• For bombing raids, the damage done should mainly represent the production disruption rather than dwindle the IPC bank of the defender.

    The way i see it, it should be:

    • Ennemy bomber damage IC up to maximum the territory value.
    • On the damaged IC nation turn, pay 1 ipc per prod slot you WANT to use.
    • Buy your units
    • Play the turn
    • Place units up to current prod value
    • All remaining damage is automatically repaired for free since slots were not used. This represent the effort put to repairs instead of new units.

    Or even simplier than above, use current system but make it that infantry building is not affected by IC damage.

  • Or even simplier than above, use current system but make it that infantry building is not affected by IC damage.

    But infantry needs food, trucks or horses, rifles, ammunition, right? And if they’re killed in their home town while on leave, they can’t go back to fight, can they?

    I think we should discuss counters vs. SBR, given the system as it is in AA50. For this game, they opted to exclude interceptor rules and instead add new land techs to counter vs. SBR. Will they be worth the cost to get? Should Germany go for them from the start or just if the Allies get Heavy Bombers?

  • It has been said that these 2 Techs are actually 1 tech together.

    IC repair- (one IPC removes two points of IC damage)

    Improved production- each IC may now produce two more units per turn

    If that is so then we are missing 1 tech. What could it be?

    Also it was said Radar is on the Naval/air tech card. I would think it would be better suited on the land card. The reason is that Germany would be going for a land tech because of the big land war with Russia. This would be a big help if the Allies acquire HB.

  • It has been said that these 2 Techs are actually 1 tech together.

    IC repair- (one IPC removes two points of IC damage)

    Improved production- each IC may now produce two more units per turn

    If that is so then we are missing 1 tech. What could it be?

    From where did you hair this?

    Just to clearify, I’m hoping that the two techs above are one and I have been geussing this. But I have no knowledge whatsoever on the subject. Just reasoning that those two fit perfectly as one, both with respect to theme and balance.

  • As far as I know my two charts are correct when it comes the techs. The only uncertainties are the actual details of some of the techs, that I have put into parenthesis. That said, I wasn’t at GENCON and don’t have access to the rules so Krieghund, Squirecam or others have been correcting some of the details. But not the points you mention.

  • Some of them are correct, and some of them aren’t.  I’ll give out more info a little at a time.  Half the fun is speculation (at least for some folks), and I don’t want to ruin anyone’s fun.  (I’m sure I’ll get some negative karma from some of the other folks for this, but apparently that’s the price of being me.)

    Just to say that we know that your list is not 100% corret :)

    I have allways said that +2 production capacity and the repair IC thing fits perfectly for 1 tech. As one tech it
    makes the entire ‘land’ part of the tech tree more interesting, as I find both of them seperatly quit borring.

    Now, if we are missing one tehc, I realy realy hope they have some kind of ‘heavy armor’ tech, but I actually doubt it cuz it would have been easy to remember. Kind of disapointed, cuz it should not be imposible to create a balanced ‘heavy armor’ tech. A heavy armor could be given the ability to support one infanteri.

  • Since Squirecam has again “spilled the beans”, I’ll give another “bonus” update.


    It has been said that these 2 Techs are actually 1 tech together.

    IC repair- (one IPC removes two points of IC damage)

    Improved production- each IC may now produce two more units per turn

    If that is so then we are missing 1 tech. What could it be?

    Squirecam reported this in Imperious Leader’s collected information thread, but the post was deleted.  I’ll confirm that these two developments are actually one.  This, of course, makes perfect sense.

    Now where did I put that missing tech?   :evil:

  • @Krieghund:

    Since Squirecam has again “spilled the beans”, I’ll give another “bonus” update.


    It has been said that these 2 Techs are actually 1 tech together.

    IC repair- (one IPC removes two points of IC damage)

    Improved production- each IC may now produce two more units per turn

    If that is so then we are missing 1 tech. What could it be?

    Squirecam reported this in Imperious Leader’s collected information thread, but the post was deleted.  I’ll confirm that these two developments are actually one.  This, of course, makes perfect sense.

