules update from July 09.  Map is 22mb PDF version (never had a copy of the original map file for edit…)

    The map is from the work done by Deaths Head in the Variants seciton of this site (he took over and finished the infamous Positronica map):


    So my rules are based on this map.

    Let me know what you think.


  • Oh…and this map received a high grade from Flashman (I think 12/20)…No Rio de Oro though  :wink:

  • I understand all the talk about game balance, that’s why I’ve never really protested the historical imbalance of Canada’s assistance in the war as represented in the Axis and Allies series. If UK gets all of this, plus all of the ‘1’ territories making up Africa, then the strategically important Pacific islands, she’d be way overpowered.

    But if people want to start increasing the power of the Commonwealth in view of the colonies for historical truth, then Canada should definitely be upgraded.

    I’ll look into making a mod for Canada.

    P.S. One thing I’ve always wondered… what’s the point of the 8 IPC value of Borneo and the East Indies. Why are they worth so much? At the time (and still today), they were nothing but isolated European settlements and mountainous rain forest. Hardly any industrial power there. Why so much then? For Japan to take?

  • the oil Borneo and Indies had large oil reserves

  • Then why don’t Trans-Jordan and Persia get jacked right up on oil?

  • Customizer

    India has always been badly treated on A&A maps.

    People know very little about the country, so cannot adequately divide it up into territories, and just lump it into one huge area.  I’ve even seen WWII boards containing such nonesense as “Pakistan” and “Bangladesh”, which didn’t exist until after the war.  And Delhi was the capital of India, not Calcutta (which lost this status in 1911).  This is fortunate, as Delhi can be placed in a central area with a “buffer” Bengal territory between it and Burma.

  • I know, I just read up on the military history of various nations to get a vague idea of Canadian placement in terms of this… turns out India lost more people than Great Britain! They had a standing army of 2 500 000 by the end of the war!

  • Hi i was wondering if you could update your map a little here : http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=12841.15
    too add just a little bit more of realism XD

    Let me know what you think lol

    For players aid :

    1. add in cruiser ship for the purchase chart

    2. add in neutral deploy unit symbols on the map (just for neutrals)

    To add a bit more realism :

    1. make japan into 4 areas :

    “The four largest islands are Honshū, Hokkaidō, Kyūshū and Shikoku, together accounting for 97% of Japan’s land area.”


    1. Gibraltar : who ever controls this can pass through between there and Morocco

    3)  Denmark : who ever controls it can pass through sea zone 18

    1. Norway : who ever controls it can pass through sea zone 17

    2. Maylay : who ever controls it pass through sea zone 70

    3. add in polisti (the main oil production for Germany , inside Romania) for Romania as a victory city

    4. Change name of Cairo to Egypt : and make Cairo a victory city inside it

    5. add Portugal beside Spain as neutral (will join axis if attack) and Azores belong to them too

    6. Iraq was actually pro axis , so at least make it neutral (join axis if under attack)

    7. add in whales for mainland England

    8. add in northern Ireland as England controlled separating from Eire

    12 ) add in Belgian at where it was

    1. add in Cherbourg at western France as victory city

    2. Split Yugoslavia into two half  , the inner land first half still remains Yugoslavia (inner land) or as Croatia  as German control, All the shore areas are into one new area (maybe something like Italian owned Yugoslavia) this area connects mainland Italy and Greece / Albania together

    3. add port in Vladivostok

    4. add Soviet convoy at sea zone 134

    5. add German convoy at sea zone 18 (all the Sweden minerals are imported there)

    6. add British convoy in sea zone 64 (Suez was the most important supply line for Africa)

    7. Argentina would turn axis if under attack ( they were pro axis at the time )

    8. Brazil would turn allies if under attack (pro US they were)

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Axis & Allies Boardgaming Custom Painted Miniatures







