Tons of extra/variant unit 3D-print-ready models fixed/scaled for A&A, including Gliders, Light Tanks, Light Carriers, Landing Craft, and more!

  • 2025 2024 '23 '22 '21 '18 Customizer

    Hi All, just a fun post- here are all the unit sculpts I’ve been cleaning up for AAA! The raw files for every one of these (except the roundel) was found on Thingiverse (most from the incredible m_bergman); all have been modified (some more-or-less completely rebuilt), scaled, and edited for printability, and finally repeatedly print-tested by me. All of these have run through the full-color 3D printer I have access to at work- pictures coming soon!

    Starting from left and moving roughly to the right in typewriter fasion, the first row has:

    • Tiger I (Axis Heavy Tank)
    • DH Mosquito (Allied Tac Bomber) (needed extras for Canada- hence the purple :) )
    • Hummel (Axis Self-propelled Artillery)
    • USS Independence (Allied Escort Carrier)
    • IJN Royujo (Axis Escort Carrier)
    • Katayusha (Russian Self-propelled Artillery)
    • Me-262 (Axis Jet Fighter)

    The second row:

    • IS-2 (Allied Heavy Tank)
    • Panzer III (Axis Light Tank)
    • HMS Atherstone (Escort)
    • LCM (Landing Craft)
    • USS Midway (Super Carrier)
    • D9 (Engineers)
    • M3 Stuart (allied Light Tank)
    • Wirbelwind (Axis Mobile AAA)
    • Me-410 (Heavy Fighter)

    The rest:

    • 0.75" roundel
    • Sexton (Allied Self-propelled Artillery)
    • Waco G-4 (Glider)
    • Generic kneeling sniper (Special Forces)
    • P-80 Shooting Star (Allied Jet Fighter)
    • Flaktrack (Allied Mobile AAA)
    • USS Des Moines (Battlecruiser)
    • M7 Priest (US Self-propelled Artillery)
    • Halftrack (Allied Mech Inf.- done but not pictured- needed for canada :) )

    UPDATE 1: I’ve also added some of the miscellaneous bits of my own design that I have been working on over the years. Veterans of the forum will recognize some of these from previous threads I’ve posted, but some are brand new. :)

    UPDATE 2: More units!

    (More) Units:

    • StuG III (German Tank Destroyer)
    • Archer (British Tank Destroyer)
    • IJN Myoko (Japanese Heavy Cruiser)
    • Beaufighter (British Heavy Fighter)


    • Damage/flame token
    • Grain token
    • Oil Drum
    • Bar of metal
    • Coal
    • 3/4" x 3mm disc
    • Czech Hedgehog
    • Mine token


    • Research Center
    • Installation (uses/holds an OOB generic AAA unit as the “gun” on top)
    • Major Industrial Complex
    • Medium Industrial Complex
    • Minor Industrial Complex
    • Airfield
    • Shipyard
    • Airbase token
    • Naval Base token
    • Recruitment Center token




    All of these can be found here on Thingiverse!

    Beyond just doing this for fun, my plan is to gradually add these units one/two at a time with the group I play with. As we add them and get comfortable, I’ll start locking them behind research and use an early start date and map (like oztea’s awesome 1939 G40 scenario). For the curious, this system uses most of the nations’ tank sculpts as “medium” tanks and the fighter sculpts as “light” fighters- the ones I modeled and printed take on the “heavy” role (USA is the exception with OOB sculpts for both: P-38 HFTRs and hellcats from pacific taking the LFTR role).

    Anyway, enjoy. If anyone is curious about rules for all of these extra units and the corresponding point-based tech tree, let me know and I’ll share what I have.

  • @vodot Hi there… Are you printing these out and selling these or are you just providing the files to print your own? I ask since I don’t have a 3d printer myself… Thank you for sharing.

  • Hi @AAGamer, I’m doing the latter; preparing and posting them on thingiverse (for anyone with a 3D printer to print for free).

    The sources for these aren’t mine, so I won’t/can’t sell them. If you’re interested in having them printed, download them from my thingiverse and find a service provider online who will print and ship the parts to you.

    The only happy exception to the above would be if you happen to live in the Portland OR region… then I could potentially print some of these and give them to you at cost, providing I have the bandwidth and time available on the machines I use.

