Mindless rant:
As an aficionado of the original A&A, I’ve found the traditional paths to victory somewhat lacking. The 65 IPC Cap was unsatisfying and the Capture Two Capitols rule was anticlimactic. Games should be about FUN, not about dragging a game to its forestallable conclusion.
When I read about Victory Cities (VCs) in Axis and Allies: Anniversary, I was blown away. (Keep in mind I’m a A&A:R virgin) Here was a way for the Axis powers to snatch a “psychological victory” in face of mounting Allied pressure, without the need to leave either side feeling cheated.
VCs were a flash in the pan to areas of the board which experienced little action. It was chic for the Allies to hold Honalulu or Sydney, even when both territories added up to a measly 3 IPCs. The days of Germany amassing tanks for a drive on Moscow were gone. Germany now had OPTIONS. Stalingrad, Leningrad, Moscow – a combination of 1 or 2 could net Victory! And Stalin was sweating every moment of it.
Or so I thought. Looking at the AA50: Fact Sheet, it read: “…Victory in either scenario: control of 15 VC”
15!? FIFTEEN!!! That was ridiculous. What Axis or Allied player is going to amass 15 Victory Cities? Here’s what the Axis player has to do for 15 Victory Cities: Capture Moscow, London, Ottawa, Washington and/or San Francisco. :cry: The old days seemed more fun than this MBS.
Then it dawned on me. Without having to bid, without having to modify unit stats, or add new layers of complexity to the game, the answer was deceptively simple: Reduce the number of Victory Cities.
Simple. A errata of one number.
Deceptive. How do you reduce the number of VCs without unhinging the game or reducing the game state to a 1 hour slam fest? I studied the board. I applied what I knew of the original A&A to A&A:A and judged the ebb and flow of the game. In the end I settled on 12 or 13 Victory Cities for Victory (excuse the redundancy) – with a current bias towards 12. Why 12? Why 13?
What I did was group the victory cities based on attainability.
Starting with the Axis
Total: 3
Sure Things
Hong Kong
Total: 4
Total: 3
Hotly Contested
Total: 3
(Note: Differences between Hotly Contested and Contested are debatable)
Final Tally: 13
And now the Allies
Total: 3
Sure Things
San Francisco
Total: 2
Total: 4
Hotly Contested
Total: 4
Final Tally: 13
It seems like the magical number is 13. The reason I slant towards 12 is if the other side has a pulse and wants to win, he can stymie you quite easily at 13.
1. A welcome break from the monotony of games devolving into who can capture Berlin/Moscow first. Here, games can end 4 or 5 different ways, which is groovy.
2. Captures the essence of the War as we knew it. Lets face it: Honolulu, Leningrad, Calcutta, ect are A LOT more relevant than what their IPC value indicates. VCs ensure battles take place in regions that were hotly contested in real life.
Moreover, VCs reflect the Axis’ desperate attempts to maintain initiative, before the Allied economy can check them. To me, an Axis victory based on gusto against a favorable Allied game state is perfectly acceptable and par course.
3. A focus on the Pacific. I believe Larry Harris made a brilliant move when he decided to plant the majority of Contested VCs in Asia. Calcutta, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Manila, Sydney, Honolulu… yikes, that’s six already! All Germany/Italy needs to do is hold their territories and take Leningrad/Stalingrad. That’s game. With the emphasis on Honolulu and the addition of NO’s, the Pacific is now a theater.
4. Fun. Not only do less VCs result in more fingernail-biting action, but the free-flowing nature of the game is reinforced. This is not old hat. The Allies must balance a long term strategy with the impetus to do something NOW. America must adopt a more proactive strategy instead of filling English transports with GI boots.
1. Victory without a capturing a Capitol? This may be too hollow a victory. Do people disagree with a winner being declared based on Tempo rather than concrete Dominance of the game?
2. Do VCs shorten the game significantly? (Most likely) Does this shorten the game to the point where one side has no hopes of reacting to an all out VC rush?
3. Cairo is not a Victory City. This is not really a knock on the 12/13 VC limit, but I was peeved when they made Ottawa a VC without consulting Cario. No disrespect to Canada, but Cario had HUGE implications if the Afrika Korps took it, which they nearly did.
The Question:
1. What is your view on VC’s in general?
2. What do you think is the ideal number of VC’s to win the game?
3. Do you think this number should change depending on the 1941/1942 Scenario?