Welcome to the forum.
Introduce or Re-Introduce Yourself (Jan. 2019)
Randy from ipswich, Ma, 49. About to move to Seabrook, NH after 25 years in Ma. I work for UPS as a delivery driver. I am married to my wife Sherrie and have seven children by her. My oldest is bvandyke on this forum, and my third son is the infamous hurricane known as dessertfox. I’ve been playing A&A since high school and have been on again, off again with it. Most of my games have been classic. Anniversary saw an uptick in my play time. When I turned 40, I had the pleasure of having Larry come to my birthday party. I’ve been playtesting with him since, especially with War Room and his latest.
Grasshoppers tourney actually was the catalyst for my deep dive into global. I have a Youtube channel under the nom de plum crockett36. I am a tinkerer. Nearly every game we are adding something like multinational attack for the allies or paratroopers.
Hello guys,
Good day to all! I’m a newbie here. I would like to say hello to all of you guys. I hope everyone here is doing well.
Glad to be a part in this community. LOL!
I am from Idyllwild, Ca. A new player, and hoping maybe to get my friends to join me in tournaments or something like that. Only thing in my way is d&d.
Hello, I’m new to the forum. I’m from Los Angeles. I started playing AA Classic in the late 80s when I was a kid, kept my set but kind of lost interest after adulthood. Fast forward to 2009 and I randomly discovered that AA Anniversary was recently released, so I bought a copy and played it (mostly by myself) every once in awhile. I loved the addition of Italy, and the destroyers too. I felt the destroyer bridged the gap between sub and battleship from the classic version.
Fast forward again to 2019, and now I have a few young kids to introduce to the game. I decided to go further so this week I bought AA Zombies and the AA 1940 Global set, with a fancy dice tray to match. I haven’t even had a chance to play the AAZ or the AAG1940 games yet but I figured I’d create an account on the forums here since I’ve decided to dive deeper into wargaming.
I know lots of people are hating on the AAZ edition but I think zombies are cool and I like the idea of having a lighter, faster AA flavor to try, especially if you want to play it with children. I also know that some people say AAG1940 is too complex, but I am not intimidated by the prospect of a board game that takes multiple days to finish. I say that now as someone whose most complex board game experience has been AA Anniversary, but I’m looking forward to trying the depth of AAG.
I noticed that HBG has some expansions that are compatible with AAG1940 so I might try some of those eventually.
And finally I’m also interested in finding local players who want to do a game on the occasional weekend. I’ll probably start a thread in the player locator subforum at some point to find local players.
This community seems really fun and welcoming, and I’m looking forward to being a part of it.
@655321 Welcome great intro.
@djensen hello, my name is Scott. I’m from the US but I live and work in japan. Right now I play 1940 2nd addition twice a month. Looking for players in Japan(Okinawa). No customs or house rules as of yet, but thinking of implementing some. just playing solo for now, and I’m open to ideas, thoughts, or suggestions.
commando shirokuma (white bear) -
Greetings friends,
I’m Jose Manuel, from Cádiz, Spain. I’m newbie at A&A. I have A&A 1940 Europe and Pacific 2nd edition. I would like to buy A&A 1914 too.
I haven’t played yet, but I hope to play them with my daughters. They love boardgames and they have played anytime Battlecry, so I think they may like these games.
On the other side, I’m a usual solitaire wargames fan, and I’m interested in try to play solo too.
At the moment I haven’t customized game components. However I’m thinking in purchase Neutral minis.
Best regards,
Jose Manuel
Hello I’m Derek. I’ve been on these forums before. From Columbus, Ohio (USA). Don’t play as much as I’d like but recently found a couple players in my area so I’m getting back into it!
Played A&A classic as a kid once on a trip to Oregon, have been hooked ever since.Recently have been playing via the ‘1941’ app on my Android phone (very easy and convenient way to get games in vs other people).
I’m looking to get back into TripleA too.I own G40, 50th, 42.2, and 1914. G40 is my favorite by far.
Attention on deck mates! Just wanted to check in. It’s been a month since joining this thread and I am supplied up and ready to go on cruise. I have purchased A&A Europe 1940 2nd ed and Pacific. As well as A&A 1914. I added Leaders from HSMG and some Facist Italian roundels. I am learning how to play from Young Grasshopper, General Hand Grenade, and Jonathon Meyer. Ready to try some of the 1914 strategies using my own live dice rolls! Let you know how it goes next month. AdmlScuttlebutt out! Fair winds and following seas to each of you! And thanks for the helping hand mates.
@AdmScuttlebutt said in Introduce or Re-Introduce Yourself (Jan. 2019):
Attention on deck mates! Just wanted to check in. It’s been a month since joining this thread and I am supplied up and ready to go on cruise. I have purchased A&A Europe 1940 2nd ed and Pacific. As well as A&A 1914. I added Leaders from HSMG and some Facist Italian roundels. I am learning how to play from Young Grasshopper, General Hand Grenade, and Jonathon Meyer. Ready to try some of the 1914 strategies using my own live dice rolls! Let you know how it goes next month. AdmlScuttlebutt out! Fair winds and following seas to each of you! And thanks for the helping hand mates.
It’s always good to see a fellow naval enthusiast joining the forum. Welcome aboard!
@djensen Hello i want to start playing a&a. I am from Europe, Croatia. I am interested in this game and am looking foward to geting one of the games.
Great! Welcome to the forum.
Do you have a PC computer? Are there dedicated board game stores/board game communities in Croatia, I do not know?
Unless your english is college-level, understanding a complex game without the help of an in-language speaker or good written translation is a challenge.
@taamvan Yes there are stores in Croatia where i can get the game. I will be getting a&a 1941 game soon. I researched it for a bit and it looks to be a good version to start on.
Good. 1941 is a simple and inexpensive version, which will only make you want more!
The reason I ask is that finding people who are good, reliable players in your area is difficult. There may only be a few hundred people in my city who actively play this game, and it has 2 million. Find these local people, as they will be good teachers and also good companions and friends to play with.
The game is not so hard to learn, but it will sit on your shelf unless you have those 3-5 friends who are always wanting a game and who will play to the end.
Good luck, and have fun!
@taamvan Thank you!
I started to play A&A about ten years on game table. After it shut down I’ve played it a couple of times with family/friends on the board. Still trying to figure out how to play online. Can someone help point me in the right direction. Thanks!
@Yugo I removed your email address from your post. I suggest that people contact you via chat here an get your email address that way. Cheers!
@Yugo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjxg_Yn6aXk&t=20s in case you’re still struggling.