  • First of all, let me say that it’s great that you’ve made these wonderful sculpts and it’s also wonderful that you’ve decided to share them with us.

    I do have some thoughts to share about some of your design decisions. They are your decisions and I respect that. But I think you might be able to take them to the next level with a little help. Says the guy with the ideas, to the guy who would have to do the work if it’s to be done. I’m not going to comment on all of them, just some. If I don’t say anything, then I like it and have nothing constructive to add.

    @vodot said in 25 extra unit 3D models, scaled and tweaked for A&A, including Gliders, Light Tanks, Escort Carriers and Landing Craft:

    • USS Independence (Allied Escort Carrier)

    From what I can see of the sculpt, it looks nice. I would point out, though, that the Independence class carriers were not escort carriers (CVEs) but were known as light fleet carriers (CVLs). The difference being that light fleet carriers worked with the main fleet and the escort carriers worked with amphibious groups and escorting convoys. A typical allied escort carrier class would be the Casablanca class. That said, I like having a source for Independence class ships, as HBG has the US fleet carrier (Essex) and US escort carrier (Casablanca) sculpts covered already.

    @vodot * IJN Royujo (Axis Escort Carrier)

    I assume you mean the Ryujo class here. Again, this class was made up of light carriers, not escort carriers. They were very, very light carriers, but the mis-designation bugs my inner order-of-battle analyst all the same…

    @vodot * Me-262 (Axis Jet Fighter)

    More Me-262s is always something I can get behind

    @vodot * IS-2 (Allied Heavy Tank)

    I like your IS-2s better than the IS-2 in A&A 1941, at least from the angle I’m looking at.

    @vodot * HMS Atherstone (Escort)

    I’m sure she’s a fine escort ship, and the allies do have need of such a vessel in expanded games. It’s just that as the real-life HMS Atherstone was known as a Hunt class destroyer, why did you call it the HMS Atherstone instead of the HMS Hunt?

    @vodot * USS Midway (Super Carrier)

    I dig the Midways as a class of ships. It’s just that yours has an angled deck, and they didn’t have those when they were built, they were put in place later in refits in the 1950s. It looks out of place in a game of WW2. Would you consider making an axial deck (a non-angled deck) Midway?

    @vodot * D9 (Engineers)

    It’s nice to give the engineers some love and using a bulldozer to do so works for me.

    @vodot * Wirbelwind (Axis Mobile AAA)

    I like having options for SPAAGs (Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Guns) and you’ve picked a good one here.

    @vodot * Me-410 (Heavy Fighter)

    Other than by size, how will someone tell the Me-410s from the Ju-88s, He-111s, and the Mosquitos?

    @vodot * Flaktrack (Allied Mobile AAA)

    Again, I like having options for SPAAGs and you’ve picked another good one here.

    @vodot * USS Des Moines (Battlecruiser)

    While I dig have sculpts for the Des Moines class available, the Des Moines weren’t battlecruisers, they were just heavy cruisers. The US only designed two classes of battlecruisers, the Lexingtons and the Alaskas, and in the end only ever built one class - the Alaskas. Mind you, if you want to offer Des Moines class cruisers and not Alaskas, that’s your deal. I just might get someone to make them for me, but calling them battlecruisers is a historical inaccuracy in my opinion.

    Just my 2 IPCs,


  • Can you do a ww1 set?

    ill buy a load…

    German tank, plane, bomber, artillery ( Krupp large guns), Railway artillery, man kneeling with machine gun, Zeppelin, Dreadnought,Dreadnought, battle-cruiser, cruiser, destroyer, transport, sub, armored car,cavalry
    UK tank plane, bomber, artillery ( large gun), railway artillery, man kneeling with machine gun, Dreadnought, battle-cruiser, cruiser, destroyer, transport , sub, airship for observation, commander, armored car, cavalry
    Neutral forces:
    Bulgarian infantry, Romanian infantry, Belgium Infantry, Spanish Infantry

    French tanks, bomber, Dreadnought, battle-cruiser, cruiser, destroyer, transport, sub, armored car,

    Russian tanks, fighter, dreadnought, armored car,cavalry

    Ottoman artillery, Dreadnought, battle-cruiser, cruiser, destroyer, transport, sub, cavalry

    sell in groups of 24 if possible of all the same type. I will buy alot to cover US, Austria-Hungary, Italy

    Once you see my buying power, well work on American Civil War…

  • 2025 2024 '23 '22 '21 '18 Customizer

    @Midnight_Reaper said in 25 extra unit 3D models, scaled and tweaked for A&A, including Gliders, Light Tanks, Escort Carriers and Landing Craft:

    First of all, let me say that it’s great that you’ve made these wonderful sculpts and it’s also wonderful that you’ve decided to share them with us.

