let’s not start calling any person’s faith fairy tales. It’s somewhere the site admin does not want us to go and I can see nothing good coming from such a comment - discussion wise.
New Star Trek TV Series 2017
I’m probably reading too much into the writers’ intent but Michael’s conflicting personality battle could be reflective of identity politics of today. There are expectations for what people of color should believe in and in some cases how to behave (and how to be perceived) and the same can apply to women. In this case you have a woman of color, who has two layers of identity to navigate through.
I doubt it is anything so grandiose. She is first and foremost an affirmative action hire. They didn’t hire the actor who best embodied the character they wanted. They’ve tried to mash the actor they wanted with the sort of character they wanted and just got a mess.
The character is just a mish mash of misunderstood character traits from other characters. Since JJ Trek there is an utter misunderstanding of Vulcans. They are not passionate creatures that use logic to justify the emotional outburst they are having. The current writers misunderstand Spock and journey he has taken over TOS, TNG, and the films not JJ Trek. The entire script is poorly written.
As the first officer of a Federation starship you are expected not to mutiny in order to shoot first at another vessel. This is not a terrible burden to live up to for anyone. That character doesn’t get to recover from that or set foot on the bridge of a starship as anything except a passenger ever again. Total failure of premise from the outset with this show.
After seeing part 1 and part 2 of Episode 1 - Star Trek: Discovery, I can honestly say I enjoy the graphics a LOT, and part 1 was pretty darn good, but part 2 has me a bit concerned. Over all, I don’t hate it which is saying a lot because I really hated Benjamin Sisko and Deep Space 9. (Sorry, it felt like a bad rip off of Babylon 5 to me, that’s just a personal opinion you don’t have to like or agree with it.)
Though, I would REALLY like to see a follow up to Picard’s Enterprise dealing with the fall of the Romulan Star Empire, and everything else happening…that seems really lacking right now with the umpteenth billionth prequel.
Always good stuff from RLM.
I don’t agree with everything they said, particularly Mike, but it was entertaining and well reasoned as usual.
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Sep 29, 2017, 9:53 PM
Another reason why the show will last 6 episodes tops…
Why? … Just, why?
Social media fueled groupthink may be the death of us as a species. Or at least of the Western world.
Good summary of what this show is really about:
Hate the modern ST stuff
Good summary of what this show is really about:
Wow. He is right. Well supported.
Thanks for sharing.
So, after seeing the Context episode, in English, and as a 35 year Star Trek fan and follower, I add my opinion and say I am absolutely game.
I dont mind the look leap of faith. Enterprise looked more modern than TOS, so what if Discovery does. These are things I can really stand above.
Is it nice that Spock is her foster brother? I guess he is, as her foster mother is called Amanda.
Is it too dark? I dont mind. Its a change. DS9 is my favorite show, it was supposed to be mor gritty.
Do I need to analyse everything in our current societies context? Yes, thats a valubale part of Star Trek, but sometimes a tribble is just a tribble. I can enjoy and seek parallels without giving it too mich weight.
Looking forward to how this develops. The many links to Enterprise and TOS that surely come will be joyous.
I hated the dialogue and tone from the Discovery crew, while I’m sure we are meant not to like them at first not every characterization has to be so heavy-handed. Only way I can watch this show is to root for the Klingons so there are no loose ends:
“Prayer, Mr. Saavik, the Klingons don’t take prisoners.”
sometimes a tribble is just a tribble.
And I thought the writers were trying to tie-in tribbles as some sort of comparison to some president’s hair…
and I just met the first TOS character. No doubt not for the last time, as they set it up. This is what I love.
There was also a request to the computer to list the most decorated captains. archer was there, and some guys we know well from TOS.
spoiler alert in case of someone watching
does the engineer get gary mitchell-esque ESP powers? His eyes eerily remind me of that, and that they dont know where they are plays into the “where no man has gone before” TOS episode.
It was a great movie no doubt.
djensen Founder 25th ANNIV. TripleA Adminlast edited by djensen Mar 29, 2019, 9:41 PM Mar 29, 2019, 9:39 PM
Just now joining the conversation. Star Trek Discovery is in my top two favorite Star Trek series.
It has:
- High production value
- Deep ties to the original
- Better action
- Humanity, feeling, morality problems
- It’s not boring
I’ll go out on a limb here an say most of TNG was just plain boring. There were a few interesting episodes but for the most part, boring. Every series after that followed suit until Discovery.
To me, it feels like Battlestar Galactica, The Expanse, Star Trek Original Series, and some of the Star Trek movies (new and old), and the result is great. The tie-in to the pilot was genius and basically solidified my opinion of the show.
Though, it must be blindingly bright everywhere on the ship with all of those lens flares. Even J.J. Abrams admited he over used it; why is this series doing the same? “Captain, getting those readings for … arrrgggh, the console is as bright as the sun!”