While I think having cuba be its own power would be cool, it would kind of like having New Zealand be its own power in g40. You would have to wonder how much they really contribute. Maybe you could make it so that the Warsaw Pact can pay to build units to support Castro and the gang in cuba, possibly at higher cost cuz of the blockades and embargoes and stuff, if the Warsaw pact is smart, like they were during the cold war, they’ll buff the hell out of cuba to prevent a traditional land invasion, and nukes aren’t always realistic. If they’re dumb then cuba will just be invaded and it will be an opportunity lost, which absolutely could have happened if the ussr wasn’t paying attention. I’m thinking about alternative rules where one or two players play each Nuetral category so it feels like they’re entities and not roadblocks, but I’ve got a ton of stuff I need to do before then soooooo… The setup for cuba will not change for balancing reasons, it accurately represents their power near it’s height, which was also the time when it was diplomatically plausible for the US to invade. For your expansion however, I recommend cuba starts the game Strict Nuetral with an army of one infantry.
A List of Expansions for Avalon Hill-era Axis & Allies
Midnight_Reaper 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17last edited by Midnight_Reaper Jan 14, 2019, 12:31 AM Jan 1, 2019, 12:04 AM
I am looking to compile a complete list of all of the expansions for Axis & Allies that came out after A&A was consolidated into the Avalon Hill division of Wizards of the Coasts. I am also looking to compile separate lists for earlier expansions and for “games” that were A&A expansions in all but name.
Here is the list I have for the later expansions, please add to this if you know of more.
A&A 1914 Tournament Rules
AAR WBC Tournament Rules
Global 1942 Scenario (semi-official Global 1940 variant rules)
Honor and Infamy: Commanders (A&A Variant)
Italy (A&A: Europe Expansion)
LHTR Larry Harris Tournament Rules (for A&A: Revised)
Linked Game Rules (combined AA:E & AA:P games)
Max’s Advanced Rules for A&A: EuropeXeno Games
- Eastern Front (unofficial A&A: Europe expansion)
Europe at War
Pacific at War
Russia at War (Europe at War expansion)
World at War Update 2005 Pack
Suggestion from the crowd:
Table Tactics
- Axis & Allies 2010 (these units would later be repackaged into the Engage game and expansions).
– American Units
– British Units
– German Units
– Italian Units
– Japanese Units
– Russian Units
Does that sound about right?
Edited to add Axis & Allies 2010 Units and remove Europe, Pacific, and Russia at War and World at War Update 2005 Pack (13 Jan 2019)
- Eastern Front (unofficial A&A: Europe expansion)
@Midnight_Reaper said in A List of Expansions for Avalon Hill-era Axis & Allies:
Linked Game Rules (combined AA:E & AA:P games)
I’ll check my files at home this evening to see if I have any documentation on it (which I may not), but I recall that I once saw a “connector strip” which supposedly could be used to link the old A&A Europe and A&A Pacific games into a sort-of-global game. Is this what the item “Linked Game Rules (combined AA:E & AA:P games)” in you list refers to?
@CWO-Marc said in A List of Expansions for Avalon Hill-era Axis & Allies:
@Midnight_Reaper said in A List of Expansions for Avalon Hill-era Axis & Allies:
Linked Game Rules (combined AA:E & AA:P games)
I’ll check my files at home this evening to see if I have any documentation on it (which I may not), but I recall that I once saw a “connector strip” which supposedly could be used to link the old A&A Europe and A&A Pacific games into a sort-of-global game. Is this what the item “Linked Game Rules (combined AA:E & AA:P games)” in you list refers to?
This is what I am referring to - the original rules for combining A&A Europe and A&A Pacific into one game, back before Europe 1940 and Pacific 1940 came into being. In addition to two map strips (one for connecting between east Europe and west Pacific and between east Pacific and west Europe), I have a set of rules for how to do the combining and the playing.
The strips look like this:
sourceThe source above has information about where I got the rules that go with the map strips. Meesha777 on BGG made a combination picture of the map boards for A&A Europe and A&A Pacific and those map strips, that picture is below:
sourceIf there’s interest in these rules, I can post them somewhere.
But yes, I am looking to make a list of the expansion rules, the expansion sets of pieces, and what not, that came out after A&A Europe was released.
Yes, those are exactly the connector strips I was thinking about. I’m glad you already have them on file, since I’m not sure whether I had kept a copy when I first encountered them.