    I do have some thoughts to share about some of your design decisions. They are your decisions and I respect that. But I think you might be able to take them to the next level with a little help. Says the guy with the ideas, to the guy who would have to do the work if it’s to be done. I’m not going to comment on all of them, just some. If I don’t say anything, then I like it and have nothing constructive to add.

    @vodot said in 25 extra unit 3D models, scaled and tweaked for A&A, including Gliders, Light Tanks, Escort Carriers and Landing Craft:

    • USS Independence (Allied Escort Carrier)

    From what I can see of the sculpt, it looks nice. I would point out, though, that the Independence class carriers were not escort carriers (CVEs) but were known as light fleet carriers (CVLs). The difference being that light fleet carriers worked with the main fleet and the escort carriers worked with amphibious groups and escorting convoys. A typical allied escort carrier class would be the Casablanca class. That said, I like having a source for Independence class ships, as HBG has the US fleet carrier (Essex) and US escort carrier (Casablanca) sculpts covered already.

    @vodot * IJN Royujo (Axis Escort Carrier)

    I assume you mean the Ryujo class here. Again, this class was made up of light carriers, not escort carriers. They were very, very light carriers, but the mis-designation bugs my inner order-of-battle analyst all the same…

    @vodot * Me-262 (Axis Jet Fighter)

    More Me-262s is always something I can get behind

    @vodot * IS-2 (Allied Heavy Tank)

    I like your IS-2s better than the IS-2 in A&A 1941, at least from the angle I’m looking at.

    @vodot * HMS Atherstone (Escort)

    I’m sure she’s a fine escort ship, and the allies do have need of such a vessel in expanded games. It’s just that as the real-life HMS Atherstone was known as a Hunt class destroyer, why did you call it the HMS Atherstone instead of the HMS Hunt?

    @vodot * USS Midway (Super Carrier)

    I dig the Midways as a class of ships. It’s just that yours has an angled deck, and they didn’t have those when they were built, they were put in place later in refits in the 1950s. It looks out of place in a game of WW2. Would you consider making an axial deck (a non-angled deck) Midway?

    @vodot * D9 (Engineers)

    It’s nice to give the engineers some love and using a bulldozer to do so works for me.

    @vodot * Wirbelwind (Axis Mobile AAA)

    I like having options for SPAAGs (Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Guns) and you’ve picked a good one here.

    @vodot * Me-410 (Heavy Fighter)

    Other than by size, how will someone tell the Me-410s from the Ju-88s, He-111s, and the Mosquitos?

    @vodot * Flaktrack (Allied Mobile AAA)

    Again, I like having options for SPAAGs and you’ve picked another good one here.

    @vodot * USS Des Moines (Battlecruiser)

    While I dig have sculpts for the Des Moines class available, the Des Moines weren’t battlecruisers, they were just heavy cruisers. The US only designed two classes of battlecruisers, the Lexingtons and the Alaskas, and in the end only ever built one class - the Alaskas. Mind you, if you want to offer Des Moines class cruisers and not Alaskas, that’s your deal. I just might get someone to make them for me, but calling them battlecruisers is a historical inaccuracy in my opinion.

    Just my 2 IPCs,


    Hey MR, thanks so much for the feedback! Let me reiterate that I didn’t create the raw models for most of these, just reworked them for compatibility and printability for A&A. I’m proud of the work (in some cases, significant) it has taken to get them to a printable and playable state, but mad props to the original designers, not all of which I remember off the top of my head.

    I knew going in that I was committing some historical faux pas both intentionally and via ignorance, but I’m a “easily-distinguishable-on-the-board” and WYSIWYG-first sort of person with historical fidelity coming in third; nonetheless historicity should be paramount once the first two are assured. I want my group, none of which are WW2 enthusiasts/super nerds, to just immediately “get it”.

