Situation: Allied forces are nearly wiped off the map.
Turn around breaking point in war: My opponent makes hte mistake of sending his entire italian fleet to the coast of Caucasus to invade (a smart move, but he didn’t see the two unguarded transports in the red sea).
Come UK’s turn, Italy and Balkans are taken by the UK, with Russia successfully reinforcing the Balkans with tanks, its one starting fighter, and like 3 infantry, disabling Germany’s ability to take Italy back. UK pumps out 6 tanks each turn in Italy. End result, Germany gets wiped out by a Russian/UK Joint invasion. United States which is basically defending California from the Japs, manages to rebuild its fleet and airforce due to that big horde of Russian infantry reinforcing China and hitting Japan from behind, followed shortly by a new and freshly rebuilt Navy from the UK containing 6 artillery and 6 infantry. Having an opponent surrender is fun. :D
What crazy victories have any of you ever had? Have any of you ever been ont he brink of losing, only for a strategic opportunity to present itself? I’d like to hear crazy A and A stories :).