@robert-t said in Custom 3D Miniatures: Major & Minor Industrial Complexes, Recruitment Center, Airbase, and Naval Base:
A question on recruitment centres. Are people house ruling them into all A&A games?
If so, what cost do you put them at and how may infantry can you place in one?
Thanks and the models look great.
Try these rules for house ruling Recruitment Centers into your other A&A games.
Standard rules for Recruitment Centers:
Recruitment Centers are a new type of IC, that came in with A&A&Zombies. Recruitment Centers cost 10 IPCs and you can place only infantry there, as many infantry as the value of the territory. Other than that, they act just the same as normal ICs - build, damage, repair, built in AAA, all the same. You can upgrade from a Recruitment Center to an IC for the cost of 8 IPCs. Only undamaged Recruitment Centers can upgrade (repair cost can be paid at the same time as upgrade costs).
The above rules work with games that only have one type of IC. For the 1940s games (Europe, Pacific, and Global 1940), I would do this:
Recruitment Center:
Has same rules as minor factory, except cost is 10 IPCs and you can place up to 3 infantry, and only infantry units. Can upgrade to a full minor factory for the cost of 5 IPCs. Only undamaged Recruitment Centers can upgrade (repair cost can be paid at the same time as upgrade costs).
That should about cover it.