• Thanks for the information, we decided Siam will be Pro-Axis. And if you play with events per turn, Japan can activate it until round 4. For now, wen playing with turn-based events, Mexico, Central America, Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Siam, they are considered true neutrals until they enter the war; however, we want to implement the same restrictions for the other neutrals.
    For example, the countries of “Latin America”, except Argentina and Chile, signed a mutual defense treaty, supported by the USA.
    On the other hand, the Original rule with respect to true neutrals is unreal. What does it matter to Switzerland if Afghanistan was attacked by the UK or Japan? Why do all the neutrals turn to one side, when one of them is attacked? This is something that we want to modify.
    But for now here is the placement of the neutrals:

    Siam: 2 Infantry.
    Persia: 1 Infantry, Northwest Persia: 1 Infantry, Eastern Persia: 1 Infantry
    Iraq: 3 Infantry.
    Romania: 4 Infantry
    Bulgaria: 4 Infantry
    Finland: 4 Infantry.
    Mexico: 1 Infantry, Southeast Mexico: 1 Infantry
    Central América: 1 Infantry, Canal Counter.
    Brasil: 3 Infantry
    Colombia: 1 Infantry
    Eire: 1 Infantry
    Ecuador: 1 Infantry
    Liberia: 1 Infantry
    Sierra Leona: 1 Infantry
    Yugoslavia: 5 Infantry
    Greece: 4 Infantry
    Special Neutral
    State of Spain
    Spain: 6 Infantry, Rio de Oro: 1, Infantry Balears: Empty.
    People’s Republic of Mongolia
    Ulaanbaatar: 1 Infantry, Buyant-Uhaa: 2 Infantry, Dzavhan: 1 Infantry, Olgiy: 1 Infantry, Tsagaan-Olom: Empty, Central Mongolia: Empty.

    True Neutral
    Venezuela: 2 Infantry
    Peru: 1 Infantry
    Bolivia: 1 Infantry
    Paraguay: 1 Infantry
    Chile: 2 Infantry
    Argentina: 4 Infantry
    Sweden: 6 Infantry
    Switzerland: 2 Infantry
    Portugal: 2 Infantry, Portuguese Guinea: 1 Infantry, Angola: 2 Infantry Mozambique: 2 Infantry.
    Turky: 8 Infantry.
    Saudi Arabia: 2 Infantry
    Afghanistan: 4 Infantry

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Your question on why is if one Strict ( True) Neutral is attacked the rest join the other side.
    Yes This is wrong how some have this in the game. The way your game is going by using turns to add or change things is most of those neutrals will join allies at some point as war years go on. But as you mentioned you will get to that issue later.
    At least in my game you can attack any Strict Neutral or Influence them because both sides were doing it all the time. Just certain countries can influence certain Strict Neutrals. And if you get one in game on any turn helps a bit. Another little change you want in game to spice it up.
    For Mongola that should be Pro- Russia only. Russia should be able to just walk in there an activate them. Up to you how much you make territories worth and how many ground pieces in there army. They weren’t no push overs. My game I just have 2 territories worth 1 icp each and 1 inf each. Did you know they made most of the Russian winter coats for Russia ?
    Mongolians defended or stayed on alert for any Japanese attacks after they signed the treaty and the Stalin ordered all his Siberian or shock troops back to Moscow.

  • @SS-GEN Yes, I knew about the help of Mongolia in custody the border, but no the products,very interesting. I also think that it should be worth 1 IPC, Central Mongolia or Ulaanbaatar.

    There are errors that I do not understand how they happened to the editors of the game. Colombia, Peru, Dutch, New, Guinea, should be worth at least 2 IPC, for oil. Persia was to be pro-axis, or strict neutral, strict neutral Ireland, Mexico and central America as pro-allied… and no love for Corseca, no Sakhalin island. They are uncomfortable details that could be corrected with a little research, and this is the reason we created the house rules.

    Unfortunately I do not have the editing skills to create, Sakhalin, Malvinas and Cocos, islands. And an over map, to divide Yugoslavia, like the Historical Board Gamin one. There are many great ideas from them and from other players, like yours, the idea is to create a balance between history and acceptable complexity.

    That’s why we do not copy ideas like rail lines, which break the difference in the movements of the pieces, move factories, construction cycles for large units. We are clear on one thing, the scale, that is why ideas such as hospitals, pow camps, are very interesting, but they are for a small scale tactical game and not for large scale strategy one.

    One reason why we eliminate AAA from the facilities at start, is because they almost do not sufer attack in our games, now you have to buy the aaa (cardboard counter), and now we see more attacks in our games.

    PD: I am intrigued by your system to influence neutrals ¿how does the mechanics work?

  • @Valladares

    Here’s some peoples thoughts on neutrals if you’re interested.


