Will you play AA50 with NO's and/or Tech rules?

  • Too soon to tell for me.  I need to play the game to see how all the new moving pieces interact/work together.

  • I will initially play AA50 with NO’s and without tech. The techs in AA50 have been discussed a lot. There are several nice techs that could be fun to play with, like Improved artillery, Paratroopers, Mechanized Infantry, Jet fighters.

    The reason why I will not play with tech is that the AA50 OOB tech is deeply flawed. One reason: HB  :x

    Rockets may not be a gamebreaker, if you not buy tons of AA guns, but rockets are not fun at all.

    The mech infantry can also be used in non combat tactics, not only combat moves like improved artillery, but paratroopers+mech inf+improved art. are the most interesting techs imo.
    Its a pity that the game designers didnt see that paratroopers could be included as an optional rule, or mech inf could be included as an extra unit. IL already pointed out that mech inf is no tech, its an unit which perfectly well can be bought just as easy as tanks and other stuff. Paratroopers is no tech either. Germany didnt have to ask scientists to invent the parachute before they launched the assault on Crete  :roll:

  • 2007 AAR League

    don’t forget to have you and your boys smite me today.   :-D

    IL: Edited out insults and poor spelling.

  • With both of course.  The point of a board game is fun!

    …unless some techs are as broken as they look.  Which is a shame, because some look fun.

  • I will use both. 
    We have played three games using the Tech rules, the new game mech, cheaper units and added cruisers(using the Classic battlewagons.)  We played on the 2004 Revised Board.  We have not used the NO’s, no board yet.
    I think, I posted some of this info, on a prior thread.
    The Tech’s were fine, ALLies did not get Heavy Bombers in 2 out of 3 games.
    This added some variance.  Also, Axis won 2 out of 3 games. 
    Note:one game Germany got Naval Yards and had fricken subs everywhere.
    It ended up stopping all Allied Atlantic Naval moves cold.  No matter what they tried.
    Disclamer-Your gaming may provide different results-LOL.

  • With both. Of course my face to face partner and I have discussed some probable tweaks to the techs. I am leaning towards refusing to play without NOs so if the league forgoes those here I will not be playing league games.

  • Start with playing with both. If you never play with tech you won’t know what it does to the game and I don’t believe you have a right to give an opinion on tech.

    However when you played a few games and don’t like it, then throw tech away. NO’s are must IMHO since the axis won’t stand a chance without them.  :wink:

  • I’ll play with both, man  :-D

  • My group and I play with both, and have already played 3 games on the new gameboard.  The first time, techs didn’t really swing the game at all, and the Allies won.  The second time Heavy Bombing SBRs got a little out of hand, and the Allies won again. The last time, it was Paratroopers which really changed the game both for the Axis and the Allies, and the Axis won.  In all 3 of the games, it was pretty obvious that using the NOs really helped the gameplay and actually kept the games from going on too long after you had a clear winner.

  • @Driel310:

    Start with playing with both. If you never play with tech you won’t know what it does to the game and I don’t believe you have a right to give an opinion on tech.

    However when you played a few games and don’t like it, then throw tech away. NO’s are must IMHO since the axis won’t stand a chance without them.  :wink:

    Totally agreed. You can mod HB if it’s too powerful anyway

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