    RE: Midway’s anachronistic 50’s deck retrofit, that was a rare intentional historical solecism- which isn’t to say it was in good taste- intended to reflect a “Super Carrier” tech that was not achieved in the actual WW2 timeline. Perhaps I could achieve the same end using a rectangular (Axial? I’ll take your word for it) 40’s Midway sculpt by merely enlarging it over the essex/etc? I was worried it would look like just a huge rectange, but I confess I didn’t try printing one. Needs investigation.

    Regarding the Ryujo (pardon my spelling!) and Independence as Light (not escort) carriers, you’re obviously correct. Serendipitously, in my half-hour of wikipedia research (keeping your expectations low :) ) it seems it was the Light (as opposed to escort) Carriers that were known for their speed, which was a primary mechanic I wanted these units to have- so rebranding them as CVL’s is a win-win! A caveat on the light carriers: their historical decks are so narrow (by design, of course) that it’s basically impossible to balance an A&A-scaled plane on them. So: I’ve abrogated naval design history and added a fat landing pad on the deck so a single fighter has room to live happily. Hopefully the tradeoff is worth it for most, but this will obviously make that particular model a non-starter for some.

    RE: HMS Atherstone, I can see your point, given that I called the light carrier the Ryujo. It is indeed a Hunt-class sculpt.

    RE: IS-2s and the awesomeness of these models in general- yes, they kick some serious ass. 100% of these props should go to m_bergman at Thingiverse, a minor deity of military history 3D modeling.

    RE: Distinguishing Me-410s… you’re right. I spent some time trying to doctor up a Westland Whirlwind (damn planes and their paper-thin wings are super time-consuming to doctor for 3D printing)… and it ended up looking identical to the Me-410. I gave up. This is the reason I only have one sculpt covering heavy fighters for everyone, about which I feel bad… but not bad enough to spend another 2 hours doctoring the whirlwind.

    RE: Des Moines, you’re right. When I first started working on this expansion, my “Battlecruiser” unit was called a “Heavy Cruiser” and I think that’s why I pulled the Des Moines. Later on I decided I really like the word ‘battlecruiser’. However, similar to the serendipitous mistake on the light vs. escort distinction above, this unit was also meant to be a sweet spot between the CA and the BB combining the strengths of both, but locked behind tech and advancement. Aaaaand after another half-hour of wikipedia research, it turns out that the Des Moines did not sail until 1946; so I don’t see why I can’t call this unit an advanced “Heavy Cruiser” after all.

  • 2025 2024 '23 '22 '21 '18 Customizer

    @Imperious-Leader said in 25 extra unit 3D models, scaled and tweaked for A&A, including Gliders, Light Tanks, Escort Carriers and Landing Craft:

    Can you do a ww1 set?

    ill buy a load…

    German tank, plane, bomber, artillery ( Krupp large guns), Railway artillery, man kneeling with machine gun, Zeppelin, Dreadnought,Dreadnought, battle-cruiser, cruiser, destroyer, transport, sub, armored car,cavalry
    UK tank plane, bomber, artillery ( large gun), railway artillery, man kneeling with machine gun, Dreadnought, battle-cruiser, cruiser, destroyer, transport , sub, airship for observation, commander, armored car, cavalry
    Neutral forces:
    Bulgarian infantry, Romanian infantry, Belgium Infantry, Spanish Infantry

    French tanks, bomber, Dreadnought, battle-cruiser, cruiser, destroyer, transport, sub, armored car,

    Russian tanks, fighter, dreadnought, armored car,cavalry

    Ottoman artillery, Dreadnought, battle-cruiser, cruiser, destroyer, transport, sub, cavalry

    sell in groups of 24 if possible of all the same type. I will buy alot to cover US, Austria-Hungary, Italy

    Once you see my buying power, well work on American Civil War…

    IL, at the risk of taking you too seriously, I would need an upfront commission to get started on these (send me a PM!), but sans-sponsorship I plan to keep my limited free-time focused squarely on WW2 units. That being said, check out m_bergman’s WWI units on Thingiverse for where I would start!

  • Ok that’s no issue, but i need to know how to get you money if you change your mind. I don’t fool around, so you can be very serious.