Please check out my list of Axis and Allies expansions for the Classic MB game (from the eighties) at my old site at The Wargamer (again: thanks to WG for hosting me!)…
@CWO-Marc I had these strips featured on my site but someone at AH/MB told me they did not want them to be availible…
@thrasher1 said in A List of Expansions for Avalon Hill-era Axis & Allies:
@CWO-Marc I had these strips featured on my site but someone at AH/MB told me they did not want them to be availible…
Yes, but while you might have taken them down, while your website may no longer be up, the Internet never forgot them.
@Midnight_Reaper I hope AH/MB will forgive me :)
I would not call these sets of rules ‘expansions’. For me an expansion must have some physical components. So say someone would have released New Rules + New Battleboard + some new units… I would call that an expansion.
If rules only then I would simply call this ‘set of house rules’ or even just ‘house rules’.
But it is good you compile this list. Keep posting! -
Europe at War: EaW was released some years BEFORE ‘Axis and Allies Europe’.
Pacific wat War. PaW was released about two years AFTER ‘Axis and Allies Pacific’.
Both are stand-alone games.
Actually: Pacific at War (Xeno) is a relatively good game. Board is mounted. And I like the naval track from UK/London to the actual map :)
As AH was bought by 1998 and Axis and Allies Europe was released late 1999 (but only really availible in 2000) I think the watershed here can be: 2000.
OK? -
So then let’s add to this list:
Conquest Gaming:
- Operation Barbarossa
- Conquest of the Pacific
Midnight_Reaper 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17last edited by Midnight_Reaper Jan 3, 2019, 2:09 AM Jan 3, 2019, 1:54 AM
@thrasher1 said in A List of Expansions for Avalon Hill-era Axis & Allies:
@Midnight_Reaper I hope AH/MB will forgive me :)
I guess we’ll see. I’m glad you posted them, as now we have them for posterity.
@thrasher1 said in A List of Expansions for Avalon Hill-era Axis & Allies:
I would not call these sets of rules ‘expansions’. For me an expansion must have some physical components. So say someone would have released New Rules + New Battleboard + some new units… I would call that an expansion.
If rules only then I would simply call this ‘set of house rules’ or even just ‘house rules’.
But it is good you compile this list. Keep posting!Well, it’s a list of expansions, with “semi-official rules” listed by exception from the author (wave). But yes, I was hoping some knowledge people would come by and try to help me out and it seems my hopes came to pass. And for that, I’m glad.
@thrasher1 said in A List of Expansions for Avalon Hill-era Axis & Allies:
Europe at War: EaW was released some years BEFORE ‘Axis and Allies Europe’.
Pacific wat War. PaW was released about two years AFTER ‘Axis and Allies Pacific’.
Both are stand-alone games.
Actually: Pacific at War (Xeno) is a relatively good game. Board is mounted. And I like the naval track from UK/London to the actual map :)
I can move EaW and PaW to stand-alone games. I think I had them there before while I was editing and then threw them under Xeno before I finished up.
@thrasher1 said in A List of Expansions for Avalon Hill-era Axis & Allies:
As AH was bought by 1998 and Axis and Allies Europe was released late 1999 (but only really availible in 2000) I think the watershed here can be: 2000.
OK?You were much closer to this at the time than I was: if you say the cut-over was 2000, I’m fine with that. It’s a nice round number to use anyways… ;-)
@thrasher1 said in A List of Expansions for Avalon Hill-era Axis & Allies:
So then let’s add to this list:
Conquest Gaming:
- Operation Barbarossa
- Conquest of the Pacific
I already have those two listed as “Games that are expansions”, on that posting.
And let me finish up by saying: “Thanks for coming by, and thanks for taking the time to help me out with this.” I remember going to your page back in the day for news about A&A and hashing out this conversation takes me way back. Thanks for the information back in the days before Social Media, and thanks for your help now.
P.S. Spelling sometimes eludes me. Twice.
@Midnight_Reaper Thanks for the kind words. I spent so much time on that site… But got so much reward from people around the world. The internet was rather new back then. It was so nice having seen it emerging…
On Europe at War: between Axis and Allies Classic and Axis and Allies Europe no new games were released by MB/Hasbro. In that very era, say mid-80s and 2000, we were stuck with this standard Axis and Allies and… ourselves. So that is what we did: scenarios, house rules, map modifications… So many people sent me their own house rules and own scenarios.
I guess most of it can be found through archive.org (great site BTW).Edit: fix typo
@thrasher1 Maybe it is time for me to thank some people. The people who came before me… All the guys (and maybe girls) at game magazines who published Axis and Allies (and Fortress America and Shogun related stuff). I never got one of these magazines myself however.
But for now: a big shout-out to these pre-internet guys! If anyone from you is here on this forum: please send me a message if you want.