@SS-GEN said in Global War 1940 2nd ed.:
Looking at this some more the Cruiser will be a pretty strong ship due to being able to take 2 hits on a plane and a ship. Its like a 2 hit ship for damage now. The BB can get 4 hits before its sunk. Did you consider those numbers ?
Is there a way to config in the extra hits before ships are sunk.
CR C10 A4 .48 pl A3 .36 ship = .84 but have to consider it can hit 2 pieces. 1.68 ?
BB C15 A4 .56 pl A5 .70 ship = 1.26 1 Dam A3 .42 pl A4 .56 ship = .98 2 hits 2.24 ?
My BB goes to A6D6 when damaged.
But also the BB can hit 4 pieces before its sunk. These 2 ships will be way to strong on first round of combat maybe and at least in my game you can retreat your planes after 1 round of combat if there’s a lot of plane kills. Would not be uncommon to lose 4 planes after 1 round of combat. 2 in a DF and 2 in naval battle if there’s 1 BB and CR. I guess will have to see. I will have to do some Naval test battles.
How these look if we figure out a new numbers table for 2 AD dice ships ?
CR A3 pl A3 ship
BB A4 pl A4 ship Damaged A3 pl A3 ship
Maybe with the CR A4 A4 BB A4 A5 may not work with plane C10 ?
I can see planes Costing 8 or 9. At least Naval Figs and Dive Bombers.
Still will try it games. Just got to come up with a value that we are all OK with for starters.
The reaction about “overkill” is natural.
But the statistics might show that is less scary than first thought.
On Cruiser Cost 10, @4 vs aircraft, @3 vs ship or else, here are the numbers:
1 aircraft and 1 other hit, 2 casualty: odds are: 1/12
1 regular hit only, odds are 2/12
1 aircraft and nothing else, odds are 3/12
No casualty at all: 6/12
Compared to Cruiser Cost 10, @7, odds:
1 regular hit only, odds are 7/12
No casualty at all: 5/12
So, playing with 2 dice split in two values, there is more odds of no casualty, 50%.
But, there is a small chance, 1 out 12, 8.33% to get 2 hits.
Splitting dice into 1 vs Aircraft and 1 vs other, is not a doubling of odds at all.
If only considering a single combat round, there is no big difference about damage.
Let’s suppose that such Cruiser will hit a 10 IPCs unit or a 6 IPCs unit.
Hence, Cruiser Cost 10, @7, odds:
1 regular hit only, odds are 7/12 * 10 IPCs = 5.83 IPCs
1 regular hit only, odds are 7/12 * 6 IPCs = 3.50 IPCs
No casualty at all: 5/12 * 10 IPCs = 0.00
Average: 4.665 IPCs
Let’s suppose that such Cruiser will hit a 10 IPCs unit, and a 6 IPCs Destroyer.
On Cruiser Cost 10, @4 vs aircraft, @3 vs ship or else, here are the numbers:
1 aircraft and 1 other hit (Destroyer), 2 casualty: odds are: 1/12 *16 IPCs = 1.33 IPCs
1 regular hit only (Destroyer), odds are 2/12 * 6 IPCs = 1 IPC
1 aircraft and nothing else, odds are 3/12 * 10 IPCs = 2.50 IPCs
No casualty at all: 6/12 * 0 IPC = 0.00
SUM: 4.83 IPCs
Your previous Cruiser was only @4 vs aircraft.
Cruiser Cost 10, @4, odds:
1 aircraft only, odds are 4/12 * 10 IPCs = 3.33 IPCs
If you go the reverse values for Cruiser,
like Cost 10, @3 vs aircraft, @4 vs ship or else, here are the numbers:
1 aircraft and 1 other hit (Destroyer), 2 casualty: odds are: 1/12 *16 IPCs = 1.33 IPCs
1 regular hit only (Destroyer), odds are 3/12 * 6 IPCs = 1.50 IPC
1 aircraft and nothing else, odds are 2/12 * 10 IPCs = 1.67 IPCs
No casualty at all: 6/12 * 0 IPC = 0.00
SUM: 4.50 IPCs
In that regard, you will be below the average of a regular Cruiser facing from 6 to 10 IPCs units:
Hence, Cruiser Cost 10, @7, odds:
1 regular hit only, odds are 7/12 * 10 IPCs = 5.83 IPCs
1 regular hit only, odds are 7/12 * 6 IPCs = 3.50 IPCs
No casualty at all: 5/12 * 10 IPCs = 0.00
Average: 4.665 IPCs
HTH make up your mind about these special rolls.
According to my taste, I would like to consider that last “@3” as the usual AA roll in all circumstances, except for a Fighter on defense keeping the high “4” against aircraft.
That way, you can also us this “@3” for Battleship and damaged Battleship.
Battleship, Cost 15, @3 vs aircraft, @6 vs ships or else.
Damaged BB, @3 vs aircraft, @3 vs ships or else.
For your info.
To explain where I got all odds for 4 cases: 1/12, 2/12, 3/12, 6/12.
@3/12 vs aircraft, @4/12 vs other unit
2 hits: @3 * @4 = 12 out 144 or 1/12
1 aircraft hit: @3 vs @8 = 24 out of 144 or 2/12
1 regular hit: @9 vs @4 = 36 out of 144 or 3/12
0 hit: @9 vs @8 = 72 out of 144 or 6/12