  • And keep in mind that link only offers the “files” and only cars and tanks. NOTHING ELSE. Thats why im asking you , right? I will pay for time, material of course. :relaxed:

  • @vodot said

    Hey MR, thanks so much for the feedback! Let me reiterate that I didn’t create the raw models for most of these, just reworked them for compatibility and printability for A&A. I’m proud of the work (in some cases, significant) it has taken to get them to a printable and playable state, but mad props to the original designers, not all of which I remember off the top of my head.

    I knew going in that I was committing some historical faux pas both intentionally and via ignorance, but I’m a “easily-distinguishable-on-the-board” and WYSIWYG-first sort of person with historical fidelity coming in third; nonetheless historicity should be paramount once the first two are assured. I want my group, none of which are WW2 enthusiasts/super nerds, to just immediately “get it”.

    RE: Midway’s anachronistic 50’s deck retrofit, that was a rare intentional historical solecism- which isn’t to say it was in good taste- intended to reflect a “Super Carrier” tech that was not achieved in the actual WW2 timeline. Perhaps I could achieve the same end using a rectangular (Axial? I’ll take your word for it) 40’s Midway sculpt by merely enlarging it over the essex/etc? I was worried it would look like just a huge rectange, but I confess I didn’t try printing one. Needs investigation.

    Regarding the Ryujo (pardon my spelling!) and Independence as Light (not escort) carriers, you’re obviously correct. Serendipitously, in my half-hour of wikipedia research (keeping your expectations low :) ) it seems it was the Light (as opposed to escort) Carriers that were known for their speed, which was a primary mechanic I wanted these units to have- so rebranding them as CVL’s is a win-win! A caveat on the light carriers: their historical decks are so narrow (by design, of course) that it’s basically impossible to balance an A&A-scaled plane on them. So: I’ve abrogated naval design history and added a fat landing pad on the deck so a single fighter has room to live happily. Hopefully the tradeoff is worth it for most, but this will obviously make that particular model a non-starter for some.

    RE: HMS Atherstone, I can see your point, given that I called the light carrier the Ryujo. It is indeed a Hunt-class sculpt.

    RE: IS-2s and the awesomeness of these models in general- yes, they kick some serious ass. 100% of these props should go to m_bergman at Thingiverse, a minor deity of military history 3D modeling.

    RE: Distinguishing Me-410s… you’re right. I spent some time trying to doctor up a Westland Whirlwind (damn planes and their paper-thin wings are super time-consuming to doctor for 3D printing)… and it ended up looking identical to the Me-410. I gave up. This is the reason I only have one sculpt covering heavy fighters for everyone, about which I feel bad… but not bad enough to spend another 2 hours doctoring the whirlwind.

    RE: Des Moines, you’re right. When I first started working on this expansion, my “Battlecruiser” unit was called a “Heavy Cruiser” and I think that’s why I pulled the Des Moines. Later on I decided I really like the word ‘battlecruiser’. However, similar to the serendipitous mistake on the light vs. escort distinction above, this unit was also meant to be a sweet spot between the CA and the BB combining the strengths of both, but locked behind tech and advancement. Aaaaand after another half-hour of wikipedia research, it turns out that the Des Moines did not sail until 1946; so I don’t see why I can’t call this unit an advanced “Heavy Cruiser” after all.

    Thanks for replying to an old crank on the internet. I also agree with the “‘easily-distinguishable-on-the-board’ and WYSIWYG-first” train of thought. But you can twist the text of something to say anything.

    If you did the Midway with an angled deck on purpose, as an advanced carrier, I can see that. I retract my objection, but maintain that I’d like to see an axial-deck Midway as well.

    (Short aside - for a quick article on the internet, quoting from a book on the evolution of the aircraft carrier, that explains how angled decks came to be, go here: (It also shows use of the term “axial deck” to describe aircraft carriers without an angled deck.))

    I’m glad that I can be of service with suggesting you rebrand your CVEs as CVLs. Getting the win-win is always good. First and foremost, game pieces should support game play, so if the decks need a little widening, such is gaming.

    As for the Atherstone / Hunt, just trying to help.