    Now where did I put that missing tech?  :evil:

    Have you looked under the bed? …… Sometime my rulebooks end under it…  :-D

  • @Lynxes:

    As far as I know my two charts are correct when it comes the techs. The only uncertainties are the actual details of some of the techs, that I have put into parenthesis. That said, I wasn’t at GENCON

    It seems like ages since GenCon, but I can say with near certainty that Paratroopers should be included on List A.

  • Thank you Herr Arnulfe, that’s the missing link! Imperious leader wrote on the “Fact sheet” thread that Improved production and IC repair are actually one tech. and now we get that sixth tech. It’s now edited in! If only we could get confirmation on what chart Rockets and Radar belong?

  • Well, that didn’t take long!  I’ll confirm that you now have all the techs, and that Rockets and Radar need to be switched on the lists.  However, the specifics on some of the individual techs are still a little off…

  • @Krieghund:

    Since Squirecam has again “spilled the beans”, I’ll give another “bonus” update.


    It has been said that these 2 Techs are actually 1 tech together.

    IC repair- (one IPC removes two points of IC damage)

    Improved production- each IC may now produce two more units per turn

    If that is so then we are missing 1 tech. What could it be?

    Squirecam reported this in Imperious Leader’s collected information thread, but the post was deleted.  I’ll confirm that these two developments are actually one.  This, of course, makes perfect sense.

    Now where did I put that missing tech?   :evil:

    Well, to be correct, I did not spill anything. IL apparently already had the techs. I just told him they were together. For some strange reason, that post got deleted…

  • @squirecam:

    I just told him they were together.

    That’s what I was referring to.  :-)

  • I’m geussing the ‘paratrooper’ will be extremle simple.
    -Each bomber may carry one paratrooper (infanteri)

    Without having the details, I’m starting to image how it is for US to have BOTH partrooper AND heavy bombers at the same time…

    And WHY no heavy tanks.  A tech giving tanks +1 ofensive WOULD by no means be overpowered and would have been a lot more fitting than the paratrooper. I just imagine USA taking ALL island in the pacific using only partroopers…

    But i’ll give them that all land techs are atleast usefull for almost all nations for almost all situations.  And that the system of getting them is far supperior to the one in revised.

  • @Krieghund:

    Well, that didn’t take long!

    I would’ve replied sooner, but I was in England on vacation.

  • @Greand:

    I’m geussing the ‘paratrooper’ will be extremle simple.
    -Each bomber may carry one paratrooper (infanteri)

    Without having the details, I’m starting to image how it is for US to have BOTH partrooper AND heavy bombers at the same time…

    Except that Paratroopers are in the land/production tech tree and HB in the air/naval tree.

    You cannot “accidentally” get paratroopers on the way to getting HB. You can get long range air, though, which helps HB…

  • Paratroopers???!!

    Give me a break. Terrible.

    I’ll just think of a Heavy Tank teck and wipe Paratroopers from my board.

  • Well, to be correct, I did not spill anything. IL apparently already had the techs. I just told him they were together. For some strange reason, that post got deleted…

    Only in the interest of maintaining a VERY quick, short, and concise reference. Each post thats added gets edited into the original format to correct and present the most current information possible.

  • Is it me, or does it seem kind of funny that the Paratrooper tech is in the Land tree while the Radar tech is in the Air tree? Wouldn’t it be more appropriate if they were switched?

    And it also seems like Radar should have the secondary effect of allowing aircraft to detect subs without the assistance of destroyers and that the Super Subs tech would negate that effect.

  • Well, at last we’re almost there!  :-) Just need specifics corrected on what I put in parenthesis.

    History-wise, making Rockets a part of the Land chart makes sense since Germany would be more likely to get it. However, it could be argued that it is quite close to Jet technology. Why I put Radar in land techs from the start was because I thought that they needed two techs on the same chart to counter HBMBs. On the other hand, now Improved Production is a strong technology to get and could go a long way against a SBR offensive. And Germany could opt for Air/Naval techs and still be able to get Radar and protect vs. SBR, although some of the other ones on that list aren’t really of that much use for the Jerries (Shipyards, Super Subs).

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