    I haven’t tried it myself but plan to at some point. I like how some of the more powerful nations are represented with units besides just infantry. Not saying you should implement it whole scale necessarily, just that you might get some ideas from it : )

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    What Barney posted I have done to neutrals too as far as adding armies but not as much inf. Yes Spain and Turkey in my game have 11 inf each with a fig tank aa gun AB. Destroyer.
    In my game for strict neutral influence is where each country can only influence certain neutrals based on where they were at And which countries were trying to get to join them.
    So to influence Spain or Turkey cost you 10 icps
    And you roll a D20 die and on a 4 or less that strict neutral joins your side. If you get either one your inf are cut in half and you only get 6 plus the rest.
    To influence the other stricts it costa you 3 icps and roll same d20 die 4 or less then receive what ever army is there and yes you get the territories value added to your income.
    If you really want to get historic then some neutrals just join sides at time of war. A lot didn’t flip until 44. My way is to spice game up a bit every game and has a 30 to 40% games being different with all the other stuff added.
    Ya maybe I’ll tweak the neutrals more closer to 100% historic but I don’t see that happening soon.
    Testing new Cruiser BB AD values by using 2 different colored dice for each ship.

  • @barnee said in G40 Historial Beta:


    Here’s some peoples thoughts on neutrals if you’re interested.


    I haven’t tried it myself but plan to at some point. I like how some of the more powerful nations are represented with units besides just infantry. Not saying you should implement it whole scale necessarily, just that you might get some ideas from it : )

    Thank you very much for the information, i check the post, there are many interesting ideas that we adopt.

    Increase the army of neutrals and the value of some territories.

    IMG_20190528_143234.jpg IMG_20190528_135238.jpg IMG_20190528_135158.jpg IMG_20190528_121001.jpg IMG_20190528_120803.jpg

    We added a new territory, the last one for the mod, the Sweden’s island of Gotland, IPC 0.
    We add sea zone 128, Caspian Sea.

  • @SS-GEN said in G40 Historial Beta:

    What Barney posted I have done to neutrals too as far as adding armies but not as much inf. Yes Spain and Turkey in my game have 11 inf each with a fig tank aa gun AB. Destroyer.
    In my game for strict neutral influence is where each country can only influence certain neutrals based on where they were at And which countries were trying to get to join them.
    So to influence Spain or Turkey cost you 10 icps
    And you roll a D20 die and on a 4 or less that strict neutral joins your side. If you get either one your inf are cut in half and you only get 6 plus the rest.
    To influence the other stricts it costa you 3 icps and roll same d20 die 4 or less then receive what ever army is there and yes you get the territories value added to your income.
    If you really want to get historic then some neutrals just join sides at time of war. A lot didn’t flip until 44. My way is to spice game up a bit every game and has a 30 to 40% games being different with all the other stuff added.
    Ya maybe I’ll tweak the neutrals more closer to 100% historic but I don’t see that happening soon.
    Testing new Cruiser BB AD values by using 2 different colored dice for each ship.

    Interesting idea to adapt to a dice 6. In our modification we only add countries until 1943, historically. In normal mode the aligned neutrals can be activated from the first turn by powers that are legally at war. Since many countries joined the allies at the end of 44 or 45, because they were the winning team, and wanted to get a benefit of post war. In a game where the axis is winning in turn 10, ¿why Argentina or Turkey, would join the allies? Has no sense.

    I have adopted your idea of Mongolia, we have decided to give a value of 1 IPC to the capital.
    Here I leave you an information that you can use for sea routes and combois.

  • @Valladares said in G40 Historial Beta:

    @barnee said in G40 Historial Beta:


    Here’s some peoples thoughts on neutrals if you’re interested.


    I haven’t tried it myself but plan to at some point. I like how some of the more powerful nations are represented with units besides just infantry. Not saying you should implement it whole scale necessarily, just that you might get some ideas from it : )

    Thank you very much for the information, i check the post, there are many interesting ideas that we adopt.

    Increase the army of neutrals and the value of some territories.

    IMG_20190528_143234.jpg IMG_20190528_135238.jpg IMG_20190528_135158.jpg IMG_20190528_121001.jpg IMG_20190528_120803.jpg

    We added a new territory, the last one for the mod, the Sweden’s island of Gotland, IPC 0.
    We add sea zone 128, Caspian Sea.

    I think I have the Gotland Island too. The Caspian Sea yes. Did you know that was a route for lend lease for Russia ? They would truck everything to the sea and then transport it on ships if it couldn’t go by railroad or truck. I have all this in my game.

  • Sweet that you did the Mongolian update. Good luck with the game and post your results and future changes.