    As for telling bits of plastic, meant to be heavy fighters in Axis & Allies, apart, I fully understand that it’s not alway easy. My suggestion would be to go with a distinctive feature of some kind. In this case, I would go with twin-engine fighters with twin tailfins. Versions of what I’m suggested can be found by searching for Bristol Buckinghams (, Gloster F.9/37s (, or Arado Ar 240s ( All three of those are different from each other and from other planes (included the P-38s from WotC), which is what I was understanding you to be after. It’s a thought. While none of them were really built in large quantities, they all could have been. Which in my opinion is one reason why they are perfect for the heavy fighter role, especially the F.9/37 and the Ar 240.

    The Des Moines were truly an innovation in Heavy Cruisers, with semi-automatic 8" naval guns could be fired twice as fast as the main guns on the proceeding class, the Baltimore / Oregon City class(es). As a technologically advanced Heavy Cruiser, I can certainly get on board with that. My next question in this line of thought is: Do you plan to do up some Worchester class light cruisers to go with the Des Moines class heavies? The Worchesters were the lighter cousins of the Des Moineses and also featured semi-automatic main guns - 6" guns in this case - meant to be a bit of an evolution in the anti-aircraft cruiser idea of the Atlanta and Juneau class 5" gun armed anti-aircraft cruisers.

    If you want to make some Alaskas for true battle cruiser naval superiority, I certainly wouldn’t complain about that either.

    And if you want to feast your eyes on some truly wild naval designs, the likes of which weren’t built and likely would never have been built, I invite you to visit “Furashita’s Fleet” (, which has a wild collection of “what might have been” WW2 designs for cruisers, battleships, aircraft carriers, and admixtures of the first two with carriers; with designs for the navies of France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, the UK, the USSR, the USA, and a smattering of other minor naval powers as well.

    To quote the site: "‘Admiral U. Furashita’ was the pen-name of Craig Burke. In his words:

    ‘I picked that name because I liked to dally in fictitious ships. Since the Japanese tongue usually makes an ‘R’ sound out of any ‘L’ it encounters, that’s how what people often say to me would sound, or something like it.’"

    Furashita’s Fleet is home to lots of interesting ideas to the would-be model maker, in my opinion.


  • @Midnight_Reaper Awesome resource- thanks for sharing! Talk about mind-stretching (and necessity being the mother of invention), I was noodling around this morning and came across these, and my jaw dropped. Auxiliary Floating Drydock

  • Update: I’ve uploaded everything to my Thingiverse!

  • @vodot said in 25 extra unit 3D models, scaled and tweaked for A&A, including Gliders, Light Tanks, Escort Carriers and Landing Craft:

    @Midnight_Reaper Awesome resource- thanks for sharing! Talk about mind-stretching (and necessity being the mother of invention), I was noodling around this morning and came across these, and my jaw dropped. Auxiliary Floating Drydock

    I had the opportunity to see one of those as a kid. My mom was stationed on the USS Canopus, and across the pier was her stablemate the USS Oak Ridge. Didn’t get a chance to see it go up and down, but it was big and gray and floaty (I was a kid at the time, what do you want?)


  • Update: I’ve added some of the miscellaneous stuff of my own design I’ve been working on over the years:


    • Damage/flame token
    • Grain token
    • Oil Drum
    • Bar of metal
    • Coal
    • 3/4" x 3mm disc
    • Czech Hedgehog
    • Mine token


    • Research Center
    • Installation (uses/holds an OOB generic AAA unit as the “gun” on top)
    • Major Industrial Complex
    • Medium Industrial Complex
    • Minor Industrial Complex
    • Airfield
    • Shipyard
    • Airbase token
    • Naval Base token
    • Recruitment Center token


  • 2025 2024 '23 '22 '21 '18 Customizer

    UPDATE: new models added!

    • StuG III (German Tank Destroyer)
    • Archer (British Tank Destroyer)
    • IJN Myoko (Japanese Heavy Cruiser)
    • Beaufighter (British Heavy Fighter)

    Pic below; the Panther, Hipper, and Spitfire are for size comparisons.


  • Per @Midnight_Reaper’s request, I’m working on a USS Atlanta and an IJN Agano for Light Cruisers. The Atlanta has existing open-source examples; the Agano I’ll have to rebuild from bits and photos (all current models are pay-only).

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