  • By chance do you have food charts just like the mineral charts you posted. I need to find out where China got all there wheat and rice from in Chinese territories. If it’s enough I m going to make it where if japan controls all of these Chinese resources I may make it s bonus point for axis towards game points for a win

  • @SS-GEN

    This is a good read :

    Lengthy but worth it imo

    [link text]prerelease.triplea-game.orghttps://warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/economics/staff/mharrison/reviews/collingham_2010.pdf(link url)

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    @barnee yea didn’t think that link would work. I’ll try again

    [link text]https://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/06/books/review/the-taste-of-war-by-lizzie-collingham.html(link url)

    @CWO-Marc might like this too if you aren’t already familiar with it

    sorry thought it was the whole read not a advert

  • @SS-GEN No, i dont have. But i know Malay is rubber, Central America rubber and food, USA and UCRANIE food (cereals).
    Total population at the start of WW2:
    USSR: 168,524,000 USA: 131,028,000 China: 517,568,000 UK: 47,760,000 Germany: 69,850,000 (84 million including Austria + Volksdeutsche) Italy: 44,394,000 Japan: 71,380,00 France: 41,700,000 (Cited from: http://www.militarian.com/threads/population-and-resource-factors-in-wwii.9279/)
    These tables can help (Partialized source) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_production_during_World_War_II
    (“Neutral” source)https://ww2-weapons.com/german-arms-production/

  • The testing of the new aggregates will be delayed, because this week my friends can meet me, however, the Caspian Sea (zone 128) and Sweden Island of Gotland, do not require further testing. The new modern heavy tank unit will be formaly added.

    Beyond the crude oil, personally, think adding more resources would complicate the game more, you can adjust the value of the IPC, which is supposed to represent industrial capacity or production or resources. Personally, I do not share some of the decisions of the creator in terms of initial values, each country should be worth 1 IPC at last, all to a greater or lesser extent had their resources, regardless of their industrial development or infrastructure.

    One of the elements that makes Axis and Allies less realistic is the lack of the fog of war, but the creator of the game is developing an interesting mechanic in his new title “WarRoom”, once the game goes on sale, and have its time of use by the community, it would be interesting to adapt that concept in Axis and Allies.

  • Ya I got Larry’s game war room on order.
    Resources yes up to individual preference or group. I would at least add them. Countries do receive income for each one. They should be SBR and convoy raid up to 3.
    At least the oil refineries and oil derricks should be able to SBR and or convoy raid.
    Talk soon

  • I don’t see why Bolivia is True Neutral, and Ecuador and Ireland are Pro-Ally.

    Bolivia declared war on the Axis in 1943, but never sent men to fight. Ecuador waited until the war was almost over, like many other Latin American nations, before finally declaring war in 1945.

    Ireland was strictly neutral throughout the war. Dublin was accidentally bombed by the Germans, and the IRA did conduct terrorist attacks against the British (funded by the Germans), but the Republic of Ireland maintained neutrality throughout the conflict.

  • @JustLuthor Hello.
    In theory, the Republic of Ireland was neutral… as neutral as the Franco’s Spain. Ireland sent down axis pilots to the Breton authorities, issued reports on activity of u-boats and climatological reports, assisted aerodromes, and allowed several volunteers to serve in the English army.

    The decision to keep Ireland as pro-allies is for balance purposes, as it has an activable army and a production value of one. We transformed Persia (Iran) in pro axis, and increased its army in 3, and its production in 3, we know that in real life was “neural”, friendly to hitler, and was invaded by the USSR and UK. We have 2 national objectives, one from Russia and the vanilla from the axis, so for historical reasons and for balance it becomes pro-axis.

    Ecuador received military aid from the USA and allowed the construction of aerodromes, as far as we know, I declare the war on the axis before Peru, in 1943.

    We could transform several countries in neutral strictures, but until we create a rule or mechanics more playable, than the infamous rule introduced in Alpha 3 by Mr. Larry for strict neutrals, we will leave things that way.

    However, all criticism or subjections are taken into account with apreciación, we will see what we can do in the future.

    The maxims of our rules / modification are: 1. Balance and playability 2 Scale 3 Additions easy to create at home or cheap to buy 4 Historical realism. A different order would make the game playable or at least more unbalanced.

  • We are testing the recent modifications, and some small additions.
    We find miniatures of oil derricks and oil rigs, they are in a board game, a monopoly copy, it is produced in Costa Rica (Petrodolares, costs $ 14) and in Brazil (Petropolis $ 35), being brazilian miniature’s the best quality.
    This are the made in Costa Rica oil derricks.

  • We continue to test the rules, so far the game has been an interesting challenge. Soon we will be publishing the changes, and a text document, with all the rules tested so far.
    -Changes in costs: the naval and air facilities will cost 10. The minor industrial complex increases to 15.
    -Small changes in the value of some neutral territories.
    -Bonus units, for axis and allies, by taking and conserving areas.

    Still to be implemented:
    -Influence system for strict neutrals. Great ideas and suggestions from the community, encourage us to adopt a basic system of influence of strict neutrals, and be able to make them an active part of the game.
    The system will be d6, with countries that could be influenced by both teams, and exlusive countries for one o another, also the option to mobilize them immediately.
    -The neutrals can reinforce their armies every 2 turns.
    -The extention of the Himalayas, SiredBlood’s original idea, is an idea that will be adopted, since not only is it historical, but it also increases the valance and makes the Mongolian rule more relevant.

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